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Effective Teaching Strategies

In Teaching-learning process


A Research paper

presented to

Ms. JanneneLiekaCeniza


In Partial Fulfillment

For the requirements of English 12

Writing in Discipline



Alcantara, Richard

Robin, Vanessa

Pogoy, Ronald

Montalla, Noel

Padilla, Rubelyn

Cuyo, Andrew

Montesclaros, Grace

Tauy, Christine


2nd semester, SY: 2014-2015


The researchers would like to express their innermost gratitude and appreciation through the

efforts and services rendered by the following people that make this work possible.

To Anita Urbano, who let her time and effort in facilitating the data and helping out in the

statistical treatment.

To our parents who give moral and financial support, and encouragement with this study is

being worked on.

In the same manner, we would like to acknowledge the freshmen students who been gracious

enough in accommodating data gathering.

Lastly, we owe everything to GOD ALMIGHTY who makes everything possible.

-The Researchers-

Title page---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i


Table of Contents------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter I Introduction

Background of the study--------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of the Problem-------------------------------------------------------------------

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework------------------------------------------------

Significance of the study--------------------------------------------------------------------

Scope and Limitation of the study---------------------------------------------------------

Definition of terms-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Related Studies---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Chapter III Methodology

Research Design--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Research Locale---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Respondents of the Study--------------------------------------------------------------------

Research Instruments-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Data Gathering Procedures------------------------------------------------------------------

Methods of Scoring-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statistical Tools----------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Background of the study

Education is a vital tool for us to strive for economic development. We educate

o0urselve because of our dreams and goals in life. Doctors, engineers and nurses many other

professions are possible because of educators. Educators transmit information to learners they

are responsible for the teaching learning- process.

Understanding teaching starts from developing of able concept of teaching that goes

beyond analyzing teaching mythology and describing the various activities that go into the

process. For that matter educators in particular realized the need for investigating facet of

teaching with the end in view of improving it. Such a process entails a knowledge of what has to

be an improve which can be than by a through analyses of records of action in a classroom


More than understanding what teaching is professional in the field recognizes the need

for evaluating teaching. A teacher must know what teaching is since his concept of teaching

guides his behavior. His understanding of teaching serves as guide to all activities he and the

learner will engage in. In other words, what patterns of behavior are adapted are determined by

individuals concept of his role. In the same way ones concept of teaching impacts on the

performance of a teacher based on the appropriateness of the activities designed to carry out

specific objectives.

In teaching, the learner is the core of the teaching process. It is from him that revolves

all activities related to activities. He is the person who receives instruction from a teacher. In

educating them it is advisable to employ different strategies.

The researchers come up with this kind of research in order to determine and to know

the different teaching strategies that is necessary and applicable in the teaching learning


Teaching ever since has been regarded as a noble profession it is one which can be

rewarding and fulfilling no matter the adds, especially for people who regard it as a calling, more

than a commitment. Many years back, teaching was reserve to the idealists- the people who

have faith in the young, have envisioned a kind of society and future that will benefit all because

education is grounded on quality

The concept of teaching as an ideal profession has remained strong through the years,

but it has been accentuated by the need for meeting the challenges of the times which can be

addressed through quality teaching. There is a persistent demand for professional teachers who

will stick by the profession despite the constraints. However, the prospect of better treatment for

teachers have long waned aggravated by practical problems of raising salaries, enjoying health

benefits, upgrading school facilities, and even in the matter of expanding opportunities for

growth for growth for those who will choose to remain in teaching.

Fortunately, the love for teaching has served as a motivating factor to teachers who

have not left behind the much touted idealism. Despite the problems attributed to present- day

economic moves teaching has remained inspiring and fulfilling.

The teaching profession demands a total commitment to total transformation of the

learn, a continuous development of his potentials for a totally satisfying life as a person and a

member of the community. This is the reason why there is so much focus on quality .teachers

that are willing to address and meet the demands of quality instruction can bring out the best in

their pupils and student.

