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My reaction regarding to the activity "Sighted Guided Techniques" that was conducted last
November 26, 2018 (Monday) afternoon is that it wasn't really easy to guide a visually impaired
individual. We "the one who guides" need to be precautious enough to consider each and every
move of the visually impaired, we need to assist and help them manage to perform the daily
living activities so that they'll be able to do things independently. As far as the activity proceeds
we can feel some possibilities of dangers we might encounter, especially when the road wasn't
equally elevated and the goal was far from the starting point along with the eyes of the public
audiences, it really scares me the most. "What if" we won't make it? "What if" we fail? Those
kinds of thoughts running through my head while performing the said activity, and that I might be
the cause of our low performance and low grade. It may displease my partner whom I've told to
trust me, and it might disappoint our professor for not fully prepared "mentally". However, luckily
enough we got through it and pass the test, and it feels like a big accomplishment since this can
be a reference for me in the future setting. To end my statement, I would like to thank the Lord,
God the Almighty for giving me the courage to pursue this obstacle and to myself who
persevere up until the end, to my partner who was "blindfolded" that trust me wholeheartedly,
and to my instructor who believes in our ability (Ceniza, Kyrk).

The activity happened last meeting gave me a lot of emotions. Being blindfolded was not easy
even though Im guided. There were a lot of things that ran in my mind, like "What am I
stepping?" "What are the things that surrounds me?" "Is there any obstructions along the way?"
and "How far we go?". I don't really know the paths that we’ve been taken, so I was stayed calm
despite of the different things that came into my mind. I also felt nervous and pressured
specially the moment when my guide said that we're taking the stairs and be careful because
there's a hole and I just said to myself "I can do this, we can do this" (Bontes, Gelie Ann).

I was the sighted guide in the activity we did. At first I thought it was easy not until we did our
first step. It was on narrow ways, I was really worried because my partner might not walk
straight if I'll not be careful with my steps. I was also nervous when we arrived on different
places because my partner might be shocked and distracted with what's ahead that she's going
to walk through. However, me and my partner trusted each other and I learned to think that I
must have presence of mind and be more cautious as I have to guide my partner/ the visually
impaired (Juntong, Golda).

I’ll be sincere here. Actually, I really can see a little bit of the surface when I was blindfolded and
I cheated. I can’t help not to take a peek of where we are heading with my guide because it left
me both confused and worried of the outcome. I think I’m going to conclude that I wasn’t trusting
enough with my partner. So, salute to all visually impaired individuals for having that strong
sense of faith with their guide (Cabahug, Fritz Noreen).

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