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Kasuotang Pinoy

This event was about the ethnic tribes’ style of clothing, showing everyone at the school what
kind of clothes each type was wearing. It was like a modeling pageant where you will show off
your clothes and introduce its uniqueness that differs to the others. In that event you can see that
each section was working really hard and in those section you can see the dedicated teamwork to
help one another. I can say that because when they present their clothing you can see that they
did not come half-baked, they truly are prepare the event and even showing their clothing. The
clothing are based on a traditional styles from each tribes that has been made with our own
materials, although the style is a little bit new. Each clothing was beautiful because of the details
that each section put into it.

During the event while each model or section are representing their clothes and modeling them
the students shows confidence in the clothes they are wearing which make a more impact on the
stage because this gave them a powerful presence like they are owning it. Not only that you can
see that even though it was a tough task for each section because it was time and effort
consuming everyone was enjoying it because each class has been given a chance to bond with
each other more, even if they don’t know it.

Overall I think the reason of this event, pageant, or modeling is to show us the importance of the
past tradition and things that our ancestor did. This is important to us because this represents us
Filipinos of who we are and where we came from. Also this event was not only fun, but it was
also educational and informative because we get to see the types and style of clothing ethnic
tribes were wearing. This also help students to appreciate what ethnic tribes and our ancestors
gave us. There was a saying that “Clothes make a man” this means that what you are wearing
represent who are you in life. It’s not that I truly believe in that saying I just like writing it.

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