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How the “digital age” affects the lifestyle of the current generation?

When can one say that

online gaming is beneficial or not? How does the world handle e-sports? Is e-sports considered

as Olympic sports? Online gaming is one of the major trends today. In online gaming, one can

play any game so long as there is an internet connection. One gets in touch with friends online

and also gets an opportunity to compete with people they previously did not know but have

met online. With online gaming, one has access to any games and there is no need to rent games

at cyber. Through online gaming, it is very possible to develop talent and also compete a lot

with other players. Online gaming is awesome because one has a variety games to select from.

One can also earn money from this experience after winning games. Online gaming may be a

very enjoyable experience for many but may also have negative consequences.

According to Kuss & Griffiths , teens who play online games are just having fun. They do not

just actually play because of some sort of seriousness, but also because they just want to feel

relief. During school hours, students tend to feel stressed due to loads of school works and

through playing it will relive their stress. The fact is that online gaming is becoming noticeable

all over the world. One of the benefits of online gaming is that you can access games online so

long as there is an internet connection. There are several available and new games that create

a variety for a player to choose from. In countries where there is the availability of broadband

internet, online gaming has become a staple kind of entertainment. It is also possible to gain

cash via online gaming as a result of winning games. This can earn the players a lot of money

as long as one has the skills and talent for online gaming.

Online gaming is advantageous as it can occupy the mind and avoid people especially youths

from getting involved in the life threatening behavior such as drug taking and joining youth
gangs. At least online gaming is more constructive. Online gaming can also help expand and

improve gaming knowledge and also experience.

According to Dennis O. Dumrique, online gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities

by many people. For some people it is said that playing video games has a number of reasons

to be played, for it can be a stress reliever, challenge and competition, relaxation, enjoyment,

social interaction, and even mentally escaping from the real world. Online gaming also

encourages competition. One player competes against others playing the same game so as to

win more money. Another advantage of online gaming is that it makes a player mentally active

and sharper too. Online gaming may be one experience that may have more harmful effects

than good. For one, it may cause addiction and time meant for other activities may be consumed

in online gaming. Online harassment may also occur especially with children who get involved

in online gaming. Children playing games online may lead to online abuse. Children may also

download games from sites that may infect computers with the virus. There are many ways for

users to play games online. This includes free games found on the internet, games on

smartphones, tablets and handheld consoles, as well as downloadable and boxed games on PCs

and consoles such as the PlayStation, Nintendo Wii or Xbox. Here are some of the most

common devices on which online games are played.

Firstly, an advantage of playing online games is that enhances critical thinking skills. Critical

thinking refers to the analysis of issue on a certain situation. Online gaming reflects this skill

by providing multiple choices and options to gamers. This enables them to enhance their critical

thinking skills by analyzing the situation provided by the game and working towards a way to

solve the issue. As an example, League of Legends is an online 5v5 game where players work

on destroying each other bases and try to defend their own bases which requires players to
utilize strategic thinking. Furthermore, playing online games beneficial as it sharpens thinking

skills including reasoning, understanding, learning, and remembering. These are foundational

skills used by brain to achieve these simple activities.

Other than that, one of the advantages of online gaming is that teens can easily socialize over

a common interest which is gaming. One example of teens socializing by online gaming is E-

sports, E-Sports is quickly becoming a worldwide phenomenon. With popularization of games

such as PUBG, League of Legends, Overwatch and many more. Here at our country the most

popular E-Sport game is Mobile Legends. With huge events and tournaments that are watched

by millions of passionate fans, many people are beginning to question whether playing video

games can be considered a real sport. Even though e-sports may not be as physically demanding

as traditional sports like football and basketball, the structure, strong fan base and the

requirements to seriously contend in the competitive gaming scene legitimize it as a “real” sport.

It is important to gain an understanding of the complete picture of e-sports before classifying it

as a real sport.

Online Gaming can help teenagers to build leadership skills and teach them how to quickly

navigate through social obstacles. This is due to the fact that multiplayer games became virtual

social communities. Professional gaming is a great way to meet friendship with people all over

the world and to learn various cultures and backgrounds. Therefore, online gaming can help us

socialize and build social interaction skills. Games that are immersive and require strategy and

problem-solving skills to win, require players to remember and take in a lot of information.

Regularly playing these types of games can help improve children’s short and long-term

memory and help the brain process information quicker. While games depend heavily on short-

term memory, they have also been proven to improve long-term memory and other important
skills. A mundane routine and boredom often lead to mental stagnation, but there are far too

many instances in our lives when we find ourselves without anything to do.

Online games address a common human need of entertainment with convenience. You can play

games anytime, from anywhere, and on any internet-enabled device, even while you’re on the

go. From listless commuters to people in waiting rooms, online games enable us to occupy time

which would be otherwise wasted in doing nothing. Players can pick from a variety of games

to suit their need, and get their entertainment fix more efficiently than before.

