You are on page 1of 18 [IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1]International + Regional, ver.

2019 olympiad geometry

problems with aops links I. International Olympiads
(Seniors) II. Regional Olympiads
part 1, version 2* (Seniors)
1. Asian Pacific (APMO) 1. Almaty MO (Kazakhstan)
contains 2. Balkan (BMO) 2. Danube (Romania)
98 (74 seniors + 24 juniors) BMO 2018 Shortlist 3. International Festival of
geometry problems from 3. Baltic Way Young Mathematicians,
34 (23+7+4) 4. Benelux (BxMO) Sozopol, IFYM (Bulgaria)
International and 5. Caucasus (Russia) 4. IMAR (Romania)
Regional Contests 6. Centroamerican (OMCC) 5. Kyiv Math Festival
4 Shortlists 7. Cono Sur / Southern Cone (Ukraine)
for Juniors and Seniors (OMCS) 6. Stars Of Mathematics
8. Czech-Polish-Slovak (Romania)
Match 7. St. Petersburg MO (Russia)
9. European Girls (EGMO)
10. European Mathematical
Cup (EMC)
11. Gulf Mathematical III. International + Regional
Olympiad (GMO) Olympiads (Juniors)
*In version 2, IFYM and 12. Iberoamerican
Junior Contests were added. 13. Lusophon / Portuguese a. Junior only Olympiads
1st version had 64 problems. Language (OMCPLP) 1. Euler Olympiad (Russia)
2nd version has 98 problems. 14. Mediterranean (MMC) 2. Junior Balkan (JBMO)
JBMO 2018 Shortlist
15. Metropolises (IOM)
3. May Olympiad (Mayo)
16. Middle European (MEMO)
4. Zhautykov City MO
17. Nordic (NMC) (Kazakhstan)
18. Pan African (PAMO)
PAMO 2018 Shortlist b. Olympiads with Junior Round
19. Rioplatense, level 3 1. Caucasus (Russia)
20. Romanian Master of 2. Danube (Romania)
Mathematics (RMM) 3. European Mathematical Cup
RMM 2018 Shortlist (EMC)
21. Silk Road (SRMC) 4. Rioplatense, levels 1,2
22. Tuymaada (Russia) 5. Stars of Mathematics
23. Zhautykov (IZHO)
6. Tuymaada (Russia)

by Takis Chronopoulos (parmenides51) 1

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2


Asian Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (APMO)

APMO 2019 p3
1. Let ABC be a scalene triangle with circumcircle Γ . Let M be the midpoint of BC . A variable point P is
selected in the line segment AM . The circumcircles of triangles BPM and CPM intersect Γ again at points
D and E , respectively. The lines DP and EP intersect (a second time) the circumcircles to triangles CPM
and BPM at X and Y , respectively. Prove that as P varies, the circumcircle of AXY passes through a
fixed point T distinct from A .

Balkan Mathematical Olympiad

2019 BMO p3
2. Let ABC be an acute scalene triangle. Let X and Y be two distinct interior points of the segment BC
such that ∠CAX = ∠YAB . Suppose that:
i) K and S are the feet of the perpendiculars from B to the lines AX and AY respectively.
ii) T and L are the feet of the perpendiculars from C to the lines AX and AY respectively.
Prove that KL and ST intersect on the line BC .
by Raphael Tsiamis, Greece
Balkan Mathematical Olympiad Shortlist
2018 BMO Shortlist G1
3. Let ABC be an acute triangle and let M be the midpoint of side BC . Let D,E be the excircles of triangles
AMB, AMC respectively, towards M . Circumcirscribed circle of triangle ABD intersects line BC at points
B and F . Circumcirscribed circles of triangle ACE intersects line BC at points C and G . Prove that
by Petru Braica, Romania
2018 BMO Shortlist G2
4. Let ABC be a triangle inscribed in circle Γ with center O . Let H be the orthocenter of triangle ABC
and let K be the midpoint of OH . Tangent of Γ at B intersects the perpendicular bisector of AC at L .
Tangent of Γ at C intersects the perpendicular bisector of AB at M . Prove that AK and LM are
by Michael Sarantis, Greece
2018 BMO Shortlist G3
5. Let P be an interior point of triangle ABC . Let a,b,c be the sidelengths of triangle ABC and let p be it's
semiperimeter. Find the maximum possible value of min , , taking into consideration all
p −a p −b p −c
possible choices of triangle ABC and of point P .
by Elton Bojaxhiu, Albania

geometry problems from IMOs : 2

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

2018 BMO Shortlist G4 (problem 1 of 2018)

6. A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle k where AB > CD , and AB is not parallel to CD . Point M
is the intersection of diagonals AC and BD , and the perpendicular from M to AB intersects the segment
AB at a point Ε .If ΕM bisects the angle CΕD , prove that AB is diameter of k .

