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Program/Project Development and Administration

Module Test 1:

1. Do you agree that feasibility studies are indispensable component of any

program/project? Why?
-Yes, definitely. Feasibility study is an analysis on how successful a project could be.
It is necessary in determining the future possibilities of a project. Its purpose is to
determine whether the project can and should be undertaken and if so, how and when.
The goal of a feasibility study is to place emphasis on potential problems that could occur
if a project is pursued and determine if, after all significant factors are considered, the
project should be pursued. A feasibility study involves the analysis in the aspects of
marketing, technical, financial, socio-economic, organization and management, and
operational aspects which provides the information that are needed to be considered in
creating a project.

2. Name the parts of a project feasibility and discuss the process or processes involved
in each part.
-The parts of project feasibility are marketing aspect, technical aspect, financial
aspect, socio-economic aspect, organization and management, and operational aspects.
Marketing aspect specifies the demand and supply of whatever goods/dervoces/products
the project intends to bring about. Technical aspects include the determination of the
manufacturing processes, costs, location, and the availability of raw materials, labor, skills
and utilities. Financial aspect defines the project cost, cash requirements and profitability
of teh project. Organization and management aspect includes the identification of thr type
of organization and the persons qualified in implementing the project. And the socio-
economic aspect defines the socio-economic contributions the project can offer in terms
of number of jobs created, and other benefits given for the improvement of the economy.

3. Identify some program/projects in your own locality that failed or those that were started
but they did not reach their completion stage. What are your opinions regarding these
projects? Why these projects do failed and did not bring any benefits to the people?
-One of the project in our locality that had failed to be implemented is the Gender and
Development (GAD) Projects. The said projects could have provided accessibility,
convenience and services to constituents, most particularly the children, elders and
women victims of violence. The GAD Programs would address gender-related issues
beneficial to the indigent contituents. Probably, the reason why the project did not reach
its completion stage is because of the insufficient fund for the project. The inability of the
City Government to implement the various programs, projects and activities deprived the
beneficiaries/contituents who could have availed or benefited from the financial
assistance, facilities and services.

Module Test 2:
Part 1
1. Do you agree that programs when transformed into projects are considered to be the
building blocks of development? Why?
-Yes, I agree that programs are the building blocks of development when it is
transformed into project. Creating a project means having a purpose to develop
something. Projects involve the use of substantial amount of scarce reources which have
opportunity costs. These resources are committed for specific lengths of time with the
expectation of generating future benefits. Development is a process that involves a
change from a present dissatisfying situation to a considerably improved state. This
encompasses the goal of development. In order to develop, you have to create a plan or
program and implement it as a project.

2. What are the sources of financing a proposed project?

-Fund sources may be broadly classified as local or foreign. Under the local sources,
fund may come from the general revenue which are the continuing appropriation and the
annual appropriation that can be equity contribution and direct appropriation. Local
sources may also be from borrowings or from earnings. Borrowing may be bond issues
from government or a corporation, and borrowings from financial institutions. Earnings
can be of local government or of corporation. Foreign sources can be loans or grants.
The loans may be from direct national government obligations, corporate obligations, and
local government obligations.

3. Projects when conceived do not necessarily mean they are implementable. What must
be done to insure that a project can be successfully implemented?
-For a project to be successfully implemented, there is a need of consideration of the
factors, aspects, and issues that may lead to project failure. Preparing for those causes
of project failure can made the project completely ready to be implemented. The take-off
point for strategy planning for implementation is usually the operational feasibility analysis
conducted as part of project preparation. This analysis usually takes into account the
operational feasibility in terms of political acceptability, legality, and social soundness of
the project and determination of the organizational and managerial design best suited for
the project considering the nature of the project, manpower and other constraints, and
the environment within which the organization will operate.

Part 2:
Attached in the module is a pro-forma project proposal. Accomplish the form in
accordance with the program/project you think is beneficial in your community. Reason
out why you are proposing such.

