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Tutorial 1

Stress Tensor
1. Let the state of stress at a point be specified by the following stress components: σxx
= 110 MPa, σyy = - 86 MPa, σzz = 55 MPa, σxy = σyx = 60 MPa and σyz = σzx = 0. Determine
the principal stresses, the direction cosines for the three principal stress directions
and the maximum shearing stress.
2. The non zero stress components are σxx = 150 MPa, σyy = 70 MPa, σzz = - 80 MPa and
σxy = - 45 MPa. Determine the principal stresses and the maximum shearing stress.
Determine the angle between the X – axis and the x-axis when the X-axis is in the
direction of the principal stress with largest absolute magnitude.
3. Let the state of stress at a point be specified by the following stress components: σxx
= -120 MPa, σyy = 140 MPa, σzz = 66 MPa, σxy = 45 MPa and σyz = -65 Mpa σzx = 25 MPa.
Determine the principal stresses, the direction cosines for the three principal stress
directions and the maximum shearing stress.
4. A rectangular steel bar having a cross section 2 cm x 3 cm is subjected to a tensile
force of 6000 N (612.2 kgf) directed perpendicular to the cross section. Determine
the normal and shear stresses on the plane whose normal has the following direction
a. nx = ny = 1/√2, nz = 0
b. nx = 0, ny = nz = 1/√2,
c. nx = ny = nz = 1/√3,
5. At a point P in a body, σx = 10000 N/cm2, σy = - 5000 N/cm2, σz = - 5000 N/cm2, τxy =
τyz = τzx = 10000 N/cm2. Determine the normal and the shearing stresses on a plane
that is equally inclined to all the three axes.
6. At a point P, the rectangular stress components are, σx = 1, σy = - 2, σz = 4, τxy = 2, τyz
= -3, τzx = 1 all in units of kPa. Find the principal stresses and direction cosine of
maximum stress. The stress tensor is
1 2 1
Tij = 2 -2 -3
1 -3 4
7. For the given state of stress, determine the principal stresses and their directions.
0 1 1
Tij = 1 0 1
1 1 0
8. State of stress at a point is characterized by the matrix shown. Determine T11 such
that there is at least one plane passing through the point in such a way that the
resultant stress on that plane is zero. Determine the direction cosines of the normal
to that plane.
T11 2 1
Tij = 2 0 2
1 2 0
9. Rectangular bar of cross section 30 mm x 60 mm x 200 mm is restrained from
expansion along its 30 mm x 200 mm sides by surrounding materials. Find the change
in dimension and volume when compressive force of 180 kN acts in axial direction.
Take E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 and ν = 0.3. What are the changes, if surrounding material
can restrain only 50% of expansion on 30 mm x 200 m side?

10. The reduction in volume of a solid block is to be restricted in 1 mm 3 under the action
of three mutually perpendicular forces: 5 kN in tension on opposite 75 x 50 mm faces,
10 kN in compression on 100 x 50 mm faces. Find the magnitude and nature of the
maximum force that may act on the 100 x 75 mm faces and change in length in each
side. Take K = 150 GPa and ν = 0.27.

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