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Table of Contents

MATHEMATICS ................................................................................................................................... 2
NLSIU ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1988................................................................................................................................................. 2
1989................................................................................................................................................. 4
1990................................................................................................................................................. 5
1992................................................................................................................................................. 6
1993................................................................................................................................................. 8
1994................................................................................................................................................. 9
1995............................................................................................................................................... 12
1996............................................................................................................................................... 14
1997............................................................................................................................................... 17
1998............................................................................................................................................... 18
1999............................................................................................................................................... 20
2000............................................................................................................................................... 21
2001............................................................................................................................................... 24
2002............................................................................................................................................... 26
2003............................................................................................................................................... 30
2004............................................................................................................................................... 31
2005............................................................................................................................................... 33
2006............................................................................................................................................... 35
2007............................................................................................................................................... 36
NALSAR.............................................................................................................................................. 38
2003............................................................................................................................................... 39
2004............................................................................................................................................... 39
2005............................................................................................................................................... 39
2006............................................................................................................................................... 40
2007............................................................................................................................................... 42
CLAT .................................................................................................................................................. 44
2008............................................................................................................................................... 44
2009............................................................................................................................................... 46
2010............................................................................................................................................... 49
2011............................................................................................................................................... 50
2012............................................................................................................................................... 54
2013............................................................................................................................................... 56
2014............................................................................................................................................... 60
2015............................................................................................................................................... 63
2016............................................................................................................................................... 66
NUJS .................................................................................................................................................. 69
2000............................................................................................................................................... 69
2001............................................................................................................................................... 70
2002............................................................................................................................................... 71
2004............................................................................................................................................... 72
2005............................................................................................................................................... 74
2006............................................................................................................................................... 76
2007............................................................................................................................................... 79
NLU-D ................................................................................................................................................ 81
2008............................................................................................................................................... 81
2009............................................................................................................................................... 83
2010............................................................................................................................................... 85
2011............................................................................................................................................... 87
2012............................................................................................................................................... 88
2013............................................................................................................................................... 90
2014............................................................................................................................................... 92
2015............................................................................................................................................... 94
2016............................................................................................................................................... 96

Question number Correct answer
1 (c) 1
Solution 1:- (3+5) / 8 = 1
2 (c) 5
Solution 2:- (7+8)/3 = 5
3 (d) 18
Solution 3:- (9-3)*3 =18
4 (b) 49
Solution 4 :- (3+4) * 7 = 49
5 (a) 50 cm
Solution 5:- Let the total length = 15m = 1500 cm
Length of segments = 30 cm

Number of pieces =
1500 cm / 30 cm = 50
6 (e) 500
Solution 6:- 0.5/100 * 1,00,000 = 0.5 * 1000 = 500
7 (b) Rs. 7500
Solution 7:-
Let total salary = TS
Income = 150 + (total salary) * .06
600 = 150 + (TS) * 0.6
TS = 7500
8 (b) 81
Solution 8 :- Given series is increasing powers of 3. i.e. (3^0, 3^1,
3^2, 3^3)
Next number = 3^4 = 81
9 (a) 8
Solution 9:- Difference is of 5,4,3,2
So next difference = 1
Next term = 9-1 = 8
10 (d) 16
Solution 10 :- Letters are coded as their position in the alphabet
Position of P = 16.
11 (d) 256
Solution 11 :- 2,4,16,X
Succeeding term is the square of the term preceding it. So next term
=16^2 =256.
12 (c) T
Solution 12:- Difference between the positions of the terms is of 3.
Next term = T
Schedule VIII- 3 (b) decreases by 1%
Solution 3:- Let the number be 100.
Number after being increased by 10 % = 100 +10% of 100 = 100
+10 =110
Now reducing the number by 10% we have, 110 – 10% of 110 =
110 -11 = 99
So original number got reduced by (110-99)/100 * 100 = 1%.
Schedule VIII- 4 (b) 33 1/3%
Solution 4:- By Selling 3 articles for cost price of 4 , we have saved
1 article and that is basically the profit earned, on selling 3 articles.
P% = articles free/ articles sold *100
P% = 1/3 *100 = 33 1/3 %.
Alternate method:-
Let the CP of three articles = 12 Rs
CP per article = 12/4 = 3 rs
SP of 3 articles = 12 Rs
SP of 1 article = 12/3 = 4 Rs
Profit % = (4-3)/3 * 100
= 33 1/3 %
Schedule VIII- 5 (c) 5%
Solution 5:- Money doubles means an interest of 100% is gained.

In 20 years interest received = 100%
In 1 year interest received =100/ 20 = 5%

Question number Correct answer
1 (c) 45 cm
Solution 1:- Let the normal rainfall = X,
Then 80 % of X =36
X= 45 cm.
2 (b) 144, 80
Solution 2:- Let the numbers be 9x and 5X resp.
Then 9x+5x = 14x = 224
X= 16
So the numbers are 9x = 9*16 =144
And 5x = 5* 16 = 80.
3 (d) 20%
Solution 3:- Initial cost of Scooter = 5000 Rs
Brokerage paid to agent = 4% of 5000 = 200 Rs
Expenditure on Repair = 300 Rs
Total cost of scooter = 5000 +200 +300 = 5500 Rs.
SP = 6650 Rs
Gain = 6650- 5500 = 1150 Rs
Gain % = 1150/ 5500 * 100
= 20.90%
4 (b) 9989
Solution 4 :- Highest 4 digit number = 9999
Smallest 2 digit number = 10
Difference = 9999- 10 = 9989
5 (b) 9
Solution 5:- Average of 5,7,9,11,13
= (5+7+9+11+13) /5 = 9
6 (d) 5 days
Solution 6:- Let he worked for X days and was absent on (20-X)
Therefore, 20*X + (20-X)* (-5) = 275
20X -100 +5X = 275
25X =375
X= 15 days
So he was absent for = 20-15 = 5 days.
7 (b) 120
Solution 7:- Let the number = X
Then as per the data given in the question we have,
(X/2 +X/3 +X/4) – X = 10
X= 120
8 (b) 279
Solution 8:- Let the number = X
Then,1/3*1/3*X =31
X= 31*3*3 = 279
9 (c) 50

Solution 9:- Husband and wife , so 2 members.
8 married sons = 8*2 = 16 members
Total children = 8*4 = 32
Total members in the family = 2+16+32 = 50
10 (b) 1 minute
Solution 10 :- All the three bells will toll together after time = LCM
(3,4,5) = 60 sec
= 1 minute.

Question number Correct answer
1 (a) Rs.15
Solution 1:- Let the price of the article = x Rs
Then, 2/3 *X = 1/3 * 30
X=15 Rs
2 (b) Rs.36
Solution 2:-Let the CP of the table = X rs,Then
X - 20 % of X = 144
Or X = 180 Rs
Loss = 180- 144 = 36 Rs.
3 (c) Rs.20
Solution 3:- SI for 2 years at a rate of 10 % per anumm = 2*10 =
CI for 2 years at a rate of 10 % per anumm = 10+10+ 10*10/100 =
Difference = 1% of P
= 1% of 2000
= 20 Rs.
4 (b) Rs.38.64
Solution 4 :- P = 420 Rs
T = 2 years
R1 = 4%
R2 = 5%
A= P(1+R1/100)(1+R2/100)
= 420 * 104/100 *105 /100
= 458.64 Rs
Interest = A-P
= 458.64- 420 =38.64 Rs
5 (a) 67,100
Solution 5:- Foreigners = 2/9 * 94500 = 21000
Immigrants = 6400
Natives = 94500 –(21000+6400)= 67100
6 (c) 625 m
Solution 6:-
1 km = 1000 m
5/8 * 1000 m = 625 m
7 (b) Rs.128
Solution 7:- Total Selling price of 8 Bicycles = 8*135 = 1080 Rs
Total Selling price of 7 Bicycles = 7*120 = 840 Rs

Average price of each bicycle = (1080+840)/(8+7)
=128 Rs.
8 (d) 20 minutes
Solution 8:- Walking together won’t reduce the time required by
them to reach the bus stand. They will take the same time i.e. 20
minutes to reach the bus stand.
9 (b) Rs.30
Solution 9:- Let B receives X rs as remuneration for his work
Total amount to be distributed among them = 150+150 = 300 Rs
Ratio of investment of A and B = 3:2
So B would have received 2/5 * 300 = 120 Rs
Amount actually received by B = 150
Amount receives as a part of his Remuneration = 150-120 = 30 Rs
10 (b) 3 hours 16 minutes
Solution 10 :-
Gain of time in 1st clock = 2 min per hour
Gain of time in 2nd clock = 1 min per hour
Time elapsed between 10 AM on Friday to 2 PM on Monday =
24+24+24+4 = 76 Hours
Time showed by the
Actual Time clock
60 min 61 min
76 hours X hours

60 /76 = 61 /X

On Solving, X = 77.26 Hours

Or 3 days ,5 hours and 16 minutes
So time = 3 :16


Question number Correct answer

1 (b) 1/3
Solution 1:- Increment in Price = 50 % =1/2
Now as Price * Quantity = Total Expenditure
Since quantity and price are inversely proportional therefore Quantity
must decrease by 1/3.

Alternate method :-
Let the Price per kg = 100 Rs
Quantity purchased initially = 100 Kg
Total expenditure = 10000 Rs
New Price = 150 % of 100 = 150 rs
Total expenditure = 10000
New quantity = 10000 / 150 = 66.66
Decrease in quantity = 33.33 %

2 (b) 750
Solution 2: Let the total male population in 1985 = M
Female population in 1985 = F
10 % of M = 6 % of F
M:F = 3:5
So number of males in year 1985 = 3/8 * 2000 = 750.
3 (b) Rs.900
Solution 3 :- SP of Sofa Set = 90 % of 1100 = 990
Now , SP = 110% of CP as there is a profit of 10 % .
Therefore, 110 % of CP = 990
CP =900 Rs.
4 (a) 30 years, 50 years
Solution 4:- Let the present age of Ram = R and that of Shyam = S
R - 10 : S- 10 = 3 : 5 -------(1)
R:S =3:5 -------(2)
On solving the above equations, we have
R= 30 and S = 50 years
5 (b) 33 1/3 %
Solution 5:-
P% = article free / articles sold *100
P% = 1/3 *100 = 33 1/3 %.
Alternate method :--

Let the CP of three articles = 12 Rs

CP per article = 12/4 = 3 rs
SP of 3 articles = 12 Rs
SP of 1 article = 12/3 = 4 Rs
Profit % = (4-3)/3 * 100
= 33 1/3 %
6 (c) 5%
Solution 6:- Money becoming doubles means interest gained is 100%.
In 20 years , interest gained = 100%
In 1 year , = 100 /20 =5%.
7 (answer)
Solution 7:- Using the concept of men*time /work = constant
8 (c) 16 2/3%
Solution 8:- Let the salary of B = 100 Rs
Salary of A = 120 Rs
Therefore B earns less than A = 20/120 *100 = 16.66%.

Alternate method:-
A is 20 % = 1/5 More than B
So B is 1/6 i.e. 16.66 % less than A.
9 (a) 60 hours
Solution 9:- Let the total work = 30 units
Father works = 60/30 =2 units per hour
Together they do = 60/20 = 3 units per hour

That means that efficiency of son = 1 unit per hour
Working alone, son will complete the work in = 60/1 = 60 hours
10 Option (a) and (c) are same
Solution 10:- Number of days he worked = X
Number of days he was absent = 6 –X
= 6- X days
His earnings = m*X - (6-X) n
= (m+n)X -6n


Question number Correct answer

1 (b) 30 days
Solution 1:- Using the formula M*T/W = constant ,
20*60 /40 = 10 *D/10
D = 30 days
2 (a) 60 years
Solution 2:- A=2/3 B
A’s present age = 45-5 = 40 years
B’s present age = 40*3/2 = 60 Years
3 (a) 11 years
Solution 3:- A =2B – 2
A= 20 ,
B= 20+2 / 2 = 11 years
4 (b) 48%
Solution 4:- SP = 152% of CP
75 = 152 /100 * CP
CP = 50 Rs
On selling the article at 74 Rs
Gain = 74-50 = 24 Rs
Gain % = 24/50 *100 = 48%.
5 (d) 11 1/9%
Solution 5:- Decrement in Salary = 10 % = 1/10
Corresponding increment must be of 1/9 = 11 1/9 %
6 (b) Re.1
Solution 6 :- SI for 2 years @ 5% per anumm = 2*5 = 10%
CI for 2 years @ 5% per anumm= 5+ 5+ 5*5/100 = 10.25 %
Difference = 10.25-10 = 0.25 % of 400
= 1 Rs.
7 (c)8%
Solution 7:- Since SI is same for all the years also CI and SI are equal
for 1st year . Therefore we can say that we have gained extra 2 rs
because of 25 additional Rs counted as principal.
Year SI CI
1 25 25
2 25 27
So,Rate of interest
I = 2/25 *100 = 8%.

8 (c) Rs.15350
Solution 8:- Interest to be paid at the end of 1st year = 10% of 50000 =
5000 Rs.
Amount paid = 21500
Amount remaining = (50000+5000 – 21500)
= 33500
Interest to be paid at the end of 2nd year = 10% of 33500 = 3350 Rs
Amount paid = 21500
Amount remaining = (33500+3350 -21500) = 15350 Rs.
9 (a) 402.50, 805, 241.50
Solution 9:- A:B:C
1 1 1
: :
= 6 3 10

Multiplying by 30

Share of A = 5/18 * 1449 = 402.50

Share of B = 10/18* 1449 = 805
Share of C = 3/18 * 1449 = 241.50 .
10 (b) 3 hours 16 minutes
Solution 10:- Failed in mathematics = n(A) = 50%
Failed in English = n(B) = 40%
Failed in both = n(A∩B) = 26%
n(AᴜB) = Failed in either Subject
Using the below formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
n(AᴜB)= 50+40-26 = 64%
Passed in both the subjects = 100- 64 = 36 %


Question number Correct answer

1 (b) Rs. 300
Solution 1:-
Let the money with A = A rs
Money with B = B rs
Money with C = C rs then,

A= 3B - - - - - - -(1)
A= C+25 - - - - - -(2)
A+B+C = 675 - - - - - - -(3)
From (1) , (2) and (3),
A + A/3 + A- 25 = 675
On solving,
A= 300.
2 (c) Rs. 2

Solution 2:- 2 Men = 5 Boys
2 Women = 3Boys

Now, 6 M+12 W+17 B = 100

6*(5/2) B + 12* (3/2) B + 17 B = 100
50 B = 100
B= 2 Rs.
3 (c) 12.21%
Solution 3:- Amount accumulated in 5 years =
A= 100 (1+10/100)^5
= 161.051
Interest received = 161.051 – 100 = 61.051

To get this much SI in 5 years,

SI received per year = 161.051/5 = 12.21 %
Rate of interest = 12.21 /100 *100 = 12.21%.
4 (a) 24 hours
Solution 4:- Let the total capacity of the tank = 120 litres
A fills = 120/10 = 12 litres per hour
B fills = 120/15 = 8 litres per hour
C empties = 120/8 = 15 litres per hour

If all the three pipes work together , the amount of water filled in 1
hour = (12+8) -15 = 5litres
To fill the tank completely, time req = 120 /5 = 24 Hours.
5 (a) Rs. 200
Solution 5:- Rate of Tax = 6%
Let the total income of man = X
94% of X =9400
X =10000
If tax is reduced by 2 %
New rate of tax = 6-2 = 4%
Tax in Rs = 4% of 10000 = 400 Rs
Increase in income = 9600-9400 = 200 Rs
6 (b) Rs. 2400
Solution 6:-
Let his income = X
66 2/3 % of X = 50 % of (X+800)
X= 2400 Rs
7 (a) 50 years
Solution 6:-
Let his income = X
66 2/3 % of X = 50 % of (X+800)
X= 2400 Rs
8 (c) Loss of Rs. 2
Solution 8:- Whenever 2 articles are sold at same SP, one at a loss of
X% and the other one at a profit of X% then there is always Overall
loss in such transactions given by

L =(X/10)^2%
therefore Loss in the above mentioned cases = L = (5/10)^2 %
= 0.25 % loss
Total SP = 399*2 = 798 Rs
L= 0.25%
99.75 % of CP = 798
CP =800 Rs
Loss = 800- 798 = 2 Rs.
9 (b) 20
Solution 9:- Ways for going from A to B = 4
Ways of going from B to C = 5
Ways of going from A to C Via B = 4*5 = 20.
10 (a) 88
Solution 10:- Total number of Advocates, P(A u B u C) = 400
Number of advocates who joined services P(A) = 112
Number of advocates who took up practice P(B) = 120
Number of advocates who Joined firms P(C) = 160
Joined the service, and also practicedP(A n B) = 32
Joined assistantship and also practiced P(B n C) = 40
Joined assistantship and also practiced , P(A n C) = 20
Who did all three P(A n B n C) = 12

P(A u B u C) = P(A) + P(B) + P(C) – P(A n B) – P(A n C) – P(B n C)

+ P(A n B n C)
= 112+120+160 – 32-40-20 + 12
= 312
Who did nothing = 400 – 312 = 88
11 (b) 960
Solution 11:- Selection of 3 bowlers can be done in = 4C3 = 4 ways
Selection of 1 Wicketkeeper can be done in = 2c1 = 2 ways
Now 4 players are already selected, we need to select 7 additional
players each of whom must be a batsman , the same can be done in =
10C7 ways = 120 ways
So total ways of selecting the team = 4 * 2 * 120 = 960 ways.
12 (d) None of the above
Solution 12:- Let Cp = X
P = X% of CP
= X% of X
SP = 56
X + X% of X = 56
X =40 Rs.
13 (a) 64
Solution 13:- Let the numbers be X and X+1, then
X/4 – (X+1)/5 = 3
X= 64.
14 (a) 2880
Solution 14:- As we do not want the boys to sit together, we will first
arrange the girls
5 Girls can be arranged around a circular table in = (5-1)! = 24 ways

Now we have 5 spaces (alternate spaces between girls)and 5 Boys to
sit on them, which can be done in 5! = 120 ways
So total no of ways = 24*120 = 2880 ways.
15 (a) 1400
Solution 15:- Let the CP of Horse = H Rs
And that of Cow = C rs
125% of H + 110 % of C = 3040
110% of H + 125 % of C = 3070
On solving we have,
H = 1200
C = 1400.

Question number Correct answer
1 (b) Rs. 3200
Solution 1:- Let the Stock be of X rs.
Brokerage = 1/8% of 2X = 8 ( as Brokerage is calculated on
Buying as well as Selling)
X = 3200 Rs.
2 (b) 7 ½ days
Solution 2:- Let the total work =60 Units
Work done by A per day = 60/12 = 5 units
Work done by B per day = 60/20 = 3 units
Working together they will complete = 5+3 = 8 units per day
Time req to complete the work =60 /8 = 7.5 days
3 (e) None of these
Solution 3:- In half an hour the first train will cover = 60* ½ = 30
Now from 9.00 a.m. both the trains will be moving in same
Distance to be covered = 30 Km
Relative speed = 70 -60 = 10 kmph
Time req. to meet = 30/10 = 3 hrs
So from Bangalore ,the trains will meet at an distance of = 3 * 70 =
210 Km.
4 (b) 19
Solution 4:- Let the total correct ans be C and the wrong ans be W
Then ,
C+W =25 - - - - -(1)
4C + W(-1) = 70 - - - - - -(2)
From (1) and (2),
C= 19 .
5 (a) 49
Solution 5:- Let the side of original square = a units, then
(a-3)(a+3) = 40
a= 7

Area of original square = 7*7 = 49 units.
6 1
(a) 23 days
Solution 6:- Let the total work = 25 *20 = 500 units
Work completed in 1st ten days = 25 *10 =250 Units
Remaining work = 500-250 = 250 units
Work completed in next 10 days = 20*10 = 200 units
Remaining work = 250-200 = 50 Units
Now time req to complete these 50 units = 15 *X = 50
X = 50/15 or 10/3 days
Total time = 10+ 10+ 10/3
= 23 1/3 days.
7 (b) 20%
Solution 7:- Price of watch = 250 Rs
Down payment = 100 Rs
Amount remaining = 150 Rs
Amount paid after 6 months = 165 Rs
Interest paid = 165 -150 = 15 Rs
Rate of interest for 6 months = 15/150*100 = 20%
Rate of interest per year = 10*2 = 20%.
8 (b) 50%
If 20% of discount is given , SP = 80% of MP
Also 20% profit is earned, SP = 120% of CP
80% of MP = 120% of CP
MP/CP = 3/2
Therefore he has mark up the price by = ½ * 100 = 50%.
9 (c) 12 m
Solution 9:- Area of 4 walls = 2h(l+b)
2 *9 (l+8) = 360
L =12 m.
10 (a) 11 m
Solution 10 :- The length of the wire will remain constant
irrespective of its shape,
Circumference of the circle = perimeter of the square
2*Pi*r = 4 a
2* 22/7 * 7 = 4 *a
A = 11m.
11 (d) 10 km./hr.
Solution 11:- Let the speed of boat = X
Speed of stream = 2 kmph
Speed upstream = X-2 kmph
Speed downstream = x+2 kmph
D/ (X-2) = 6

D/(X+2) = 4
We get,
D= 48 km
X= 10kmph.

