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 The main purpose of I am not plastic is to reduce plastic in the world

 Avani, a start-up by biological science graduate Kevin Kumala, was established in

the year of 2014. It was born with an aim to create a difference by utilizing
technology as a solution to combat the global epidemic of plastic pollution

 I am not plastic bags are made up of natural ingredients such as corn, starch,
vegetables fats and oil.


 The main objective of “ I am not plastic” is to reduce plastic waste which will help the

 It helps to reduce global warming

 Reduction of plastic in general public

 Since it can dissolve in water the acquit animals will be in a safer side

 The main issue with the plastic is it disposability which effects our environment very

 The plastic is made 100 years ago for the convenience of people, but today it is
biggest nightmare

 Plastic takes 500 years to biodegrade into soil

 According to a survey in 2017 it was found that 8 million of plastic is under the ocean

 These were the reasons to introduce “ I am not plastic”



 According to survey in 2014 the production of these bags were 58.1% and according
to 2019 survey the production of these bags increased to 80.6%

 Since this bags are made up of natural ingredients we can save our environment for
further generation
Since there is a drastic change in production of these bioplastic there will a good market

This is product prolifartion product


a) primary data

b) secondary data

In this study we used secondary data for collection of information

The secondary data is the data which is collected by someone else for research purpose


 It can only dissolve in lukewarm water

 Need for composters

As we all know that there is a flip to the coin this bio degradable plastic is that there
will be needed for industrial composters to turn them into compost and availability of
equipment in some countries is the problem

 Risk of contamination

Bio degradable products should not be mixed with nonbiodegradable products when
thrown in garbage the problem here is not all people known how to segregate between
bio plastic and other plastic when this two types of plastic are mixed together the bio
plastic cannot be contaminated

 Engineering issues

This bio plastic are plant based and this means they come from organic sources from
farm such as soya bean and corn

1. Biodegradable Plastic DOES NOT EQUAL Compostable Plastic

Biodegradable refers to a material breaking down with the help of microorganisms. To be

labelled a biodegradable plastic, there is no time limit set on when the product breaks down
and these plastics CAN leave behind toxic residue.
Compostable refers to a material capable of breaking down into carbon dioxide, water, and
biomass at the same rate as cellulose. Compostable plastic must also disintegrate and become
indistinguishable in the compost and CANNOT leave any toxic material behind.
That means compostable plastic breaks down to a point that it can help in the support of plant

2. Compostable plastic WILL NOT biodegrade in a landfill

Throwing a “green” plastic product into a landfill defeats the purpose of creating and
consuming biodegradable and compostable plastics in the first place.

Many people think, oh well, it’ll at least break down eventually…but…well actually, no it
probably won’t.

These special plastics need air, moisture and sunlight to break down properly and
unfortunately, landfills tend to entomb waste and deprives it from these necessary elements.

3. Biodegradable and compostable plastics DO NOT mix with recyclable plastics

Now we already gave you the “don’t throw compostable plastic in the garbage” lecture but
remember that goes for the blue bin too. This can create a wasteful extra step for the
recycling plant to sort out bioplastics from recyclable plastics or contaminate the recycled
materials in the process which again, defeats the whole purpose of both environmentally
friendly initiatives.
4. Not all biodegradable and bioplastics are free of pthalates or bisphenol A (BPA)

Most people see the word bio and think “natural” and associate it with safe. But safe or non-
toxic plastics are determined by further testing (typically NSF) to ensure a bioplastic is free
of harmful chemicals like lead, cadmium, BPA and pthalates.


 From this study we would like to suggest that in most of the super markets and small
vendors they sell plastic bag for minimum amount instead of the they need to start
using “ I am not plastic”.
 Government should take strict action regarding plastic
 Conduct a campaigning regarding “ I am not plastic” to get awareness on this bags
 Since social media is a powerful tool in present scenario, we can use it for


 To keep an end to plastic “ I am not plastic” is a small remedy but in long run plastic
should be banned by taking initiative step by government and general public
 It is not one day move to stop it, it includes various set of standards to be maintained
in government and public eradicate it
 “I am not plastic” is an subsidiary conclusion which would put our society and nature
in healthy way to some extent.

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