However, while concern of the overall well-being of the individuals is emphasized in

school in particular, there is no dinging that the teachers need support system from the parents

and the community. Where these segments are bent on giving their share of the responsibility ,

there will be represent and enrichment of all that is acknowledge act as culture of the society.

Teacher play a crucial role in the continues development of the society as is tries to meet the

challenges of the times. This will be realized if teacher will develop the rare passion for teaching

that it above any other divine profession.

Teaching is the metical of activities associated to teaching. Teacher explains,

asks, review demonstrates, submits requirements, attend official meetings advises student, and

checks on attendance teaching is on act itself for it involves the common activities in the

classroom and the teaching strategies and techniques, but it focuses on the intent to make

learners by effective into action of teacher and student in the understanding of a particular

subject matter.

Statement of the problem

The main purpose of this study is to determine and identify on what teaching strategies

is much effective to be employ in teaching-learning process.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following:

1. What are the different teaching strategies to be utilized by the educators to have an

effective teaching-learning process?

2. How the teaching strategies affect the teaching-learning procedure?

3. Why educators develop an effective teaching technique towards efficacy of the teaching-

learning process?

Significance of the study

This study may be beneficial to the following:

Grade school teachers- They will have a broader understanding on teaching and its

related activities. Since they teach pupils, through this study they should gain knowledge to the

different instructional approaches to be employed in teaching for the effectiveness of their


High school teachers-As educators of secondary level, they will be aware of the

different techniques to be utilized in their teaching process, teaching techniques that will make

their profession easier and manageable. Since they are the one that induces ideas to learners, it

is important for them to use a technique which will best work for him and to his learners.

College instructors- Through this study they can assess themselves if they are using

an effective methods towards imparting knowledge to their students. This study also provides

them an opportunity to choose on what particular methods they’re going to use in their

discussion process for the efficacy of the teaching-learning process.

To educators in general-This study provides ideas on how to make their teaching

profession an enjoyable one, rather than as a burden. Furthermore, this study enhance the

credibility of teaching, develops their teaching strategies to its positive state and improve their

teaching capacity.

Theoretical Framework

Below are some theories in teaching. You do not need to adhere to each style, nor do

you need to teach exclusively using a single style. The resources below are here to provide

guidance, inspiration, and help you explore your teaching. If you have any questions about the

content in these pages, feel free to consult with a member of the Teaching Centre about them.

Blooms Taxonomy is way of categorizing and ordering thinking skills. It was initially

introduced by Benjamin Bloom back in 1956. The purpose of this classification system is to

classify and compare Lower Order Learning Skills from Higher Order Learning Skills. The

biggest change that occurred in the revised taxonomy is that the classifications went from nouns

to verbs. This helps reminds us that learning is active, and is not a thing that has already taken

place. The other noticeable difference is the addition of Creating as a Higher order thinking skill.

With the many additions of social media, web applications and educational technologies,

students now have the ability to create at their fingertips. It is important to be cognizant of this

and include it as a higher order learning skill.

A theory that focuses on stimulus response. When teaching and utilizing this theory, the

student can be thought of as a blank slate. Then as you teach a concept or fact, the student will

respond in a certain way. You can choose to reinforce the behaviour in a positive or a negative

manner. This positive or negative reinforcement helps to reinforce what is being taught.

The basis of this theory is that learning occurs when the learner makes connections

between the stimulus and response (what is taught or experienced in the learning environment

versus how the student reacts) This theory also suggests that learning can depend on learning

identical concepts in new learning situations.

1. Learning requires practice and reward

2. Stimulus/Response connections can be chained together

3. Transfer of learning occurs when learners compare and contrast their previous


4. Intelligence is a function of the number of connections learned.

The ability of the student to compare the same element in two different situations provides

them with the opportunity to compare and contrast the element and make connections between

the two situations regarding the element.

This theory states that learning is an active process in which the learner constructs

knowledge based on the information they experience. New information is constructed in relation

to prior knowledge the learner has.