12 (d) 25 km.
Solution 12:- Let his normal speed = S kmph
Normal time to reach the office = T hr
Distance of office = D km
S*T =D ------(1)
20 (T+ 20/60 ) = D --------------(2)
50 (T – 25/60) =D ---------------(3)
From (1),(2) and (3),
D= 25Km
13 (b) 5000
Solution 13:- Students passed in both the papers = n(A∩B)
Students passed in paper 1 = n(A) = 59.2 %
Students Passed in paper 2 = n(B) = 65.8%
Using the formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
(59.2 + 65.8 ) -100 = 25%
25 % of 20000 = 5000 Students.
14 (a) 25,000
Solution 14:-Let the total voters = X
Number of people who casted their votes = 64% of X
Number of votes polled in favor of winning candidate = 56% of
64% of X
Number of votes polled in favor of Losing candidate = 44% of 64%
of X
Difference in votes = 56% of 64% of X - 44% of 64% of X = 1920
X = 25000
15 (a) Loss of Rs.2
Whenever 2 articles are sold at same SP, one at a loss of X% and
the other one at a profit of X% then there is always Overall loss in
such transactions given by
L =(X/10)^2%

Net loss = (x/10)^2 %

= (10/10)^2 %
= 1 % loss

Total SP = 99*2 = 198 Rs

99% of CP = 198 Rs
CP = 200 RS
Loss = 200- 198 = 2 Rs.


Question number Correct answer

1 (b) 75 k.g.
Solution 1:- A+B+C = 84 *3 = 252
A+B+C+D = 80* 4 = 320

D= 320 -252 = 68
E = 68 +3 = 71

B+C+D+E = 79*4 = 316

B+C+ 68+71 = 316
B+C = 177
A+B+C = 252
A+ 177 = 252
A = 75.
2 (a) 20%
Solution 2:- Price * Quantity = Expenditure
Let the price per kg = 10 Rs
Quantity purchased = 10Kg
Expenditure = 100 Rs

New price = 12.5 Rs

Total Expenditure = 100 Rs
Quantity = 100/12.5 = 8 Ks
Therefore the quantity decerases by 20%

Alternate method:-
Price is increased by 25 % i.e. ¼ , so as to keep the Expenditure
same the family should reduce the consumption by 1/5 = 20 %.
3 (c) 37,500
Solution 3:- Let the total number of Valid Votes = X
Votes received by Losing candidate = 30% of X
Votes received by Winning candidate = 70% of X
Difference in votes = 40 % of X = 15000
X = 37500.
4 (a) 60
Solution 4:- S= D/T
S = 250/ 15 m/s
=( 250/ 15)* (18/5) kmph
= 60 kmph
5 (a) Rs 4000
Solution 5:- Let his salary = X rs
Amount deposited in Fixed Deposit = 15% of X
Remaining amount = 85 % of X
Amount spent on Groceries = 30 % of 85 % of X
Amount remaining = 70 % of 85% of X = 2380
X = 4000 Rs.
6 (b) 40%
Solution 6:- Let the passing marks = X

Total marks = T
25 % of T + 30 = X
50% of T – 20 = X
X= 80

T = 200
X= 40 % of T .
7 (c) 33
Solution 7:-
Let the original price = 100Rs
When decreased by 25 % new price = 100 -25% of 100 = 75 Rs
To restore the price to its original value, increment to be done =
25/75 *100 = 33 1/3 %
Alternate method :-
Reduction in Price = 25 % = ¼
Corresponding increment so as to restore the price to its original
value = 1/3 = 33 1/3 %.
8 (c) 3 : 1
Solution 8:- Area of Square = (Side)^2
A1:A2 = (Side1)^2: (Side2)^2 = 9:1
Side 1: Side 2 =3:1
Therefore, Ratio of perimeter =4*A1/ 4A2
9 (c) 5%
Solution 9:- 10 Rs are extra earned in 3rd year due to the inclusion
of 200 Rs in the principal amount.
Rate of interest = 10/200 * 100 = 5%.
10 (a) Rs. 400
Solution 10:- Total interest @ of 4% per annum for 3 years = 12%
of Principal
12 % of Principal = 48
Principal = 400 Rs.
11 (c) 16 2/3%
Solution 11:- Sum of money becomes three time in 12 years .
This means that the interest gained is 200 % of the principal
Interest gained in 12 years = 200 %
Interest gained per year = 200 /12 = 16 2/3 %.
12 (c) 12 minutes
Solution 12:- Let the total capacity of the tank = 60 Liters
Pipe A fills = 60/30 = 2 liters per minute
Pipe B fills = 60/20 = 3 liters per minute
Together they will fill = 3+2 = 5 liters per minute
Time req to fill the tank completely = 60/ 5 = 12 minutes.
13 (a) 400 meters
Solution 13:- Total distance to be travelled = Length of Train +
Length of Bridge
= 100 +X
Speed = 60 kmph = 60*5/18 m/s
T = 30 Sec
S*T =D
300/18 * 30 = 100 +X
X= 400 m.

14 (a) 5 minutes
Solution 14:- In first hour ,
Water filled = (20-5) * 60 = 900 Litres
Now, the outlet pipe is shut off and time req by inlet pipe to fill
1000- 900 = 100 Litres = 100/ 20 = 5 minutes
15 (c) 13 meters
Solution 15:- The ladder form an right angled triangle with the
Distance on ground = Base of triangle
Height of wall = Perpendicular,
So applying the Pythagoras theorem,
X^2 = (12)^2 + (5)^2
X= 13 m.

Question number Correct answer
1 (d) 540
Solution 1:- Passed in Criminal law n(A) = 85%
Passed in Contracts n(B) = 65 %
Passed in both the subjects = n(A∩B) = X

Passed in Either of the subject n(AᴜB) =85%

Using the below formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
85% =70% -X + X +65 % -X
X= 50 %
There are 50% students who passed in both the subjects,
50% of total students =270
Total students =540.
2 (c) Rs. 250
Solution 2:- Profit sharing ratio of Sita and Geeta = 3000* 4 : 2000
So 500 must be equally divided between Sita and Geeta.
Share of Sita = ½ *500 = 250 Rs.
3 (b) 55
Solution 3:- Using the formula, M*T /W = constant
45 * 200 /4.5 = X * 150/7.5
X= 100.
So extra men to be employed = 100-45 =55.
4 (d) 10%
Solution 4:- Let the rate which he charged to Z = X%
total Interest = 3% of 500 + 4% of 750 + X% of 750 = 6% of 2000
solving for X, we have X= 10%
5 (c) 40
Solution 5:- Let the marks obtained by him in Taxation law = X
In international Law = Y

Y/3 =X
X+Y = 160
On solving the two equations,
X = 40.
6 (a) Rs. 4200
Solution 6:- Rent paid must be directly proportional to the number
of hours the bus is used by them,
Therefore, ratio of rent paid by
Gopal : Naval :Nagraj
= 12:6:10
Rent paid by Gopal = 12/28 * 9800 =4200 Rs.
7 (b) Rs. 57,800
Solution 7:- Money received = 2,65,400
Money given to wife = 92000
Money left = 1,73,400
Money received by Reena = 2/6 * 173400 = 57800.
8 (b) 1200
Solution 8:- Let total apples = X
Bad apples = 13% of X
Good Apples = 87 % of X
Apples sold = 75% of 87% of X
Apples remaining = 25% of 87% of X = 261
X =1200.
9 (c) 32 sq. m.
Solution 9:- Area of room =L*B = 7*5.6 = 39.2 m^2
Area left without carpet= 2 *0.3 (L+B)
0.3 * 7 + 0.3 * 7 + 0.3 * 5 + 0.3 * 5 = 7.2

Area Carpeted = 39.2-7.2 = 32 m^2.

10 (a) 17 and 1 days
Solution 10 :- Let the total work = 40 units
Efficiency of Laxman = 40/40 = 1 unit per day
Work completed by Laxman in 8 days = 8*1 = 8 units
Chandrakant completes the remaining work in 24 days , therefore
efficiency of Chandrakant = 32/24 = 4/3 units per day
If they work together, in 1 day they will complete = 1+ 4/3 = 7/3
Time req to complete the work = 40/ (7/3) = 120/7
= 17 1/7 days.


Question number Correct answer

1 (c) 6 : 8 : 9
Solution 1 :- A:B = 3:4 or 6:8
B:C = 8:9

2 (b) 16 and 24
Solution 2:- Let the numbers be 2x and 3x resp,
2x+8 /3x+8 = 3 :4
On solving x= 8
Therefore numbers are 2x = 16 and 3x = 24
3 (a) 800
Solution 3:- Let total money = X
After losing 12.5 %, Money left = 87.5% of X
Money spent = 70 % of 87.5% of X
Money remaining = 30 % of 87.5% of X
210 = 30 % of 87.5% of X
X= 800 Rs.
4 (a) 400
Solution 4:- Increase in price by 16 rs makes an additional profit of
4%. Therefore,
4 % of CP = 16
CP = 400 rs.
5 (b) 25
Solution 5:- Let the total work = 30 units
Work done by A in 1 day = 30/10 = 3 units
Work done by B in 1 day = 30/15 = 2 units
Work done by A in 5 days = 5 *3 = 15 units
Work done by B in 5 days = 5 *2 = 10 units
C completes the remaining work = 5 units
Amount received by them will be same as the ratio of work done by
A:B:C = 15:10:5
Or 3:2:1
Amount received by C = 1/ 6 * 150 = 25 Rs.
6 (c) 36
Solution 6:- Let the total work = 60 units
Working together, Work done by A and B per day = 60/20 = 3
Working together, Work done by C and B per day = 60/30 = 2

A+B = 3
B+C = 2
10A + 15B + 17 C = 60
10(A+B) + 5(B+C) +12 C =60
30+ 10 + 12C =60
C= 5/3units per day
Working alone, time req by C to complete the work = 60 /(5/3) =
36 days
7 (c) 300
Solution 7:- Let the number = X

75% of X + 75 = X
X =300.
8 (a) 16 minutes 42 seconds
Solution 8:- Distance climbed by Monkey in 2 minutes = 10 – 3 =
Time req by monkey to reach 56 m = 56/7 * 2 = 16 minutes
Now in the next minutes monkey can climb 10 m.
Distance left to be climbed = 7m
Time taken by monkey to climb 7m = 7/ 10 *60 = 42 minutes
So total time req by the monkey to climb 63 m = 16 minutes and 42
9 (b) 2 k.m.
Solution 9:- Let the original speed of the train = 3 Kmph
By increasing the speed by 1/3 , Time must decrease by ¼

T/4 = 4-(-6)
T= 40 minutes
D= S*T
= 3 * 40/60 = 2 Km
10 (c) 5 A.M.
Solution 10 :- Distance covered by the first train till 11 AM = 36 *
6 = 216 Km
Distance to be covered = 216 km
Relative speed = 48-36 = 12 kmph
Time req = 216/12 = 18 hours.
Time of meeting = 11AM +18 hours = 5AM


Question number Correct answer

1 (d) 400
Solution 1:- Let the total students = X
Then teachers = X/20
Total books = X/20 * 350 = 7000
X= 400.
2 (c)
Solution 2:- We can have any number in the first throw, but in
second throw we cannot have the same number and are thus left
with 5 options, therefore,
1*5/6 = 5/6 .
3 (d) 16 %
Solution 3:- A is 20 % i.e. 1/5 times Faster than B then B is 1/6
time i.e. 16 2/3 times slower than A.
4 (c) 12%
Solution 4:- Principal = 50000
Amount = 92350

Interest = 92350- 50000 = 42350
Rate of Interest = (42350 * 100) /(50000 *7) = 12.1%
5 (b) 380 %
Solution 5:- Profit = 192000 – 40000
= 152000
P% = (152000*100)/40000 = 380%
6 (c) 68381.55
Solution 6:- Using formula of CI
A= P(1+R/100)^T
A= 50000 (1+11/100)^3
= 68381.55 Rs.
7 (b) Rs. 420
Solution 7:- Discount = 15%
SP = 85% of MP
357 = 85% of MP
MP = 357*100 / 85 = 420 Rs.
8 (c) Rs. 10000
Solution 8:- Salary of Director = 30000
Salary of Professor = 80 % of 30000 = 24000
Salary of associate professor = 60% of 30000 = 18000
Salary of Assistant Professor = 40% of 30000 = 12000
Salary of Lecturer = 12000 -2000 = 10000
9 (b) 25 minutes
Solution 9:-

Using the concept of M*T/W = constant

M1 *T1 = M2*T2
5* 1 = 12 *X
X= 5/12 hr
Or 25 minutes
10 (a) 5
Solution 10 :- Using the formula,
P(A u B u C) : P(A) + P(B) + P(C) – P(A n B) – P(A n C) – P(B n
C) + P(A n B n C)
We need to calculate X = P(A n B) + P(A n C) + P(B n C)
70 = 25 + 20 + 15 –X + 15


Question number Correct answer

1 (b) 40 years
Solution1 :- Let age of Arvind = A
Age of his father = F
A = ½ F -------(1)
(A-15) = 1/3 (F-15) -------------(2)
A =30
F =60
Age of Arvind after 10 years = 30+10 =40 Years.

2 (d) none of these
Solution 2:- Total number of numbers from 1 to 9 = 9
Number of Odd numbers from 1 to 9 = 5
P(all three odd nos) = 5/9 * 4 /8 * 3 / 7
= 5/42
3 (c) 3,
Solution 3:- Let the Capacity of Bucket = 40 litres
Tap A can fill it in 8 Minutes so it fills at a rate of 5 Litres per
Tap B can fill it in 5 Minutes so it fills at a rate of 8 Litres per
Working together they will fill = 5+8 = 13 litres per houe
Time req b ythem to fill the bucket = 40/13
= 3 1/13 Minutes
4 (a) Rs. 150/-
Solution 4:- Net increment /Decrement = a+b+a*b/100
A= -50 B = +100
-50 +100+ (-50)*100/100= 0
So there will not be any change in the price of the book. Hence the
original price of the book = 150 Rs.
5 (a) 30 minutes
Solution 5:- Capacity of the tank = Pi*r*r*h * 1.5
Capacity is directly proportional to the Square of the radius also
time req to fill the tank is inversely proportional to the radius of the
R1*T1 = R2* T2
1 * 1.5 = 3 * X
X = 0.5 hour = 30 minutes.
6 (c) 5 kms
Solution 6:- When lines are drawn on the path traversed by A, it
will form a right angled triangle.

Distance between final and initial position of A

D^2 = (3)^2 + (4)^2
D= 5 km.
7 (d) 30
Solution 7:- Let the numbers be X, 2x and 3X resp
Then X*2X*3X = 750
X^3 = 125
X= 5
So numbers are 5, 10 and 15.
Sum of numbers = 5+10+15 = 30
8 (b)
the distance
Solution 8:- To be at diametrically opposite positions they need to
at a distance equal to half the circumference of the circle and as
each of them is running with same speed they both need to cover ¼

of the distance. So option B.
9 (d) 48
Solution 9:- Students failed in Maths = n(A) = 30%
Students failed in English n(B) = 25%
Students failed in Both = n(AᴜB) = 15%
Using the formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + (n(B) – n(A∩B)
= 30 +25 -15 = 40%
40 % failed in atleast one of the two subjects.
Number of students who passed in both the subjects = 60% of 80 =
10 (b) 1
Solution 10:- Total cases = 6*6 =36
Favorable cases = (4,6) (5,5)(6,4) = 3
Probability = 3/36 = 1/12.
11 (b) 45
Solution 11:- Let number of Girls = X
Number of Boys = 5X
Total students = 6X
So total number of students has to be a multiple of 6.
Hence 45 can not be the total number of students.
12 (d) Rs. 4000
Solution 12:- Marked price = 5000
Discount = 4% of 5000 = 200 rs
SP = 5000 – 200 =4800 Rs
P = 20%
SP = 120% of CP
4800 = 120 % of CP
CP = 4000 Rs
13 (a) 8
Solution 13:- a+b+c+d = 16*4 = 64 ------(1)
(b+c+d)= 56 -------(2)
From (1) and (2),
14 (a) 325
Solution 14:-
1 digit numbers = 5
2 digit numbers = 5*4 =20
3 digit numbers = 5*4*3= 60
4 digit numbers = 5*4*3*2 =120
5 digit numbers = 5*4*3*2*1 = 120
Total = 120+120+60+20+5
= 325
15 (d) none of these
Solution 15:- Difference is increasing. 3,5,7 so the next number
must be 17+7 = 24.


Question number Correct answer

73 (a) 132 kms
Solution 73 :- Distance covered by 1st engine in 45 minutes = 48*
45/60 = 36 Km
Remaining distance between the 2 engines = 232-36 = 196 Km
Now as both the engines are moving towards each other, their
relative speed= 48 + 50 = 98 Kmph
D =196 Km
T = 196/98 = 2 hrs
So 1st engine has travlled for a total time = 2 hrs and 45 min = 2 ¾ =
11 /4 hrs
Distance from A = 48 * 11/4 = 132 Km
74 (c) Thursday
Solution 74 :- My Bday is on Wednesday.
Day on Holi = Wednesday
Next day after Holi = Thrusday.
75 (a) 15 days
Solution 75:- Let the work done by 1 men in 1 day = M
And the work done by 1 Boy in 1 day =B
Then ,
3 /M + 6/B =1/2
Also 1/M = 1/(B-5)
On solving, M =15 days.
76 (c) 10 kms
Solution 76:- Distance AB = 10 Km
BC = 5 Km
CD = 5 Km
DE = 15 Km
EF = 15 Km
Therefore distance between A and F = 10 Km.
77 (d) Sudhir
Solution 77 :- Person sitting opposite to Cauvery is Sudhir.

78 (c) 2
Solution 78 :- New Position of Anil = 7th from left hand.
Earlier position of Anil = 9th from Left hand
So position of Anil from Right hand = 10-9 +1 = 2.
79 (d) 4
Solution 79 :- Initial position :- Green Blue Red Black
After 1st re-arrangement :- Red Blue Green Black
After 2nd re-arrangement :- Red Black Green Blue

After 3rd re-arrangement :- Red Green Blue Black

Position of Black = 4th .

