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com/35089RIVER: The Mirror Of Who We Are (Reaction paper)

The river….. the source of life and lively hood its one of the things that saw the

rich and wonderful civilization of this city … its existence is very important for all

of us, and also to the environment. everything in this world is connected the

humans animals and the elements in this world. Just like the river and us, we are

connected the water fishes and everything in the river, we must know that but

why?? why do we keep on destroying our river, we need the river but what are

we doing we are the one who is destroying it, you me and every one we are

destroying the river we kept on throwing garbage’s and waste, we don’t know that

it will cause damage to it, river is like a mirror it reflects what we do to it we throw

garbage… it will give the garbage back to us plus an extra flood and devastation

of some life. see what we do is what we get. Im thankful that the Liceo de

Cagayan University is committed to its project the “safer river life saver project”

because of this we are helping and curing the wounded Cagayan river. but even

us we can make a deference try to look and you’ll see you can help the river in

your own way but before that start the change on your own self =)
Give Blood: Give Life

(the blood donation documentation)

Blood: a substance that runs through our veins, it gives you life, imagine if you

lost your blood what will happened to you?? You’ll be weak or even worst you

will die,

But the nice thing is we can give blood or donate it. Last September 18 here in

liceo we had a blood letting program this program is under the red cross there

collect blood from willing people and give it to those who badly need it,

unfortunately I wasn’t able to donate blood even though I really like to donate for I

have phobia in needles =) I was been amazed w/ my classmates who donate

blood then I ask my self maybe if I don’t have phobia w/ needles why not… but

them there’s nothing I can do because im so afraid w/ it, hahai blood is a gift from

god and that gift can be shared if you can why not, for every drop of blood counts

cause every drop is a drop of life.

Drug awareness program

During the ancient times drugs are used to cure people but now its already

abused by some people last sept. 25 we had a drug awareness symposium w/ a

PDEA agent it was fun knowing about drugs but its really alarming that many of

today’s youth is involve w/ drug addiction its so sad, drug is harmful it can

destroy you your life, your soul, your body and the ones you love the most =(

Because drugs is evil, so we must be aware and lets fight back against drugs.

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