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Presentado por:

Jessica Marcela Granados Oviedo

Presentado A:

Ángela Viviana Jiménez Benavidez


Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia – UPTC

Tecnología en Regencia de Farmacia

1. Resuelva el siguiente ejercicio

Read the text. Complete 1–10 with A, B, or C.

Ben: Hi, did you have a good time?

Katia: Yes, 1. We did. It was great. We saw lots of really interesting things.
Ben: 2. Did Pete go with you? He wanted to.
Katia: No, he 3 Didn´t. He stayed at home.
Ben: Why? 4 Was he tired?
Katia: No, but he was busy. He had an exam in the morning then work in the afternoon.
Ben: Oh, OK. And where 5 Did you go exactly?
Katia: To Nob Hill.
Ben: Nob Hill! 6 Did you go up it in a cable car?
Katia: Yes, we did. It’s awesome. You can see all over San Francisco.
Ben: 7 Was the weather OK?
Katia: Yes, it was great.
Ben: And 8 where there lots of people?
Katia: No, there 9 weren´t. It was OK. And what about you? What 10 did you do this morning?
Ben: I cleaned my room for three hours!

1 A - We did B - We had C - We didn’t

2 A - Pete went B - Did Pete go C - Pete did
3 A - Not B - Went C - Didn’t
4 A - He was B - Was he C - Did he
5 A - you went B - You go C - Did you go
6 A - You went B - Did you go C - Did you
7 A - Was the weather B - The weather was C - The weather
8 A - There were B - Were there C - There was
9 A - Wasn’t B - Weren’t C - Didn’t
10 A - Did you do B - You did C - You didn’t

2. Ingrese al siguiente link, mire el video y

en15 oraciones haga un resumen del mismo. escriba las oraciones tanto en inglés como
español. tenga en cuenta utilizar el pasado del to be, verbos regulares e irregulares.


- La historia fue sobre un pequeño pianista: The story was about a little pianist
- El adoraba tocar el piano: He loved to play the piano

1. The boy's name was blue.

- El nombre del niño era Azul
2. He dreamed of becoming a pianist someday.
- El soñaba con ser pianista algun dia
3. Azul went to his piano class every Sunday.
- Azul iba a sus clases de piano todos los domingos.
4. Vicky was his piano teacher.
- Vicky era su profesora de piano.
5. Blue was going to play in front of a large audience.
- Azul iba a tocar frente a una gran audiencia.
6. He really wanted to be, not just a good pianist, but a great pianist.
- El realmente quería ser, no solo un buen pianista, sino un gran pianista
7. The teacher Vicky gave Blue a butterfly tag.
- La profesora Vicky le dio a Azul una etiqueta de mariposa.
8. The teacher told blue that he should play with his heart.
- La profesora le dijo a Azul que debía tocar con su Corazón.
9. For the first time, Azul went to bed without playing the piano.
- Por primera vez, Azul se fue a la cama sin tocar el piano.
10. The piano was in the middle of a round stage surrounded by rows of people.
- El piano estaba en medio de un escenario redondo rodeado de filas de personas.
11. Azul walked on to the stage, sat on the piano bench and closed his eyes for a
- Azul caminó hacia el escenario, se sentó en el banco del piano y cerró los ojos por
un segundo.
12. He remembered Vicky´s words, and started to hum a tune.
- Recordó las palabras de Vicky y comenzó a tararear una melodía.
13. His fingers began to move by themselves.
- Sus dedos comenzaron a moverse por si mismos.
14. His heart began to play the butterfly´s song.
- Su Corazón comenzó a tocar la canción de la mariposa.
15. In the end he played the piano from the bottom of his heart
- Al final el toco el piano desde el fondo de su Corazón.

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