80 1
(b) 62 %
Solution 80 :- X = 80% of Y

= 4/5 Y
Y/2x * 100 = ?
Y/2X *100 = 5/8 *100 = 62.5 %
81 (c) 50 paise
Solution 81:- Price * Quantity = Expenditure
P is reduced by 20 % i.e. 1/5
Since expenditure is same, therefore
Quantity must have increased by ¼

Q/4 = 5
Q= 20
So initially the man was purchasing 20 Oranges for 10 rs.
Price per orange = 10/20 = 50 Paise.
82 (d) 0
Solution 82:- Total marks scored = 22*45 = 990
Total marks scored by 1st ten candidates = 10* 55 = 550
Total marks scored by last 11 candidates = 11 *40 = 440
Marks scores by 11th candidate = 990 –(550 +440) = 0.
83 (c) 3 minutes
Solution 83 :- Distance to be covered = 100 m
Relative speed = 10 -8 = 2kmph
= 2*5 /18 m/s
T = D/S
= (100 *18)/ (2*5)
= 180 sec
= 3 minutes.
84 (a) 20
Solution 84:- Let the number of questions he solved correctly = C
And questions which were wrong = W
C+W = 30
3C – 2W = 40
On Solving,
C= 20
85 (d) Vivek should pay Rs. 64 to Vijay
Solution 85:- Money spent by Vivek = 1000 – 576 = 424 Rs
Money spent by Vijay = 1000 – 448 = 552 Rs
Money spent by Babu = 1000 – 512 = 488 Rs
Total money spent = 1464
Each should contribute = 1464/3 = 488
Now as Babu has already contributed 488 Rs
So only Vivek needs to pay = 488-424 = 64 Rs to Vijay .
86 (c) 5 : 3

Solution 86:- Milk in the initial sol = 5/8 *20 = 12.5 litres
Water in the initial sol = 3/8 * 20 = 7.5 litres
When 4 litres are drawn,
Milk withdrawn = 5/8 * 4 = 2.5 litres
Water withdrawn = 3/8 *4 = 1.5 litres
Milk left in the container = 12.5 – 2.5 = 10 litres
Water left in the container = 7.5-1.5 =6 litres
Ratio of milk and water in the remaining mixture = 10:6
Or 5:3.
87 (a) 616
Solution 87:- Largest circle will be the one having its diameter equal
to the side length of the square
28 =D
R = 14cm
Area of Circle = 22/7 * 14 * 14
= 616 sq. cm.


Question number Correct answer

70 (c) 6
Solution 70 :- Using the concept of Men *Time / Work = constant
4*6/ 2*4 = 2* D/ 2
D= 6
Note :- 2 rooms means 2*4 walls.
71 (a) Circle
Solution 71:- 1. Area of circle = Pi * 2.5 * 2.5 = 19.625 cm^2
2. Area of square = side *side = 5*5 = 25 cm^2
3. Area of rectangle = L*B = 6*4 = 24 cm^2
4. Area of Triangle = ½ * base * height
= ½ * 8 * 6 = 24 cm^2
So Circle of diameter 5 cm has the largest area.
72 (d) 125%
Solution 72 :- Area of square = Side *side
Let the side initially be 10
Then area = 10*10 =100
When side is increased by 50 %, new side becomes = 15
New area = 15* 15 = 225
Increase in area = 125 /100 * 100 = 125%
73 (b) – 26
Solution 73:- 5X – 3Y =13
Multiplying the above equation by -2, we have
6Y – 10X = -26.
74 (d) None of the above
Solution 74:- (x + y)2 + 3(x + y) = 82
(x + y)2 + 3(x + y) – 82 = 0
We check by substituting the values of x and y from the options,
None of the option satisfies the value, hence none of the above.

75 (b) 80°
Solution 75 :- Let the angles be 2x, 3x and 4x resp
Then,2x+3x+4x = 180°
X =20°
So the angles are 2*20 = 40°
3*20 = 60°
4*20 = 80°
Greatest angle = 80°
76 (a) 2008
Solution 76:- Let the age of Ram in year 1990 = R and that of
Ashwin = A
R = 5A - - - - -(1)
(R+6) = 3 (A+6) - - - - - - - -(2)
From 1 and 2,
R = 30
As per our req,Let Ram be double the age of Ashwin X years after
R+ X = 2(A+ X)
30 +X = 2 (6+X)
X = 18
So in year 2008 Ram was twice as old as Ashwin.
77 (c) 29
Solution 77:- Factors of 290 = 2 * 5 * 29
So largest prime factor of 290 = 29
78 (d) Rs 495
Solution 78 :- In september and October he intends to visit library
thrice in a month.
So He should take a pass of three months to cover the months of
September and October and for rest 9 months he can pay 35 Rs per
So total charges = 180 + 35*9 = 495 Rs.
79 (c) 15
Solution 79 :- Total marks scored by Students in English = 50 *25 =
Total marks scored by top 20 Students = 20 * 40 = 800
Total marks scored by remaining 30 students = 1250-800 = 450
Average marks scored by remaining 30 students = 450/30 =15.
80 3 7
(c) :
10 10
Solution 80:- graduate employees = 30%
Non-graduate employees= 100 % -30 % = 70%
ratio between graduate employees and non-graduate employees = 30
% : 70 %
3 7
or 10 10
81 (a) 48
Solution 81 :- In 2000,

Lectures in law = 10
Lectures in social sciences =7
In 2001,
Lectures in law = x
Lectures in social sciences = 2x

Total lectures = 10+ 7+ x+ 2x = 17+3x

Total lectures in Social sciences = 7+ 2x
Total lectures in law = 10 + x
As pre the data given in the question,
7+2x = 60 % ( 17+ 3x)
X= 16.
Lectures in law extension in 2001 = 16
Total lectures in 2001 = 3X = 48.
82 (c) A set is a well defined collection of objects
83 (a) 2
Solution 83 :- If 5x + 10y = 50
5x – 5y = 20,
On subtracting the equations,
15Y = 30
84 (d) The average age of F and E is higher than the age of C
Solution 84 :- C > A > B

Cheking by options,
Using option A,B and C, we cannot find out who is the eldest
Now checking option D

The possible cases of arrangements are

FCE - - - - -(1)
CFE - - - - -(2)
FEC - - - - -(3)

Now it is given that the average of F and E is higher than C,

So, we can ignore 2 arrangement.
Now we are left with 2 possible arrangements,

FCE or FEC, in both the arragements F is the eldest.

85 (a) – 12
Solution 85:- Let a = 2x
B= 3x and c =4x,
Then ,
(3a+2b)/ (2c-3b) = (6x+ 6x)/(8x – 9x) = -12
86 (a) Rs. 350 and Rs. 150
Solution 86:- Let the cost of 1 chair = C rs
And that of 1 table = T rs

5T = 11C +100
9C+9T = 4500
From the above equations,
C= 150 rs
T = 350 rs.
87 No answer
Solution 87:- Distance covered by First train A in 5 minutes = 5/60*
60 = 5Km
Now train A is 5 km ahead of train B
To overtake train A , Distance that train B needs to cover = 5000+
120+150 = 5270 m = 5.27 km
Relative Speed= 90-60= 30kmph
Time taken in overtaking = 5.27/30 hr
Distance travelled by Train B in 5.27/30 hours = 5.27/30 *90 =
15.81 KM
95 (a) 18
Solution 95 :-
The numbers are 5,6 and 7.
Their sum = 5+6+7 = 18.
96 (a) a and b are equal
Solution 96 :- 4a = 0
a= 0
8b = 10* 0
hence a and b are equal.
97 (c) one
Solution 97:- There can be only 1 line which is parallel to a given
line and passing through a given point.
98 (b) 540
Solution 98 :- Let the total employees = 6X
Expected users = X
Bus users at present = 60
X = 150 % of 60
X= 90
Total employees = 6X = 6*90 = 540.
99 (c) 440 Cubic feet / min
Solution 99 :- T = 5 minutes
Let the water was poured at a rate of X cubic feet per minute,
Total water poured = volume of water filled in the tank
X * 5 = Pi * r*r*h
X*5 = 22/7 * 7*10*10
X= 440 cubic feet per minute.
102 (b) 10 cm
Solution 102 :- Area of Concentric circle = Area of Remaining part
of the circle
Pi *r*r = pi *(20-r) *(20-r)
r = 20-r
r =10 cm.


Question number Correct answer

101 (c) 500
Solution 101:- Let the total marks = X
Passing marks = 178 +22 = 200
40 % of X = 200
X= 500
102 (c) 5000
Solution 102:- Let the initial price of sofa = X
X – 12.5 % of X = 4375
87.5% of X = 4375
X = 5000.
103 (a) 525
Solution 103 : -Let the total income of Raman = X Rs
Expenditure on House rent = 30% of X
Remaining = 70% of X
Expenditure on Transport = ¼ of 70% of X
Remaining = ¾ of 70% of X
Expenditure on House rent = 30% of X = 300
X= 1000 Rs
Expenditure on food = ¾ of 70% of X
= ¾ * 70/100 * 1000
= 525 rs.
104 (b) profit of Rs. 1100
Solution 104 :- CP of House for Shyam = 110% of 10000 = 11000
When Shyam sells the plot to Ram at a loss of 10% then
CP of the house for Ram = 90 % of 11000 = 9900 Rs

Profit earned by Ram = 11000- 9900 = 1100 Rs.

105 (a) 20
Solution 105 :- Price * Quantity = Expenditure
Price is reduced by 20 % i.e. 1/5 and as Price is inversely
proportional to quantity , therefore
Quantity must increase by ¼ i.e. 25 %.

Q/4 = 2.5
Q= 10 Kg.
So original quantity purchased was 10 Kg.
Expenditure = 200 Rs
Price per Kg = 200 / 10 = 20 rs per Kg.
106 Answer not in options
Solution 106:- (A+B+C)/3 = 45
A+B+C= 135 Kg - - - - -(1)
(A+B)/2 = 40
A+B =80 Kg - - - - - - (2)
(B+C)/2 = 43
B+C = 86 Kg - - - - - - -(3)

Adding (2) and (3),
A+2B +C = 166 Kg
But A+B+C = 135 Kg
Therefore weight of B = 166- 135 = 31 Kg
107 (b) 65.7
Solution 107 :- Since the Distance covered by Raman is same in
both the directions,
So average speed of Raman = 2*a*b /(a+b)
= ( 2 * 84 * 54) /( 84+54)
= 65.7 Kmph.
108 (d) 4
Solution 108:- Speed of man in still water = 12 kmph
Let speed of stream = X kmph
Let the distance = D km
Time (up) = 2 Time (down)
D/ (12-X) = 2 D / (12+X)
X= 4 kmph
109 (b) 12.5%
Solution 109 :- Money becoming double in 8 years means that the
interest earned in 8 years = 100 %
Interest earned per year = 100 /8 = 12.5 %
110 (a) 6000
Solution 110 :- Interest earned in 3 years at a rate of R% per
annumm = 3*R% of P
Interest earned in 3 years at a rate of (R+2)% per annumm =
3*R(+2)% of P
Difference in the interest earned in two cases = 3*R(+2)% - 3*R%
= 6% of P
6% of P =360
P = 6000.


Question number Correct answer

106 (c) 108
Solution 106:- Share of Rahim = 2/(2+3+4) * 486 = 108 Rs.
107 (a) 60
Solution 107:- Using the concept of Men*Time /Work = Constant
M1*T1 = M2*T2
20*30 = 10 *X
X= 60 days.
108 (c) 11,000
Solution 108 :- Interest to be paid = 10% of 10000 = 1000 Rs
Total amount to be paid = Interest +Principal
= 1000 +10000 = 11000 Rs
109 (b) 320
Solution 109:- Discount given = 20%
SP = 80% of MP
256 = 80% of MP

MP = 256* 100 /80
= 320 Rs
110 (a) 84%
Solution 110:- Let total students = 100
Number of girls = 60
Number of boys =40
10% of the boys = 10% of 40 = 4
20% of the girls = 20% of 60 = 12
Number of students scoring O grade = 12+ 4 = 16
Number of students who didn’t score O Grade = 100 – 16 = 84.
Hence 84 % .
111 (d) None
Solution 111 :- Total cost of 260 + 300 = 560 Kg = 260* 2 + 300
= 520+ 1080 = 1600 Rs
CP of 1 kg = 1600/560 = 2.87 Rs
SP of 1 kg = 3 Rs
Gain = 3-2.87 = 0.13
Gain % = .13/2.87 *100 = 4.52 %.
112 (b) 12.10
Solution 112:-
Chairman arrived at = 12:20
He was earlier by 20 min than other members, so other members
arrived at = 12:40
Other members were late by 30 min, so interview was scheduled at
12:40 – 0:30 = 12:10
113 (a) A
Solution 113 :-
D<F =C =E <B <A
Oldest =A.
114 (a) 16 2/3%
Solution 114:-
Price * Quantity = Expenditure
Let the original price of sugar = 10 rs per kg
Quantity purchased = 10kg
Total expenditure = 10 *10 = 100 Rs

When Price is increase by 20%,

New price = 12 rs per kg
Total expenditure = 100 Rs
Quantity = 100/12 = 8.33 Kg
Reduction in quantity = 1.66/10*100 = 16.66%
Alternate method :-

Increment in P = 20 % = 1/5
So corresponding decrement in consumption must be of 1/6 = 16
115 (c) 700

Solution 115 :- Let the maximum marks = X
33% of X = 231


Question number Correct answer

76 (d) 132
Solution 76 :- Difference is in multiples of 13 i.e. 13,26,39 so next
difference should be of 52
Therefore, 80+52 = 132.
77 (d) 390°
Solution 77:- Gain in 60 Min = 5 min
That means that the minute hand of clock covers 65 min in an actual
time interval of 60 min.
In 1 minute minute hand covers = 65/60 minutes = 65 /60 * 60 Sec
= 65 sec
Therefore angle covered = 65 * 6 = 390°
78 (a) Thursday
Solution 78:- 5 sep 1994 = Monday
5 sep 1995 = Tuesday
5 sep 1996 = Thrusday
Number of days between 5 Sep 1996 and 14 Nov 1996 = 25 + 31+14
= 70
Odd days = 70/7 = 0 (remainder)
Therefore day on 14 Nov 1996 = thrusday
79 (b) 3 hours 2 minutes
Solution 79:- Distance between them = 8190 Km
Relative speed = 1200+ 1500 = 2700 Km/h
Time required for collision = 8190 /2700 = 3 90/2700 Hr
= 3 hours 2 minutes
80 (b) 6 meters
Solution 80:- Cost of half meter = 222 Rs
Therefore cost per meter = 444 Rs
Length of saree purchased for 2664 Rs = 2664 /444 = 6 Meters.
81 (c) 17,34,51
Solution 81:- Total of 7 nos = 7*40 =280
Total of four nos out of them = 178
Sum of remaining 3 nos = 280 – 178 = 102
Since the three nos are given in the ratio 1:2:3
Therefore X+2X+3X = 102
X= 17
Nos are 17,34,51.
82 (a) 16 years
Solution 82:- Let the age of Mother = M
Age of father = F
And age of Daughter = D
M = 3D --------(1)
(D-4) = ¼ (F-4) -------------------(2)

F= M+4 ----------------(3)
From the above equations, we have ,
D= 16 Years.
83 (b) 33.33%
Solution 83:- Let the original price = 100 rs
Price after increment = 150% of 100 = 150Rs
Now to restore the price to its original value,
New price must be reduced by = 50/150 *100 = 33.33 %

Alternate Method:-
Increment in price = 50 % = ½
Corresponding decrement must be of = 1/3 = 33.33%
84 (b) 50
Solution 84:- Let B = 6X
G = 5X
6X+5X = 550
X= 50
Boys = 300 Girls = 250
Number of girls to be admitted to make the ratio equal = 300-* 250 =
85 (c) 11.11%
Solution 85:- In this case the sugar merchant has gained 50 gm of
sugar on selling 450 gm of sugar.

Gain % =
50 /450 * 100
= 11.11 %
86 (c) Rs. 1800/-
Solution 86:- Total interest by depositing at 4% for 2 years, Scheme
A =8%
Total interest by depositing at 6% for 4 years , Scheme B= 24 %
Now since the amount of interest obtained is same , therefore Bharat
must have invested in the ratio
Scheme A : Scheme B
1/8 : 1/24
Or 5400 : 1800
So in Scheme B , Bharat invested = 1800 Rs.
87 (d) 5%
Solution 87:- Percentage of the girls having cell phone n(A) = 90%
Percentage of girls having scooter n(B)= 15%
Total girls n(AᴜB) = 100%
Using the formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
100 = 90 + 15 – X
X = 5%


Question number Correct answer

81 (c) 3
Solution 81 :- Difference between the terms is -11,
So next term will be 8-5 = 3.
82 (b) 4 : 9
Solution :- V1 : V2 =Pi*(R1)^2 *H1: pi*(R2)^2*H2
As H1 = H2
V1/V2= (R1/R2)^2
(2)^2 : (3)^2
= 4:9
83 (c) 15
Solution 83:- We need to select 3 days out of 5 to conduct the
examination, which can be done in 5C3 ways = 15.
84 (b) 990
Solution 84 :-Distance between 2 places which differ in magnitude by
14 Deg
= 14/360 * (2*Pi*R)
Where R is radius of the earth.
Distance = 14/360 * 22/7 * 8100
= 990 miles.
85 (c) Thursday
Solution 85 :- Independence day = 15 Aug 1998 was Saturday
15 Aug 1999 = Sunday
15 Aug 2000 = Tuesday (as 200 is leap year)
15 Aug 2001 = Wednesday
15 Aug 2002 = Thursday
29 Aug 2002 = Thursday
5 Sep 2002 = Thursday .
86 (d) 19
Solution 86.:- Total Persons n(AᴜB) = 52
People who drink Tea n(A) = 33
People who drink Both tea and Coffee n(A∩B)= 33-16= 17
People who drink Coffee n(B) =17 + X
Where X = number of persons drinking only Coffee
Using the below formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A∩B)
52 = 33 + x +17– 17
X= 19
87 (a) 100
Solution 87:- Case 1 :- when Train crosses the pole
Total distance travelled = Length of Train = Lt
Time taken = 15 sec
Speed of train = Lt/15

Case 2:- When the train crosses the platform

Total distance travelled = Length of Train + Length of platform = Lt
Time taken = 30 sec

Speed of train = Lt+100 /30

Now since speed of train will remain the same

Lt/15 = Lt+100 /30
Lt = 100 m .
88 (c) 4% loss
Solution 88:- Using the formula for net increment/Decrement = a+ b+
A= -40 , b =+60
-40 + 60 + (-40)*(60)/100
= -4
= 4% loss.
89 (a) 12
Solution 89:- Let the number of dogs = D
And number of Hens = H
D+H = 36
4D+2H = 120
Therefore, D = 24
H =12 .
90 (c) 60%
Solution 90:- Let income = 100 Rs
Expenditure = 80% of 100 = 80 Rs
Saving = 100- 80 = 20Rs
New income = 120 Rs
New expenditure = 110 % of 80 = 88 Rs
New saving = 120-88 = 32 Rs
Percentage Increase in saving = 12/20 *100 = 60%
91 (d) 10%
Solution91 :-Banker’s Gain = Banker’s Discount – True discount.
B.D = 11 B.G
BG = 11 BG – TD
TD =10 BG

Now the formula for True discount = (Amount * Rate)/100 +(Rate

10 BG = 1100 BG /(100 +R*1)
On solving,
R = 10%.
92 (a) 6
Solution 92:- Area of walls = 2h(l+b)
2 *5 ( X+4) = 100
X+4 = 10
X =6.


