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Chapter 2


This section discusses the research environment informants, research

tool, data gathering procedure and data analysis.

Research Design
This study is qualitative in nature specifically; it consist phenomenological

approach through in-depth interviews conducted by the researchers. On the

other hand, My group focus on the discussion about the effects of English

language and the perceptions of students in Davao Wisdom Academy. It

describes phenomenology as concern with the experience from individual and it

is based on a paradigm of personal knowledge and subjectivity and emphasized

as the importance of personal perspectives and interpretation of the students

inward about the effects of English language and the perceptions of students in

Davao Wisdom Academy. The researchers used phenomenological approach in

order to answer the inquiry, which shows the effects of lack of knowledge about

English language to the students of Davao Wisdom Academy as describes by

the participants. Furthermore, to understand the students of Davao Wisdom

Academy handling their fear of using English language that marks in the use of

English language to improve their communication skills.

In this process the research brackets or sets aside his or her own

experiences of every individual in order to understand those of the participants of

the study. Moreover, phenomenological research used the analysis of significant

statements, the generation of meaning units, and the development of an essence


Research Flow
Types of Data Participan Tools to Techniques Output
to Gather ts of the Gather to
study the Data Analyze Data
 The effects of lack Narration of the effects
of knowledge of lack of knowledge
about English about English language
language to the to the students of Davao
students of Davao Wisdom Academy
Wisdom Academy 15 senior Un In-depth
high structured interview
school interview
 The students in students
Davao Wisdom
Academy Guide Observation Descriptive of How the
handling their fear Questionn notes/ field students in Davao
of using English aires analysis Wisdom Academy
language handle their fear of
using English language
Observati FGD
on notes/ transcript
 The use of field analysis Narrative of The use of
English language English language to
to improve the improve the
communication communication skills of
skills of students students in Davao
in Davao Wisdom Wisdom Academy

Figure 2
The 15 senior high school will be selected purposively. The Unstructured

interview, Guide questions and Observation notes will be used as tool to collect

data from the informants.

Sampling of participants
The Davao Wisdom is a private sectarian institution serving the

community for a decade with high moral standards embracing its vision, its goal I

to become the school of choice that provides quality but affordable education and

producing well-rounded individuals who are academically competent, spiritually

equipped, socially aware of, and morally involve in the concern of global


According to Babbie (2013), sometimes it is appropriate to select a sample

on basis of knowledge of a population, its elements and the purpose of the study.

This type of sampling is called sampling of the study. This type of sampling is

called purposive or judgmental sampling. In qualitative research projects, the

sampling of subjects may involve as the structure of the situation being studied

becomes clearer and certain types of subjects seem more central to

understanding other.

Data collection
In this study, the researchers conducted an in-depth interview with the

participants as far as data collection is concern the conduction of the research

involves the use of an unstructured interview, which was used as an interview

guide of the researcher. Some certain questions were prepared, so as for guide

to the researchers to meet the needs objectives. But, additional questions were

given during the interview to gather more information.

According to Saris and Gallhofer (2014), found out that data collection is

developing rapidly, in the 1960’s and 1970’s. they were only the procedures for

data collection: paper-and-pencil interviewing, were the interview was done by

telephone; and finally mail questionnaires, which were done without the presence

of an interview and the respondents have to fill in the forms by themselves.

Data Analysis
To interpret the data, descriptive-interpretive method was used. In this

method, the data gathered from observation, interviews and FGD were

transcribed verbatimly. According to Groenewald (2014) statements from the

participants that serve to illuminate the said phenomenon must be extracted or

isolated and redundant and ambiguous statements should be eliminated in order

to leave clear and meaningful concept.

Data were collected through in-depth interview, informants responses

were recorded via phone recorder and later transcribed. Commonalities of the

responses were grouped accordingly for formality of the patterns and later

categorized. Reductive analytics is going to become increasingly popular ---by

analyzing the big data. They can also identify common behaviors between

different participants to see what makes them more likely to become a power

user or to be completely on board.