1. Learning should take place in a context and incorporate experiences that are of interest

to the student

2. Learning should be designed so the learner can “fill in the blanks”.

3. Learning should be structured so that concepts connect to one another.

4. The main idea behind multiple intelligences is that each learner may have different forms

of intelligence, and each learner has varying degrees of intelligence in each form. This

theory originated with Howard Gardner’s research.

5. linguistic






Gardner’s theory suggests that teaching and learning should focus on the intelligences that

the particular learner possesses.

The basis of this theory, is that we do not learn in isolation, but rather learn from our interactions

with others. Cognition, behavior and environment all contribute to the learners understanding of

a subject.

1. Learners observe and/or rehearse modeled behaviour. They then code this

modelledbehaviour into words, labels, categories and images.

2. Modelledbehaviour is most likely adopted if the outcome is something the learner values

3. Modelledbehaviour is more likely adopted if the model being observed is similar to the

observer in some way, if the model is admired by the observers, or if the model can add

functional value to the observer's learning.

Conceptual Framework

Different Teaching Strategies

Level of effectiveness

Figure 1. Schema showing the concepts of the study

Scope and limitation of the study

This study is focused on teaching strategies in effective teaching-learning process. It is

limited on the availability of the references and resource materials in the library of Eastern

Visayas State University-Ormoc City Campus.

Definition of terms

Strategy.It refers to the technique, method by which the teacher employ.

Inductive method.A method of teaching in which the teacher starts from specific to general.

Deductive method.A method of teaching in which the teacher start from general to specific;
complex to simple.

Demonstrative method.A method in which the teacher demonstrates the activities to be done
to the learners.



Related Literature

Integrate teaching three level strategies. One characteristics of an effective teaching

strategy is that it is integrated. The word “integrated” comes from the Latin word “integer” which

means whole. An integrated strategy will put together the parts of a while in order to arrive at a

holistic, complete and more accurate view of realities. Let’s recall the story of the four blind men

who were made to touch an elephant and who after were asked what it was that they touched.

The first who held one ear said it is a fan. The second who touch the body said it’s a wall the

third that held one lea said it’s a column and the fourth who touch the tail said it’s a rope. Of the

four blind men nobody gave a correct answer because each touched just a part of the elephant.

That is exactly happens when we study just a part of reading like when we put a wall to

shut science from math, language from values, music from civics. That is what we do when we

teach the subject in isolation from one another we are far from the truth and we are for from

reality. To arrive closer to what is true we make connection of the subjects; let us make them

interconnected instead of drawing demarcation lines between and among them. We teach

valves, heath, grammar and math when we teach science. We teach science, values and math

when we teach grammar. After all these math are all part and parcel of life which is truly the one

curriculum. This integrated strategy is interdisciplinary, the same strategy that the Re- structured

basic education curriculum requirements.

An integrated teaching strategy is permeated by the multiple intelligence, the varied

learning styles and daily experience of the learners. Its use also means empowering learners to

become life belong learners and active makes of meaning (DepEd. And 2002 Basic Education


The proponents of this integrated teaching assert that the teaching learning process

should touch the facts level, the concepts-level, and values level. On the facts level the students

learn isolated facts on the conceptual level the fragmented and meaningless facts are viewed

and organized into concepts fewer than the facts while on the values level the knowledge

acquired are related to the students life.

Integrated Teaching: Learning Style-Multiple Intelligence-Based Instructional Strategies.

A teaching strategies is integrated when it is permeated by the concepts of multiple intelligences

(MI) and varied learning styles of the learners. We used to think of intelligence in terms of

linguistic and logical mathematical aspects only. But with gardener’s MI theory, we are

introduced to six (6) more intelligences-namely bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, musical,

intrapersonal, interpersonal, naturalist intelligences. All these intelligence with just one or two

that are dominantly expressed. The ideal is for every learner to have a balance development of

all the eight intelligences. If this is the case then we have been unfair to many of our students

for the past years. Np doubt, our teaching and testing strategies in the past have been biased in

favor of the linguistically intelligent and logically mathematically intelligent students. More often

than that not we taught in words. We also tested by way of words written or oral. This was to the

disadvantage of students whose dominant intelligences were not linguistic.