Question number Correct answer

101 (c) 25

Solution 101:- Mean of 5 numbers = 27
Total sum of 5 Numbers = 27*5 =135
When one of the number is excluded the mean of the remaining 4
numbers = 25
Total of the remaining 4 numbers = 25*4 = 100
Therefore the excluded number = 125 - 100 = 25.
102 (b) 232 days
Solution 102:- Total Provision = 120*150 = 18000 units
Provision consumed by all the men in 5 days = 120*5 = 600 units
Provision left = 18000 -600 = 17400 units
Remaining 75 men will consume the leftover provision in 17400/ 75 =
232 days.
103 (c) 10%
Solution 103:- P =8000
A = 10648
T= 3 years
Using the formula,

A= p(1+r/100)^T

10648 = 8000 ( 1+r/100)^3

on solving , r = 10%.
104 (b) loss of Rs.40
Solution 104 :- Whenever 2 things are sold at same Selling price, One
with a loss of X% and the other one at a profit of X%, then in such
transactions there is always a loss given by ,

L% = (x/10)^2 %
In this case,
L% = (20/10)^2 %
= 4% loss
Total SP = 480+480 = 960 Rs
Now since there is a loss of 4%, therefore
96% of CP = 960 Rs
Or Cp = 1000 Rs

Hence Loss = CP – SP
Loss = 1000 - 960 = 40 Rs
105 (a) 24 km
Solution 105:- Let the speed of boat = x Kmph
Speed of Water = y Kmph
Speed Upstream = x-y = 8
Speed Downstream = x+y = 16

On solving, x = 12, y= 4
So speed in still water = 12 Kmph

Distance covered by boat in still water in 2 hours = 2* 12 = 24 Km.

106 (c) 30 hours
Solution 106 :- Let Pipe A can fill the tank in x hours

Pipe B takes x+10 hours to fill the same tank
Working together 1 hour work of A and B = 1/x + 1/(x+10)
1/x + 1/(x+10) = 1/12
X= 20
Second pipe fill in ( X +10 ) = 30 Hours
107 (a) 12
Solution 107 :- Let the number = x
The difference in the 2 answers must be equal to 216 , so
53 *X – 35 *X = 216
X= 12 .
108 (b) 192 cu.m
Solution 108:- Amount of earth to be dug out = Volume of Cylinder
formed by digging the earth

= Pi * r^2 *h
= 22/ 7 * 1.5 *1.5 * 28
= 192 Cu m
109 (a) 75°
Solution 109 :- Using the formula,
Ɵ = |(11/2)M-30H|
Ɵ = |(11/2)*30 – 30 * 8|
= 75.
110 (b) 10
Solution 110. :-
Number of persons who don’t know English = n(A) = 80 -10 = 70
Number of persons who don’t know Hindi = n(B) = 20 - 10 = 10
Number of persons who don’t know Both n(A∩B) = 10
Using the formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + (n(B) – n(A∩B)
= 80+20 -10
= 90
Number of students knowing both Hindi and English = 100 – 90 = 10
111 (a) 17
Solution 111:- HCF (21,42,56) = 7
Number of rows = 21/ 7 + 42/7 + 56/7
=3+6+8 = 17
112 (c) 10 years
Solution 112:- X-Y =20
5 years ago, (X-5) = 5 (Y-5)

On solving, X= 30 and Y = 10



Question number Correct answer

28 (C) 12
Solution 28 :- Selling price per egg = 5/10 = 50 paise
Profit = 20%
SP= 120 % of CP
.50 = 120/100 * CP
CP = 5/12
Egg purchased in 5 rs = 5/(5/12) = 12.
29 (C) 32%
Solution 29 :- 100 after 20% discount = 80
80 after 15% discount = 68
So overall discount = 32/100* 100 = 32%
30 Options do not match the answer
Solution 30 :- If expenditure is 85% of the total income then the
saving must be = 100% -85% = 15% of the total income.
Options given are wrong.
32 (C) 20 Seconds
Solution 32 :- Total distance to be travelled = 300+200 = 500 m
Speed of train = 25m/s
Time req = 500/25 = 20 sec


Question number Correct answer

23 (A) 119
Solution 23 :- Five letters of the word Delhi can be arranged in = 5! -
1 ways
= 120-1 = 119 ways.
24 (D) 18
Solution 24 :- Considering the worst case, suppose in the first 10
draws , we have drawn 10 white shoe. In the next 7 draws, we have
drawn 7 black shoes of same leg. Now in the 18th draw we are sure
that it will complete a pair of black shoes. So option D.
25 (D) 18
Solution 25:- Considering the worst case, suppose in the first 5 draws
, we have drawn 5 white shoe of same leg. In the next 7 draws, we
have drawn 7 black shoes of same leg. Now in the 13th draw we are
sure that it will complete a pair of either black or white shoes. So
option D.

Question number Correct answer
8 (C) 181
Solution 8 :- Hand Shake of host
with Participants = 10
With Finalist = 3*2 = 6

With Guest = 60

Hand Shakes of Participant

Among themselves = 9+8+7…….+1 = 45

Hand shakes of Winner

With guest = 60

Total hand shakes = 10+6+60+45+60

= 181
9 (B) 76 : 105
Solution 9 :- Hand Shake involving host = 76
Hand Shakes not involving host = 45+60 = 105
Ratio = 76:105
10 (D) 10.6
Solution 10 :- Total trains Arriving = 1395
Trains on time = 1247
Trains late = 1395-1247 = 148
% of trains that were late = 148/1395 * 100 = 10.6%.
11 (B) 19 mins
Solution 11:- Taking mean value of time , total delayed time = 79*
15 + 6*45 + 1*180 = 1635 minutes
Average time delayed = 1635 / (79+6+1) = 19 minutes
12 (B) 91.9
Solution 12:- Arrived on time = 1247
Departed on time = 1402
Total trains arrived= 1395
Total trains departed = 1488

On time trains (departure +Arrival) = 1247+1402 = 2649

Total Trains ( Departure + Arrival ) = 1395+1488 = 2883
% of train punctuality = 2649/ 2883 *100 = 91.9 %
13 (A) Departures better than arrivals by 4.8%
Solution 13 :- Punctuality of arrivals = Trains arrived on time /
Total trains arrived * 100
= 1247/1395 * 100 = 89.39 %

Punctuality of Departures = Trains Departed on time / Total trains

Departed * 100
= 1402/1488 * 100
= 94.22 %

Difference = 94.22 % - 89.39 % = 4.8%.

Hence option A.

Question number Correct answer
3 (c) 2:9
Solution 3:- number of ways in which an IITian can make it to IIM

number of ways in which an CA can make it to IIM = 3*3 = 9
required ratio= 2:9.
4 (b) 26,250
Solution 4:- Case 1 : Any of the 6 urns contain one white ball each.
Rest of the 4 urns contain one black ball each. Remaining two
black balls are distributed in any two urns.
Total number of ways = 10C6 × 4C4 × 10C2

Case 2 : Any of the 6 urns contain one black ball each. Rest of the 4
urns contain one white ball each. Remaining two white balls are
distributed in any two urns

Total number of ways = 10C6 × 4C4 × 10C2 ways

Case 3 : Any of the 6 urns contain one white ball each. Rest of the
4 urns contain one black ball each. Remaining two black balls are
placed together in any one urn.
Total number of ways = 10C6 × 4C4 × 10C1

Case 4 : Any of the 6 urns contain one black ball each. Rest of the 4
urns contain one white ball each. Remaining two white balls are
placed together in any one urn
Total number of ways = 10C6 × 4C4 × 10C1

Case 5 : Any of the 5 urns contain one white ball each. Rest of the
5 urns contain one black ball each. Remaining one white ball is
placed in any of the 5 urns which already has a white ball.
Remaining one black ball is placed in any of the 5 urns which
already has a black ball.
Total number of ways = 10C5 × 5C5 × 5C1 × 5C1

Therefore, required number of ways

= (10C6×4C4×10C2)+(10C6×4C4×10C2)-
5 (c) 2,61,972
Solution 5 :-
The bouquet can be formed from 3, 4, ...., 18 different flowers.
That can be done in
= 18C3 + 18C4 + .... + 18C18 ways.
= 2^18 – 18C0 – 18C1- 18C2
= 2^18 – 1 – 18 -153
=261972 ways
6 (a) 48 minutes
Solution 6 :- Let the Usual time taken by Abhishek = T minutes
as the speed of Abhishek Decreases by ¼, the time must have
increased by 1/3

so T/3 = 16
T = 48 minutes.
7 (d) 12 km
Solution 7:- Shyam’s house, office and Gym will form three
vertices of an equilateral triangle with side of triangle as 4 m.
Distance covered in going from his house to directly east of his
office = 4 m.
Distance travelled in retracing the path and reaching to a point
directly south of his office = 4+ 4 = 8m
Total distance travelled = 8+4 = 12m.
8 (a) 10 h
Solution 8:- Speed of chandu in kmph = 10*18 / 5 = 36kmph
Time req to cover a distance of 360 km = 360/36 = 10h
15 (b) Rs.300/gm
Solution 15 :- Selling price of Gunpowder per gram = 2160/10 =
216 rs
P = 20%
CP = Cost price of gun powder
SP = 120% of CP
216 = 120 % of CP
CP = 216*100/120
= 180 Rs

Let price per gram of

Saltpeter = 3X rs
Nitrous oxide = X rs
Let the quantities mixed of saltpeter and Nitrous oxide = 0.4gm and
0.6gm resp
Price of .40 gm saltpeter = 0.4* 3X = 1.2X
Price of 0.60 gm Nitrous oxide = 0.6 *X = 0.6X
Price of 1 gm gun powder = Price of .40 gm saltpeter + Price of
0.60 gm Nitrous oxide

180 = 1.2 X + 0.6X

X = 100 Rs
CP of saltpeter = 3X
= 3*100 = 300 Rs per gm

Question number Correct answer
3 (a) 1:3
Solution 3:- Using the concept of mixtures and alligations,
0.75 0.25
on interchanging,
Required ratio = 0.25/0.75 = 1:3
4 (b) 55– 1
(a) 44 (b) 55– 1
(c) 55 (d) None of these

Solution 4 :- The number of ways in which De-arrangement of 5
things can be done is
D(5) = 5![ ½! – 1/3! +1/4! – 1/5!]
= 54 ways
5 (b) 2187
Solution 5 :- Each object can go to any of the three people. So
Total number of ways = 3*3*3*3*3*3*3
= 3^7
= 2187 ways
6 (d) 96 km/h
Solution 6:- let speed of Bombay mail be x km/h .
after running for t hours both trains meet each other .
Distance travel by Calcutta mail =t*48 km
distance travel by Bombay mail =t*x km
now remaining distance travel by Calcutta mail =12*48 km
and remaining distance by Bombay mail =3*x km
It is clear from question at the time of meeting both trains will be at
equal distance from Calcutta and from Bombay.
thus t* 48 = 3*x
X=16 *t
and 12*48= x*t
solving both equations X= 96 km/h
7 (d) 35 feet/h
Solution 7 :-
speed of ant1=(8/3)/100 of hole per hour
speed of ant2=(7/120)/2,5=(7/3)/100 of hole per hour
if ant1 goes 800 feets to meeting point then ant2 goes 700 feet.
Total distance makes 1500 feets.
speed of ant2=(7/3)/100 of hole per hour it makes (7/3)/100 *
1500= 35 feets per hour.
8 (a) 8 h 45 min
Solution 8 :- Let W = time of walk
C = Time to cover the distance by Car
W+C = 6 hr 45 min
C+C = 4 hr 45 min
From the above two equations,
W= 4hr 22.5 minutes
Time req to walk both ways = W+W
= 2W
= 8 hrs 45min
9 (d) 1000 kmph

Solution 9:- Let the speed of plane = X kmph

Time taken to reach the destination = T hrs
Then,X*T = 1500
Now as speed is increased by 33.33% i.e 1/3, time must be
decreased by ¼
T/4 = 30 Minutes
T = 2 hrs

2*S = 1500
S= 750 Kmph
Increased speed= 1/3 * 750 = 250 kmph
New speed = 750+250 = 1000 kmph
15 (c) 8 kgs
Solution 15:-
Using the concept of Mixtures and aligations,
Type 1 Mixturte Type 2
1/72 1/90
90 72

On interchanging,
Ratio of Type 1 and Type2
= Type 1 / Type 2 = 72/90
Type 1 =4/5 *Type 2
= 4/5 * 10 = 8 kg.
22 (c) 21,600
Solution 22:- Number of ways of selecting a capital consonant to
be placed on 1st position = 3
Number of ways of selecting 3 small consonant = 5C3
Number of ways of selecting 2 small Vowels = 4C2

Total ways = 3*5C3*4C2*5!

= 21600


Question number Correct answer
141 (c) 2/13
Solution 141:- Let Raju earns 100 Rs each month
His earning in March = 200 Rs
Total yearly income of Raju = 11*100 + 1 * 200 = 1300 Rs
Part of income earned by Raju in the month of March = 200/ 1300 =
142 (b) Rs. 1260
Solution 142:- SP = 1140
Loss = 5%
SP =CP- 5% ofCP
95 % of CP = 1140
CP = 1200 Rs
To gain 5%, Sanjay must sell the watch for = 105% of 1200
= 1260 Rs.
143 (a) 5 ltrs.
Solution 143:- Milk in the mixture = 90% of 40 = 36 litres
Water in the mixture = 40-36 = 4 litres

Now we are adding water to the mixture to increase its percentage
The quantity of milk in final mixture must be 80%
Let the quantity of final mixture = X litres
36 = 80% of X
X = 45 litres
Therefore amount of water added = 45-40 = 5.
144 (c) 200 mt.
Solution 144 :-
Let the length of bridge = X meter
Total distance to be travelled = Length of train + Length of Bridge
= (100 + X ) m
T = 20 Sec
S = 54 * 5 / 18 = 15 m/s
S*T =D
15 * 20 = 100 + X
X =200 m.
145 (b) 24 years
Solution 145:- Let the age of sameer = s
Age of mohan = m
And age of arun = a
m-x = s
Adding both the equations, we have
m+a = 2s
48 = 2s
S =24 years.
146 (c) 1 1/2 hours
Solution 146 :- Let the total capacity of the tank = 12 litres
A can fill = 12/2 = 6 litres per hour
B can fill = 12/3 = 4 litres per hour
C can empty = 12/ 6 = -2 litres per hour
Working together they will fill = (6+4-2)= 8 litres per hour
Time req to completely fill the tank = 12*/8 = 1.5 hours.
147 (c) 54
Solution 147 :- Let the three nos be a,b and c
a = b/3 = 2c
a+b+c = 27*3 =81
b/3 + b+ b/6 = 81
b= 54
a= 54/3 = 18
c=a/2= 9
Hence highest of the three nos is b =54.
148 (b) decreases by 2.25 %
Solution 148 :- Let the side of the square = 10 m
Then area of square = 10*10 = 100 m^2
When length is increased by 15 % , new length = 11.5 m
When breadth decreased by 15%, new breadth = 8.5 m

Area of rectangle so formed = 11.5 *8.5 = 97.75 m^2
Percentage decrease in area = 100 -97.75 /100 * 100
= 2.25 % decrease.
149 (d) 60 ltrs.
Solution 149 :-
Quantity of Milk in the solution = 2/3 * 60 = 40 Liters
Water = 60-40 = 20 liters
Let X liters water is added then ,
Water = 20+x
Milk = 40
40/20 +x = 1:2
X= 60 .
150 (c) 10 mt.
Solution 150 :- Let the Price per meter of cloth = X rs per meter
And the cloth purchased = L metres
L*X =70
(L+4) * (X-2) = 70
On solving the two equations,
L =10 m

Question number Correct answer
91 (a) Rs. 1200/-
Solution 91:- Total monthly income of 5 members per month =
5*1000 = 5000 Rs
Increase in income by 1200 Rs per year or 1000 rs per month

New total income of 5 members = 5000 +1000 = 6000 Rs

New average income of each member = 6000/5 = 1200 Rs.
92 (d) 25%
Solution 92 :- Let the price of 1 gm = 1rs
Then ,
Shopkeeper sells goods worth Rs 800 for Rs 1000
So gain = 200 Rs
Gain % = 200/800 *100 = 25%.
93 (a) 9
(a) 9 (b) 10(c) 8 (d) 5
Solution 93:- L =10 %
SP = 90 % of CP
SP of 1 Orange = 1/11
CP = 90/100 * 1/11
Now to gain 10%,
SP = 110% of CP
= 110 /100 * 90/100 * 1/11
= 1/9
Therefore he must sell 9 Oranges for a rupee to gain 10%.
94 (b) 1 hr
Solution 94:-

Let the time taken in Riding = R and that in walking = W
W+R =3 - - - - - -- -(1)
W+W =5
W= 5/2 =2.5
Substitute in (1)
R = 0.5
Riding both ways = R+R = 0.5+0.5 = 1 hr.
95 (c) 12.5%
Solution 95:- 1/8*100 = 12.5 %
96 (c)10
Solution 96:- 12.5 /100 * 80 = 10
97 (b) 13
Solution 97 :- The increment is of +1, +2, +1,+2,…and so on
Next term = 11+2 = 13.
98 (c) 23/28
Solution 98 :- 9/10 = 0.9
11/12 = 0.913
23/28 = 0.82
32/33 = 0.96.

So option C.
99 (c) 30%
Solution 99 :- Amount paid by Dinesh = 1800 Rs
Total amount paid = 6000 rs
% amount paid by Dinesh = 1800/6000 * 100 = 30%
100 (a) 44 years
Solution 100 :- Total age of 29 boys = 29* 14 = 406 years.
Let the age of Class teacher = X years
Total age now = 406 + X
Average = (406 + X)/30 = 15
406 +X = 450
X= 44 years.
101 (b) 128 days
Solution 101 :- Since total work is constant,
Therefore,Using the formula,
Men * Time/Work = constant
8*96 = 6 *D
D = 128 days.
102 (c) 25%
Solution 102 :- Let income of Ram = 80
Income of Shyam = 100
Shyam’s income is more than that of Ram by = 20/80 *100 = 25%
103 (d) Rs. 1200
Solution 103 :- Let the monthly salaries of A, B and C are 2x, 3x and
5x resp,
5x-2x =1200
X= 400
Monthly salary of B = 3x = 1200.

104 (a) 67100
Solution 104 :- Number of foreigners = 2/9 * 94500 = 21000
Immigrants = 6400
Remaining (Natives) = 94500-21000 -6400
= 67100.
105 (b) 64000
Solution 105 :- Let the salary of A = A rs
Salary of B = B rs
Salary of C = C rs
Ratio of Saving of A:B:C
= 20% of X : 15 % of Y : 25 % of Z
= 8:9:20
On solving,
A:B:C = 2:3:4

A+B+C =14400
2x+3x+4x = 14400
X = 16000
C’s salary = 4*16000 = 64000.
106 (c) 31.7
Solution 106 :- Out of every 1000 males, number of literates = 40 %
of 1000 = 400
Out of every 1075females, number of literates = 24 % of 1075 = 258
Total literates = 400 +250 = 658
Total persons = 100 +1075 = 2075
Percentage literacy = 658/2075 *100 = 31.7 %
107 (d) Rs. 300
Solution 107 :- Let the price of 1 Sheep = S rs
And that of 1 pig = P rs
10S + 5P = 6000 - - - - - - (1)
S = 450(given)
4500 + 5P = 6000
P = 300 Rs
108 (a) 150 kg
Solution 108 :-
Let weight of Ram = R
That of SHyam = S
R +S =325 - - - - -(1)
Also, R =S +25 - - - - - - -(2)
From (1) and (2),
S+25+S= 325
S= 150 kg.
109 (b) 34
Solution 109:- 34 is wrong term.
The series is of increasing difference +5,+7,+9 and so on.
110 (c) 70000
Solution 110:- Location value of 7 in 9872590 = 70000

Question number Correct answer
181 (a) 22
Solution 181 :-
3 terms then next term (5) is skipped
4 terms then next term (10) is skipped
5 terms then next term (16) is skipped
182 (c) 65
Solution 182 :- Difference between the terms is of -13.
Next term = 78-13 = 65
183 (a) 112
Solution 183 :- Difference between the terms is of +8
Next term = 104+8 =112
184 (b) 553.80
Solution 184 :-
Interest = Principal *time*Rate/100

Interest = 520* 13/100 *1/2

= 33.8 Rs
Amount to be paid by Govind after 6 months = 520+33.8 = 553.8 Rs
185 (a) 19
Solution 185 :- 19 as it doesn’t have factor other than 1 and 19 itself.
186 (b) 17
Solution 186 :- 289 = 17*17
So square root of 289 =17.
187 (d)2x3x5x11
Solution 187:- 330 = 2*3*5*11
188 None of the options match with the answer
Solution 188 :- 1122 = 2* 3 *11 *17.
189 (d) 21
Solution 189 :- 21 = 3*7.
Since 21 has 3 and 7 as its factors.
190 (c) 16
Solution 190 :- 24,22,20,……..2
8th from the bottom = 8th multiple of 2 = 16.
191 (a) 54
Solution 191 :- Total age of persons learning yoga = 10*32 = 320
Total age of 11 persons including the teacher = 11* 34 = 374 years
Age of teacher = 374 -320 = 54 years.
192 (b) 600
Solution 192 :- 12/100 *5000 = 600.
193 (c) 20
Solution 193 :- 40 = 20*20
So square root of 400 = 20.

