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Aim: To make a T‐lap joint as shown in Figure, from the given wooden piece.

Work material: Mahogany wooden piece (260*50*25 mm)

Tools required: Carpenter's vice, Steel rule, Metal jack plane, Try‐square, Marking gauge, Bevel
square, Firmer chisel, Cross‐cut saw, G-clamp and Mallet.

List of operations: Marking, Cutting, Plaining, Joining.


1. The given wooden piece is checked to ensure its correct size.

2. The wooden piece is firmly clamped in the carpenter’s vice and any two adjacent faces are planed
by the Metal jack plane and the two faces are checked for squareness with the Try square.
3. Using Marking gauge, mark 45mm on the width side.

4. The excess material is first chiseled out with Firmer chisel and then planed to correct size.

5. Using Marking gauge, mark 20mm on the thickness side.

6. The excess material is first chiseled out with firmer chisel and then planed to correct size.

7. Using steel rule and try square and mark a distance of 125 mm on the wooden piece and cut it
into two equal pieces using cross cut saw.
8. Using steel rule and try square mark a distance of 40mm, 45mm and 40mm lengthwise on one
piece of 125 mm length and cutting it using handsaw and chiseling it.
9. Mark a distance of 10mm on the thickness side at a distance of 40mm from one end of the 125mm
work piece and cutting it using handsaw and chiseling it.
10. Using steel rule and try square mark a distance of 45 mm lengthwise on one end of the second
piece and cut it using handsaw and chiseling it.
11. Using steel rule and try square mark a distance of 10 mm on the thickness side and cutting it
using handsaw and chiseling it.
12. Join the two pieces using Mallet as shown in figure.

Result :The required T‐Lap joint is obtained

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