As to learning style, I guess we were not then very particular. I cannot recall hearing

about learning style in my high school days, much less in my elementary years. I was taught

about individual differences and individualizing instruction in my pre service education in the

early seventies but I could not recall having been introduced to pronounced learning style profile
like; sensing-thinking style (mastery style), sensing-feeling(interpersonal style), intuitive thinking

(understanding style ), intuitive feeling (self expressive style ).(Silver and Hanson 1998)

Our perception of the world is subjected to judgment by our mind. Our mind can do this

in two ways, through thinking and feeling. When we judge with our feeling, we tend to be

subjective. Instead connections thar make life rich and meaningful. (Silver, 2000)

To give every student the opportunity to learn the lesson appropriate to his dominant

intelligence and learning style, it is best that we have a pool oflearning activities and techniques

at our disposal.

Brain compatible instructional strategies. Brain based instruction on finding about the

brain and learning. Some research findings about the brain: without rehearsal or constant

attention, information remains in working memory for only about 15 to 20 seconds learning is a

process of building neural networks, this network is formed through concrete experience,

representational or symbolic learning and abstract learning; our brains have difficulty

comprehending very large numbers because we have nothing in our experience to ‘hook ‘them

to. The eyes contain nearly 70 percent of the body’s sensory receptors and send million of

signals every second along the optic nerves to the visual processing of the brain, the capacity of

the long-term memory for pictures seems almost unlimited; there is little doubt that when

information is embedded in music or rhyme, its recall is easier than when it is in prose.

Brain based strategies includes involving students in real-life or authentic problem

solving; using projects to increase meaning makers: classroom strategies using visual

processing; songs, jingles, and raps, Mnemonic strategies ; writing strategies; peer teaching;

active review; and hands on activities (brain matters: Translating Research into action.
Individualized Teaching strategies. It is oftentimes labeled self-learning techniques,

includes ways of exposing the individual students to conducive situations wherein they will gain

information, develop skills and values through their own time and effort. Strongly motivated and

guided by the teachers, their interests are aroused and sustained throughout the learning

activity. In the end, their learning could be described as self directed and spontaneously.

Individualized teaching strategies includes independent study, interest learning centers,

problem solving, journal writing, projects, collections, special reports, discovery, reading and

students research.

Teaching with media. There is no drab lesson if appropriate media is used in this

presentation properly selected, its impact on the attention and sustained interest of student has

long been recognized to a point that this wide collection of teaching tools earned the title ‘sub-

strategies “ it is hot surprising to see these materials, devices and instruments, accumulated in

every teachers storehouse. Of late, more teaching technologies such as recordings, projectors

and computers have been available in some schools.

Audio recordings are used by teachers in connection with speech rehearsals, drama

musical representation, and radio, television broadcasting. It improves listening skill, easy to

operate, safe way of storing information, can be used for big or small groups, best used to

improve speech skills and it will lessens distraction when we used with headphones .

Overhead transparencies easily present step-by-step instructions, enumerations or any

sequenced illustrations. Transparencies can easily be prepared by the teacher or the students.

Iit enables the teachers to maintain eye contact while the transparency is on. It is on reusable

and can be used with large or small groups. Overhead projectors are easy to operate.
Bulletin boards can present a preview of the lesson to be presented as a way of motivating

the students. The attractive display can allow a number of students to browse over its contents

at the same time.

