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Selection 1. Good health begins in the home.

Here is where children and young people should be taught the principles
of cleanliness and good living. Parent who do this may then avoid many of the more serious problems of later life.
Good health habits should become a part of every child’s training from his earliest years. It is important to start out
right in the beginning. The sooner a child knows and follows these principles, the better for all the concerned. Selection
2. “The Donkey and the Lion’s Skin”

Selection 2. Wondering the forest one day, a donkey found a lion’s skin. “How magnificent!” he said to himself. He
put it on and turned around. “Ah! How grand I look!” He set off to find the other animals. They would really admire
him in his new lion’s skin. Soon, he found his friend, the cow. She was quietly eating grass in the meadow. “Look
at me! I’m a lion!” the donkey brayed at the cow. “I’m the king of the animals. Hee-Haw! “How stu-u-u-pid!” the
cow moed. “You may think you look like a lion! But as soon as you open your mouth, silly everyone can tell you’re a

Selection 3. The black sky covered the moon. Branches of trees bent angrily to and fro. Several old trees crashed
to the earth. The wind came with a whoosh from another direction and the air was filled with dust and leaves. Seawater
rose in great waves and flung spray in all directions. The rain came down in torrents and roared across the land.
-English 1, Josefina P. Gabriel, et al.

Paragraph 1 One day a carabao cart was passing through a muddy road. At first, it was travelling smoothly though
very slowly. Suddenly the wheels sank deep in the mud. The carabao tried hard to pull the cart. Though the carabao
pulled it with its greatest strength the cart couldn’t go any further. The good-for-nothing driver just looked on and fell
down on his knees. He prayed to the God of strength. He prayed for strength in his arms to pull out the wheels.
After some time there came along a sturdy farmer riding on the back of his carabao and passing the same road. He
whispered, “God only helps those who also help themselves.”

Ask: What kind of paragraph is it? Justify your answer. One of the root causes of air pollution in Asia is the
region’s rapidly growing population. Air pollution, along with other environmental hazards, will get better only when
the urgent need for environment is instilled in the consciousness of every individual and is manifested in our everyday
actions. Until every citizen realizes that air pollution is their direct responsibility, children will continue to suffer,
and clear air acts and other anti-pollution laws will merely be another flash in the pan. We have the power in
our own hands! If one person can make a difference, imagine what the largest continent in the world can do when it
works together. Source : Reader’s Digest

Ask: What kind of paragraph is it? Justify your answer.

In the olden days, famine gripped the land. The desperate people implored their goddess to save them. The
goddess name is Sappia. Moved by pity, the goddess descended to the earth. Weeks passed and the weeds grew and
became heavy with grain. But when she pressed her bosom again, only blood came out. When she was done, she then
bent low over the plants and pleaded with them to flourish and feed her again. When the people harvested the stalks
and pounded these open, some grains were as white as the goddess’ milk while some were are red as her blood. The
people cooked these and found these nourishing. Rejoicing, for at last they have sustenance. They gave thanks to the
goddess as they re-planted and harvested this weed which is what is now known as rice.

Ask. What kind of paragraph is it? Justify your answer.

Task 8. AIMING AT PAR A. Choose the correct verb that will complete the statement.
1. Each of the boys (find, finds) a partner in the activity.
2. Several men (accept, accepts ) equal rights with women.
3. Neither my parent nor my brothers ( allow, allows) me to attend the Induction Ball.
4. Every individual (has, have) the duty to respect the rights of others.
5. Anyone ( is, are ) given to express his/her point of view on the issue.
Task 6. At PARagraph. Each group will work on the assigned paragraph. Presentation of
outputs follows.

Topic Kinds of Paragraph Features of Paragraph

One day in our dramatic class, we (was, were ) told our teacher to imagine that it ( was,
were ) World War II and the last plane to leave the Philippines ( was, were ) about to take off.
Each of us ( was, were ) required to persuade the guards to let us board in the overloaded
plane. Each student made a passionate plea. One said she ( was, were ) pregnant. Another
said, he ( has, have, had ) to report to the president. All our pleas failed, one of our classmates
ran up to the guards and screamed, “I ( has, have ) to get on the plane! I just want to get on
plane!” “Why?”, ask the guards. “ I ( am, is , are ) a pilot!”, he replied. Crickets ( makes , make
) their chirping sounds with their wings. They ( is, are ) really fiddlers and not songsters. On
one wing they ( has, have ) a coarse membrane covered with ridges . On the other wings ( is,
are ) ridges which ( is, are ) notched like a saw. When crickets rub one wing over the other,
they can make several different tones just as a fiddler ( does, do ) when he ( draws, draw) his
bow across the strings. On a quiet, windless night the sound of a cricket can carry for more
than a mile. --English 1, Josefina P. Gabriel, et al.
Junk foods ( gives , give ) the body more sugar, fats, and salt than it actually ( needs, need).
These ( is, are ) the foods which ( has, have) no vitamins and minerals to strengthen the body
so they ( is, are) called “junk”. The body (becomes, become) fat and sickly as a result of too
much junk foods in its system. Chips and curls ( does, do ) not comprise all of the junk foods.
Other examples ( is, are ) jellies, jams, candies, marshmallows and even ice cream.

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