194 (d) 50000
Solution 194 :- Location value of 5 in 3254710 = 50000.
195 (b) 36
Solution 195 :- 6*3*2 =36
196 (a) 6 kilometers

Distance between A and F = 10-(3+1) = 6 km

197 (c) 81
Solution 197:- 3^2 = 9
9^2 =81
81^2 =6561.
So option C.
198 (a) 25
Solution 198 :- 100 /1 = 1000
100/2 = 50
100/3 = 33.33
100/4 = 25
199 (b) 4/3
Solution 199 :- 3/5 = 0.6
4/3 = 1.33
2/5 =0.4
½ = 0.5
So 4/3 has highest value.
200 (d) 4 hours
Solution 200 :- Using the concept of
Men *Time / Work = Constant
4 *4 /400 = 8 * X/800
X = 4 hours

Question number Correct answer
91 (b) 40
Solution 91 :- Akbar is 32 years elder to jehangir.
let the present age of Jehangir = X
Then , age of Akbar = X +32
(X+32) =5X
X= 8
So age of Akbar = X +32 = 40 Years.
92 (c) 18
Solution 92 :- In 1 lift Arun climbs up by = 1.5 -0.5 = 1 feet

To climb 17 feet , number of lifts req = 17*1 = 17 lifts
In the next lift , he will cover the remaining height of 1.5 feet,
So total number of lifts required = 17+1 =18
93 (c) Rs. 55000
Solution 93 :- Jogen’s Tax free income = 1,50,000
Tax on Income in the slab 1,50,001 – 3,00,000 = 10 % of 1,50,000 =
15000 Rs
Tax on Income above 3,00,000 = 20 % of 2,00,000 = 40,000 Rs.
Total tax paid = 40000+15000 = 55000
94 (a) 90
Solution 94:- Let the nos be 4x and 5x resp,
4x+20 / 5x+20 = 6/7
X= 10
Nos. are 4x = 40
And 5x = 50.
Sum of nos. = 40+50 = 90.
95 (d) 30:39:49
Solution 95 :- Let the students in arts = 500
Students in law = 600
Students in commerce = 700
Arts students are increased by 20 % , new number of arts students =
120% of 500 = 600
Law students are increased by 30 % , new number of law students =
130% of 600 = 780
Commerce students are increased by 40 % , new number of arts
students = 140% of 700 = 980

New ratio of students = 600 : 780 : 980

30 : 39 : 49
96 (c) 47
Commerce students are increased by 40 % , new number of arts
students = 140% of 700 = 980

New ratio of students = 600 : 780 : 980

30 : 39 : 49
97 (c) 1.05 km
Solution 97 :-
Let the normal time taken by man to reach station = T hrs
Distance from his house to station = D km
6 * (T+ 9/60) =D - - - - - -(1)
7* (T – 6/60) = D - - - - - (2)
From (1) and (2),

T = 1.6 hr
D = 1.05 km.
98 (b) 50
Solution 98 :- X –Y = 9 - - - - - -(1)

X^2 –Y^2 = 981 - - - - - -(2)
(X+Y)(X-Y) = 981

X+Y = 109 - - - - - - (3)

From(1) and (3),

X = 59
Y = 50
99 (a) 17
Solution 99 :- Let her average till 17 inning = X
Total runs scored till 17th inning = 17* X
Total runs scored till 18th inning = 17X + 102
New average = 17X+ 102/ 18 = X+5
X= 12
New average = 12+5 = 17.
100 (a) insufficient information
Solution 100 :- The data given in the above question is not sufficient
to answer the given question, hence option A
101 (a) 1/10
Solution 101 :- Favorable cases = Number of perfect square nos till
90 = 9 (1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81)
Total cases =90
Probability = 9/90 = 1/10.
102 (C) ¾
Solution 102:- The sample space of tossing 2 coins is
Favorable cases =3
Total cases =4
Probability of getting at the most one head= 3/4
103 (c) 20.4 metres
Solution 103 :- The flag will form an right angle triangle with the
Base of the triangle = Length of the shadow = 9.6 m
Perpendicular height = Length of Flag = 18m
We need to calculate distance of the top of the pole from the far end
of the shadow = Hypotenuse of the triangle.
H^2 = P^2 +B^2
H^2 = (18)^2 +(9.6)^2
H = 20.4 m
104 (a) 32
Solution 104 :- The given series is an AP, with first term a = 5 and
common difference = 3
A10 = a+ 9*d
10th term = 5 +(10-1)3
= 32
105 (d) None of the above
(a) 19/83 (b) 37/87 (c) 34/81 (d) None of the above

Solution 105 :- Favorable cases = number of blue balls = 37
Total cases = 19+37+27 = 83
Probability of picking up a blue ball = 37/83.
106 (a) 1080 cm3
Solution 106 :- Volume of ball = 240 cm^3
4/3 *22/7 * r^3 = 240
r^3 = 240*7*3 / (4*22)
= 5040/88

Radius of ball = Radius of the Container
3 * diameter of ball = Height of the container.
Volume of cylinder = 22/7 *r*r*h
= 22/7*r*r*6r
Substituting the value of r^3
V = 1080 cm^3.
107 (b) 200 metre
(a) 100 metre (b) 200 metre (c) 250 metre (d) 300 metre
Solution 107 :- S = 5kmph
T = 1/4 hr
D = circumference of circle = 1/4 * 5 = 1.25 km
2* 22/7 * r = 1.25
r = 1.25*7/44 km
= 200 m Approx
108 (d) 6
Solution 108 :-
(7/9)^-3 * (7/9)^2(2x-6) = (7/9) ^9
(7/9)^ (4x-15) = (7/9)^9
4X -15 = 9
X= 6.
109 (d) 20%
Solution 109:- Let he sells the remaining 6 eggs at a profit of X%,
Net profit or loss = No. of articles sold (Profit % at which they are
sold) + No.of remaining articles * (loss % at which they are sold)
12 (-10%) + 6(X%) = 0 (0 as there is no profit, no loss)
X = 20%
110 (c) 3.2
Solution 110 :- Let the original height , length and breadth of Brick
each = 10 m
Then original volume = 10*10*10 =1000 m^3
New Length = 110 % of 10 = 11
New height = 110 % of 10 = 11
New Breadth = 80% of 10 = 8
New Volume = 11*11*8 = 968 m^3
Percentage change in Volume = 1000- 968 /1000 *100
3.2 %.

Question number Correct answer
91 (A) 200.00
Solution 91 :-
When 2 increment/decrement are given then net increment /
decrement can be calculated by using the formula
= a+b+a*b/100

Two profits of 10% and 12% equals an equivalent profit of

10+12+10*12/100 = 23.2 %
Let the Price for P = X
123.2% of X = 246.40
X = 200 Rs.
92 (A) 7
Solution 92 :- At X= 7, the value of expression x^2+x+17 becomes
73, which is a prime number. Hence option A.
93 (C) 20 seconds
Solution 93 :- Total distance to be covered =length of train + length
of bridge = 300 +200 = 500 m
S = 25m/s
T = D/S
= 500/25 = 20 sec.
94 (B) 420
Solution 94 :- Let the number = X
.06% of X =84
X = 1400
30% of 1400 = 420
95 (B) 8575
Solution 95 :- Let Q received X rs
Given that ,
R = 2P
P= 2Q
Then amount received by P = 2X
Amount received by R =4X
R-Q = 3675
3X =3675
X = 1225
X = Total amount = x+2x+4x = 7*1225 = 8575 Rs.
96 (A) 5:6
Solution 96 :- Area of Square = Side*Side
Let the side of first square = A
that of second square = B
(A/B)^2 = 25/36
A/B =5/6

Ratio of perimeter =4A/4B = A/B

= 5/6

97 (D)25/36
Let the fraction = x/x+11
X+8/(X+19) = ¾

4X +32 = 57 + 3X
X= 25
Fraction = 25/36.
98 (C)14
Solution 98 :-
1/x^2 + 1/Y^2, = (X^2 +Y^2)/(X^2Y^2) ( taking LCM)
Now substituting the value of X and Y ,
= (2 +√3)^2 + (2 -√3)^2 / (XY)^2
= 14 .
99 (B ) 81 cm
Solution 99 :- Volume of sphere = 4/3 *pi*r*r*r
Surface area of sphere = 4*pi*r*r
Volume /Surface area = r/3 = 27
r =81.
100 (B) 144
Solution 100 :- Let the number = X
1/3 *1/4 * X =12
X= 144.
101 (C) 104
Solution 101 :- 104 is the wrong term.
Series is 4, (4*3+2), (10*2+3), (23*2+4) and so on.
102 (A) Rs. 2400
Solution 102 :- Let the price of each trouser = T rs
That of Shirt = S rs
2 T + 4 S= 1600 - - - - -(1)
T+ 6S= 1600 - - - - (2)
From (1) and (2),
T= 2 S
Substituting in (1)
S= 200
T =400
To buy 12 shirts , he needs to pay =12*200 = 2400 Rs.
103 (B) (3/2)^12
Solution 103 :-

X = (3/2)^2 * (3/2)^4

= (3/2)^-12.
104 (A) Rs. 500
Solution 104:- Let the Marked price of article = X

Discount = 5%
SP =95 % of X
P = 25%
SP =125% of CP
95% of X = 125% of 380
X= 500.
105 (B) 10%
Solution 105 :- Using the formula,
A = P(1+R/100)^T
48400 = 40000 (1+R/100)^2
R =10%.
106 (D)7
Solution 106 :-
X^2 +1/x^2 = (x+1/x)^2 -2
= (3)^2 -2
= 7.
107 (D) 4x^3 +6x^2+2x +7/2 and 61/2
Solution 107 :-
Using the long division method,
We will get Quotient as
4x^3 +6x^2+2x +7/2 and remainder as 61/2. So option D.
108 (A) 1411 and 1079
Solution 108 :-
Let the 2 nos be X and Y resp
X+Y = 2490 - - - - -(1)
6.5% of X = 8.5% of Y
X/Y = 8.5/6.5
= 17/13 - - - - - (2)
From (1) and (2),
X= 1411
Y = 1079.
109 (B) 260 days
Solution 109 :- Using the formula, Men *Time/ Work = constant
120*200 = 120*5 +90*X
X= 260 days.
110 (C) Rs. 7500
Solution 110 :- Let the total income of X = Y rs
House rent = 20% of Y
Remaining amount = 80% of Y
Household expenditure = 70% of 80% of Y
Remaining amount = 30% of 80% of Y = 1800
Y = 7500.

Question number Correct answer
41 B. An irrational number
Solution 41 :- √2 / √3 is an irrational number.

42 D. 154
Solution 42:-
Greatest number which divides 926 and 2313, leaving 2 and 3
remainders, respectively, is HCF of (926-2 , 2313- 3)
= HCF ( 924,2310) = 154.
43 B. 20%
Solution 43:- Let the price of original product = 100
After 1st discount of 15 % , Price = 85Rs
After 2nd discount of 5% , Price = 80.75 Rs
Net discount = 100 -18.75 = 19.25 %
Approximately 20%.
44 C. Rs. 3000
Solution 44:- Loss = 19%
SP = 81% of CP
2345 = 81% CP
CP = 2895.06
Approximately 3000 Rs.
45 A. 0.75 m^2
Solution 45:- Area of Rhombus = ½ * (diagonal 1) * (diagonal 2)
= ½ * 1 *1.5 = 0.75 m^2.
46 C. π/2
Solution 46 :- Angle in a semi-circle is always π/2 .
47 D. 25 days
Solution 47:- Total food = 250* 33 * 125 = 1031250 units
Food consumed by 330 students in 1 day = 330*125 = 41250 units
If 330 students consume the food then the food will last for =
1031250 /41250
= 25 days.
48 B. 402
Solution 48 :-Total students =500
Students who can read both Hindi and Tamil n(A∩B) = 102
Students who can read Hindi n(A) = 200
Students who can read Tamil n(B) = X
Using the formula,
n(AᴜB) = n(A) + (n(B) – n(A∩B)
500 = 200 + X -102
X = 402.
49 C. 6
Solution 49 :- The condition for infinite solution is
a1/a2 = b1/b2 = c1/c2,
where a1 and a2 are coefficients of X in the 2 equations resp
b1 and b2 are the coefficients of Y in the 2 equations resp
and C1 and C2 are the constant terms in the 2 equations resp.
K/12 = 3 / K = (-k+3)/ -K
On solving,
K = 6.
50 C. Rs. 211
Solution 50 :-
Mean daily expenditure = 5275 / (4+5+12+2+2)
= 211 Rs.

Expenditure 100- 150- 200- 250- 300-
range 150 200 250 300 350
expenditure 125 175 225 275 325
Household 4 5 12 2 2
Total 500 875 2700 550 650
Net 5275
51 D. 8
Solution 51:- Let the number of blue marbels = X
Number of green marbels = 24-X
Probability of drawing out a green marble = 24- x / 24 = 2/3
52 D. 10100
Solution 52 :- Net population after 2 years = 250000 (1+2/100)^2
= 260100
Growth in population = 260100 – 25000 = 10100
53 A. 10x+4y = 23
Solution 53:-Using the distance formula
as the 2 given points are equidistant from (x,y)
(x+1)^2 + (y-1)^2 = (x-4)^2 + (y-3)^2

On solving,
10x+4y =23
54 A. 960
Solution 54 : -

Using the formula of Sum of AP

a =8
d= 8
n= 15
S= n/2 [ 2a+(n-1)d]
Sum = 15/2 { 16 + 14*8}
= 960.
55 D. 1/10 cm
Solution 55 :- Whenever an object is converted to another object, the
total volume remains the same.
Volume of rod = pi*r*r*h
= pi *1*1*30 = 30Pi cm^3
Let the radius of new wire = R
Volume of new wire = pi*R*R*h
= pi *R^2*300
Now as the volume in both the cases must be same therefore,
Pi*R^2* 300 = Pi *30
R = 1/10 cm
56 B.46 meter^2

CE = 5 m
CD = 4m
CDE is a right angled triangle,
(DE)^2 = (CE)^2 - (CD)^2
= 25 – 16
DE =3

Area covered by 3 poles = Area of rectangle ABCD +area of triangle

= 10* 4 + ½ * 4 *3
= 40+ 6
=46 m^2.
57 C. 5 hours 24 minutes
Solution 57:- Let the total capacity of the tank = 60 litres.
Pipe A fills , = 60/10 = 6 litres per hour
Pipe B fills, = 60/12 = 5 litres per hour.
Water filled by Pipe A and Pipe B in 3 hours = (6+5)*3 = 33 litres.
Time req by Pipe B to fill the remaining 60-33 = 27 litres = 27/ 5 = 5.4
= 5 hours 24 minutes.
58 B. Rs. 8000
Solution 58 :-


Area of Road C-D = 10* 5 = 500m^2

Area of road A-B = 80* 4 =320 m^2
But the common area i.e. E is counted twice
Area of E = 5*4 = 50 m^2
Total area of the roads = 500 +320 – 20 = 800 m^2
Total cost for laying bricks on the road @ rs10 per m^2 = 800 *10 =
59 D. 10%

Solution 59:-

Let the CP of 11 article = 110 Rs

CP of each article =10 Rs
SP of 10articles = 110 Rs
SP of each article =11 Rs
Gain = 1Rs per article
Gain %= 1/10 *100 = 10%

Alternate method:-
Gain = Article free/ article sold *100

Gain = 11-10/10 *100 = 10%

60 A. 54Deg
Solution 60:- Let the angles = 3x,4x,5x and 8x
3x+4x+5x+8x = 360 Deg
20X =360
X = 18 Deg
Smallest angle = 3x = 3*18 = 54 Deg.

Question number Correct answer
41 (B) 47
Solution 41 :- Series is increasing by +10,+8,+6 and so on
Next term = 43+4 =47.
42 (C) l in 1000000000
Solution 42 :- probability of the corpse being the missing man =
probability of man having gold plated teeth * probability of man
having left thumb fractured * Probability of man having right ear
= 1/5000 * 1/20000 * 1/100
= 1/ 1000000000 .
43 (B) 24.5
Solution 43 :- By Applying the rule of VBODMAS and solving,
A= 245/10
44 (A) 9.60
Solution 44 :- LCM of (0.12,9.60,0.6) = 9.60.
45 (B) 8.86 yr
Solution 45 :- Total age of all the boys together = 30*10 = 300
Total age of all the girls together = 40*8 = 320 years
Total age of all the students = 320+300 = 620
Total students = 30+40=70
Average age of students = 620/70 = 8.86 years.
46 (C) 378
Solution 46 :- Let the total income = X
Income spent = 1/3 X+ 1/4 X = 7/12 X

Income left = X – 7/12 X
= 5/12 X
Remaining amount was spent on other items,
5X/12 = 630
X = 1512 Rs.
House rent = ¼ * 1512 = 378 Rs.
So option C.
47 (A) 34.3 km/h
Solution 47 :- Since the distance travelled is same in both the cases,
Therefore using the formula of average speed = 2*a*b/(a+b)
S = 2*30*40 /(30+40)
= 34.3 kmph.
48 (B) Decreased in the ratio 56:45
Solution 48 :- Let the number of employees earlier = 80
Employees now = 50
Let the initial wage = 7 Rs
Wage now = 9 rs
Overall expenditure earlier = 80*7 = 560 Rs
Overall expenditure now = 50*9 = 450 Rs
Bill is decreased in the ratio = 56:45
49 (D) 23 yr.
Solution 49 :-
Let the age of Father = F years
Age of Mother = M years
Age ofDaughter = D years
M = 2D
= 2*20 = 40 years
F = 3+40 = 43 years
father’s age when the daughter was born = 43-20 =23 years.
50 (B) 80
Solution 50 :- 80% of A = 20% of B
B/A = 4/1 - - - - -(1)
B = 5X/100 * A - - - - -(2)
B/A = X/20
from (1) and (2),
X/20 = 4
X= 80.
51 (B) 5L
Solution 51 :- Water in the mixture = 10% of 40 = 4 L
Alcohol in the mixture = 36L
Let the amount of water added = X L
4+X = 20% (40+X)
X= 5L
52 (C) 8(4/7) days
Solution 52:- Let the total work = 60 units.
A Completes = 60/20 = 3 Units per day
B completes = 60/15 = 4 Units per day

Together they will complete =3+4 = 7 units per day
Time taken by them to finish the work = 60/7 = 8 4/7 days.
53 (A) 36 km
Solution 53 :- Speed upstream = 5-1 = 4 kmph
Speed Downstream = 5+1 = 6kmph
Let the distance travelled = D km
Time (Upstream ) = Time (Downstream ) +3
D/4 = D/6 + 3
D =36 km.
54 (A) Rs 20000, Rs 14000
Solution 54 :- Profit sharing ratio of A and B
Amount invested by A * time for which A invested : Amount invested
by B * time for which B invested
= 5000 * 12 : 6000 *7
= 6000 : 4200
= 30:21
Share of A = 10/17 * 34000 = 20000
Share of B = 7/17 *34000 = 14000.
55 (C) 20
Solution 55 :-Let the number of hens = H
and that of Goat = G, then,
H+G = 80 - - - - - - -(1)
2H + 4G = 200, - - - - - -(2)
On solving,
G= 20
H = 60
56 (B) 72 m
Solution 56:- Area of square = side*side = 324 m^2
Side = 18m
Perimeter = 4*side
= 4*18 = 72m.
57 (D) 1968 cm^3
Solution 57 :-
Volume of metal req = Volume of box – inner volume (hollow) of box
Volume of metal req = 30*20*10 - (30-2)(20-2)(10-2)
= 6000 – 4032 cm^3
= 1968 cm^3.
58 (C) Rs 12.8
Solution 58 :- SI for 2 years @ rate of 8% = 2*8 = 16% of P
CI for 2 years @ rate of 8% f0r 2 years = 8+8+8*8/100 = 16.64%
Difference in interest = 16.64 -16 = 0.64% of p
= 0.64/100 * 2000 = 12.8 Rs
59 (D) 8%
Solution 59 :-Let the Cp = 100
MP = 120 % of 100 =120
SP = 90% of MP = .9*120 = 108Rs
P = 108-100 =8 Rs.