Module Exercises:

A Project Proposal

I. Proponent: Apolinario C. Angob

II. Sponsor: LEAD Youth Group and The Paragons Organization

III. Beneficiary: The youth of Valenzuela City who are involved in juvenile

IV. Funding Requirements:

Source Counterpart

Amount Share (in percent)

Earnings of Local
Php 6,000,000.00 1.43%

Total Project Cost: Php 6,000,000.00

V. Project Definition:

A. Development Objective:
This project has the objective of preventing the juvenile delinquency in the community.
Youth has been considered the hope of the future, how will this be true if at this young
age they’re abiding the laws? Gang membership is one of the factors that influences the
children to do wrong. This can give children access to alcohol and drugs. When they sniff
rugby, they no longer feel hungry, offering a temporary escape from the problems they
face daily. This project aims to minimize the involvement of the youth to those criminal
offences that are not acceptable to be done at their young age.

How to attain the objective:

The objectives can be attain by informing the youth of the possible consequences
they will face when they get involved in a crime and providing possible solutions for their
problems. This project will also inform and give awareness to the parents and guardian
of the children about what could happen when they misguide their child. This will teach
the parents to properly guide their child and support the better future for their child.

B. Specific Objectives
This project seeks to raise the level of awareness among the families, parents and
the youth of the community about the issue of juvenile delinquency. It will promote the
involvement the out-of-school youth in the activities that will help creating their better
future. Conducting seminars, orienting the parents, providing better activities for the out-
of-school youth will be some of the programs to be implemented. Holding a free classes
that will develop the talents of the youth and providing activities that will make them spend
their whole time just enjoying. This can help them be influenced by their intellectual peers
and prevent them from involving in a gang.

VI. Project Description:

A. Project Components:
Having seminars and activities for the awareness of the public is not new in our
community. This project about the juvenile delinquency is the first program to be held in
our community to prevent the youth from doing illegal crimes. Involving juveniles in our
project activities aims to improve their devlopment, both physically and psychologically.
This project builds a network of associations and people willing to create opportunities
into society of juveniles in different fields. It has the purpose of facilitating and developing
trainings and classes according to the personal skills and the needs of the out-of-school

B. Acquisition of Equipment and the amount with which to acquire equipment/s and its
source should be identified:

Equipment Quantity Description

Microphone 5 To be used in seminars
and other programs
Speaker 4 Needed for the sound
Projector 2 To be used in projecting
the details in the screen
Computer/Laptop 2 To be used in managing
Printer 1 To be used in printing
needed files
Flip charts 3 To serve as screen for
the projector

The amount with which to acquire the equipment will come from the budget
allocated to the project. A microphone amounts approximately to P 800.00; speaker- P
2,000.00; projector- P 2,500.00; computer/laptop- P 20,000.00; printer- P 3,000.00; flip
charts- P 500.00.

B. Project Inputs:

The principal inputs to be needed by the project will include human as well as non-
human resources.

Human Resources

Position Functions
Project Manager Responsible for the overall planning and
development of the project.
Implementation Manager Responsible for the implementation and
monitoring of the project.
Researcher Responsible for the provision of needed
details and information.
Training Lead Responsible for conducting the trainings.
Department Managers Responsible for managing the task of
different departments.
Organizers Responsible for the successful holding of
the events.

Non-human resources will compromise the material and equipments needed in

conducting the planned events and activities. This would be the chairs, tables, tents,
equipments for the seminars such as microphone, speaker, projector, flip charts, and etc.
This would also include the vehicles to be used in the transportation of the people involved
in this project.

C. Project Outcomes

The following outcomes will be expected from the project:

1. Minimized number of the youth involved in illegal crimes.
2. Improved awareness of the families, parents, and children of the community about the
juvenile delinquency.
3. Decrease the gang involvement of the out-of-school youth in the community.
4. Improved juvenile justice system in the community.

VII. Implementation Schedule

The schedule of implementationof the different activities is shown in the table below.
Table 1. Implementation Plan

Fiscal Year 2017

Activity 1st Qr 2nd Qr 3rd Qr 4th Qr

Seminars for the out-of-school Jan Apr July Oct

Seminars for the parents Feb May Aug Nov

Free classes for the youth Apr- May

Hold a several community Mar June Sep Dec

Fun activities and programs Mar June Sep Dec
every quarter of the year

VIII. Financial Requirements:

To implement the project, a total of P 2,500,000.00 which will come from the
P6,000,000.00 budget allocated to this project is needed for the acquisition of the
materials and equipment to be used. This will compromise the stated non-human
resources above. The service of the staff would be for free since the members of the
partner organizations had voluntarily agreed to provide their services and time for free.
The remaining amount of the budget will be used for the activities to be held for the whole

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