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DATE OF Statement; Methodology; JOURNAL TO THE MAIN cs,
PUBLISHING Results; and Implications) QUESTION Printed
1. Students’ Hans- In introductory chemistry a) Intermolecular Electronics
Understan Jurgen courses students are forces helps in – Google
ding of Schmidt, presented with the model predicting a number scholar
Boiling Birgit that matter is composed of of physical
Points and Kaufma particles, and that weak properties of
Intermolec nnad forces of attraction exist compounds, such
ular and between them. This model as relative boiling
Forces / David F. is used to interpret points, and change
October Treagus phenomena such as in state of matter.
2009 solubility and melting points,
and aids in understanding b) Branched
the changes in states of molecules are more
matter as opposed to stable than straight-
chemical reactions. We chain molecules
investigated upper and can withstand
secondary school students’ higher
models for intermolecular temperatures (not
forces and their abilities to so much energy is
use these for predicting the needed to break
relative boiling points of the bonds) because
organic compounds. Written of the greater
tests were administered to surface area in
students in grades 11 to 13, contact with other
aged 16 to 19, years in molecules.
Germany. Students’ Branching makes
answers, and especially the molecules more
reasons they gave for their compact thus
answers, were analyzed. reduces the surface
Results indicate students area.
had difficulty predicting the
relative boiling points of c) In a solid, individual
organic com pounds. The particles are stuck
most prominent alternative in place because
conception was that boiling the intermolecular
involves breaking covalent forces cannot be
bonds. Results also indicate overcome by the
that students used energy of the
alternative models for particles. When
hydrogen bonds, limiting the more energy is
occurrence of hydrogen supplied (e.g., by
bonds to the presence of raising the
oxygen and hydrogen temperature), there
atoms, or to dipolar comes a point at
molecules. The results which the particles
show that the understanding have enough
of intermolecular forces in energy to move
upper secondary school is around but not
inadequate, and that enough energy to
teaching should be separate.
changed. The items
developed in this study
could be incorporated into
classroom discussions.
2. A single- G. A. For simultaneous prediction a) The principles and Electronics
theory Mansoor of solid–liquid and liquid– concepts of the – Google
approach i vapor phase transitions it forces between scholar
to the Payman has been customary to atoms and
prediction Pourghe apply two different theories molecules as it
of solid- sar and for solid and fluid phases. A relates to prediction
liquid and Hamid single‐theory approach will of bulk
liquid- Modarre be desirable to answer (macroscopic) fluid
vapor ss many of the fundamental and solid properties
phase problems of molecular are quite well
transition / theory and their relationship understood. Those
December with macroscopic behavior include repulsive
1996 of the matter. Based on a forces, van der
modified version of the cell Waals forces,
model of statistical interactions
mechanics, a single‐theory involving polar and
approach for simultaneous polarization of
prediction of solid–liquid molecules,
and liquid–vapor phase interactions
transitions is presented involving hydrogen
here. In developing this bonding, strong
theory the order–disorder intermolecular
transition is considered as forces including
the essential feature of the covalent and
fusion and a new function coulomb
for the potential energy field interactions, total
inside a single‐occupancy intermolecular pair
cell is derived. By reporting potentials and their
the variations of total relationship with
pressure of the macroscopic liquid structure.
system with respect to There has been
temperature and volume the little progress made
nature of the various phase in the relationship
transitions in the system are of intermolecular
evaluated and discussed. forces and
Variations of the radial crystalline
distribution function of the structures and self-
molecules in the system assembling of such
with intermolecular complex systems
distance, temperature, and as micelles,
volume are reported for bilayers and
various phases of matter. biological

b) Phase transitions
and their
predictions are of
prime importance in
the study of matter
and they constitute
the cornerstone of
many processes
encountered in the
science and
technology. Of the
three phase
transitions in
systems consisting
of simple
molecules, solid–
and vapor–solid,
the latter two are
well under-stood
and the related
predictive statistical
mechanical model
shave found
numerous practical
applications. There
has been a wealth
of research activity
in the development
of predictive
models for solid–
liquid transitions
~both melting and
freezing!since the
mid-sixties and it
has resulted in
advancement of a
number of
accurate predictive