by Emil Stoyanov, Bulgaria

2018 BMO Shortlist G5
7. Let ABC be an acute triangle with AB<AC<BC and let D be a point on it's extension towards C . Circle
c1 , with center A and radius AD , intersects lines AC,AB and CB at points E,F and G respectively.
Circumscribed circle c2 of triangle AFG intersects again lines FE,BC,GE and DF at points J,H,H′ and
J' respectively. Circumscribed circle c3 of triangle ADE intersects again lines FE,BC,GE and DF at
points I,K,K′ and I' respectively. Prove that the quadrilaterals HIJK and H'I'J'K' are cyclic and the centers
of their circumscribed circles coincide.
by Evangelos Psychas, Greece
2018 BMO Shortlist G6
8. In a triangle ABC with AB=AC , ω is the circumcircle and O its center. Let D be a point on the
extension of BA beyond A . The circumcircle ω1 of triangle OAD intersects the line AC and the circle ω
again at points E and G , respectively. Point H is such that DAEH is a parallelogram. Line EH meets
circle ω1 again at point J . The line through G perpendicular to GB meets ω1 again at point N and the line
through G perpendicular to GJ meets ω again at point L . Prove that the points L,N,H,G lie on a circle.
by Theoklitos Paragyiou, Cyprus
Baltic Way Mathematical Team Contest
Baltic Way 2019 p11
9. Let ABC be a triangle with AB=AC . Let M be the midpoint of BC . Let the circles with diameters AC
and BM intersect at points M and P . Let MP intersect AB at Q . Let R be a point on AP such that
QR BP . Prove that CP bisects ∠RCB .

Baltic Way 2019 p12

10. Let ABC be a triangle and H its orthocenter. Let D be a point lying on the segment AC and let E be
the point on the line BC such that BC ⊥ DE . Prove that EH ⊥ BD if and only if BD bisects AE .

Baltic Way 2019 p13

11. Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon in which AB=AF , BC=CD , DE=EF and ∠ABC = ∠EFA = 90° .
Prove that AD ⊥ CE .

geometry problems from IMOs : 3

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

Baltic Way 2019 p14

12. Let ABC be a triangle with ∠ABC = 90° , and let H be the foot of the altitude from B . The points M
and N are the midpoints of the segments AH and CH , respectively. Let P and Q be the second points of
intersection of the circumcircle of the triangle ABC with the lines BM and BN , respectively. The segments
AQ and CP intersect at the point R . Prove that the line BR passes through the midpoint of the segment
MN .

Baltic Way 2019 p15

13. Let n ≥ 4 , and consider a (not necessarily convex) polygon P1P2 ...Pn in the plane. Suppose that, for each
Pk , there is a unique vertex Q k ≠ Pk among P1 ,...,Pn that lies closest to it. The polygon is then said to be
hostile if Q k ≠ Pk±1 for all k (where P0 =Pn , Pn+1 =P1 ).
(a) Prove that no hostile polygon is convex.
(b) Find all n ≥ 4 for which there exists a hostile n -gon.

Benelux Mathematical Olympiad

BxMO 2019 p3
14. Two circles Γ1 and Γ 2 intersect at points A and Z (with A ≠ Z ). Let B be the centre of Γ1 and let C
be the centre of Γ 2 . The exterior angle bisector of ∠BAC intersects Γ1 again at X and Γ 2 again at Y .
Prove that the interior angle bisector of ∠BZC passes through the circumcenter of XYZ .

Caucasus Mathematical Olympiad (Russia)

2019 Caucasus MO Seniors p2
15. In a triangle ABC , let I be the incenter. Prove that the circle passing through A and touching BI at I ,
and the circle passing through B and touching AI at I , intersect at a point on the circumcircle of ABC .

2019 Caucasus MO Seniors p7

16. On sides BC, CA, AB of a triangle ABC points K , L , M are chosen, respectively, and a point P is
inside ABC is chosen so that PL BC , PM CA , PK AB . Determine if it is possible that each of three
trapezoids AMPL,BKPM,CLPK has an inscribed circle.

geometry problems from IMOs : 4

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

Central American and Caribbean Mathematical Olympiad (OMCC)

CentroAmerican 2019 p3
17. Let ABC be a triangle and Γ its circumcircle. Let D be the foot of the altitude from A to the side BC ,
M and N the midpoints of AB and AC , and Q the point on Γ diametrically opposite to A . Let E be the
midpoint of DQ . Show that the lines perpendicular to EM and EN passing through M and N respectively,
meet on AD .

CentroAmerican 2019 p4
18. Let ABC be a triangle, Γ its circumcircle and l the tangent to Γ through A . The altitudes from B and
C are extended and meet l at D and E , respectively. The lines DC and EB meet Γ again at P and Q ,
respectively. Show that the triangle APQ is isosceles.

Cono Sur Olympiad / Southern Cone (OMCS)

Cono Sur 2019 p6
19. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with AB < AC , and let H be its orthocenter. The circumference
with diameter AH meets the circumscribed circumference of ABC at P ≠ A . The tangent to the
circumscribed circumference of ABC through P intersects line BC at Q . Show that QP=QH .

Czech-Polish-Slovak Mathematical Match (CPS)

CPS Match 2019 p1
20. Let ω be a circle. Points A,B,C,X,D,Y lie on ω in this order such that BD is its diameter and
DX=DY=DP , where P is the intersection of AC and BD . Denote by E,F the intersections of line XP
with lines AB,BC , respectively. Prove that points B,E,F,Y lie on a single circle.