Thematic analysis was used to analyze data focusing and

examining themes within the data which emphasized organization and rich

description of the data set. Moreover, the subjectivity of the responses through

perceptions, feelings, and experiences that participant shared. Through

application of such , it became and accessible and theoretically-flexible approach

to analyzing qualitative data.

Locale of the study

Mission and Vision

Davao Wisdom Academy (DWA) is a Filipino, non-sectarian, and socially

responsive educational institutions, guided by the core values of intelligence,

integrity and industry. It Invisions individuals recognize globally for excellence

and competency.

English Language barrier has a much larger reach beyond perceptions
and knowledge. Other implications are rarely discussed. There are rules and

ethics and etiquette for English Language Barrier that must be followed. Ethics

by definition is the concept of what is good, bad, right and wrong. English

language right ethics equals the right perspective and the right thinking on how to

leverage Language barrier approximately how to engage people in the right

manner. Etiquette is a code of behavior when context of our society. In English

language, the right etiquette equals acting the right way. There definitely is a right

way and wrong way to use English language. Anyone has spammed (and that

means everyone) understands this concept.

In addition, you should always communicate in honest and open manner.

If you show others who you are and what you stand truthfully, people will respect

you and become fond of you. You will establish rapport. Truth is an ethical value

that another people respect. They, in turn, will want to be truthful with you also.

From the point of view of etiquette, you should always say who you are, mention

your affiliations, and be clear about your intentions. That is proper behavior.

Transparency is essential, in business and in life. Ethically speaking, you should

always share information that you feel will help others. It is a demonstration of

good etiquette if you tell the truth, even when it is difficult. Without

communication, you have nothing. You need to be very careful about your

According to Roth as cited in the book of Shank (2006), a good

researcher is an ethical researcher and becoming one is a lifelong process, this

paper discuss the importance of ethics in research, ethical considerations that

the researchers must observed and the consequences of violating them. This

research paper ensures safe and ethical manners.

The researchers asked permission to conduct research to the participants.

When carrying out this research, this ensured that the researchers were not

taking advantage of easy – to access group of people. Further, to preserve and

protect the privacy, dignity well – being freedom of research participants. This

means explaining to potential participants the nature of the research and the

purpose so they can freely choose whether to be involved. It was the researchers

responsibility to educate the participants about the risks and benefits.

The researcher agreed not to reveal the identity of the participants to

anyone, other than the researcher and his/her members who have access to the

data. Whereas, we used variables P1, P2, P3, 4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 ,P10, P11,

P12, P13, P15 so that the identity of the participants from whom information is

obtain in the course of the research project will be kept strictly confidential. P

means participants. In the case that the researcher has encountered participants

that used vernacular language, the researcher has transcribed the answers into

English verbatim. The researchers reviewed the answer of the participants to

ensure the credibility and validity of answers.

Role of the researcher
The researchers play a crucial role in all qualitative studies. Thus, in the

course of this study is phenomenological by nature, we get into the life of the

participant through interviews and observations. Likewise, rapport was also built

up with the participants in order to a good research relationship, which lead to a

successful participant disclosure. It was also expected that along the way, we

engaged in self-disclosure since it enhance the rapport with our participants

(Dickson-swift, James, kippen & liamputtong, 20017).

A written permit was secured from our research Adviser, Supreme Student

Government and School Principal of Davao Wisdom Academy, Inc. to allow us to

conduct the interview with the teachers and students –participants. This compiled

as a preparation insuring the psychological, emotional security and protection of

student and teacher-participants in cases if emotional and psychological

instability will follow as a result to interview conducted. Likewise, in order to

maintain a higher standard of confidentiality and protection to the students since

they might feel that it is risky for them to provide information that may go against

pre venting patterns, their identities were concealed in this study. Instead of

using their real names, we labeled them as participants 1-15.

Students and teachers were also informed that whatever information

they will disclose will not affect their scholastic performance by any means and

the result of the interview will not be exposed beyond ground of this study.

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