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September 2019  Header by Peter Calxur 

Opinions in The Augury are expressed by individuals and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or desires of the Karmic government. 


The internet is so hard these days 
without tl;drs.    
  Karma: The Superlative, The Splendiferous, The Superior 
By Takura Calxur 
● Karma: The Superlative, 
The Splendiferous, The 
In this inaugural edition of the ​The Augury​ we thought it best to inform you of what exactly Karma is. Karma was 
Superior. Taki gives an 
overview of Karma, its  founded by Altino, known to be a Meritocratic Menace and a lover of owls. But this alone doesn’t tell us very 
structure, and a few of its  much. Karma is a region dedicated to being the most superior, among other things. And in many ways, this has 
present and future goals.  been achieved. Karma is eighth in the world for average World Assembly Endorsements, soon to be seventh. 
● RMB Ravings. Some   
highlights from Karma’s  But what are these other things? I’m glad you’ve asked. Altino began Karma in protest of rampant manipulation 
RMB Question of the Day  and evil that was present in some regions, to give players old and new a safe space to play, without all of that 
run by our precious and  drama and chaos. It would be a safe place for people to learn the ropes of the game and enjoy themselves 
perfect Peebles.  peacefully. The Sages exist to ensure the safety of Karma and the nations within, and to guide new players on 
● The Karma Awards.  their quest, whatever it may be. They ensure the safety and peace in the region, as well as pursuing peace 
Announcing winners of  outside of Karma as well. While part of Karma, each nation receives the aid and advice of the Sages as well as 
Zalidia’s Karma Awards 
everyone else who is willing to share their piece of wisdom. Because of the Sages’ examples, Jiva in Karma 
● Tako Tuesday. Taki gives 
always strive to lift up their fellow region-mates. 
us a delicious recipe for 
Tacos de Pollo 
Peace and order are maintained here through The Guidance. That is our regional codex outlining the legal 
● Owlti’s Spotlight. Altino 
obligations of the Jiva in Karma. It dictates the basic legal rights and protections each Jiva receives, as well as the 
sits down for an interview 
with Karma’s newest Guru.  responsibilities laid on them for the enjoyment of such rights. Through the Guidance, the Sages pull their power 
to rule, and the Enlightened the ability to create law. It supports those who support Karma. If you work under The 
  Guidance and uphold its policies and guidelines, and take initiative to further the acceptance of these regulations, 
  you will be rewarded. It provides the incentive for exponential positive growth from the Jiva in Karma. 

However, it is the people in Karma, rather than the laws, that make the region great. Though The Guidance 
  provides the framework, it is the people involved that make it truly spectacular. The Jiva are the ones who 
Sponsored by:   provide personality to the region and make it such an amazing place to be. They take initiative to add the things 
The Chameleons! Licking Palms  they want to the region, without prior direction from the Sages. This inspirational genius is important to the 
for a Better Tomorrow  uniqueness and greatness of Karma, as it allows Karma to reflect more purely the collective wills and desires of 
all residents. Those Jiva who have sought and attained Enlightenment are able to decide which laws and 
Karma Alert! Karma’s #1 News… 
legislations they want to enact, which in turn makes Karma a better reflection of its citizens, and better protects 
Sourrceee… <.<  
the interests of all. This system of contribution creating change makes it practically mandatory for Jiva to 
Koala for Delegate! KuRiSa SaNjI  participate within Karma if they want to create something of their own or adjust something already standing.  
All of this is great now, but how will Karma go forward? After all, it is already the most amazing region around. 
The Jiva here already know this, “Karma is [the] most glorious region” says Kithrun “praise Karma”. But you can 
always reach higher and go further. Karma in the future seeks to eliminate the truly despicable people who take 
advantage of others and ensure that people have a generally enjoyable experience. Naturally, Karma will also 
become top-ranked in terms of World Assembly endorsements. But really, Karma will simply grow in kindness 
(for the most part) and ensure that cruel and manipulative people are unable to hurt others. After all, if you can kill 
someone with kindness you should but sometimes that’s less effective than you need. 

RMB Ravings     

Rachael Vytherov 
Starting last August, we’ve started doing daily questions on our Regional Message Board, 
and these are some of my favorite highlights from answers on the RMB :)

The Karma Awards 
By Zalidia 
  Results of Zalidia’s most recent Karma Awards! 
Zalidia Friendliest Karman - Dawcreek 
Funniest Karman - Badger 
Most Helpful Karman - Levont 
Most Trusted Karman - Altino 
Karman with the Best Ideas - Zalidia 
Karman Who Contributed Most - Peter 
Karman Most Likely to Become a Sage - Takura 
Silliest Karman - Zalidia 
Best Moderator - Robo Communism 

Tako Tuesday 
By Takura Calxur 
As the season changes those in the northern hemisphere bundle up for fall and winter, and collectively say farewell to the warmth and sun that they 
had enjoyed throughout the summer months, while those in the southern hemisphere begin preparing for the long hot days of their summer. In honor of 
both of these events, the reminiscing on the summer past, and expectation for the summer future, I present to you the most summery of foods. The 
Taco. Whether you get chicken or carnitas, street style or hard shell, they all have that same intrinsic quality that just exudes summer frivolity and joy. 

