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The Bushido Code was a code of conduct and ethics for the Samurai warrior.

It laid out those principles that were

shown to elicit the highest degree of moral character, respect, and order in society. A Samurai who held to the code
also set the example for the culture of the family and the rest of the community.

While there are a few variations of the Code, the are seven main basics of the code that build character and an overall
respect in oneself as towards others. Here are the seven Bushido Codes, with a general application to our leadership

● Integrity. Other variations of the code include Righteousness or Rectitude. This means Justice, fairness in
every dealing with other people. Making good on your dealings with other people. Consider all the factors at
plays in dealing with everyone around you. A bushido is a self-controlled leader will deny themselves those
things and privileges which will derail their credibility. A strong leader, like a strong samurai, will carry
themselves with the utmost integrity, never wavering or compromising what is right.
● Respect. The Politeness and Value one gives to everyone else. Extending Courtesy in that other lives are valued
highly and the responsibility you have to honor those who were before you (elders/leadership) and train up
those who are behind you (children/next generation of leaders). Bushido leaders know that respect is gained
through their consistent dealing with people, and not outward strength.
● Heroic Courage. Bushidos never waver in the face of fear or the face of compromise. They hold fast to
Principles. Heroic courage is not a bravery to bend or break rules, but a courage to stand for them. It is also the
courage to deny inner temptation that will compromise the Code, which compromises all others around
oneself. Leaders with heroic courage know how to stand up even to the enemy within themselves.
● Honor. Having a good name in holding to principles, but also in a higher degree of Respect for others as well.
Having a Dignity of worthiness in your work, your cause, and your purpose. The truly authentic leader
exemplifies this code by being transparent and consistent in public and in private.
● Compassion. Benevolence. Showing Mercy by having an attitude of generosity, of sympathy, and forgiveness.
Compassion serves others, even to the discomfort of self. These bushido leaders go out of their way to serve,
and do not “turtle” themselves by hiding within their own cares. They help others at every opportunity.
● Honesty & Sincerity. More closely defined as Honesty. It’s having a Veracity, a Truthfulness, to everything
you say and do. Their word is their bond, and that bond will never be broken. In an age where written
contracts and even handshakes are marginalized, bushido leaders are renowned for their commitment to their
● Duty & Loyalty. Not just to self or the cause, but loyalty to others, law and order, society, and family.
Exhibiting a personal Fidelity to others through other codes such as Respect, Sincerity, and Honor. The leader
who knows their duty to others will exhibit a fierce loyalty in that as well, whether to faith, family, company, or
nation. They take responsibility for their decisions and the resulting actions.

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