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This is the preparation material for an English conversation lesson about change. You can watch
a video and read a transcript about a big change in someone's life, learn some common idioms,
expressions and collocations about change and discover how to answer the most common questions
about the subject of change.



Do you like change?
Do you think change is important?
Are you good at dealing with change?
Is the world changing faster than before?
What is the biggest change this world needs?
What things in your life would you hate to change?
What three things about your past would you like to change?
1~~ went to Madrid earlier
2~~ never had stopped playing chess
3~~not to have worried about being in a relationship
What advice would you give to someone who hates change?
What happens to people who find it difficult to change?
Can you teach someone to accept and like change?


Todd:​ Now Steven, I'm single and, but you are married and you are a father, correct?
Steven:​ That is correct, yeah.
Todd:​ OK. I'm just curious. What is it like being a father?
Steven: Ah, right. OK, well, I think if I first of all talk about what it was like not being a father,
being me and not being a father. I think I used to make the most of my free time, well in fact I
didn't make the most of my free time. I was a very lazy person. I was an incredible time waster,
so I would have all of this free time to make use of and I would probably just sit in front of the
TV, or I'd probably go to a pub and drink, but anyway I took my time for granted. I thought I have
this time. It wasn't such a precious thing for me. I had so much of it.
Once I became a father, suddenly my time disappeared but strangely enough, now that I've
become a father and I've, it's taught me to appreciate the time I have. My time is now very
limited. My work has become busier but I actually make much more use of my time now than
when I did so much of it. It's kind of strange.
Todd:​ And how many children do you have?
Steven:​ Ah, two. BOys,
Todd:​ Oh, two boys.
Steven: Yep, they're both still very young. They keep us very busy. The eldest is four and the
youngest is three.
Todd:​ Wow!
Steven: ​So they need, they still need quite a lot of attention.
Todd: Yeah, so when you first have kids do you lose a lot of sleep? I'm always worried that I
won't be able to sleep.

Steven: Well, something that carried over from my previous lifestyle was an ability to sleep very
well, and, umm, unfortunately I have a very understanding wife so if the children woke up, yeah,
well because I had to work my wife was, my wife tended to be responsible. She would look after
the children if they woke up during the evening, during the night, sorry, and I'm such a good
sleeper that even if they were crying incredibly loudly I could just go back to sleep. I don't think
there are many fathers like me. I've spoken to some other fathers and they don't have the same
talent as I do.
Todd:​ Oh, well, thanks Steven.

What are some of the biggest changes that a person goes through?
How do old and young people cope with change?
You said: I think old people find more difficult than children
Better: I think old people find it more difficult than young ones

You said: change in them is part of their growing

Better: change for them is a part of growing-up

What is the biggest change you'd like to make to your life?
Why are some people better than others at dealing with change?
What has changed in your life compared to ten years ago?
You said: To have a couple and a child
Better: To have a wife and a child

Is change always good?
What has been your biggest life-changing event?
What would you like to change about yourself?
How has your society changed in the past decade?
What will change in the future?
You said: The technology will be having a lot of changing
Better: The technology will be having a lot of changes

Idiomatic Expressions
● A change of heart - one's feelings about doing something have change
your opinion or the way you feel about something:
● EXAMPLE: She was going to sell her house but had a change of heart at the last minute
● A change of pace - an addition of some variety in one's life, routine, or abode. A shift in
normal routine, a variation in usual activities or pattern

EXAMPLE: After working for 8 hours I need a change of pace, so I'm going for a swim

● A change of mind - to have a different opinion or intention than you had before. if
someone or something changes your mind, you change a decision you have made or an
opinion that you had.

EXAMPLE: I was going to resign, but I change my mind

● Change with the times - to accept and use new ways. To modify or update one's
behavior or beliefs to reflect what is current. to change your ideas, opinions, or way of
living or working to make them modern

EXAMPLE: I don't really like using the Internet, but I have to keep up with the times, I

● To chop and change - to keep changing what you do or what you plan to do, often in a
way that is confusing and annoying for other people. to keep changing one's mind, way
of doing something

EXAMPLE: You have to make a decision and stick with it. You can't chop and change all
the time.

● For a change​ - as something different. something different from what you usually do

you mean that you do not usually do it or it does not usually happen, and you are happy
to be doing it or that it is happening.

Conversation Questions
● Are you afraid of changes or do you see them as an opportunity in your life? 
● What was the last major change you made to your life? 

● Do you think that it is easy to mend our old ways? 

Mend: to fix 

● When was the last time you changed the decoration of your room/house? 
● When someone changes something in your house (for instance the place of an 
armchair, a kitchen equipment,…) do you find it annoying? Do you welcome these 
● Do you believe we can change someone's character? Why/why not? Have you ever 
tried it? 
● Do you think we can change ourselves intentionally?(by training or by practicing for 
● What is the biggest change you wish to happen in the world/in your country/ in your 
personal life/in your character? 

● What are some of the biggest changes that a person goes through? 
● Have you made any recent changes in your life? 
● Do you think change is important? 
● Do you think it is easy to change with the times? 
● If you could change anything in your life, what would it be? 
● What is the most difficult change you have ever had to make? 
● What is one thing that you think you will never change about yourself? 
● What is one thing you have tried to change, but couldn't? 

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