CPS Match 2019 p6

21. Let ABC be an acute triangle with AB < AC and ∠BAC = 60° . Denote its altitudes by AD,BE,CF and
its orthocenter by H . Let K,L,M be the midpoints of sides BC,CA,AB , respectively. Prove that the
midpoints of segments AH,DK,EL,FM lie on a single circle.

European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad (EGMO)

EGMO 2019 p3
22. Let ABC be a triangle such that ∠CAB > ∠ABC , and let I be its incentre. Let D be the point on
segment BC such that ∠CAD = ∠ABC . Let ω be the circle tangent to AC at A and passing through I . Let
X be the second point of intersection of ω and the circumcircle of ABC . Prove that the angle bisectors of
∠DAB and ∠CXB intersect at a point on line BC .

geometry problems from IMOs : 5

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

EGMO 2019 p4
23. Let ABC be a triangle with incentre I . The circle through B tangent to AI at I meets side AB again at
P . The circle through C tangent to AI at I meets side AC again at Q . Prove that PQ is tangent to the
incircle of ABC .

European Mathematical Cup (EMC)

EMC Senior 2019 p3
24. In an acute triangle ABC with | AB |=/| AC | , let I be the incenter and O the circumcenter. The incircle is
tangent to BC, CA and AB in D,E and F respectively. Prove that if the line parallel to EF passing through
I , the line parallel to AO passing through D and the altitude from A are concurrent, then the point of
concurrence is the orthocenter of the triangle ABC .
By Petar Nizie-Nikola
Gulf Mathematical Olympiad (GMO)
2019 Gulf MO p1
25. Let ABCD be a trapezium (trapezoid) with AD parallel to BC and J be the intersection of the
diagonals AC and BD . Point P a chosen on the side BC such that the distance from C to the line AP is
equal to the distance from B to the line DP .
a. Suppose that Area ( AJB) = 6 and that Area ( BJC) = 9 . Determine Area ( APD) .
b. Find all points Q on the plane of the trapezium such that Area ( AQB) = Area ( DQC) .
c. Prove that PJ is the angle bisector of ∠APD .

Iberoamerican Mathematical Olympiad (OIM)

IberoAmerican 2019 p3
26. Let Γ be the circumcircle of triangle ABC . The line parallel to AC passing through B meets Γ at (
D ≠ B ), and the line parallel to AB passing through C intersects Γ to E ( E ≠ C ). Lines AB and CD meet
at P , and lines AC and BE meet at Q . Let M be the midpoint of DE . Line AM meets Γ at Y ( Y ≠ A )
and line PQ at J . Line PQ intersects the circumcircle of triangle BCJ at Z ( Z ≠ J ). If lines BQ and CP
meet each other at X , show that X lies on the line YZ .

IberoAmerican 2019 p4
27. Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB CD and inscribed in a circumference Γ . Let P and Q be two
points on segment AB ( A , P , Q , B appear in that order and are distinct) such that AP=QB . Let E and F
be the second intersection points of lines CP and CQ with Γ , respectively. Lines AB and EF intersect at
G . Prove that line DG is tangent to Γ .

geometry problems from IMOs : 6

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

Lusophon Mathematical Olympiad / Mathematics Olympics Community of Portuguese Language Countries


2019 OMCPLP p3
28. Let ABC be a triangle with AC ≠ BC . In triangle ABC , let G be the centroid, I the incenter and O
Its circumcenter. Prove that IG is parallel to AB if, and only if, CI is perpendicular on IO .

Mediterranean Mathematical Competition (MMC) / Peter O' Halloran Memorial

Mediterranean 2019 p1
29. Let ABC be a triangle with angle ∠CAB = 60° , let D be the intersection point of the angle bisector at
A and the side BC , and let rB , rC , r be the respective radii of the incircles of ABD , ADC , ABC . Let b and
1 1 1 1 1
c be the lengths of sides AC and AB of the triangle. Prove that + = 2· + +
rB rC r b c

International Olympiad of Metropolises (IOM)

International Olympiad of Metropolises 2019 p3
30. In a non-equilateral triangle ABC point I is the incenter and point O is the circumcenter. A line s
through I is perpendicular to IO . Line symmetric to like BC with respect to s meets the segments AB
and AC at points K and L , respectively ( K and L are different from A ). Prove that the circumcenter of
triangles AKL lies on the line IO .