P% = 8/100 *100 = 8%.
60 (A) 100
Solution 60 :-Let the 10 Rs notes = X
20 Rs notes = Y
X+Y =150 - - - - - -(1)
10X + 20Y = 2000 - - - - - -(2)
From (1) and (2),
Y =50
X =100.

Question number Correct answer
1 (C)1230
Solution 1 :- Total units manufactured by C = 2.6+2.2+2.1+2.8+2.6 =
12.3 *100 = 1230 units.
2 (D)21
Solution 2 :- Units sold by E in 2006 = 1.4
Units sold by E in 2007 = 1.7
% increase = (1.7-1.4)/1.4* 100
= 21 % aaprox.
3 (D)73.33
Solution 3:-
Units sold by Company D in 2006 = 2.2 *100 = 220
Units manufactured by Company D in 2006 = 3*100 = 300
% of units sold = 220/300 *100
= 73.33
4 (D)None Of The Above
Solution 4:-
Units Manufactured by A and B in 2009 = 1 +2.4 = 3.4
Units sold by A and B in 2009 = 1.3+ 0.4 = 1.7
5 (B)158
Solution 5:- Total units sold by D in all the years =
2.2+1.9+1.5+1.2+1.1 = 7.9 *100 = 790
Average units sold by D per year = 790/5 = 158
6 (A)8
Solution 6:- X^0.4 *X^ 2.6 = 32*16
X^3 = 512
7 (C)0
Solution 7:- Applying the formula
a^3+b^3+c^3 = 3abc when a+b+c = 0
a =0.111 , b = 0.222 , c = -0.333

[(0.111)^3 + (0.222)^3 +(-0.333)^3 + (0.333)^2 * (0.222)]^3

=[ 3(0.111)(0.222)(-0.333) + (0.333)^2* (0.222)]^3

= [0.024617358 - 0.024617358]^3
8 (B)3 ½
Solution 8:- Let the number =X
[4.5* (X+2.5) + 3 ] * 5/6 = 25
On Solving by applying the VBODMAS,
X= 3.5
9 (A)0
Solution 9 :- Since the sum of 16,17,18 and 19 = 70 so when the sum
of their cubes is divided by 70 , it will be perfectly divisible. So
remainder = 0.
10 (B)160
Solution 10 :- The man can select 3 girls out of 5 in 5c3 ways = 10
Now the cases can be
3G 0B + 3G 1B + 3G 2B + 3G 3B + 3G 4B
= 5c3* 4c0 + 5c3 * 4c1 + 5c3 *4c2 + 5c3 * 4c3 + 5c3 *4c4
= 5c3 (4c0 + 4c1 +4c2 + 4c3 + 4c4)
= 10 * 2^4 = 160 ways.
11 (D)6
Solution 11 :- 3 rows are possible as 207,210,213.
4 rows are also possible as 153 ,156,159,162.
5 rows are also possible as 120,123,126,129,132.
6 Rows are not possible as in that case number of students per row
will come out to be in decimal, which is not possible.
12 (D)1/9
Solution 12 :- Favorable cases are (1,4)(2,3)(3,2)(4,1)
Total cases = 6*6 = 36
Probability = 4/36 = 1/9.
13 Answer does not match the options
Solution 13 :- After the meeting, the ratio of their speeds can be
directly calculated by the formula

S1/S2 = (T2/T1)^1/2

S1/S2 = (16/9)^1/2
S1/S2 = 4/3
14 (B)2 P.M. on Wednesday
Solution 14 :- Time gained by watch = 6 min 48 sec
Total time elapsed = 24*7 + 2 = 170 hours
To show the correct watch needed to gain = 2 min

Using Unitary method,

Gain time
6 min 48 sec = 408 sec 170 hr
2 min = 120 sec X hr

408/120 = 170/X
X= 50 hours

So watch will show the correct time 50 hours after noon on Monday .
i.e. on 2 PM Wednesday.
15 (C)35%
Solution 15 :- A and B will contradicts each other if A speaks truth
and B lies or vice versa.

A(truth) = 75%
A (lie) = 25%
B (truth) = 80%
B (lie) = 20%

Probability of contradicting = A(truth)B(lie) + B(truth)A(lie)

= 75% * 20 % + 80 % *25%
= 35%
16 (B)1,33,068
Solution 16 :-
Sum of all nos from 200 to 600 = 160200
Sum of nos from 200 to 600 that are divisible by 8 = 20400
Sum of nos from 200 to 600 that are divisible by 12 = 13668
Sum of nos from 200 to 600 that are divisible by (LCM of 8 and 12)
24 = 6936

Sum of all the nos from 200 to 600 that are neither divisible by 8 nor
by 12 = 160200 – (20400 + 13668) + 6936
= 133068
17 (D)n(k-1)
Solution 17 :-
Suppose we have 5 teams in total with each team having 10 players,
The number of players that can be common in 1st and 2nd team =9
Same will be the case for all other teams as well.

The total number of players will be given by

= Total number of teams * ( total number of players in a team -1)
= n(K-1).
18 (C)111111111
Solution 18 :- n = (12345678987654321)^1/2
= 111111111. Hence Option C.
19 (C)31
Solution 19 :- to pick 1st stone distance covered = 20
To pick 2ndstone , distance covered = 20
To pick 3rd stone distance covered = 40
To pick 4th stone distance covered = 40

20,20,40,40,60,60 and so on
Or if we combine it for 2 stones then ,
So it will form an AP with a= 40

D =40
S = 4800
4800 = n/2 [ 2*a+(n-1)d)]
n = 15
total number of stones = 2*n +1 (+1 as he picked 1st stone from the
starting position)
=2*15 +1 = 31
20 (A)01
Solution 20 :- Last 2 digits of 7^2008 =
= Rem 7^2008/100
= 2401^502 /100

Question number Correct answer
1 2. Rs. 2002
Solution 1 :- Area of path = Area of outer circle – Area of inner circle
= 22/7 *24.5*24.5 - 2.22/7 * 21 *21
= 500.5 m^2
Cost of Gravelling = 5000.5 * 4 = 2002 Rs
2 3. 22 and 24
Solution 2:- Let the numbers be X and X+2
X^2 +(X+2)^2 = 1060
2X^2 + 4X -1056 = 0
X= 22
X+2 =24.
3 4. Rs. 11,220
Solution 3 :- When 2 increment/decrement are given then net
increment / decrement canbe calculated by using the formula
= a+b+ (a*b)/100

Two successive discount of 15 % and 12 % is equivalent to a single

discount of
(-15) +(-12) + (-15)(-12)/10
= 25.2%
MP = 15000
Discount = 25.2%
SP = (100-25.2)% of 15000
= 74.8 /100 * 15000
= 11220 Rs.
4 3. Rs. 1,000
Solution 4:- Using the formula of Depreciation,
A= P(1-R/100)^T
A = 729
R =10%
729 = P(1-10/100)^3
P =1000 Rs.

5 3. on 17th day
Solution 5:- In 2 days saving by Man = 20-15 = 5 Rs
He will save 40 Rs in 16 days
On the 17th day , he again will earn 20Rs and thus will have 60 Rs in
his hands
6 1. 44 kgs.
Solution 6 :- Lead in Alloy X = 3/5 * 60 = 36 Kg
Tin in alloy X = 60-36 = 24 Kg
Tin in alloy Y = 1/5 * 100 = 20 Kg
Copper in alloy Y = 100-20= 80Kg.

Total amount of Tin in the new alloy = 24+20 =44 kg

7 3. 38.5 litres
Solution 8:- Volume of Soup in 1 cylindrical cup = pi*r*r*h
= 22/7*3.5*3.5*4
= 154 cm^3
Volume of Soup in 250 cups = 250 * 154 = 38500 cm^3
= 38.5 L.
8 3. 5050
1. 5052
2. 6000
3. 5050
4. 5000
Solution 8:-
Sum of all natural nos from 1 to 100 = n(n+1)/2, where n =100
100*101/2 = 5050.
9 1. 400, 30
Solution 9 : - Let total charges =C
F = Fixed amount
D = No of days
X= charges per day
C = F +DX

1000 = F + 20X - - - - - - - - -(1)

1180 = F + 26X - - - - - - - - - (2)
From (1) and (2),
F= 400
X= 30
10 2. 17½ degrees
Solution 10 :- Using the formula,
Ɵ = (11/2)M-30H
Where M= 25

Ɵ = 17.5 degree
11 3. 99
Solution 11 :- We need to find the numbers having 3 digit and
divisible by 9
1st such number is 108

Last such number = 999
Using the formula of AP,
L =a+(n-1)d
999 = 108 + (n-1)*9
n =99
12 4. -3/2
Solution 12:-Standard form of an quadratic equation = ax^2+bx+c=0
Product of zeroes = c/a
=> -6/a = 4
a = -3/2.
13 3. 285
Solution 13:- Total Sundays in June beginning with a Sunday = 5
Total number of visitors on Sunday = 5*510 = 2550
Weekdays = 25
Total number of visitors on weekdays = 25 * 240
= 6000.
Average number of visitors per day = (2550+6000)/30 = 285.
14 4. Rs. 15
Solution 14 :-
9 9
Dividend on Rs. 20 = Rs. x 20 = Rs. .
100 5
Rs. 12 is an income on Rs. 100.
Rs. is an income on Rs. x = Rs. 15.
9 100 9

15 4. 11/12
Solution 15:- Good pens = 132
Total pens = 144
Probaility of taking out a good pen = 132/144
= 11/12.
16 2. 64.75
Solution 16 :- Total of 72 items = 72*63 =4536
Subtracting wrongly entered items and adding correct ones ,
total = 4536 –(27+9)+(72+90)
Correct average = 4662/72 = 64.75
17 1. 70 kms
Solution 17:-
Speed * time = Distance
Since Distance is constant in this case, therefore Speed is inversely
proportional to time
so when the Speed is reduced by 1/8, Time must increase by 1/7
T/7 = 15
T= 105 min
D = S*T
= 40 * 105/60 = 70Kms.
18 2. lesser than
Solution 18 :- Minor segment subtends lesser angle than that
subtended by Major segment.

19 1. 7:27:45 hours
Solution 19 :- Time after which they will change simultaneously =
LCM (45,75,90)
= 450 Sec
= 7.5 minutes
So the time at which they will change simultaneously = 7:27:45.
20 1. Equal
Solution 20:- In such cases, angle of elevation is always equal to
angle of depression. As they will form a pair of alternate angles.

Question number Correct answer
1 (c) 40 sq. cms.
Pi*(2r)* (2r) = 4*pi*r^2
= 4* Pi*r*r
= 4*10 = 40 s. cms.
2 (c) 27 P
Solution 2:-
Time Principal Amount
10Years P 3P
Next 10 years 3p 9P
Next 10 years 9P 27P
3 (c) 3 : 1
Solution 3 :- A/B = 9/1
(A/B)^2 = (9/1)^1/2
= 3/1
6 (c) 10201
Solution :- 1010*101 = 10201
7 (a) 4/3*pi* r^3
Solution 7 :- Volume of cylinder is 4/3*Pi*r^3
8 (c) 54
Solution 8 :- Let the number = XY
Number in expanded form = 10X +Y
Now as per question,
10X+Y – 9 = 10Y +X
X-Y =1
only option C satisfies.
10 (b) 100 litres
Solution 10 :- By adding 5 litres of water the tank fills by 5%
therefore capacity of the tank = 100% = 100 litres
11 (c) greater than three times the area of a square of side r.
Solution 11 :- Area of Square = r*r
Area of circle = 3.14*r*r

Area of circle is greater than 3 times than the area of square of side r.
13 (b) 12.25
Solution 13 :- 3.5*3.5 = 12.25
14 (c) 22 1/2 days
Solution 14 :- Let efficiency of B = 1unit per day
Efficiency of A = 3 units per day
Let the total work = X units,
X- X/3 = 60
X= 90units
Working together they will complete the work in = 90/(1+3) = 22.5
15 (b) 1 % loss
Solution 15:- Let CP = 100 Rs
MP = 110% of CP = 110% of 100 = 110 Rs
Discount = 10%
SP = 90% of 110
= 99 Rs
Loss % = 1/100* 100 = 1%
16 (b) 12 minutes
Solution 16 :- Let the capacity of the tank = 60 litres
A fills = 60/20 = 3 Litres per minute
B fills = 60/30 = 2litres per minute
Working together they will fill the tank in = 60/(3+2) = 12 minutes
17 (b) 4/5
Solution 17 :- 7/6 is the only Fraction greater than 1.
18 (a) 0 and 100
Solution 18 :- Square root of any positive number between 1-100 will
lie between 0 and 10.
19 (c) C
20 (a) positive

Question number Correct answer
121 No answer
122 b. Rs.300
Solution 122 :- total number of people initially = 10
Contribution per head = Y rs
Total amount =10*Y
(15)(Y-100) = 10Y
Y = 300 Rs
123 b. Rs. 3590
Solution 123 :- Amount after 1 year = 10000 + 10% of 10000
= 11000 Rs
Amount withdrawn = 2000
Remaining balance = 11000-2000 = 9000
Amount after 2nd year = 9000 + 10% of 9000
= 9900 Rs
Amount withdrawn = 3000 Rs

Remaining balance = 9900-3000 = 6900 rs
Amount at the end of 3rd year = 6900 + 10% of 6900
= 7590 Rs
Amount withdrawn = 4000 Rs
Remaining balance = 7590-4000
= 3590 Rs
124 b.19
Solution 124 :- Men*Time / Work = constant
38*16 = 32 *X
X = 19 days

Question number Correct answer
121 (d) Rs. 306/-
Solution 121:- Net discount = (-15)+(-10) + (-15)(-10)/100
= 23.5 %
76.5% of 400 = 306 Rs.
122 (b) 24
Solution 122 :- Selling price of 1 pen = 60/20 = 3Rs
P = 20%
SP = 120% of CP
CP = 2.5 Rs
Pen bought for rs 60 = 60/2.5 = 24.
123 (c) 6
Solution 123:- A+B = 10 - - - - --(1)
B+C = 12 - - - - - - -(2)
C+D = 14 - - - - - -(3)
Adding (1), (2) and (3),
2(A+B+C) = 36
A+B+C = 18
but B+C = 12
So A = 18-12= 6
124 (d) 10
Solution 124 :- Men*Time/Work = constant
=> 20*8 * 5= 10*8*X
X= 10 days
125 (c) Rs. 60/-
Solution 125 :- Let his income = X
25% of X = 60
X = 240Rs
Spendings on milk products = 1/3 *75% of 240
= 60Rs
126 (c) 5 minutes
Solution 126 :- Distance covered per minute by Prabha = 90/2 = 45 m
To cover a distance of 225m , time req = 225/45 = 5 minutes
127 (b) 60
Solution 127 :- series is following the logic +8,+10,+12…and so on

next term = 46+14 = 60
128 (b) 3: 5
Solution 128 :- P = 33.33 %
SP = 14 rs
CP = ¾ * 14 = 10.5 Rs
2.5 1.5

Therefore the proportion of the mixture was 1.5:2.5

129 (b) 72 years
Solution 129:- Let their ages = 8X and 7X resp,
8X-27/7X-27 = 5:4
32X – 108 = 35X – 135
3X = 27
Age of elder one = 8X = 8*9 = 72 years
130 No answer
Solution 130 :- Data in this question seems wrong as large value of
rate of interest is coming as ans.
131 (a) 21.9 km
Solution 131 :- 5mm = 15 km
1mm = 15/5 = 3km
7.3 mm = 3*7.3 = 21.9 km.
132 (a) 20
Solution 132 :- Length of the square handkerchief = HCF of (120 and
96) = 24 cm
Number of handkerchiefs = 120*96 / 24*24 = 20
133 (c) 9.09%
Solution 133 :- Let Akbar = 100
Sumit = 110
Akbar got 10 less than Sumit, therefore
% = 10/110 *100 = 9.09%
134 (b) 45 persons
Solution 134 :- Men *Time /Work = constant
15*24/(1/2) = (15+X)*6/(1/2)
X= 45
135 (d) Rs. 2400/-
Solution 135 :- Profit sharing ratio of Krishna and Sunita =
18000*12 : 24000*8
Sunita’s share = 8/17 *5100
= 2400 Rs

Question number Correct answer

56 (b) 550
Solution 56:- Let the total marks =X
36% of X = 113+85
X =550.
57 (b) 54
(a) Solution 57:- Let the number =XY
Number in Expanded form = 10X+Y
10Y+ X = 5/6 (10X+Y)
60Y + 6X = 50X + 5Y
55Y = 44X
5Y = 4X
5Y = 4(Y+1)
On solving, Y = 4 and X = 5, so the number is 54. Option (b) is the
correct answer.
58 (a) 8
Solution 58 :- Let the total work = 24 units
A+B completes = 24/8 = 3 units per day
B+C completes = 24/12 = 2 units per day
A+B+C completes = 24/6 = 4 units per day
Adding all three equations,
2A+3B+2C = 9 units per day
2(A+B+C) + B = 9 units per day
B= 9-2*4 = 1 unit per day
A = 3-1 = 2 units per day and
C = 2-1 = 1 unit per day
A+C together will complete = 2+1 = 3 units per day.
So working together A+C will finish the work in = 24/3 = 8 days
59 (d) becomes eight times
Solution 59:- Volume of the cube = (side)^3
When each side is doubled , new volume = (2a)^3
= 8* Side^3
so new volume will become 8 times.
60 Answer doesn’t match the options
Solution 60 :- favorable cases = (1,6)(2,5)(3,4)(4,3)(5,2)(6,1)
Total cases = 6*6 = 36
Probability = 4/36 = 1/9
61 (c) 17 m
Solution 61 :- L*B = 120
2(L+B) = 46
L = 15
B= 8
D =(L^2+B^2)^1/2
= 17 m
62 (c) 8
Solution 62 :- SP = 1/12
Loss = 20%

SP = 80% of CP
1/12= 80% CP
CP= 5/48
SP = 120% of CP
= 6/5 * 5/48
So he must sell 8 for a rupee.
63 (a) 30 years, 10 years
Solution 63 :- X-Y =20
(X-5) = 5(Y-5)
on solving,
X= 30
Y = 10
64 (b) 2
Solution 64:- (6+X)/(14+X) = (18+X) /( 38+X)
65 (d) 11
Solution 65 :- Men*time/work = constant
18*10/900 = X*12/660
X= 11

Question number Correct answer
46 (d) 6 1/9 seconds
Solution 46 :- Total distance to be travelled = 210+65 = 275 m
Relative speed = 90+72 = 162 kmph
= 45 m/s
Time req = 275/45 = 6 1/9 sec
47 (d) 90/19 hrs
Solution 47 :- Let the capacity of the tank = 90 litres
S fills = 90/6 = 15 litres per hour
K fills = 90/9 = 10 litres per hour
N empties = 90/15 = 6litres per hour
Time req to fill empty cistern when all the 3 pipes are working
together = 90/(15+10-6) = 90/19 hr
48 (a) 8
Solution 48 :- Total number of handshakes between N people = n(n-
n(n-1)/2 = 28
N= 8
49 (a) 18
Solution 49 :- 6 edges on upper face + 6 edges on lower face + 6
edges on side.
Total = 18 edges.
50 (c) 9826
Solution 50 :- T = 1.5 years = 3 half years
P = 8192
R = 12.5% per annum = 6.25 % per half yearly

A = 8192(1+6.25/100)^3
= 9826 rs.
51 (b) Gain = 25 %
Solution 51:- Let CP of 15 articles = 180 Rs
CP of 1 article = 180/15 = 12 Rs
SP of 1 article = 180/12 = 15 rs
Gain = 15-12/ 12 * 100
= 25%
52 (c) a ^3 - b ^3 = (a-b ) (a^2 + ab + b^2 )
53 (a) 3:30
Solution 53 :- Correct time = 12.00 – 8.30
= 3.30
54 (b) 154 m3
Solution 54 :- Volume of cone = 1/3 *pi*r*r*h
= 1/3* 22/7 * 28/8 * 28/8 * 12
= 154 m^3
55 (b) Cube
56 (c) 18 days
Solution 56 :- Full in 20 days.
Half in 19 days
Quarter in 18 days.
57 (c) 3
Solution 57 :- P(A and B) = P(A) + P(B) – p(A or B)
P(A and B) = 7+8- 12
58 (d) increased by 21%
Solution 58 :- When Y s increased by 10%, X will have 2 increments
of 10%
so net increment = 10+10+10*10/100
= 21%
59 (a) 73/77
Solution 59 :- X/Y = 0.04/1.5
Let Y = 1.5
X = 0.04
1.5-0.04/1.5+0.04 = 1.46/1.54
60 (a) 164
Solution 60 :- 36+64=100
64+100 = 164
100+164 = 264
164+264 = 428.
So ans is 164.
61 (b) 2:3
Solution 61 :-
16.4 ------------15.8-------------------15.4
0.6 0.4

ratio of boys to girl

= 0.4 : 0.6
62 (a) 21
Solution 62 :- To be sure about the 1 correct pair of Gloves, we need
to take out 21 Gloves
63 (c) Thursday
Solution 63 :- 3 days after 24 i.e. 27th
4 ,11,18,25 >> Tuesday
27 >> Thursday.
64 (d) 100000
Solution 64 :- Distance covered in 1 revolution = 2*pi*r
= 2*22/7* 7
= 44 cm
Number of revolution in 44km = 4400000/44 = 100000.
65 (d) None of the above
Solution 65 :-
Pages Digits used
1-9 9
10-99 180
275 528
total 717

None of these.