Chalkboard is a convenient writing area where illustrations can instantly be drawn even during a

discussion. An eraser can easily keep it clean and ready for continuous use. Charts, mock-ups,

regalia, video tapes/films, models and pictures are medias applicable in teaching learning

Related studies

Hunter (1980) cited studies conducted by Hunter and McCouts. Using theCanfield

Learning Styles Inventory, they collected data from 1,000 students at SinclairCommunity

College in Dayton, Ohio. Important learning style differences were shownon 12 of 16 profile

scales with respect to age group. Older students preferred reading,organization, detail,

qualitative and listening. Younger students preferred affiliation withpeers and teachers, iconics,

direct experience, and inanimates. Some studies wereeffective in identifying significant

interactions between preferred learning styles andpreferred teaching styles while others were


Hunter (1979) conducted research at three two-year colleges in the North

CentralAccreditation Region. Subjects consisted of 5 teachers and 285 students within

15courses. Using the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory and Canfield Instructional

StylesInventory, Hunter found that students preferred listening and direct experience asopposed

to reading.

Zippert (1985) conducted research to investigate whether teaching strategies

thatmatched assessed learning styles of students produced a higher level of achievement.

Thesite of her research was Miles College--Eutaw, Greene County, Alabama. TheProductivity

Environmental Preference Survey was used to assess learning style preferences. The College

Level Examination Program (CLEP) Social Studies andHistory examination was used as the

measurement of achievement. Subjects consisted of 30 students. Fifteen students were

randomly assigned to the experimental group and l5were assigned to the control group.

Students in the control group received instructionthrough conventional methods, whereas

instruction was modified to correspond to thelearning style preferences of students in the

experimental group. Zippert concluded that“students can identify their individual learning

preferences and tend to respond positivelyto teaching methods which are consonant with their

preferred mode of learning”

Charkins, O’Toole, and Wetzel (1985) conducted research at Purdue University

todetermine if there was a link between teaching styles and learning styles and the effect ofany

link on student learning. This study included 600 students, 20 instructors, and

3teaching/learning styles. The Grasha-Riechmann Learning Styles Questionnaire wasused to

determine the types of learning styles. It was an ex post facto design--prior todata collection no

controls were instituted. Their findings indicated that “the larger thedivergence between teaching

style and learning style, the lower the student’s gain in achievement”. Implications for education

as a result of their study are thatstudents’ achievement should improve by matching students

and instructors who possess similar learning and teaching styles. Because students react

variously to different methods of teaching as a result of their varied learning styles, “some

students may gain,but others may lose, from using a new teaching method....Researchers may

be able todiscover which types of students gain (or lose) from different types of teaching

methods”when there is a match between learning styles and teaching styles through

studyingbusiness instructors and their students.Student Achievement as Indicated by Course


Battle (1982) conducted research to “investigate the extent to which variations ingrade

achievement corresponded with variations in total divergent measures ofinstructional/learning

styles in Principles of Accounting I at Broward Community

Matthews (1995) studied the effect learning style had on grade point average offirst year

students in colleges and universities. The association of learning style withachievement as

measured by grade point average showed that “Students with thesocial/applied,

independent/applied and social styles had higher grades than did studentswith other

styles.Students with neutral preference had the lowest grade point averageswhen compared

with students in other categories. Grade point averages in six categories(social/applied,

independent/applied, social, applied, social/conceptual, and conceptual)differed significantly

from the averages in the low category (neutral preference)”

Raines (1978) conducted research using the Canfield Instructional StylesInventory and

the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory to determine if significantdifferences existed between the

teaching styles of math instructors and the learning stylesof their students. Raines also

compared the learning styles inventories of students withvarying levels of grade achievement.

Results of research conducted by Hunter (1979) revealed that only theorganization method was

related to grade. To obtain this result, Hunter investigated therelationship between preferred

learning style and grades in 15 courses at three two-yearcolleges in the North Central

Accreditation Region. Subjects consisted of five teachersand 285 students. The Canfield

Learning Styles Inventory and Canfield InstructionalStyles Inventory were used.

Scerba (1979) determined that there was no significant interaction betweenlearning

styles, teaching styles, and course grade. Scerba used the Canfield InstructionalStyles

Inventory and the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory, a posttest achievementmeasure for

mathematics and English, and McKeachie’s teacher/course evaluationinstrument. Subjects

included 500 subjects at Miami Dade Community College, NorthCampus, who were placed in
one of five teaching style settings as determined by theresults of their Learning Styles Inventory.