International Olympiad of Metropolises 2019 p5

31. We are given a convex four-sided pyramid with apex S and base face ABCD such that the pyramid has
an inscribed sphere (i.e., it contains a sphere which is tangent to each race). By making cuts along the edges
SA,SB,SC,SD and rotating the faces SAB,SBC,SCD,SDA outwards into the plane ABCD , we unfold the
pyramid into the polygon AKBLCMDN as shown in the figure. Prove that K,L,M,N are concyclic.
by Tibor Bakos and Geza Kos

Middle European Mathematical Olympiad (MEMO)

MEMO 2019 Individual p3
32. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle with AC > BC and circumcircle ω . Suppose that P is a point on
ω such that AP=AC and that P is an interior point on the shorter arc BC of ω . Let Q be the intersection
point of the lines AP and BC . Furthermore, suppose that R is a point on ω such that QA=QR and R is an
interior point of the shorter arc AC of ω . Finally, let S be the point of intersection of the line BC with the
perpendicular bisector of the side AB . Prove that the points P,Q,R and S are concyclic.

geometry problems from IMOs : 7

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

MEMO 2019 Team p5

33. Let ABC be an acute-angled triangle such that AB < AC . Let D be the point of intersection of the
perpendicular bisector of the side BC with the side AC . Let P be a point on the shorter arc AC of the
circumcircle of the triangle ABC such that DP BC . Finally, let M be the midpoint of the side AB . Prove
that ∠APD = ∠MPB .

MEMO 2019 Team p6

34. Let ABC be a a right-angled triangle with the right angle at B and circumcircle c . Denote by D the
midpoint of the shorter arc AB of c . Let P be the point on the side AB such that CP=CD and let X and
Y be two distinct points on c satisfying AX=AY=PD . Prove that X,Y and P are collinear.

Nordic Mathematical Contest (NMC)

NMC 2019 p3
35. The quadrilateral ABCD satisfies ∠ACD = 2∠CAB, ∠ACB = 2∠CAD and CB=CD . Show that
∠CAB = ∠CAD .

Pan African Mathematics Olympiad (PAMO)

Pan African 2019 p3
36. Let ABC be a triangle, and D , E , F points on the segments BC , CA , and AB respectively such
that = = . Show that if the centres of the circumscribed circles of the triangles DEF and ABC
coincide, then ABC is an equilateral triangle

Pan African 2019 p4

37. The tangents to the circumcircle of ABC at B and C meet at D . The circumcircle of BCD meets
sides AC and AB again at E and F respectively. Let O be the circumcentre of ABC . Show that AO is
perpendicular to EF .

Pan African Mathematics Olympiad (PAMO) Shortlist

PAMO Shortlist 2018 G1
38. In a triangle ABC , let D and E be the midpoints of AB and AC , respectively, and let F be the foot of
the altitude through A . Show that the line DE , the angle bisector of ∠ACB and the circumcircle of ACF
pass through a common point.
Alternate version: In a triangle ABC , let D and E be the midpoints of AB and AC , respectively. The line
DE and the angle bisector of ∠ACB meet at G . Show that ∠AGC is a right angle.

geometry problems from IMOs : 8

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

PAMO Shortlist 2018 G2

39. Let P be a point on the median AM of a triangle ABC . Suppose that the tangents to the circumcircles of
ABP and ACP at B and C respectively meet at Q . Show that ∠PAB = ∠CAQ .

PAMO Shortlist 2018 G3 (problem 4 of PAMO 2018)

40. Given a triangle ABC , let D be the intersection of the line through A perpendicular to AB , and the line
through B perpendicular to BC . Let P be a point inside the triangle. Show that DAPB is cyclic if and only
if ∠BAP = ∠CBP .

PAMO Shortlist 2018 G4

41. Let ABC be a triangle and Γ be the circle with diameter [AB] . The bisectors of ∠BAC and ∠ABC cut
the circle Γ again at D and E , respectively. The incircle of the triangle ABC cuts the lines BC and AC in
F and G , respectively. Show that the points D,E,F and G lie on the same line.

PAMO Shortlist 2018 G5

42. Let ABC be a triangle with AB ≠ AC . The incircle of ABC touches the sides BC , CA , AB at X , Y ,
Z respectively. The line through Z and Y intersects BC extended in X' . The lines through B that are
parallel to AX and AC intersect AX' in K and L respectively. Prove that AK = KL .

PAMO Shortlist 2018 G6

43. Let Γ be the circumcircle of an acute triangle ABC . The perpendicular line to AB passing through C
cuts AB in D and Γ again in E . The bisector of the angle C cuts AB in F and Γ again in G . The line
GD meets Γ again at H and the line HF meets Γ again at I . Prove that AI=EB .

Rioplatense Mathematical Olympiad (level 3)

2019 Rioplatense level 3 p1
44. Let ABCDEF be a regular hexagon, in the sides AB , CD , DE and FA we choose four points P,Q,R
and S respectively, such that PQRS is a square. Prove that PQ and BC are parallel.

