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Mount Pleasant Dual Core ’18 Player's Pack

“Time to buddy up with a mate and wreck some destruction on your opponents”

When: Sunday the 25th November, arriving at 12pm with dice down by 12:30pm. Expected
finish time around 7pm

Where: Mount Pleasant Church of Christ, 29 Darnell Ave, Mount Pleasant WA 6153

Cost: Ticket price is $20 each (or $40 per team). Payment can be made in person on the
day or via paypal to

Food / Drink: Won’t be supplied on the day

What: 3 Games of Infinity for the afternoon / evening. The missions for the tournament
are Supremacy, Supplies and Firefight (note these will all be played at Cancon next year).
We will be using the “normal Mode” for classifieds (i.e. the Green Deck) with no additional
modifiers / extras.

Team Structure: Teams will consist of two players with each player being able to take up
to two ITS army lists each. Each list will have the usual Lt and each player will have access
to their own pool of command tokens and orders.

The combined points total for both armies will be 300 points and 6 SWC. These points may
be split between players as they see fit, with each player having the SWC allocation for
each 50 point bracket that they have used. SWC from 50 point brackets that are used by
both players goes to the player that uses the largest segment of that pts bracket. If they
are even the players may decide who gets the SWC for that bracket between themselves.

Example of Team Structure:

Team A consists of player 1 (P1) and player 2 (P2): P1 takes a 100 pt list with a Lt and 2
SWC, P2 then gets 200 pts and 4 SWC with a Lt.

Team B consists of player 3 (P3) and player 4 (P4): P3 takes 173 pts and a Lt giving them 3
SWC to spend, P4 has 127 pts and because they have the larger portion of the 50 pt SWC
bracket they also have 3 SWC to spend (23<27).

If P3 had 175 pts and P4 had 125, then they could choose between them who got the point
of SWC (i.e. P3 gets 4 SWC and P4 gets 2 SWC, or both could remain at 3 SWC).

Lieutenant’s and Command Tokens: Each team will have 2 Lt’s, all players will participate in
the Lt roll off at the start of the game with the team whose Lt rolls the highest result
and passes having considered won the roll. Each Player will have their own pool of Command
tokens to be spent on their force or during strategic use individually.

For example: P1 and P2 (Team A) roll a 14 and a 12 for their Lt rolls (14 fails, 12 passes) P3
and P4 (Team B) roll an 11 and a 5 both passing. P2 has won the Lt roll and Team A
therefore may choose deployment or turn as normal. P3 and P4 then both have the option
to use their command tokens as normal for strategic use. They elect to remove 2 orders
each from P2, decreasing the order pool by a total of 4.

Additionally, players in a team who have a single combat group of 8 units or less are
ineligible to be stripped of 2 orders.

For example: Team A Player 1 is running 8 troops in a single combat group. Player 2 is
running 10 troops in a single combat group. Team A is going first. Team B can spend a single
command token to strip player 2 from Team A of 2 orders (they could also spend 2 in this
situation to strip Player 2 of 4 orders). Player 1 in Team A however has a single combat
group of 8 orders or less so they cannot be stripped of orders.

Turn Structure: Players on the same team will play each turn at the same time and may mix
their order expenditure on their units as they see fit.
On the Table: Teams will operate as two distinct parts of the same force. With the
exception that players are able to doctor and engineer each other’s troops as well as use
their team mate’s repeaters without penalty.

Data Trackers: For missions that have them teams will elect a single model to act as a data
tracker for both forces. All other restrictions that apply to data trackers will do so
normally as well.

Pairings: For the first Tournament Round pairings are assigned at random. From the second
Tournament Round on, a Swiss system is used.

Proxies: Will be allowed on the day as long as players using them clearly highlight these to
their opponent (please note only Corvus Belli miniatures are allowed on the day)

Army Lists: There is no requirement for lists to be submitted prior to the day however
courtesy lists for player's opponents are mandatory. For any new players attending please
ensure that you check on Army to make sure that your list is ITS compatible.

Prizes: There will be a huge bunch of prizes as per normal including boxes, blisters,
patches, pins and terrain.

Please note the painting award for this event will go to the best painted Army! This can be
your “half” of the overall team’s army. Please note we will be doing more best painted
“armies” in future and if your army wins best painted this will disqualify you from entering
this same army in future painting competitions. There will also be the usual Sportsmanship
award and best "newbie" (first ITS tournament) prize being given out on the day as well.

Timetable: Game time allowed will be 2 hours with a maximum of 3 turns per game (per
ITS rules).

12:00 to 12:30 - Arrive and Set Up

12:30 to 2:30 – Round 1: Supremacy

2:30 to 4:30 – Round 2: Supplies

4:30 to 6:30 – Round 3: Firefight

6:30 - 7:00 - Prizes and clean up

Registration: The tournament will NOT be submitted as an official ITS tournament

Do my models need to be painted? No, while painted models are encouraged there is no
painting requirement for this tournament.

I'm a new player and am unsure if I should come: I'd encourage you to come along and give
it a go. Tournaments are a great place to learn the game and the community tends to be
very friendly and inviting. The team structure for this tournament may also enable some
newer players to pair with more experienced players if they so wish!

Contact: If you have any questions about this player pack or the tournament in general
please contact me on or post your questions / queries on the WA
Infinity Facebook Page

Looking forward to rolling some dice!

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