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The Truth About Facebook & Mark Zuckerberg

In the film The Social Network about the founding of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg’s soon-to-be-ex-
girlfriend tells him, “You’re going to go through life thinking that girls don’t like you because you’re a nerd.
And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that that won’t be true. It’ll be because you’re an

She hit the nail on the head. Of course Zuckerberg is not alone; in Silicon Valley, assholery is almost a
requirement for being a tech entrepreneur. But Zuckerberg epitomizes the type: a harm- less-looking geek
with the heart of a blood-drenched conquistador. As portrayed in the movie, Zuckerberg’s Harvard
classmates, the Winklevoss twins, claim that he didn’t even come up with the idea for Facebook; rather,
the supposed genius stole it from them.

The twins had hired Zuckerberg to program their own social/dating networking site. In AOL instant
messages from that period, he discussed his scheme with a friend: “So you know how I’m making that
dating site. I wonder how similar that is to the Facebook thing. Because they’re probably going to be
released around the same time. Unless I fuck the dating site people over and quit on them right before I
told them I’d have it done.” Later, that’s exactly what he decided to do: “Yeah, I’m going to fuck them.
Probably in the ear.”

Shortly after launching site at Harvard, he was astounded to have sucked up “over
4,000 emails, pictures, addresses” submitted. Asked how he managed that hoovering of private
information, Zuck replied, “I don’t know why. They ‘trust me.’ Dumb fucks.” After the Winklevoss twins
complained to the university and Harvard was considering booting him for unethical behavior, he told his
friend, “You can be unethical and still be legal. That’s the way I live my life. Ha-ha.”

There you have it, straight from the horse’s mouth. But fucking over his classmates wasn’t enough—he
had to rub their noses in it. After the Winklevoss brothers launched their own network, ConnectU,
Zuckerberg hacked into it and created a fake profile for Cameron Winklevoss, rejoicing that “We copied
his ac­ count like his profile and everything except I made his answers all like white supremacist.” The fake
profile included these lines: “Hometown: I’m fucking privileged... where do you think I’m from. Hair color:
Aryan blond. Favorite music: The sound of myself masturbating. Favorite quote: ‘Homeless people are
worth their weight in paper clips—I hate black people.’ Interests: Trying to find my penis. Squandering my
father’s money. Looking like a douchebag.” If that wasn’t enough, Zuck the real douchebag sabotaged the
ConnectU site by deactivating user accounts.

That was Wonder Boy Zuckerberg’s first foray into “fake news,” but it wouldn’t be his last. Or the last time
he bungholed his partners. His Harvard buddy, Eduardo Saverin, off the ground by
putting up $15,000 to pay for the fledgling net­ work’s servers, and then formed an LLC with Zuckerberg
and cofounder Dustin Moskovitz to manage it. But it didn’t take long for Zuck to screw Saverin: He founded
another LLC in Delaware that bought the first LLC, then distributed shares in the new company, effectively
diluting Saverin’s shares to below 10%—a “dirty trick" he learned from Facebook’s new partner/ investor
Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal, mega-donor to Ted Cruz and one of Donald Trump’s biggest sup­ porters,
who argues that Social Security, Medicare and granting women the right to vote in 1920 were all blows to
democracy! More proof that Silicon Valley tech wizardry and asshole DNA go hand in hand.

Zuckerberg’s politics are murky, but it appears that Thiel has rubbed off on him. In 2013 he hosted a fund­
raiser for Chris Christie and launched the lobbying group, which funded ads promoting both the
notorious Keystone pipeline and oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. But it’s really
Zuckerberg’s role as chief mogul of the world’s most influential online medium that has come under
scrutiny. For determining how millions of people around the world get their news, form their beliefs and
opinions and engage with society, he is currently one of the most powerful men on the planet.

Facebook boasts over two billion active users worldwide, who have obsessively uploaded every detail
about their private lives for public consumption.

India leads the pack, with the U.S., Brazil and Indonesia next, in that order. Zuckerberg has promised to
protect their privacy with every new media acquisition or Facebook feature, then reneged on those vows
in order to monetize the traffic. In 2009, without any warning, he began making public users’ Friends lists,
which were originally set to private. He promised that private data would not be shared with advertisers
or third-party apps and then did exactly that. If pissed- off users deactivated or deleted their accounts,
they were told their photos and videos would be inaccessible—another bald-faced lie.

In 2007 he allowed the new social advertising program Beacon to publish people’s recent purchases and
games played on their News Feed, until a storm of protests forced him to back- track. Then in 2016
WhatsApp, a messenger app owned by Facebook, announced it would begin sharing names and phone
numbers with its parent company. This prompted a lawsuit from a German consumer watchdog and a
federal com- plaint claiming Facebook violated an agreement with the FTC in 2012 to stop these blatant

All of this is consistent with the crapfest of cons he perpetrated in founding the company. The FTC may
need a special division to keep up with Zuckerberg’s chronic violations. It’s clear by now that the man is a
serial liar who has zero respect for all the “dumb fucks" he continues to lure onto his site. Still, he
maintains that Facebook is a great boon to humanity.

A growing body of evidence suggests otherwise. A 2015 study by the Journal of Social and Clinical
Psychology found that obsessive Facebook users suffer from more depressive symptoms, fueling social
discord. Then there are all the stupid criminals and psychopaths who have live- streamed their heinous
acts on Facebook, including bur- glary, rape, torture and child abuse. Some of these idiots were actually
shocked when the police showed up at their door—they just couldn’t resist the temptation of instant fame
on the King Kong of social networks.

Facebook was instrumental in helping activists organize the Arab Spring protests, which seemed like a
good thing—until the oppressive authorities used those same accounts to crackdown on dissidents. For
monitoring citizens’ beliefs, whereabouts, activities and social connections, the old East German Stasi and
Soviet KGB could never have dreamed up a more thorough tool for surveillance. Recently Facebook has
been used to organize deadly attacks by Palestinian radicals on Israeli citizens, ethnic cleansing in
Myanmar, and violent mobs in India reacting to a fake news message on WhatsApp.

Facebook’s “filter bubbles” feed users more of the news articles, fake or true, that Facebook determines
they’re interested in, whether it’s anti-Semitic rants, fucked-up conspiracy theories or other crazy batshit.

But perhaps Zuckerberg’s worst crime of all was his allowance of 80,000 “fake news” Facebook posts by
Russian actors during the 2016 election campaign, all designed to throw the election to Trump.
Considering that an astounding 45% of Americans get most or all of their news via Facebook, there’s no
way in hell this influence was a “crazy idea,” as Zuckerberg claimed. He knew it was happening, but
claimed no responsibility whatsoever, stating that Facebook was merely a platform, until it was much too
late and Generalissimo Trump was installed in the White House.

Stoking political polarization, violence, paranoia and criminal acts has become Facebook’s forte—all of
little consequence to Zuckerberg as long as his massive fortune continues to bloat. For all of this, he ranks
as one of the biggest Assholes on planet Earth. Our suggestion to Facebook addicts: Stop enabling him
and withdraw now! Your health and the health of society will be so much better for it.

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