2019 Rioplatense level 3 p5

45. Let ABC be a triangle with AB < AC and circumcircle ω . Let M and N be the midpoints of AC and
AB respectively and G is the centroid of ABC . Let P be the foot of perpendicular of A to the line BC ,
and the point Q is the intersection of GP and ω ( Q,P,G are collinear in this order). The line QM cuts ω in
M1 and the line QN cuts ω in N1 . If K is the intersection of BM1 and CN1 prove that P , G and K are

geometry problems from IMOs : 9

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

Romanian Master of Mathematics (RMM)

RMM 2019 p3
46. Let ABCD be an isosceles trapezoid with AB CD . Let E be the midpoint of AC . Denote by ω and Ω
the circumcircles of the triangles ABE and CDE , respectively. Let P be the crossing point of the tangent to
ω at A with the tangent to Ω at D . Prove that PE is tangent to Ω .
by Jakob Jurij Snoj, Slovenia
RMM 2019 p4
47. Prove that for every positive integer n there exists a (not necessarily convex) polygon with no three
collinear vertices, which admits exactly n different triangulations.
(A triangulation is a dissection of the polygon into triangles by interior diagonals which have no common
interior points with each other nor with the sides of the polygon)

Romanian Master of Mathematics (RMM) 2018 Shortlist

RMM 2018 SHL G1
48. Let ABC be a triangle and let H be the orthogonal projection of A on the line BC . Let K be a point on
the segment AH such that AH = 3KH . Let O be the circumcenter of triangle ABC and let M and N be the
midpoints of sides AC and AB respectively. The lines KO and MN meet at a point Z and the
perpendicular at Z to OK meets lines AB,AC at X and Y respectively. Show that ∠XKY = ∠CKB .
by Italy
RMM 2018 SHL G2
49. Let ABC be a triangle, and let S and T be the midpoints of the sides BC and CA , respectively.
Suppose M is the midpoint of the segment ST and the circle ω through A,M and T meets the line AB
again at N . The tangents of ω at M and N meet at P . Prove that P lies on BC if and only if the triangle
ABC is isosceles with apex at A .
by Reza Kumara, Indonesia

Silk Roal Mathematics Competition (SRMC) (Kazakhstan)

2019 Silk Road p1
50. The altitudes of the acute-angled non-isosceles triangle ABC intersect at the point H . On the segment
C1H , where CC1 is the altitude of the triangle, the point K is marked. Points L and M are the bases of
perpendiculars from point K to straight lines AC and BC , respectively. The lines AM and BL intersect at
N . Prove that ∠ANK = ∠HNL .

geometry problems from IMOs : 10

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

International Olympiad Tuymaada (Russia)

Tuymaada 2019 Seniors p2
51. A trapezoid ABCD with BC AD is given. The points B' and C' are symmetrical to B and C with
respect to CD and AB , respectively. Prove that the midpoint of the segment joining the circumcentres of
ABC' and B'CD is equidistant from A and D .
by A. Kuznetsov
Tuymaada 2019 Seniors p8
52. In ABC , ∠B is obtuse and AB ≠ BC . Let O is the circumcenter and ω is the circumcircle of this
triangle. N is the midpoint of arc ABC . The circumcircle of BON intersects AC on points X and Y . Let
BX ∩ ω = P ≠ B and BY ∩ ω = Q ≠ B . Prove that P,Q and reflection of N with respect to line AC are
by A. Kuznetsov
International Zhautykov Olympiad (IZhO) (Kazakhstan)
IZhO 2019 p3
53. Triangle ABC is given. The median CM intersects the circumference of ABC in N . P and Q are
chosen on the rays CA and CB respectively, such that PM is parallel to BN and QM is parallel to AN .
Points X and Y are chosen on the segments PM and QM respectively, such that both PY and QX touch
the circumference of ABC . Let Z be intersection of PY and QX . Prove that, the quadrilateral MXZY is

IZhO 2019 p4
54. Triangle ABC with AC=BC given and point D is chosen on the side AC . S1 is a circle that touches
AD and extensions of AB and BD with radius R and center O1 . S2 is a circle that touches CD and
extensions of BC and BD with radius 2R and center O 2 . Let F be intersection of the extension of AB and
tangent at O2 to circumference of BO1O 2 . Prove that FO1 = O1O 2 .

geometry problems from IMOs : 11

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2


Almaty (Kazakhstan)

2019 Almaty Olympiad p4

55. The point M is marked on the segment BC of the triangle ABC . Let I,K,L be the centers of the
inscribed circles ω1 , ω2 , ω3 of the triangles ABC , ABM , ACM , respectively. A common external tangent
to the circles ω2 and ω3 , different from the line BC , intersects the segment AM at the point J . It is known
that the points I and J do not coincide and lie inside AKL . Prove that in the triangle AKL the points I
and J are isogonally conjugate.
(The interior points P and P' of the triangle ABC are called isogonally conjugate if ∠ABP = ∠CBP' ,
∠BAP = ∠CAP' , ∠BCP = ∠ACP' .)

Danube (Romania)

2019 Danube Senior p4

56. Let APD be an acute-angled triangle and let B,C be two points on the segments (excluding their
endpoints) AP,PD respectively. The diagonals of ABCD meet at Q. Denote by H1 , H 2 the orthocenters of
APD,BPC respectively. The circumcircles of ABQ and CDQ intersect at X ≠ Q, and the circumcircles of
ADQ,BCQ meet at Y ≠ Q. Prove that if the line H1H 2 passes through X, then it also passes through Y .

International Festival of Young Mathematicians, Sozopol, IFYM (Bulgaria)

2019 IFYM Round 1 p3

57. The perpendicular bisector of AB of an acute ABC intersects BC and the continuation of AC in points
P and Q respectively. M and N are the middle points of side AB and segment PQ respectively. If the
lines AB and CN intersect in point D , prove that ABC and DCM have a common orthocenter.

