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EDU 452



Name : Nur Fatma Hanis binti Abdullah Sani

Student ID : 2014665254
Lecturer’s name : Miss Asmahan binti Abd Razak
From previous class of Academic Skill with Miss Asmahan, I have learnt a lot from my

friend’s presentation. From my opinion, the title of presentation that have been chosen getting

more interesting compared to previous week because its related to our daily life and specifically

it was related to student’s life! For example, there are topic related to health, negative emotion,

sanitary pads and any others.

The first presenter for this week is Nik Harith and he presented about effect of vaping

towards health with the title ‘Vape Attack’. First and foremost, he informed us about what vape

is all about. Vaping is the process of inhaling water vapor by applying heat to liquid that produce

vapor and it has no bad smell and less chances of getting cancer to the consumers as cigarettes.

How vape can affect our health? Vape can impaired the breathing system as the vapers

tend to suffer from chronic cough due to inflammation and it also because of bacteria or viral

infection. Besides, the vapers also have high chances getting heart attack as when there were

vaping, they will expose to nicotine and it can irritate the heart. It also can cause artery blockage

and heart failure could be even worse. Next, vaping also can cause cancer as the vapers exposed

to formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a colorless, strong smelling gas and carcinogens.

Next presenter is Amirul Akmal with the title ‘Miracle of Cocoa Bean’. He presented

about the benefits of cocoa bean to health. Cocoa bean can give good effect on mouth and teeth

as it contain tennis, polyphenols and flavonoids. All of these three compounds are good to teeth

as polyphenols can kill oral bacteria and flavonoids can slower the tooth decay. It also possess


Next, cocoa bean also can reduce risk of heart disease as flavonoids that contain in the

cocoa bean can thicken and harden the arteries. It also can maintain the blood pressure.
Surprisingly, cocoa bean also give benefit to the brain. As we all know, cocoa bean is nature’s

anti-depressant so by taking the cocoa bean, we can relax our brain. It also can stimulates the

central nervous system.

Nurul Syahidah presented about the relationship between emotion and eating behavior

with the title ‘Negative Emotion & Eating Behavior: Things you does not know’. When we are

in negative emotions, we tend to be selective in food preference. We preferred for comfort foods

and we tend to choose unhealthy foods than the healthy ones. Besides, we also may decrease in

food consumption when we were in negative emotion as it associated with slow cognitive

process and motor activity.

‘Let’s eat Bacteria!’ That is the title of presentation from Nur Syafiqah. She informed us

about friendly and unfriendly bacteria. For instance, friendly bacteria is B.longum and unfriendly

bacteria is fungi. Good bacteria is bioavailability of nutrients. Folic acid in bactreia can prepare

for cell development and cell division. It also can produce healthy red blood cell. Good bacteria

also can treat cancer such as colon cancer and tumor.

Next presenter is Khairul Nidzam with the title ‘Can you ‘divorce’ music from stroke

survivors?’ and he presented about music therapy. In my opinion, Khairul is the second best of

all the presenters and he did an excellent presentation as he managed to grab class attention

throughout his presentation and he really creative in delivering her speech as he tried to sing and

any other method that really impressed me. Regarding to his topic, he stated that stroke survivors

should apply music therapy on their rehabilitation process because the music can improve their

Music therapy can improve movement and muscle control as it can improve natural

walking by exercising to timing music such as match with rhythm or tempo. For example, when

they are playing drum, their hand and wrist also will move as well. Next is music therapy can

improve speech and communication as they can exercise their mouth muscle using musical

instruments. For example, when they are playing play recorder or harmonica, they actually

exercising their mouth muscle and at the same time learn how to control their breathing. Besides,

music therapy also can enhance mood and motivation and it also can manage the pain. It can

improve the mood by increasing the relaxation of the patients as when they are hearing to the

music, it helps to distract them from the pain.

Anis Azatul Najwa presented about the bad effect of sanitary pads toward woman health

with the title ‘A silent health threat’. Sanitary pads can increase the cancer risk as women are

exposed to dioxin. Dioxin is a carcinogen toward human and it can be found in wood pulp.