Tacos de Pollo 

Ingredients:  Directions: 
2 - chicken breasts (boneless/skinless preferably, otherwise you have to  1. Bring pot of water to boil, then add chicken, the unchopped half 
take the bones and skin off)  of the onion, whole clove of garlic (peeled), and salt to taste 
1- small onion cut in half (dice half, leave the other)  2. Boil chicken for 45 minutes or until fully cooked 
2 - cloves garlic (one minced the other whole)  3. While boiling the chicken, heat oil in a pan and fry the chopped 
1 - tomato chopped  onion until transparent 
2 - TBSP olive oil (14.3 g)  4. Add minced garlic and cook until golden 
1 - tsp cumin (5 g)  5. Add spices (cumin, pepper, chili powder) and toast making sure 
½ - tsp pepper (more to taste) (2.5 g)  not to burn them 
To taste - chili powder  6. Add tomato and cook until soft 
To taste - salt  7. Set tomato/onions aside if the chicken is cooking 
Grated cheese of your choice  8. When chicken is cooked and cool to touch, shred 
Corn tortillas  9. Add shredded chicken with a small ladle of broth to tomato/onion 
To garnish - cilantro  and simmer 10-15 min until excess moisture is absorbed (stir 
Salsa  regularly) 
10. Heat tortillas in small pan (1 min on each side) 
11. When chicken is ready taste test for good seasoning; if not to 
your standards add more spice 
12. Sprinkle cheese on tortillas, add chicken on top, and garnish with 
13. Serve with your choice of salsa 
Owlti’s Spotlight 
By Altino 
Takura Calxur is Karma’s Guru of Chameleons, one of our RMB Moderators, and one of T
​ he Augury​’s own writers. Recently voted Most Likely to 
Become a Sage in Zalidia’s Karma Awards, Taki has shown enormous skill and patience in every pursuit that she has taken on in Karma. We are 
honored to have her as our first interview subject here on Owlti’s Spotlight!   
So, how did you find NS? I​ found NS through a friend. I was talking to her about Molossia, a micro nation in Nevada, and she texted me the website 
and said that it was right up my alley. she was right. 
What drew you to Karma? ​I joined Karma because the Recruitment TG was friendly, and told me how to turn off all of the TGs. It was nice, it was 
friendly. And how else could I repay that debt than by joining the region? 
Do you have any big goals for yourself as a player in the region? ​As a player in Karma, I don't have very many high reaching goals, mostly because 
I'm not wholly familiar with the system yet (of the region or NS). But I'd like to get to the point where people can recognize me and not be worried or 
anything. Just be that chill dude here who makes people feel better and stuff. (although becoming a Sage at some point in the far future wouldn't be too 
What about for the Chameleons? Any projects or improvements in mind?​ For the Chameleons, so far I think the way things are works. I do think 
there ought to be an interview process/wait time to become a Chameleon, just to make sure people are well suited to the task and/or won't leave. 
What does it take to be the best Chameleon there is? T
​ o be the best Chameleon you have to be alert, you have to be happy (or alternatively make 
everyone think you're happy), generally some form of a people person is good, be able to read people (through text) and be able to set them at ease so 
they feel welcomed and comfortable in Karma. 
What's Taki's big secret to being awesome and loved by all? M
​ y big secret? I can't tell you that, now can I. Umm, probably being willing to offer 
support to people and try and make them feel better no matter the situation. Being willing to offer humor and advice in equal measure (neither of which 
are guaranteed good, but you're guaranteed something). 
I love your factoids of the day. Where do you come up with those? M
​ y factoids are all facts, as to where I find them, most come from classes I have 
taken or am in the process of taking. Or me being curious about something and stumbling upon something really interesting that might not be related to 
what I was looking for, but was a nice thing to learn anyways. 
Seriously, would Badger or Kitty win in a fight?​ Badger. Kitty never struck me as the kind of person who could pull through when it came down to it 
(Sorry Kitty)  
What's the weirdest behavior you've run into online? ​I can't honestly say what the weirdest behavior I've run into online is. Mostly because when I'm 
online I'm either perusing the depths of wikipedia, reading online stories, or here. So probably the strangest behavior on the internet is the internet 
itself. For example, I get adds very frequently about drugs that help people quit smoking, and also adds for beer, like Coors and Budweiser and Sierra 
Nevada. I am not old enough yet to partake in either smoking or drinking 
The book or the movie?​ It depends on which came first. If the book came first then probably the book, if the movie came first than probably the movie. 
There are of course, exceptions. Like Lord of the Rings 
however I would swear on my ancestors grave who signed the Declaration that my Grandmother was a spy when she was younger. And not all that 
glitters is gold, why would I steal all your gold when I could just as easily steal your hearts?

Let’s get roooooighhhhhhht into the newwwwws! Oh wait, wrong show,
wrong show. Pack your stuff guys, let’s get back to the studio- wait WAIT,
an aud-aud-audience! Finally! After all these years of searching, come
come, follow me. and get to know the WORLD OF KARMA with Karma’s #1
newsource Karma Alert, all it takes is one click to get to know the WORLD!
what i am trying to say is: can you read this pls thnx


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