2019 IFYM Round 1 p4

58. The diagonals AC and BD of a convex quadrilateral ABCD intersect in point M . The angle bisector of
∠ACD intersects the ray BA in point K . If MA ⋅ MC + MA ⋅ CD = MB ⋅ MD , prove that ∠BKC = ∠CDB .

2019 IFYM Round 2 p2

59. In ABC with ∠ACB = 135° , are chosen points M and N on side AB , so that ∠MCN = 90° . Segments
MD and NQ are angle bisectors of AMC and NBC respectively. Prove that the reflection of C in line
PQ lies on the line AB .

2019 IFYM Round 2 p4

60.For a quadrilateral ABCD is given that ∠CBD = 2∠ADB , ∠ABD = 2∠CDB , and AB = CB . Prove that
AD = CD .

geometry problems from IMOs : 12

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

2019 IFYM Round 3 p2

61. ABC is a triangle with center I of its inscribed circle and B1 and C1 are feet of its angle bisectors
through B and C . Let S be the middle point on the arc BAC of the circumscribed circle of ABC
(denoted with Ω ) and let ωa be the excircle of ABC opposite to A . Let ωa (I a ) be tangent to AB and in
points D and E respectively and SI ∩ Ω = {S,P} . Let M be the middle point of DE and N be the middle
point of SI . If MN ∩ AP = K , prove that KI a ⊥ B1C1 .

2019 IFYM Round 3 p3

62. We are given a non-obtuse ABC (BC > AC) with an altitude CD (D ∈ AB) , center O of its
circumscribed circle, and a middle point M of its side AB . Point E lies on the ray BA in such way that
AE ⋅ BE = DE ⋅ ME . If the line OE bisects the area of ABC and CO = CD ⋅ cos∠ACB , determine the
angles of ABC .

2019 IFYM Round 4 p1

63. The points M and N are on the side BC of ABC , so that BM = CN and M is between B and N .
Points P ∈ AN and Q ∈ AM are such that ∠PMC = ∠MAB and ∠QNB = ∠NAC . Prove that
∠QBC = ∠PCB .

2019 IFYM Round 4 p8

64. We are given a ABC . Point D on the circumscribed circle k is such that CD is a symmedian in
ABC . Let X and Y be on the rays CB and CA , so that CX = 2CA and CY = 2CB . Prove that the circle,
tangent externally to k and to the lines CA and CB , is tangent to the circumscribed circle of XDY .

2019 IFYM Round Final p3

65. ABC is isosceles with a circumscribed circle ω (O) . Let H be the foot of the altitude from C to AB
and let M be the middle point of AB . We define a point X as the second intersection point of the circle
with diameter CM and ω and let XH intersect ω for a second time in Y . If CO ∩ AB = D , then prove that
the circumscribed circle of YHD is tangent to ω .

2019 IFYM Round Final p4

66. The inscribed circle of an acute ABC is tangent to AB and AC in K and L respectively. The altitude
AH intersects the angle bisectors of ∠ABC and ∠ACB in P and Q respectively. Prove that the middle
point M of AH lies on the radical axis of the circumscribed circles of KPB and LQC .

IMAR (Romania)

2019 IMAR P1
67. Consider an acute triangle ABC . The points D,E,F are the feet of the altitudes of ABC from A,B,C,
respectively. M,N,P are the middlepoints of BC,CA,AB, respectively. The circumcircles of BDP,CDN
cross at X ≠ D, the circumcircles of CEM,AEP cross at Y ≠ E, and the circumcircles of AFN,BFM cross
at Z ≠ F. Prove that AX,BY,CZ are concurrent.
Kyiv Math Festival (Ukraine)

geometry problems from IMOs : 13

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

2019 Kyiv mathematical festival grade VIII P3

68. Let ABC be an isosceles triangle in which ∠BAC = 120° , D be the midpoint of BC , DE be the altitude
of triangle ADC and M be the midpoint of DE . Prove that BM = 3AM .

2019 Kyiv mathematical festival grades IX P4, X P4

69. Let D be the midpoint of the base BC of an isosceles triangle ABC , E be the point at the side AC such
that ∠CDE = 60° and M be the midpoint of DE .Prove that ∠AME = ∠BMD .

Stars Of Mathematics (Romania)

2019 Stars of Mathematics Seniors P3

70. Let ABC be a triangle. Let M be a variable point interior to the segment AB , and let γ B be the circle
through M and tangent at B to BC . Let P and Q be the touch points of γ B and its tangents from A , and
let X be the midpoint of the segment PQ . Similarly, let N be a variable point interior to the segment AC ,
and let γ C be the circle through M and tangent at C to BC . Let R and S be the touch points of γ C and its
tangents from A , and let Y be the midpoint of the segment RS . Prove that the line through the centers of
the circles AMN and AXY passes through a fixed point.

