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By: Christian Joy A. Opon

It is a state and a word

In which our hearts and minds are oppressed
A state has always been on my mind
That does not disappear
The word that keeps me weak
Why? Why? Why?
The question that I always heard and imagine
That indicates them that I am an ignorant
The feeling that you’re being asked and you cannot answer
Because of the questions that are difficult to answer
That is easy for others
Shaking and Stutter
Why is this hard wont go away
That maintainally we take it as a challenge
That we always face everyday
That until I go home I’m always tired
Forcing the whole body to be strong
Because up to home there are many more
Because it’s a challenge so you just have to do it
And this homework and other activities that are so long just like giraffe
That should be prioritized
Because it has a limited day
Sometimes It’s just a time
So you have no choice
The reason that you have to pass
And pass these subject that doesn’t match the course that you want to pass
Because It’s a challenge right?
They say
Everything will leave you but education will remain on you
And it is because of this hard that we talking about
The feeling that the example was easy then they gave you the difficult
Which is they didn’t teach you
Because it needs to be easy first
Why yet this things need to be easy at first in which in the end are tormented
We’re not even punished
I’m not saying that I am lazy
Im just saying why?
We all wanted to pass
Want to work
And a have good future
But that is there way so that we can learn right?
So we wont regret
On each day we discuss
The trials that we must overcome
Because not everything goes easy
Because all this challenges are hardship
That someday we will experience and understand all of it
The things that we didn’t know
That was twices hard on them
Maybe we’re just senior high
But I think this is the first step for us to learn
The first step for as to gradually discuss these challenges
That would be even more difficult if we couldn’t over come it
So to all of the student there
The best way for us to learn and pass is to overcome all the challenges in our daily life
So let’s start now

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