Gaming is not only beneficial to adults and teenagers, but to children as well. Many modern

education institutions incorporate video games as a teaching methodology. This helps these

children improve their academic skills by providing video games that are specifically aimed at

enhancing their cognitive and creative skills.

However, online gaming has its disadvantages. Behavioral and mental changes and the

common negative effect of playing online games. Children who spend hours on gaming may

become violent, introvert, lose interest in the environment that surrounds them. This will lead

to an underdeveloped personality because the person never likes to talk to other people and

socialize. While the video game is also a hobby, over spending time on them will deprive the

person of learning new things and playing outdoor games. An addict will always think of

gaming, sacrificing other things that are sometimes more important than gaming, like studying,

sports, socializing, etc. Some games containing elements of violence stimulate aggressive

behavior that deviates among students. They tend to follow the characters within the game. It

makes them want to try it in the real world. Consequently, those innocent people sometimes

become victims of violence and even cause death. Absolutely these games do not deserve to
be played by students who are still classified as children. Because children will imitate what

he sees and plays. They play games when their teacher teaches in class. They do not pay

attention to what their teacher said before, so when they are given the test, they do not know

the answer of question. As a result, it may lead to a decrease in their learning achievement.

Besides, the gamers tend to force their parents to meet their financial needs so that they can

play games. if their desire is not achieved, it will arise the urge to commit theft.

Exposing yourself too much on gaming can lead to weight gain. Too much screen time

translates into laziness and may cause weight gain. Addict gamers tend to forget to drink water,

eat food on time, and laying in one place for hours staring at a screen. We all know how

unhealthy is that. In school, gamers who have addicted do not concentrate on their learning.

According to the ICD-11, people with gaming disorder have trouble controlling the amount of

time that they spend playing digital or video games. They also prioritize gaming over other

activities and experience negative effects from their gaming behaviors.

The WHO decided to classify the condition after reviewing the research and consulting with

experts. The WHO claim that this classification will result in an increased focus on gaming

disorder and its prevention and treatment.

Gaming disorder shares similarities with internet gaming disorder (IGD), which is a condition

that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) have labeled in their Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as requiring further study. The APA does not

currently recognize IGD as an official condition.

Addiction to gaming is similar in many ways to other types of addiction. People with the

disorder often spend many hours playing games, have a strong emotional attachment to this

behavior, and may experience fewer social connections as a result.

As with other addictions, gaming disorder can have a negative impact on family life,

relationships, and work or education. This may lead to irritation with those who criticize

gaming, or it may cause feelings of guilt.

According to the WHO's definition, a person who has gaming disorder will show the following

characteristics for at least 12 months: lacking control over their gaming habits, prioritizing

gaming over other interests and activities, continuing gaming despite its negative consequences

According to some research, gaming addiction may co-occur with other mood disorders, such

as: anxiety disorders, depression, stress.

Addiction has numerous forms, gaming is not the only one. Addiction can also be of facebook,

youtube, etc. You cannot tell them to not play video games, but you can enforce some house

rules. You can make gaming a reward for them. In exchange for completing the homework,

you can give them an hour of gaming. Make sure your child is not just playing games and not

going out to play outdoor games. For an overall personality development, it is imperative that

your child is learning new skills, and become better. Their needs to be a right balance between

fun and work/development. The disadvantages of video games can easily be eliminated if we

teach them how much is enough, and the importance of other things in life.
As with anything, online gaming can be beneficial to society yet also be harmful. Therefore, it

is up to the users to practice self-restriction and discipline as to not abuse online games.

Although, the outcome of playing online games is entirely up to us. We have the responsibility

ti gave self-control and be aware of the consequences of our actions. Although there are many

cons, we have concluded as a group that the pros heavily outweigh them, online gaming helps

the development of children, provides a fun and exciting way to pass time and develops

teamwork skills, they enhance skills such as technology skills that are required in today’s life

which is constantly changing and growing. online gaming addiction has the capability of

disrupting one’s mental and social health. When played for a prolonged amount of time, online

games may take a hold on its players. The fun and games soon become their lives, their minds

crave the excitement of the tasks they must do, and the people around them soon depart,

eventually leaving them with no one in their real lives to turn to. Therefore, those who feel as

if their pastime controls their way of life should reach out for help, and researchers studying

this matter should work to help people see this addiction at the same level as every other

detrimental addiction. The present review of current perspectives on Internet gaming addiction

has shown that research has progressed significantly over the last decade, leading to a larger

evidence base which includes important findings from neuroimaging research. Further, it

indicates that contextual factors play an important part in our understanding of Internet gaming

addiction as a holistic phenomenon. It is suggested that an official diagnosis of Internet gaming

addiction must regard embedding of the problematic behavior


Daniel Araojo

Lagro High School
Senior High School
Division V. Quezon City, Metro Manila

Effectiveness of Student Monitoring System of ICT Students in Lagro High School:

Improved Student Profile Data Collection and Maintenance

A Research Proposed to

Pierce Gallego


Christian Arales

Daniel Araojo

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