St. Petersburg MO (Russia)

2019 St. Petersburg MO grade IX P3

71. Prove that the distance between the midpoint of side BC of triangle ABC and the midpoint of the arc
ABC of its circumscribed circle is not less than AB / 2 .

2019 St. Petersburg MO grade IX P6

72. The bisectors BB1 and CC1 of the acute triangle ABC intersect in point I . On the extensions of the
segments BB1 and CC1 , the points B' and C ' are marked, respectively. So, the quadrilateral AB'IC' is a
parallelogram. Prove that if ∠BAC = 60o , then the straight line B'C ' passes through the intersection point of
the circumscribed circles of the triangles BC1B′ and CB1C' .

2019 St. Petersburg MO grade X P6

73. Given a convex quadrilateral ABCD . The medians of the triangle ABC intersect at point M , and the
medians of the triangle ACD at point N . The circle, circumscribed around the triangle ACM , intersects the
segment BD at the point K lying inside the triangle AMB . It is known that ∠MAN = ∠ANC = 90o . Prove
that ∠AKD = ∠MKC .

2019 St. Petersburg MO grade XI P4

74. A non-equilateral triangle ABC of perimeter 12 is inscribed in circle ω .Points P and Q are arc
midpoints of arcs ABC and ACB , respectively. Tangent to ω at A intersects line PQ at R . It turns out that
the midpoint of segment AR lies on line BC . Find the length of the segment BC .

geometry problems from IMOs : 14

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2


a. Junior only Olympiads

Euler Olympiad (Russia)

2019 Euler Olympiad p4

1. Given a convex quadrilateral ABSC . A point P is chosen on the diagonal BC so that AP = CP > BP .
Point Q is symmetric to the point P with respect to the center of the diagonal BC , R is symmetric the point
Q with respect to the line AC . It turned out that ∠SAB = ∠QAC and ∠SBC = ∠BAC . Prove that
SA = SR .

2019 Euler Olympiad p6

2. The points M and N are the midpoints of the sides AB and BC respectively of the triangle ABC . The
point D is marked on the extension of the segment CM for the point M . It turned out that BC = BD = 2
and AN = 3 . Prove that ∠ADC = 90° .

Junior Balkan (JBMO)

2019 JBMO Problem 3

3. Triangle ABC is such that AB < AC . The perpendicular bisector of side BC intersects lines AB and AC
at points P and Q , respectively. Let H be the orthocentre of triangle ABC , and let M and N be the
midpoints of segments BC and PQ , respectively. Prove that lines HM and AN meet on the circumcircle of

JBMO 2018 Shortlist

2018 JBMO Shortlist G1

4. Let H be the orthocentre of an acute triangle ABC with BC > AC , inscribed in a circle Γ . The circle with
centre C and radius CB intersects Γ at the point D , which is on the arc AB not containing C . The circle
with centre C and radius CA intersects the segment CD at the point K . The line parallel to BD through K ,
intersects AB at point L . If M is the midpoint of AB and N is the foot of the perpendicular from H to
CL , prove that the line MN bisects the segment CH .

2018 JBMO Shortlist G2

5. Let ABC be a right angled triangle with ∠A = 90o and AD its altitude. We draw parallel lines from D to
the vertical sides of the triangle and we call E,Z their points of intersection with AB and AC respectively.
The parallel line from C to EZ intersects the line AB at the point N . Let A' be the symmetric of A with
respect to the line EZ and I,K the projections of A' onto AB and AC respectively. If T is the point of
intersection of the lines IK and DE , prove that ∠NA′T = ∠ ADT .

geometry problems from IMOs : 15

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

2018 JBMO Shortlist G3 (problem 4 of JBMO 2018)

6. Let ABC be an acute triangle, A',B' and C' be the reflections of the vertices A,B and C with respect to
BC,CA and AB , respectively, and let the circumcircles of triangles ABB' and ACC' meet again at A1 .
Points B1 and C1 are defined similarly. Prove that the lines AA1 , BB1 and CC1 have a common point.

2018 JBMO Shortlist G4

7. Let ABC be a triangle with side-lengths a,b,c inscribed in a circle with radius R and let I be it's incenter.
R4 R4 R4
Let P1 ,P2 and P3 be the areas of the triangles ABI,BCI and CAI , respectively. Prove that 2 + 2 + 2 ≥ 16
P1 P2 P3

2018 JBMO Shortlist G5

8. Given a rectangle ABCD such that AB = b > 2a = BC , let E be the midpoint of AD . On a line parallel to
1 a3
AB through point E , a point G is chosen such that the area of GCE is (GCE) = + ab . Point H is
2 b
the foot of the perpendicular from E to GD and a point I is taken on the diagonal AC such that the triangles
ACE and AEI are similar. The lines BH and IE intersect at K and the lines CA and EH intersect at J .
Prove that KJ ⊥ AB .