Scerba concluded that due to the limitations ofhis study, the trait-treatment interaction model

that was used to predict interaction effects

was in effective.

Carthey (1993) conducted research to determine the relationship between learningstyles

and grade performance in Principles of Management, Principles of Economics,Intermediate

Accounting, and Business Law. His subjects included 64 second-yearaccounting students from

Northeast Iowa Community College. The Kolb Learning StyleInventory was used to determine

their learning styles. Students’ final grade pointaverages earned in Principles of Management,

Business Law, Intermediate Accounting,and Principles of Economics were used to measure

academic achievement. The learningstyle variable was reduced to four styles: Divergers--

information was perceivedconcretely and processed reflectively by learners; Assimilators--

experience is perceivedabstractly and processed reflectively; Convergers--information is

perceived abstractly andprocessed actively; and Accommodators--experience is perceived

concretely andprocessed actively. The study showed a relationship between students with the

Convergerlearning style and high academic achievement in all courses under study. According

toCarthey, “Individuals with learning styles (Convergers and Assimilators) that employabstract

perception received the greatest percentage of A grades in all courses when theirresults were

combined and compared to those learning styles (Divergers andAccommodators) which

perceived concretely”


This chapter depicts the pertinent aspects of the study, specifically on the method and

procedures that we used. Subject involved and the technique used in gathering the desired

data, processing as well as the use of appropriate statistical tools employed in the data analysis.

Research Design

The study utilized the descriptive survey method of research. The objective of the study

is to determine the significant relation of the teaching strategies to teaching-learning process.

Research Locale


CAMPUS located at Barangay Don Felipe, Ormoc City

Research Respondents

Twenty (20) students enrolled in education were used as respondents of the study.

Sampling Procedure

The researcher used the simple random sampling where the odd/even scheme was

used in getting the number of respondents of the study.

Research Instrument

The main instrument used in gathering the data was the questionnaire-checklist to

supplement and determine the certain aspects of the survey.

Methods of Scoring

To ascertain the appropriate scoring and interpretation of data yielded in this study, the

five(5) scales and their corresponding interpretation is used. These are as follows:

Scale Description
5 Most effective
4 More Effective
3 Effective
2 Less Effective
1 Not effective

Data Gathering procedure

After the permit was granted, the researchers conducted a survey by sending out

questionnaire-checklist where questions really congruent to the desired responses.

Statistical Treatment

The gathered data was analyzed, tabulated, and interpreted in order to gain a clear

understanding of the use of the approaches, methods, and strategies towards teaching-learning


The person R and simple percentage are used in the study

1. Simple Percentage

This was used to compare group of objects in equitable basis. It is calculated by dividing

the total number of respondents in certain items by the number of cases.

P= _____________ X 100
Number of case


Caroll, Jim B. Principles of Teaching . New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc…. 1999

Mcland, Reymood C. Method of Teaching . Makati Philippines: MCP

PublishyInc; 1998

Brown Edmund.Teaching Profession.Quezon City; QP Publishy. Inc… 2001


Please read this questionnaire and answer to the best of your knowledge. Rate the
effectives of the following methods by checking on the column you choose.



Year & Section:



5- Most effective 3- Effective 1- Not effective

4- More effective 2- Less effective

Teaching Strategies 5 4 3 2 1
1. Giving learners opportunities to participate in
classroom activities
2. Using multi-sensory Aids
3. Make our learner’s fell they belong to a community of
learners with a shared goal or purpose to reach their
4. Using exposit method when discussing.
5. Start explaining from specific to general; simple to
6. Explain the lesson starting from generalization to
specific; from whole to abstract.
7. Let the learners do the activities in their own and let
them “learn by doing”.
8. Using the imitative method or demonstration method;
Demonstrate to the learns the job be accomplish with the
execute what have been demonstrated.
9. Applying the cooperative learning. Group them
10. Teachers will let the older, smarter and more
responsible member of the class to tutor, coach, and
instructor and teach his/her other classmate.

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