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4 3 2 1

Presentation had an Presentation had a good Presentation had moments

exceptional amount of amount of valuable where valuable material
Content Presentation contain little to no valuable material
valuable material and material and beneficial was present but as a whole
beneficial to the class to the class content was lacking

The teammates always The teammates worked

The teammates sometimes
worked from other's ideas. It from other's ideas. And it
worked from other's ideas.
Teamwork was evident that all of the seems like one or two The teammates never worked from other's ideas. Only one member did the output.
However, 3 to 4 members
group members contributed members did not
did not participate.
equally to the output. participate in the output.

Most members spoke to Members focused on only

Regular/constant eye majority of audience; part of audience. Sporadic
contact, The audience was steady eye contact. The eye contact by more than
engaged, and presenters audience was engaged one presenter. The Minimal eye contact by more than one member focusing on small part of audience. The
held the audience’s by the presentation. audience was distracted. audience was not engaged. Majority of the presenters spoke too quickly or quietly making it
attention. Majority of presenters Speakers could only be difficult to understand. Inappropriate/disinterested body language.
Appropriate speaking spoke at a suitable heard by only half of the
volume & body language. volume. Some fidgeting audience. Body language is
by member(s). distracting.

Extensive knowledge of the

Most showed a good Few members showed good
topic. Presenters showed
Comprehension understanding of the understanding of some Presenters didn't understand the topic.
complete understanding of
topic. parts of the topic.
the lesson.

There are no errors in Only one error in There are two errors in
Visual Appeal There are many errors in spelling and grammar.
spelling and grammar. spellingand grammar. spelling and grammar.


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