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1. What is nationalism?

-Nationalism can be simply defined as one’s devotion for its nation. It can also
be related to the preservation of the nation’s traditions and culture. Additionally,
the notion of nationalism not just focuses on the loyalty of an individual to its
nation, it also encompasses the support that one generates for its nation to
maintain its sovereignty and act on its own interest without the interference of
other nations.

2. Difference between State, Nation/Nation-State?

-State refers to the land or area having a government and is organized for the
security of its people. It has four elements, which is essentially for a land to be
recognized as State: Territory, Sovereignty, People, and Government. If one
element is missing, it cannot be rendered as a State. On the other hand, a nation
is created or established when a certain population shares the same culture,
values, traditions, religion, race, and/or beliefs. However, these are not absolute,
thus, may change from time to time.

3. Key principles of nationalism? Provide short description of each principle.

4. Types of nationalism.
-Civic nationalism is the commitment to a state and its values.
-Ethnic nationalism is the commitment to an imagines common descent.
-Elite nationalism is the usage of civic ideas to strengthen an existing state.
-Mass nationalism is the usage of ethnic ideas to subvert an existing state.
-State-strengthening nationalism seeks to strengthen the state internally by
reforming its government.
-State-subverting nationalism aims to create a new state.

5. What is cultural nationalism?

-Cultural nationalism is a form of nationalism where the nation is defined by a
shared culture. It is focused on the cultivation of a nation. Generally, it refers to
ideas and practices that relate to the intended revival of a supposed-to-be or
professed national community's culture.

6. What is the focus of cultural nationalism?

-It does not focus on common ancestry or race; rather, it focuses on the nation’s
identity which is shaped by its cultural values. Additionally, it can also be inferred
that it focuses as well on reviving the nation’s practices and culture or in simpler
terms, cultivation of a nation.
7. What is religious nationalism?
-Religious nationalism is not mainly focused against other religions, but can be
inferred as in response to modernity and in a particular religious affiliation (i.e
Christianity). Additionally, it is the relationship of nationalism to a particular
religious belief. However, it cannot just be narrowed down to the government’s
support to a particular religious belief; it may also refer to the attempts of the
government to suppress other religious groups.

8. What are the 2 aspects of religious nationalism?

-The politicization of religion is when a shared contributes to a sense of national
unity, a common bond among the citizens of the nation. The influence of religion
on politics is where current interpretations of religious ideas inspire political
activism and action; for example, laws are passed to foster stricter religious

9. What are the theories on nationalism? Give authors and short description.
-Primordial theories by Smith and Connor, see nationalism as something which
was always present in people but had been reawakened under political self-
-Instrumentalist theories by Barth, argue that ethnic groups can be seen as
nations and their boundaries are not fixed, but in fact these can vary according
to specific needs. This idea can be encountered in the notion of religious
-Modernisation theories by Kohn, Kedourie, and Gellner, argue that nationalism
emerged as the result of modern processes, such as industrialisation, favourable
political, cultural and socio-economic conditions.

10. Is nationalism a force for the good? Why or why not?

-It depends on one’s perception about nationalism for it can bring positive and
adverse effects. In my own opinion, I have always perceived nationalism as a
positive concept, thus, a force of the good. I have always attached to its term
the concept of unity, cooperation, and discipline among the citizens. And these
attributes that I have correlated with the idea of nationalism are affirmative
attributes, thus can bring progressive changes.

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