Question number Correct answer
86 (c) odd numbers
Solution 86 :- M^2 -1 will always be a product of 2 consecutive odd
87 Solution does not match with the options
Solution 87 :- Place value of 5 is .005
= 5/10^3.
88 (c) 0.001
Solution 88:- .001 * .001 = .000001
Sq root of 0.000001 = 0.001
89 (c) 70 degrees
Solution 89 :- Let the angle = X
its supplement = 180-X
X = ¼(180-X) – 20
4X = 180 –X -80
X = 20
Complement of 20 degree = 70 degree.
90 (d) same
Solution 90 :- Area = ½ * base * height
New area = ½ * 2*Base* Height /2
= ½*base*height

So area will remain the same.
91 (b) 2.1
Solution 91 :- Using the concept of Men*Time/Work = constant
we have,
1/6 hour = 10 min
314*10/ 6594 = 1*1/X
X = 2.1
92 (b) 12m
Solution 92 :- Here, let length = l and breadth = b
Diagonal = (l2 + b2)1/2
Also , Area = lb = 60
So, (l2 + b2)1/2 + l = 5b
(l2 + b2)1/2 = 5b – l
Squaring both sides,
l2 + b2 = 25b2 + l2 – 10lb
on Solving, 24b2 = 600
l = 12
Option (b) is the correct answer.
93 (a) 400 kg
Solution 93 :- Let he sells x kg at 8% profit and (1000-x) kg at 18%
Overall profit = 14%
So, 8/100*x + 18/100 * (1000-x) = 14/100 * 1000
8x – 18x = 14000 – 18000
X = 400
Quantity on 18% profit = 1000 – x = 600kg
Option (c) is the correct answer.
94 (a) 32 km/h
Solution 94 :-

Here, BC = 60. So, AB / BC = tan 45 = 1. Hence, AB = 60

Since AB / BD = tan 30 = √
So , BD = 60√
Distance travelled in 5 sec = CD = BD – BC = 60 ( √ – 1)
Speed = 60 ( √ – 1) / 5 = 8.76 m/s = 8.76 *18/5 km/h = 32 km/h
Option (a) is correct.

95 (c) 1:4
Solution 95 :- In an equilateral triangle, Circumradius = √ and
Inradius = √ .

Area of Incircle = πa2 / 12
Area of Circumcircle = πa2 / 3
Ratio of Areas = 1:4
Option (c) is correct
96 (b) Rs. 1640
Solution 96 :- Here { } { }
Putting r = 5% and X = 882,
On solving, P = 16400
Option (b) is the correct answer.
97 (d) 15: 20: 12
Solution 97 :- Let the distance be 60 km and their speed be 4km/hr,
3km/hr and 5km/hr respectively.
So, time taken = 60/4 , 60/3, 60/5
= 15 : 20 : 12.
Option (d) is the correct answer.
98 (c) 5 hours
Solution 98 :- Let the total capacity f the tank = 12 litres
Pipe A fills = 12/6 = 2 litres per hour
Pipe B fills = 12/ 4 = 3 litres per hour
so in two hours they will fill = 5 litres
in 4 hours they will fill =10litres
now A will fill the remaining 2 litres in 1 hour
so total time req = 5 hours.
99 (b) 26
Solution 99 :- Let the three consecutive nos = X-1, X, X+1
(X-1)^2+X^2+(X+1)^2 = 2030
3X^2 + 2 = 2030
X =26.
100 (d) Y^3/ X^2
Solution 100 :- Using the concept of Men*Time/Work = constant
we have,
X*X*X/X = Y*Y*Y/W
W = X^2/Y^3
101 (a) 125
Solution 101 :- Perimeter of 1 face of cube = 20 cm
4a = 20
a =5
volume =a^3
= 5^3 =
cu. Cm
102 (c) 6.8
Solution 102 :- Let total eligible Voters = 100x
Between 18 to 21 = 8x
85% of those 8x voted, i.e., 85/100*8x = 6.8x = 6.8%
Option (c) is the correct answer.
103 (d) 26
Solution 103 :- Let the number of hens =H
and number of cows =C

H+C = 48
2H+4C = 140
on solving,
H = 26
C = 22
104 (a) Rs 12000
Solution 104 :- Let the amount invested in scheme A = X rs
Amount invested in scheme B = (27000-X) rs
Total interest = { } ( ){ }
( )
4818.30 = { } ( ){ }
On solving,
X = 12000
Option (a) is the correct answer.
105 (c) equilateral triangle
Solution 105 :-Area of Circle = Area of Square = Area of Equilateral
triangle = k
Πr2 = s2 = √ / 4 a2 = k
Perimeter of Circle = 2π√ = 2√
Perimeter of Square = 4s = 4√
Perimeter of Equilateral Triangle = 3a = (6 √ )(√ )
On comparing, Equilateral Triangle will have the max. perimeter.
Option (c) is correct.
106 (b) 20
Solution 106 :- X^2+Y^2+Z^2 = 138
XY+YZ+ZX = 131
using the identity,
(X+Y+Z)^2= X^2+Y^2+Z^2 + 2(XY+YZ+ZX)
= 138+ 2*131 =
X+Y+Z = 20
107 (c) 35%
Solution 107 :- P(A, truth) = 75%
P(A, lie) = 25%
P(B, truth) = 80%
P(B, lie) = 20%
Probability of contradicting = P(A, truth) * P(B, lie) + P(A, lie) * P(B,
= 75% * 20%+ 80% * 25%
= 35%

Question number Correct answer
101 c. 3:1
Solution 101 :- A/B = 9/1
(A/B)^1/2 = (9/1)^1/2
= 3/1

103 b. 100 liters
Solution 103 :- By adding 5 litres water the tank gets filled by 5%
5% of total capacity of tank = 5 litres
Total capacity of tank = 100Litres.
104 c. 25
Solution 104 :- 25*25 = 625. Hence sq root of 625 is 25.
105 c. 22.5 days
Solution 105 :- Let the total job = X units
let efficiency of B = 1 unit per day
then efficiency of A = 3 units per day
X –X/3 = 60
X = 90 units
Working together they will complete the work in = 90/(3+1)
= 22.5 days
106 b. 24
Solution 106 :- SP of 1 pencil = 60/20 = 3rs
P = 20%
SP = 120% of CP
3 = 120% of CP
CP = 2.5 Rs
Pencil bought for rs 60 = 60/2.5 = 24 pencil.
107 d. 10
Solution 107 :- Using the concept of Men *Time / Work = Constant
5*20* 8 = D * 10 * 8
D = 10 days
108 c. 5
Solution 108 :- As distance is directly proportion to time taken
Using Unitary method,
in 1minute Shila walks = 45 m
Time taen to walk 225m, = 225/45= 5 minutes
117 b. 550
Solution 117 :- Let the total marks = X
then ,
36% of X = 113+85
X = 550 Marks.
118 c. 17 meter
Solution 118 :- L*B = 120
2(L+B) = 46
On solving the two equations, we have,
L= 15
Diagonal = (L^2+B^2)^1/2
= 17
119 a. 30 years and 10 years
Solution 119 :- Let the age of older one = X years
that of younger one = Y years
X-Y = 20 - - - - -(1)
also ,
(X-5) = 5(Y-5) - - - - -(2)

From (1) and (2),
X= 30, Y = 10

Question Correct answer
81 (b) Rs.262
Solution 81 :- New price of petrol after price hike = 107% of 28 = 29.96 Rs
Petrol used by Vatsal’s car = 2400/18 = 133.33 litres
Increase in expenditure per litre = 29.96-28 = 1.96 Rs
Total increase in expenditure = 1.96* 133.33 = 262 Rs approx.
82 (c) Rs.726
Solution 82 :- Setting up cost = 1000 Rs
Running cost for 900 copies = 120*9 = 1080 Rs
Other Cost for 900 copies = 900 * 0.6 = 540 Rs
Total Cost = 1000+1080+540= 2620 Rs
Total Selling price of 784 copies = 784*2.75 = 2156 Rs
To earn a profit of 10 % i.e. 262 Rs, total SP must be equal to = 2620+262 = 2882
Amount needed to be earned through advertisement = 2882 – 2156 = 726 Rs
83 (a) 20%
Solution 83 :- Let A got 1000 rs then b got =2000 rs
total money = 3000 rs
Worth of money with A after 2 years = 100 * 6/7 *6/7 = 36000/49 rs
Worth of money with B after 2 years = 2000 * 120/100 * 120 /100
= 2880 Rs
Net worth with A and B together after 2 years = 36000/49 + 2880 =
3614.69 rs

% Increase in amount = 614.69/3000 * 100 = 20% approx.

84 (b) 25%
Solution 84 :- Let the weight of 1st cube = X kg
that of 2nd cube = Y kg
X+Y = 60 - - - - - -(1)
Zinc in 1st cube = 10 kg
Zinc in 2nd cube = 8 kg
Let the percentage of zinc in 1st cube = a%
percentage of zinc in 2nd cube = (a+ 15) %
a% of X = 10 - - - - -(2)
(a+15)% of Y = 8
= (a+15)% of (60-X) = 8 - - - - -(3)
From (2) and (3),
a= 25
X= 40
% of zinc in 1st piece of cube = 10/40 *100 = 25%.

85 (b) 4s
Solution 85 :-
Time 1 sec 2sec 3 sec 4 sec 5 sec

distance travelled 3 7 11 15 19
Total distance
travelled 3 10 21 36 45
IF condition 1 9 17 25 33
Total distance
travelled 1 10 27 52 85
Difference 2 0 6 16 40
The difference is more than 6 but less than 30 in 4 th sec
86 (c) 502

Solution 86 :- 2-digit integers:

Number of ways to choose 2 distinct integers from 9 options = 9C2 =
(9*8)/(2*1) = 36.

3-digit integers:
Number of ways to choose 3 distinct integers from 9 options = 9C3 =
(9*8*7)/(3*2*1) = 84.

4-digit integers:
Number of ways to choose 4 distinct integers from 9 options = 9C4 =
(9*8*7*6)/(4*3*2*1) = 126.

5-digit integers:
Number of ways to choose 5 distinct integers from 9 options = 9C5 = 9C4
= 126.

6-digit integers:
Number of ways to choose 6 distinct integers from 9 options = 9C6 = 9C3
= 84.

7-digit integers:
Number of ways to choose 7 distinct integers from 9 options = 9C7 = 9C2
= 36.

8-digit integers:
Number of ways to choose 8 distinct integers from 9 options = 9C8 = 9C1
= 9.

9-digit integers:
Here, there is only 1 option:

Total options = 36+84+126+126+84+36+9+1 = 502.

87 (b) 10 min
Let the total capacity of Dam = 60 litres

Then , A+B+C fills = 60/12 = 5 litres per min - - - - (1)
B+C+D fills = 60/15 = 4 litres per min - - - - -(2)
A+D fills = 60/20 = 3 litres per minute - - - -(3)
From (1), (2) and (3)
A+B+C+D = 6litres per minute
Time req by all the pipes together to fill the tank = 60/6 = 10 min
88 (b) 676
Solution 88:- All such nos will form an AP starting from 10 and ending
with 94, with a common difference of 7
Applying the formula of AP,
An = a+ (n-1)d
94 = 10 + (n-1)*7
n =13
Sum = 13/2 [2*10 + 12 * 7)]
= 676 .
89 (c) 55.2 kmph
Solution 89 :- Average speed = Total distance travelled/ Total time taken
Total distance travelled in first 10 min = 20 * 600 = 12000 m =12km
Distance covered in next 10 minutes = 8.5 km
Distance covered in next 10 minute = 11km
Distance covered in next 10 minutes = 8.5 km
Distance covered in last 10 minutes =6 km
Total distance travelled = 12+ 8.5+ 11+ 8.5 + 6 = 46 km
Total time taken = 50 minutes
Average speed = 46/50 * 60 = 55.2 kmph
90 (c) 9 litres
Solution 90 :- Appling the rule of alligation To get a mixture of 94%
purity from 2 mixtures of 90% and 97% purity
They must be mixed in the ratio
Quantity of 1st solution = 3/7 * 21 = 9 litres.

Question number Correct answer
123 c. 2884
Solution 123 :- Smallest such number = LCM (16,18 and 20)*n + 4
= 720 n+ 4
Put n = 4
number = 2884
124 d. 9 years
Solution 124 :- Total age of all the three boys = 15*3 = 45 years
Let their ages = 3x,5x and 7x resp
3x+5x+7x= 45
x =3
Youngest boy = 3x = 3*3 = 9 years.
125 c. 10:9
Solution 125 :- Net change in A’s salary = a+b+a*b/100

A = +25 , b = -20
Net change = 25+ (-20) + (25)(-20)/100

Change in B’s salary = a+b+a*b/100

a = +20 b =-25
Net change = 20 + (-25) + (20)(-25)/100
= -10%
B decreases by 10%

A = 90 % of B
B:A = 10 :9.
126 c. 8% loss
Solution 126 :- SP of 5 articles =15 rs
SP of 1 article = 15/5 = 3Rs
Profit = 20%
SP = 120 % of CP
120 % of CP = 3
CP = 2.5 rs
CP of 8 articles = 8*2.5 = 20 Rs
SP of 8 articles = 18.40 rs
Loss = 20-18.40 = 1.6 rs
Loss % = 1.6/20 * 100 = 8%.
127 d. cannot be determined
a. Solution 127 :- Interest earned in 4 years @ 8% per
annum = 4*8 = 32 % of P
Interest earned in last 4 years @ 6% per annum = 4*6 =
24% of P
Now since the rate of interest for 5th year is not given hence we
cannot find out the total interest earned.

128 c. 25:24
Solution 128 :- Let the school going children = 5x
number of non-school going children =4x
increase in number of non-school going children = 20% of 4x = 0.8x
New number of non-school going childrens = 4x+ 0.8x = 4.8x
new ratio of school going to non-school going children =
129 (a) 18 kmph
Solution 129 :- Let the speed of Anthony = X kmph
Let Anthony met Akbar t hours after his start,
distance covered by Akbar in t hours = Distance covered by Anthony
in (t-0.5) hours
12 *t = X *(t-0.5) - - - - -(1)
After 90 more minutes, Anthony Overtook Amar

Distance covered by Amar in (t+1.5) hr = distance covered by
Anthony in (t+1) hour 15 *(t+1.5) = X * (t+1) - - - - -(2)
From (1) and (2),
t = 1.5 hours
X =18 kmph.
130 (a) 36,000
Solution 130 :- total cases of arranging 5 boys and 3 girls = 8!
No. of ways in which all the girls are together = 6! * 3!
No. of ways in which not all girls are together = 8! -6!*3!
= 36000.
131 (a) 7/22
Solution 131 :- probability of drawing exactly 2 red balls =
5c2* 7c1/ 12c3

= 10*7/220
= 7/22
132 c. 66 days
Solution 132:-
2A = 3B - - - - - -(1)
4B = 5D - - - - - -(2)
From (1) and (2),
Ratio of efficiencies of Ajit, Baljit and Diljit
Let Ajit completes 15 units in 1 day
Baljit completes 10 units in 1 day
And diljit completes 8 units 1 day
Unit of work done by them working together for 20 days = 20*
= 20* 33
If Baljit alone completes the work , time req by him = 20*33/ 10 = 66

Question number Correct answer
141 (A) 60% of 40%of 280
Solution :- 30/100 * 40/100* 560 = 67.2
Option A, 60% *40% of 280 = 67.2 . Hence option A is the answer.
142 (C) 1
Solution 142 :- Let x= 4a

Y = 5a,
Substituting the value in equation,
4/7 + 2(5a)-4a/ 2(5a)+4a

= 4/7 + 6a/14a
= 4/7 + 6/14
143 (D) 115 cms

Solution 143 :- Total height of 10 students of the class = 105 *10 =
1050 cm.
Total height of 20 more students = 20* 120 = 2400 cm.
Total height when both the group are mixed = 1050+2400
= 3450 cm
Average height of group of 30 students =3450/30 = 115 cm.
144 (C) 35 years
Solution 144 :- Let the present age of Anil = A
Age of Anil’s father = F
F = 2A - - - -(1)
15 years ago,

Father’s age = F-15

Anil’s age = A-15
(F-15) = 3(A-15) - - - - -(2)
From (1) and (2),
A=30 Years
F = 60 years
Anil after 5 years will be of = 30+5 = 35 years. Hence option C.
145 (D) 160
Solution 145 :- Using the concept of ,Men*Time /Work = Constant
M1*T1 = M2*T2
10*8 = M *1/2
M = 160 .
146 (B) Wednesday
Solution 146 :- 26 Jan 1996 = Friday.
26 Jan 1997 = Sunday.
26 Jan 1998 = Monday.
26 Jan 1999 = Tuesday.
26 Jan 2000 = Wednesday.
147 (B) 8 hrs 44 mts
Solution 147 :- Time req to cover 80 Km = 80/120= 2/3 hour = 40
Time (stoppages) = 4 min
So the train covered 80 km in 44 minutes
To cover 880 Km , time req = 880 /80 * 44
= 484 minutes
In Next 40 minutes train will cover the remaining 80 km and will its
So total time taken by train to cover 960 km = 484 + 40 = 524 minutes
= 8hrs 44 min
148 (C) 10
Solution 148 :- Let the total quantity of cake = 100 units
Father’s share = 25 units
Let there are n members in the family excluding father.
Remaining 75 units will be distributed among these n members.
Share of each member = 75/n
Father’s share = 3 (other member’s share)
25 = 3 (75/n)

N =9
Total members in the family including father n+1 = 9+1 = 10.
149 (A) 390
Solution 149 :-
Actual time Clock Shows
60 min 65 min
1 min 65/60 min
So in 1 minute angle covered by Clock = 65/60 * 360 Degree
= 390 Degree
150 (D) 3:1
Solution 150 :-
Cone Cylinder
Radius r R
Height h H
Volume V V

Comparing the volume if Cone and Cylinder

1/3 *pi*r*r*h = pi*r*r*H
h = 3H
h/H = 3/1.

