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Globalization- refers to the integration of the Globalization of World Economics

national markets to a wider global market IMF regards “economic globalization” as a

signified by the increased free trade. historical process representing the result of
Manfred Steger- Globalization is the human innovation and technological process.
expansion and intensification of social relations -Characterized by the increasing integration of
and consciousness across world-time and economies around the world through the
across world-space. movement of goods, services, and capital
-relates to the way people perceive time and across borders.
space. Economic Globalization- The expanding
interdependence of world economy
Globalization Global Economy- Movement of people and
1.Ohmae (1992)- able to coin globalization- knowledge across international boarders
“onset of the borderless world”
2. Robert Cox- Characteristics of globalization People- referring to the laborers (they move
trends include the internationalizing of from one place to another because of their
production, the new international division of work)
labor, new migratory movement from south to Knowledge- (brings the information that is
north. Etc. acquired in your place)
3. Ritzer (2015)- Globalization is a
transplanetary process involving increasing Expanding interdependence, in terms of
liquidity and the growing multidirectional flows economy, there are other place that
of people, objects, places and informationa as globaliza:
well as the structures they encounter and 1. Woods and services
creates that are barriers to, or expedite those 2. Financial and Capital Matters
flows. 3. Technology and communication
4. Arjun Appadurai (1996)- “Globalization is a 4. Production
“World of things” that have different speeds, When all of this is globalize, the effect of
axes, points of origin, and termination and this is increase the state of cross boarders
varies relationships to institutional structures in commodities in the states, example, once
different regions, nation or societies. this woods are globalize the tendency is the
5. Cesare Poppi (1997)- Globalization is the increase of production.
debate and the debate is Globalization. One
became part and parcel of the other. Advantages of Global Economy
6. Manfred Steger- Globalization is the  Opportunity for undeveloped countries
expansion and intensification of social relations to be develop
and consciousness across world-time and  Trade
across world-space.
Disadvantages of Global Economy
Arjun Appadurai’s Different kinds of  Exploitation of workers
Globalization  Diseases may also spread
Scapes-Intersecting dimensions of integration.
Ethnoscape- Global movement of people
Mediascape- Flow of Culture Silk Road- Oldest known international trade
Technoscape- Circulation of mechanical route
goods and software Great Depression (1920-1930)- Global
Financescape- Global circulation of money Economic crisis.
Ideoscape- The realm where political ideas Bretton Woods System- inaugurated in 1994
move around. - Developed after the world war 2
- Europe, Japan, Asia
- Inaugurated to prevent catastrophes like
World War 2
- Influenced by Maynard Greene Disadvantages of Market Integration
 There is an economic crisis because  If the company grows too big, the
the money is not spend bureaucracy (hierarchy of workers)
becomes intensified
Lending Institutions
 World Bank- main goals involves on Global Interstate System
the eradication of poverty. Global Interstate System- Contemporary
- Provide loans and grants to the political globalization that seeks to form
governments of poorer countries collaboration among the states
- multinational financial institution ILO- International Labor Organization
established at the end of World War II WHO- World Health Organization
(1944) to help provide long-term capital UN- United States
for the reconstruction and development Nation state- when merge or create a group
of member countries forms on International Government
 International Monetary Fund- IMF Organization (IGO) (Ex. ASEAN)
lends money to members - composed of two non-interchangeable
having trouble meeting financial terms. “Not all states are nations and
obligations to other members, but not all nations are states”.
only on the condition that they State- A community of person occupying a
undertake economic reforms to different portion of the territory.
eliminate these difficulties for their - Political Aspect
own good and that of the entire - Refers to a country and its government.
Four Attributes of a State
 Citizens
Tariff- tax impose on imported products  Territory
GATT-  Government
Market integration- process that refers to  Sovereignty
concrete expansion by consolidating additional Nation- “Imagined Community”
marketing functions or activities. - Viewed as group of people sharing the
- different markets combined same ethnicity
- One way to globalized product - Cultural Aspect
Treaty of Westphalia- only way to end the 30
Types of Market Integration years’ war
Horizontal- Merge of companies within the - Signed in year 1648
same industry (Ex. Facebook and Instagram) - Because of this, Europe is at peace
Vertical- A company performs more than one
activity in the sequence of the marketing
Conglomeration- fusion of companies that Internationalism
offer different services - Supported by Jeremy Bentham
- Different companies merge (Ex. Paypal - Immanuel Kant- liberal thinker of liberal
and Ebay) Internationalism
- Jeremy Bentham- Create International
Advantages of Market Integration Law
 When your company grows bigger, Mazzini-proponent of socialist Internationalism
there is a lot of audience Italy supports communists (Karl Marx)
- Communism spread in Europe
- Revolutionary government headed by
Vladimir Lenin
Napoleon Bonaparte- emerged that he would  East- Timor Leste
like to conquer Europe countries
Karl Marx- Created communism
- Rise of labor APEC- Australia, Canada, Japan, New
*United Soviet Socialist Republic- Zealand
Communism European Union
League of nations- formed in order to protect
small countries from the communist leader but NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agency
not succeeded
United Nations- Started in 1942 Why Asian form organizations?
- Military Defense (NATO (North Atlantic
5 Countries that leads United Nations Treaty Organization- Headed by US to
 United States protect countries)
 Russia
 Britain OPEC- merge countries that manufacture oil,
 France gas etc.
 China
Galleon- big gold Reasons for world regionalism
- Started from shores of the Philippines - To protect independence from
possession of super power politics
Divide the world into 2 Hemisphere under - Economic Crisis
the Treaty of Presales

Global Device
North and South
Global South- under developed countries
Third world- countries that are colonized

Group A- Found in Global North

 Canada
 France
 Japan
 UK

Biggest manufacturing countries in the

world- (China)

World Regionalism
Members of ASEAN
 Philippines
 Brunei
 Cambodia
 Indonesia
 Laos
 Malaysia
 Myanmar
 Singapore
 Thailand
 Vietnam

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