2018 JBMO Shortlist G6

9. Let XY be a chord of a circle Ω , with center O , which is not a diameter. Let P,Q be two distinct points
inside the segment XY , where Q lies between P and X . Let the perpendicular line dropped from P to
the diameter which passes through Q . Let M be the intersection point of and Ω , which is closer to P .
Prove that MP ⋅ XY ≥ 2 ⋅ QX ⋅ PY

May Olympiad (Mayo)

2019 May Olympiad level 1 p4

10.You have to divide a square paper into three parts, by two straight cuts, so that by locating these parts
properly, without gaps or overlaps, an obtuse triangle is formed. Indicate how to cut the square and how to
assemble the triangle with the three parts.

2019 May Olympiad level 2 p4

11.On the sides AB,BC and CA of a triangle ABC are located the points P,Q and R respectively, such that
BQ = 2QC, CR = 2RA and ∠PRQ = 90o . Show that ∠APR = ∠ RPQ .

Zhautykov City MO (Kazakhstan)

2019 Zhautykov City MO grade VI p5

12.Cut the square into three parts, from which it would be possible to fold a triangle with three sharp corners
and different sides. (You can cut it any way.)

geometry problems from IMOs : 16

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

2019 Zhautykov City MO grade VII p3

13. The bisector AD is drawn in the triangle ABC .What is the angle of BAC , if the angle of B is two times
the angle of C and CD = AD ?

2019 Zhautykov City MO grade VII p7

14. The bisector of angle BAC of ABCD , intersects BC at M . Prove that AC = BC + BM .

2019 Zhautykov City MO grade VIII p4

15. In the triangle ABC , the sides AC and BC are equal. The bisector of the angle BAC intersects BC at the
point E . The point D is marked on the side of AB . The lines AE and CD intersect at N . It is known that
∠CDB = ∠CEA = 60° . Prove that the perimeter of the triangle CEN is equal to the segment AB .

2019 Zhautykov City MO grade VIII p6

16. The diagonals of a convex cyclic quadrilateral ABCD intersect at a point O . Let OA1 , OB1 , OC1 , OD1 be
the altitudes of the triangles OAB,OBC,OCD,ODA respectively. It is known that A1B1 = 32 , B1C1 = 23 ,
C1D1 = 30 . Find D1A1 .

b. Olympiads with Junior Round

Caucasus (Russia)

2019 Caucasus MO Juniors p3

17. Points A' and B' lie inside the parallelogram ABCD and points C' and D' lie outside of it, so that all
sides of 8-gon AA'BB'CC'DD' are equal. Prove that A',B',C',D' are concyclic.

Danube (Romania)

2019 Danube Junior p4

18. Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral, M midpoint of AC and N midpoint of BD . If ∠AMB = ∠AMD ,
prove that ∠ANB = ∠BNC .

European Mathematical Cup (EMC)

EMC Junior 2019 p3

19. Let ABC be a triangle with circumcircle ω. Let lB and lC be two lines through the points B and C ,
respectively, such that lB || lC . The second intersections of lB and lC with ω are D and E , respectively.
Assume that D and E are on the same side of BC as A . Let DA intersect lC at F and let EA intersect lB
at G . If O , O1 and O 2 are circumcenters of the triangles ABC , ADG and AEF , respectively, and P is the
circumcenter of the triangle OO1O 2 , prove that lB || OP || lC .
by Stefan Lozanovski

geometry problems from IMOs : 17

[IMOGEOMETRY 2019 P.1] International + Regional Contests, version 2

Rioplatense, levels 1,2

2019 Rioplatense level 1 p5

20. Let ABC be a triangle and M be the midpoint of the side BC .Suppose that ∠AMC = 60o and that the
length of AM is greater than the length of MC . Let D be the point on segment AM such that AD = MC .
Prove that AC = BD .

2019 Rioplatense level 2 p2

21. In a circle we mark, in this order, the points A,B, C, D, E and F such that AB = BD, CE = EF and
BC > DE . Let H be a point in AC such that BH is perpendicular to AE . Prove that the lines CD , BE and
the parallel line to AF by H are concurrent.

Stars of Mathematics (Romania)

2019 Stars of Mathematics Juniors p2

22. Let A and C be two points on a circle X so that AC is not diameter and P a segment point on AC
different from its middle. The circles c1 and c2 , inner tangents in A , respectively C , to circle X , pass
through the point P ¸ and intersect a second time at point Q . The line PQ intersects the circle X in points
B and D . The circle c1 intersects the segments AB and AD in K , respectively N , and circle c2 intersects
segments CB and CD , in L , respectively M . Show that:
a) the KLMN quadrilateral is isosceles trapezoid.
b) Q is the middle of the segment BD .
by Thanos Kalogerakis

Tuymaada (Russia)

Tuymaada 2019 Juniors p2

23. A triangle ABC with AB < AC is inscribed in a circle ω . Circles γ 1 and γ 2 touch the lines AB and AC
and their centres lie on the circumference of ω . Prove that C lies on a common external tangent to γ 1 and

by A. Kuznetsov
Tuymaada 2019 Juniors p7
24. A circle ω touches the sides AB and BC of a triangle ABC and intersects its side AC at K . It is known
that the tangent to ω at K is symmetrical to the line AC with respect to the line BK .What can be the
difference AK - CK if AB = 9 and BC = 11 ?

by S. Berlov

geometry problems from IMOs : 18

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