3. The Jerry Z. Phase transition of matter is a) When the distance Electronics

Forces Liu a well-known phenomenon between molecules – Google
Causing and well-studied subject. is smaller than the Scholar
Phase However, what are the van der Waals
Transition forces that cause the phase distance, the
of Matter transition is not necessarily repulsion will push
(2019, well understood. An orbital them apart. Hence,
January) repulsion force is it is the van der
investigated in this study. Waals radius that
Upon absorbing energy, an determines the
electron jumps to a higher volume of a
orbital. The process not only system. The
increases the size of an concept may be
atom or molecule, but also generalized to
reduces the distance to the liquid and solid
adjacent molecules. Both without much
processes increase the problem, which
repulsions to the adjacent explains the volume
molecules. Because an and density of
orbital jump is spontaneous, matter in general.
the repulsions may exert a The van der Waals
significant force to the distance is a
adjacent molecules. This balanced distance
force may play a critical role between repulsion
in phase transition. and attraction
Intermolecular force is also forces between
model in this study using molecules. In
two helium atoms to response to
understand the trends in temperature
terms of atom size and change, both
distance between atoms. molecule size and
With the new van der Waals
understanding, we are able distance must be
to tell the nature behind the adjusted to find a
melting/boiling point and new balance, which
supercritical point. They are is the thermal
all determined by the orbital expansion or
repulsion force and the attraction.
intermolecular force.
b) (Referring to a
figure) The
attraction is able to
hold molecules
together against the
repulsion in a fixed
frame. Solid is
observed. To the
right, orbital
Molecules are
pushed apart and
broken into fluid.
The temperature at
this point becomes
the transition point
between solid and
fluid phases. At a
higher pressure, it
requires a higher
repulsion force to
break the solid. So,
the solidifying line
curves to high
temperatures with
pressures because
orbital repulsion
increases with

c) Phase transition is
primarily by orbital
repulsion and
Molecular attraction
is responsible for
glue molecules
together in liquid
and solid. The
orbital repulsion
works against the
attraction to break
solid into fluid as
increases. The
transition from solid
to fluid is the point
where orbital
repulsion force
breaks even with
the molecular
attraction force.
The residual net
attractive force
beyond the
solidifying curve
provides the force
for viscosity in fluid
and surface tension
on the liquid.
Beyond the critical
point, there is no
attraction force to
provide viscosity in
fluid. Since there is
no attraction at all,
there is no latent
heat and no
distinction between
liquid and gas,
known as
supercritical fluid.
Liquid is just a
special gas under
4. Phase John S. Our study of phase a) For comparably Electronics
Equilibriu Hutchins equilibrium between the sized molecules, – Google
m and on liquid and gas phases has hydrogen bonding Scholar
Intermolec opened a door to a world of attractions are
ular information about how approximately ten
Forces / molecules interact in a times stronger than
2013 liquid. Recall that we would dipole-dipole
like to relate the properties attractions or
of individual molecules to dispersion forces.
the properties of bulk Those molecules
samples of a substance. which are capable
Our studies of the of hydrogen
properties of gases were a bonding indicate
little disappointing towards hydrogen bonding
this goal. We found that the dominates
properties of a mole of gas intermolecular
molecules are the same, attractions.
accurately predicted for all
substances by the Ideal b) The boiling point of
Gas Law except under a liquid is the
extreme conditions. This temperature at
means that the properties of which the vapor
individual molecules are pressure of the
largely irrelevant to the liquid equals the
properties of gases. external pressure
By contrast, we now know applied. Other
that each liquid has a molecules’ boiling
characteristic vapor points can reveal
pressure at each the trends in the
temperature and a strengths of
characteristic boiling point intermolecular
at each pressure, and these attractions of other
properties differ from one molecules. The
substance to the next. liquid with a higher
These differences must be boiling point has
related to differences in the stronger
properties of the individual intermolecular
molecules in the liquid attractions.
phase. Furthermore, we
developed a model for c) From the dynamic
phase equilibrium based on equilibrium, the
a dynamic view. The rate of higher temperature
condensation must equal to is required to
the rate of evaporation at provide sufficient
equilibrium. And the rate of kinetic energy for
evaporation must differ from liquid molecules to
one liquid to the next and overcome stronger
must also vary as the attractions between
temperature changes. the molecules.
These experimental clues Overcoming these
will help us develop a model attractions is
to account for the necessary for a
differences in physical molecule to change
properties arising from phase from liquid to
differences in the attractions gas.
of individual molecules in
the liquid phase.
In this study, we will further
develop the concept of
phase equilibrium, including
solids in our discussion. We
will experimentally
determine the conditions
under which one of the
phases is the most stable
and conditions under which
two or all three of the
phases are stable at
equilibrium. We will then
build a model to describe
the interactions between
molecules, accounting for
which types of molecules
have strong attractions and
which have weaker

5. A Study of Sharmai The study aims to compare a) Intermolecular Electronics

Intermolec ne S. some physical properties of forces are forces of – Google
ular Bungab water with those of other attraction or Scholar
Forces of ong liquids and to relate the repulsion which act
Attraction / differences in properties of between
no date the liquids to the types and neighboring
strength of intermolecular particles: atoms,
forces existing between molecules or ions.
molecules. It was conducted
through an experiment b) Water is a polar
divided into three parts. The molecule which
research resulted with water exhibits all the Van
being a polar molecule der Waals forces. It
which exhibits all the Van has permanent
der Waals forces. Therefore dipole moments
the initial volume of a liquid and a high boiling
is greater than its final point, high specific
volume. heat and high heat
of vaporization
indicating that its
forces in its
molecules are quite
strong. That is why
positive and
negative charged
bodies are attracted
to water.

c) Due to the
forces present in
between the
molecules of water
the surface of water
a blade can float
over its surface. As
an ice melts, the
volume reduces as
it starts occupying
lesser space
making the water
level of the glass to

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