Besides, women also can get toxic shock syndrome from the using of sanitary pads. Toxic shock

syndrome is a syndrome where women tend to suffer with high fever, diarrhea, low blood

pressure and others. It provide favorable environment for bacteria growth and the loosened fibers

stay behind inside the body. Next, the using of sanitary pads also can lead to menstrual cramp as

in the pads, there is plastic-rayon that can block air flow to the vagina and encourage painful

rash. It also absorbs the moisture in vagina and increase the chances to get severe pain.

‘The dimension of intelligence’ is title of presentation from Flexcia Chumang and she

presented about intelligent quotient, emotional quotient and spiritual quotient. Intelligent

quotient or IQ is about the ability to think in problem solving and reasoning. It also involve in

critical thinking and action as we get engage with the expertise in order to develop thinking

skills. Emotion quotient or EQ is about the ability of a person in knowing and understanding
himself and other people. Person with EQ able to give response in any situation and they get

involve and participate in society to learn leadership skills. Spiritual quotient or SQ is about the

ability to behave with wisdom and compassion while maintaining inner and outer peace

regardless of the situation. SQ teach us to know what is good and bad and it also develop oneself

to be a better one. It also about creativity and questioning.

Next presenter is Marlisa Shuhada. Her presentation is about bad effect of UV light to

eyes and the title is ‘The Blinded Ray’. UV rays is a part of electromagnetic light and we can get

UV light because of the exposure to direct sunlight, mercury vapor lamp and many other

resources. UV light can cause cataract after a long exposure. Cataract can reduce our sight

performance as it can produce free radical that cause the light to be scattered. The accumulation

of this free radical can cause blindness. UV light also can promote the growth of conjunctiva that

cause redness and itchy to our eyes. Besides, it also cause inflammation of our cornea. For

example, photokeratitis or as known as snow blindness. This disease is as sunburn of eyes

because the eyes exposed to the UV light for a long period of time.

‘Hazard of bad sitting posture towards skeletal system among teenagers’ is the

presentation title from Shahira. First, the bad sitting posture can cause spine misalignment as it

can disrupt the alignment of our spine. Bad sitting posture also can cause cocydynia which it is a

event where tissues around coceyx were damage. For example, when we are sitting in an

awkward position, we tend to suffer from this disease. Bad sitting posture also can increase the

risk of bone structure.

Vivian Sharly presented about active lifestyle with her title of presentation is ‘Breaking

your sweat by stay active’. We have to stay active and do some cardiovascular exercise to have a
good health. Cardiovascular exercise is a movement of muscle which carry the blood to heart. It

can improve our physical fitness because physical activities practices beneficial health effects on

obesity. Cardiovascular exercise can boost cognitive function as it can helps aging adults

improve their memory and brain health. Besides, this cardiovascular exercise also can helps in

control person’s emotion. Exercise help alleviate long-term depression and as a result active

people less depressed than inactive people. \

Next presenter is Nurul Syakirah with her title ‘The healing power of sleeping to adults’.

She mentioned that adults need to sleep for 7-8 hours per day. Sleep can enhance quality life as

healthy weight will obtained when we have enough and good sleep. It can boost up metabolism

and lowering the ghrelin and increase the level of leptin. Sleep also can improve cognitive

function as it can improve memory and it also can prevent illnesses.

The last presenter is Nur Amalina and in my opinion, she is the best presenter of our class

as she manage to maintain our attention throughout her presentation. She also creative in

delivering her speech as she using the different method when doing presentation besides just rely

on the slide show. She presented about ‘The secrets of tears’. First type of tears is Basal tears.

The function of Basal tears is it can help to maintain the homeostasis of the cornea. It also can

help us to wash our foreign bodies. Basal fluid contains three layers of thin coating. Next is

reflex tear. The function of this tears is it help to wash out irritant substance and it protect ocular

surface of eyes. The third type of tears is psycho-emotional tears. It is a way of helping a person

to deal with emotional problems. It also can remove some chemicals that help to lowering the

level of stress.

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