Question number Correct answer
141 (a) Rs.851
S.I. = P *R*T/ 100
Amount to be paid after 7 months
= 7/12 * 11* 800/100 + 800
= Rs. 851
142 (c) 8 days
Number of men days required = 16 × 16 = 256
Number of men days completed in 4 days = 16 × 4 = 64
Number of men on work after 4 days = 16 + 8 = 24
Remaining Work = 256-64 = 192 units
From this instant onwards work will be completed in = 192 /24 = 8 days.
143 (d) 605
Initial number of members = 500
Number of members at beginning of 3rd year = 500(1+10/100)^3
= 605
144 (c) 5 kms
Let the school begins ‘t’ minutes after the boy leaves his home.
According to question,
8[(T +2.5) / 60] = 10 [(T-5)/60]
T = 35
Required distance = 8[(35+2.5) / 60]
= 5km.
145 (b) 108
Share of Monu = 6/18 * 324 = 108 Rs

146 (d) 260
The given information can be shown with help of Venn diagram.

x + y = 0.84 × 1000 = 840 .…(i)

y + z = 0.42 × 1000 = 420 .…(ii)
x + y + z = 1000 .…(iii)

Adding equations (i) and (ii), then subtracting eq. (iii) from it, we get
y = 260.
147 (a) Rs.80
Present value of share = Rs. 100
Dividend on Rs. 100 shares = Rs. 12
Let the value of share at the time of purchase be Rs. x.
15% of X = 12
X =80 Rs
148 (d) 11 1/9%
Let the price of the article be Rs. 100.
New price = 0.9 × 100 = Rs. 90
Required percentage increase = 10/90 * 100 = 11 1/9 %.
149 (c) 10% gain
Using alligations,

(50-X)/(X-40) = 3:2
X= 44.
150 (d) Rs.80,000
Let the value of car 4 years ago be Rs. X
According to question,
X(1-10/100)^4 = 52488
Or X = 80000.

Question number Correct answer
106 (C) 120

Solution 106 :- Let number of coins of 1 rs = 2X

number of coins of 50 paise = 3x
Number of coins of 25 paise = 10X
1 rs: 50 paise : 25 paise

Number of coins : 2X : 3X : 10X
Vaule of 2x coins of 1 rs = 2X*1 = 2X rs
Value of 3X 50 paise coins = 3X *0.5 = 1.5X
Value of 10X 25 paise coins = 10X *0.25 = 2.5 X rs
Total value of all the coins together = 2X+ 1.5X+ 2.5X = 13.5 X
6X = 72
X= 12
Number of 25 paise coins = 10X = 12*10 = 120.
107 (B) 350
Solution 107 :- Let the Total marks = X, then
25% of X + 60 = passing marks
Also ,
45% of X – 10 = passing marks
25% of X + 60 = 45% of X -10
X = 350.
108 (B) 2 months
Solution 108 :- Let I was out for x number of days
Money spent on 1st day = 10 rs
Money spent on 2nd day = 20 Rs
And so on….
Total money spent = 10+20+30 ……..10*X
18300 = 10 (1+2+3………….X)
18300 = 10* X*(X+1)/2
X= 60 days
109 (B) 2 years
Solution 109:- Total age of 5 members of a family, 3 years ago = 17*5
= 85 years
If the age of baby is excluded , total age of family at present = 85 +
5*3= 100 years
Total age now, including the age of Baby = 17*6 = 102
Age of baby = 102 -100 = 2 years
110 (C) 8%
Solution 110 :- Let the CP of the book = 100 rs
Puclisher sells the book to retailer at a rate = 120% of 100 = 120 Rs
Discount allowed on cash payment = 10% of 120 = 12 Rs
Effective price = 120-12 =108 rs
Profit = 108-100= 8 rs
P% = 8/100 * 100 = 8%
111 (C) 15 years
Solution 111:- Total age of A, B and C = 25*3 = 75 years
Ratio of ages of A, B and C
3X+5X+7X = 75
X= 5
Age of A = 3X =3*5 =15 years.
112 (B) 10%
Solution 112 :- Money becoming 2 fold means an interest of 100% is
earned on the principal sum.

Interest gained in 10 years = 100 %
Interest gained in 1 year = 100 /10 = 10%.
113 (A) Rs. 276
Solution 113 :- Interest gained in 4 years = 140 -80 = 60 Rs
Interest gained per year = 60/4 = 15 rs
Rate of interest = interest gained / Principal sum *100
= 15/80 * 100 = 18.75 %
At a rate of 18.75% per annum, interest gained on 96 rs in 10 years
will be
= 96 * 18.75 * 10/100
= 180 Rs
Amount = P+I
= 96 +180 = 276 Rs.
114 (D) 16
At a rate of 18.75% per annum, interest gained on 96 rs in 10 years
will be
= 96 * 18.75 * 10/100
= 180 Rs
Amount = P+I
= 96 +180 = 276 Rs.
115 (A) 4 hours
Solution 115 :- Let the total capacity of the tank = 24 litres
Tap A fills = 24/ 8 = 3 litres per hour
Tap B fills = 24/ 6 = 4litres per hour
Tap C empties = 24/24 = - 1 per hour
Together all the three taps will fill = (3+4-1) = 6 litres per hour
Time req to fill the tank = 24/6 = 4 hour.

Question number Correct answer
141 (c) 49
Solution 141 :- Total number of prime nos till 100 = 25
Total numbers from 2 to 100 = 99
Composite nos from 2 to 99 = 99-25 = 74
Difference between Composite and prime nos = 74-25 = 49.
142 (b) 138
Solution 142 :- Since the average of three numbers is 191/3 , their total =
191/3 * 3 = 191
Three such prime nos are 53,71 and 67.

Greatest possible sum of any 2 numbers out of three = 67+71 = 138.

143 (b) 33.333%
Solution 143 :- Let the Cost price of an apple = A rs
Cost price of an orange = O rs
And that of a mango = M rs
Let the amount with Divya = 100Rs
Then, according to the question,
6M+10 O+ 5A = 100 - - - - - -(1)
3M+ 5O + 4A = 60 - - - - - - -(2)

Eq(2) *2 – Eq(1)
8A -5A = 20
A = 20/3
Amount spent on Apples = 5* 20/3 = 100/3 = 33.33%
144 (c) 75 days
Solution 144 :- Using the concept of
men*Time/Work = constant
Total food = 300* 600 *75 gm
= 13500 kg
Food consumed by 360 men in 1 day = 360* 500 = 180 kg
Food will last for , = 13500/180 = 75 days.
145 (a) 25
Solution 145 :- Using the concept of
men*Time/Work = constant
M1*T1 = M2*T2
Let the workers employed initially =X
16*14 = X*5+ (X-7) * 3 + (X-7)/2 * 5
On solving,
X = 25.
146 (a) 6 hrs 40 min
Solution 146 :- Ram takes a rest of 20 min after every 80 km
journey(which he covers in 2 hours),
So effective time taken by Ram to cover 80 Km = 2 hr 20 min
to cover next 80 km , Time req = 2hr 20 min
Now Ram has covered 160 km in 4hr 40min
Now in next 2 hours Ram will cover the remaining 80 km and will
reach his destination. SO total time taken by Ram to reach his
destination = 4 hr 40 min + 2hr =
6hr 40min
147 (c) 144 litres
Solution 147 :- The leak can empty the full tank in 8 hours but due to
a tap filling water @ 6 litres per hour, it takes 4 hours extra.
So basically the water admitted by the filling Tap in 12 hours is
emptied by Leak in 4 hours.
Water filled by filling tap in 12 hours = 12*6 litres

Leak empties 72 litres of water in 4 hours

Water emptied per hour =72/4 = 18 litres per hour
Capacity of the tank = water emptied by leak in 8 hours
= 8* 18 = 144 litres.
148 (b) 22.5 km
Solution 148:- Time taken by B to reach Y = D/S = 27/7 hours
Distance covered by A in these 27/7 hours = S*T
= 5 * 27/7 = 135/7 km
Distance between A and B, when B reached Y = 27 – 135/7
= 54/7 km
Now to meet , B and A together needs to cover D = 54/7Km
Relative speed = (7+5) = 12 kmph
Time req = (54/7)/12

Additional distance covered by A in this time = 5 * 54/84
Distance between X to Z = Total distance covered by A
= 135/7 + 270/84 = 22.5 km.
149 (b) 14
Solution 149 :- Let the nos be X, X+2 and X+4 resp
3X = 2(X+4) + 2
X =10
3rd number = X+4 = 14
150 (a) Rs. 300
Solution 150 :- By reducing the price by 20% Profit gets reduced
by 100.
20% of the marked price of the pen drive = 100Rs
Marked Price of the pen drive = 500 Rs
CP = MP – profit
CP =500 -200
= 300 Rs.

Question number Correct answer
141 (c) Rs.4000
Solution 141:- Let the total salary of Mohan = X rs
Salary credited into bank account = 15% of X
Remaining salary = 85% of X
Money spent by Mohan = 30% of 85% of X
Money left with Mohan = 70% of 85% of X = 2380
X = 4000 Rs
142 (b) 60
Solution 142 :- Total marks in 10 papers = 10* 80 = 800
Total marks in 8 Papers (Excluding the highest and lowest marks ) =
8*81 =648
Sum of highest and lowest marks = 800 -648 = 152
Highest marks = 92
Lowest marks = 152-92 = 60.
143 (c) 35 years
Solution 143 :- Let present age of Sunil = 3x years
Age of Sudip = 4x years
Ten years ago,
Sunil’s age = 3x-10
Sudip’s age = 4x-10
(4x-10) = 2(3x-10) - - - - -(1)
X = 5 years
Total of their present age s= 3x+4x = 7X = 7*5 =35 years
144 (b) Rs.22000
Solution 144 :- Let the amount invested by A = X rs
Then amount invested by B = (30000 – X) rs
Profit sharing of A = X */ (30000) - - - - - - -- (1)

When their investments are interchanged,
new Profit sharing of A = (30000-X)/30000 - - - - - - -(2)
Now ,
New profit of A = 275% of Old Profit of A
30000- X/ 30000 = 275/100 * X /30000

X = 8000
Amount invested by B = 30000- X
= 22000 rs.
145 (a) 8 months
Solution 145 :- Let the time (in months ) for which Bimal invested his
amount = X
Ratio of profit sharing between Aman and Bimal = 3 * 4 :3*X
12/3X = 2/1
X = 8months
146 (c) 3:1
Solution 146 :- Let the ratio of the numbers be A and B
Now A+B has to be a factor of 64.
only Option C satisfies.
147 (b) 8 pm
Solution 147 :- Total time req to complete the work = 6*10 = 60 Men
hour unit
Work completed till 5.00 PM = 6* 6 = 36 men hour unit
Work Remaining = 60 -36 = 24 men hour unit
Now 7*1+8*1+9*1 = 24
Therefore the work would require 3 more hours to get finished.
So they will complete the work at 5+3 = 8.00 pm
148 (c) Rs. 250
Solution 148 :-Let the total number of students = X
Students who took Physics = 72% of X
Students who took Mathematics = 44% of X
Students who took both =40
Using the formula,
P(A and B) = P(A) +P(B) – P(A or B)
40 = 72% of X + 44% of X – X
40 = 16% of X
X =250 Rs.
149 (b) 7 minutes
Solution 149 :- ratio of speed of Amar, Rohit and Chanda
As speed is directly proportional to time, therefore ratio of time take
by them
= 1/6 : 1/3 : 1/1
= 1:2:6
Chanda covers the journey in time = 6X = 42
X= 7 min
Therefore time taken by Amar = X = 7minutes.
150 (c) 9
Solution 150 :- Let P =2x+1, then Q= 2x+3 and R =2x+5

3P = 2R – 3
3(2x+1) = 2(2x+5) – 3
6X + 3 = 4X +10 -3
2X = 4
X =2.
R =2X+5 = 2*2+5 = 9.

Question number Correct answer
141 (c) 4 cm
Solution 141 :- Let the size of longest piece = 3X cm
Middle sized piece = x cm
Shortest piece = 3x -23
3x+x+3x-23 = 40
X =9
Length of shortest piece = 3x-23 = 3*9-23
= 4 cm
142 (c) 2.5 kg
Solution 142 :- Fresh Grapes Quantity = 20 Kg
Quantity of water in fresh Grapes = 90% of 20 kg = 18 kg
Quantity of fruit = 20-18 = 2Kg
Now as dry grapes has 20 % water
Therefore 80% of Dry fruit = 2kg
Dry fruit = 2.5kg.
143 (a) 165
Solution 143 :- Let there were X men in the beginning ,
Using the concept of Men *Time/Work = Constant
8*X = x*1+(X-10)*1+(X-20)*1 ……………..(x-110)*1
8X = 12X – (10+20+30+……..110)
4X = 660
X = 165.
144 (a) 11.11 m
Solution 144:-
Ratio of distance covered by
= 200:180:160
= 10:9:8
Ratio of S:N
= 9:8
So when S covers 100 m , N will cover = 100 *8/9 = 88.89 m
So S will beat N by = 100 -88.89 = 11.11 m
145 (a) Rs. 550
Solution 145 :- Let T = Total charges,
Fixed charges = F
Charges per boarder = X
Number of boarders =N
T = F + N*C

25*700 = F +25*X - - - - - -(1)
50*600 = F +50*X - - - - - -(2)
From (1) and (2),
X =500
F =5000.
When there are 100 boarder , Total charge = 5000 + 100 * 500
= 55000 Rs
Average charge per boarder = 55000/100 = 550 Rs.
146 (a) 81.5
Solution 146 :- Applying the rule of Alligations we have,

Ratio of number of students in the three classes =


Let the Number of students in class X = 3

Then students in class Y =4
Students in class Z =5

Average of X, Y and Z =( 3*83 + 4*76 + 5*85) /(3+4+5)

= 978/12 = 81.5
147 (b) 40 rubies
hen students in class Y =4
Students in class Z =5

Average of X, Y and Z =( 3*83 + 4*76 + 5*85) /(3+4+5)

= 978/12 = 81.5 .
148 160 ways
Solution 148 :- The man can invite
3 girls and 0 boys in = 5c3*4c0 ways
3 girls and 1 boys in = 5c3*4c1 ways

3 girls and 2 boys in = 5c3*4c2 ways

3 girls and 3 boys in = 5c3*4c3 ways

3 girls and 4 boys in = 5c3*4c4 ways

Total number of ways = 5c3*4c0 ways + 5c3*4c1 ways + 5c3*4c2
ways + 5c3*4c3 ways + 5c3*4c4 ways
= 5c3 * (4c0+4c1+4c2+4c3+4c4)
= 10 * 2^4

=160 ways
149 (c) 1045 ways
Solution 148 :- The man can invite
3 girls and 0 boys in = 5c3*4c0 ways
3 girls and 1 boys in = 5c3*4c1 ways

3 girls and 2 boys in = 5c3*4c2 ways

3 girls and 3 boys in = 5c3*4c3 ways

3 girls and 4 boys in = 5c3*4c4 ways

Total number of ways = 5c3*4c0 ways + 5c3*4c1 ways + 5c3*4c2
ways + 5c3*4c3 ways + 5c3*4c4 ways
= 5c3 * (4c0+4c1+4c2+4c3+4c4)
= 10 * 2^4
Solution 148 :- The man can invite
3 girls and 0 boys in = 5c3*4c0 ways
3 girls and 1 boys in = 5c3*4c1 ways

3 girls and 2 boys in = 5c3*4c2 ways

3 girls and 3 boys in = 5c3*4c3 ways

3 girls and 4 boys in = 5c3*4c4 ways

Total number of ways = 5c3*4c0 ways + 5c3*4c1 ways + 5c3*4c2
ways + 5c3*4c3 ways + 5c3*4c4 ways
= 5c3 * (4c0+4c1+4c2+4c3+4c4)
= 10 * 2^4
150 (d) 21
Solution 150 :- Number of students in 1 room = HCF (60,84,108) = 12
Number of rooms required = 60/12 + 84/12 + 108/12
= 5+7+9 = 21 .

Question number Correct answer
141 (b) 1/9
Solution 141 :- Favorable cases = (1,4)(2,3)(3,2)(4,1)
Total cases = 6*6 = 36
Probability = 4/36 = 1/9
142 (c) 14 days
Solution 142 :- Let the remaining workers completed the job in X days
Using the concept of Men*Time /Work = constant
M1*T1 = M2*T2
25*12 = 25*4 + 20*X
X = 10 days.
Total time in which job was completed = 10+4 = 14 days.
143 (d) 18 metres
Solution 143 :- Length of the garden = 2*(n-1)+ 1+ 1
n = number of plants in 1 row,

Length = 2*9 = 18 meters. Hence option D.
144 (b) 13.71 km
Solution 144 :- Let the Distance travelled = D
Speed upstream = 14-10 = 4kmph
Speed downstream = 14+10 =24 kmph
D/4 + D/24 = 4
7D/24 = 4
D = 13.71 Km.
145 (c) Rs 62
Solution 145 :- SI at a rate of 10% per annum = 3*10 = 30% of P
CI at the rate of 10% per annum = 33.1 % (Using the formula
Difference between SI and CI = 3.1 % of P
=3.1% of 2000 = 62 Rs.
146 (a) 30 km
Solution 146 :- Let the Distance between his house and office = X km
and time required in normal condition to reach there = T hours
Then, 30 * (T + 10/60) = D - - - - -(1)
40* (T- 5/60) =D - - - - - (2)
From (1) and (2),
T = 5/6 Hour
D = 30 Km
147 (d) 64
Solution 147 :- Let the number of 25 paisa coins = 2X
Number of 50 paisa coins = 4X
then number of 1 rs coins = X
total amount = 56 rs
2X * ¼ + 4x * ½ + x *1 = 56
0.5 X + 2X +X = 56
3.5X = 56
X = 16
number of 50 paisa coins = 4x = 4*16 =64 rs.
148 (c) 22
Solution 148 :- Let the price of 1 banana = B rs
That of 1 Kiwi = K rs
and price of 1 chikoo = C rs,
7B = 3K - - - - - -(1)
2 K = B + 5C - - - - -(2)

From (1) and (2),

11B = 15 C
so ,
22B = 30C
One can purchase 22 Bananas in the same cost in which one can
purchase 30 Chikoos.
149 (c) 300
Solution 149 :-
Let total students=X

Students who prefer Cold Coffee, n(E) = 72% of X
Students who prefer fruit Juice , n(F) = 44% of X
Students who like both n(E∩F) = 48
Using the formula,
n(EᴜF) = n(E) + n(F) – n(E∩F)
X = 72% of X +44% of X - 48
16 % of X = 48
X = 300
150 (d) Rs. 10, Rs. 16
(a) Rs. 12, Rs. 14 (b) Rs. 8, Rs. 12 (c) Rs.5, Rs, 7.50 (d) Rs. 10, Rs.
Solution 150 :- Total cost of 10 pens = 10*12 =120 Rs
Total cost of 8 pens out of 10 = 8*11.75 = 94
Cost of the remaining 2 pens = 120-94 = 26 Rs
Let the cost of 1 pen = X rs
Cost of 2nd pen = x+ 60% of X
= 1.6 x Rs
X+ 1.6X =26
X =10 Rs
1.6X = 16 Rs.


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