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The National Center for Teacher Education

Multicultural Education Hub
Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur

Name: Twiggy Fritz M. Astillo Section: OBTEC-M-I-2

Professor: Honey Jaysa R. Antigua Course: Theories of Learning

FLA #2

A. Create your own ACROSTIC of the word Learning based on your experiences.

L—iving in this world had already a process of learning which we experience. An individual
starts learning as they are born and learning continues throughout. Learning is the

acquisition of habits, knowledge, attitudes and skills that has both by nature and nuture.

E—xperience based, learning is everything we have from growth, environment and others. In
growth, I/ we live and implies both physical and mental development in which as we

grow as an individual we gain experiences through various activities like socializing with

our families and friends. We grow through living and learning.

A—s a child, I still remember my primary days of learning — I was taught by cousin to read

and exprienced failing first periodic exam in Makabayan. Not knowing, I learned to be

shame of and started to study well in order to excel.

R—egret had been companion and failures became my alarm to strive more. Owing to these
I conclude human life is fall of experiences. All these experiences provide new

knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes.

N—ot only learning is a mere acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes. It is also can be
reorganization of experiences or the synthesis of the old experiences with the new.

I— n addition, learning is both individual and social. Although, learning is individual but can
also social. Our mind is consciously and unconsciously affected by the group activities.

We are influenced by our peers, family and classmates— in general, learning is a

product of the enivorment. We learn their ideas, feelings and attitudes in some ways.

N—onetheless, to learn is a signs that we are breathlessly normal. Without learning, me you,
they, we are nothing. There is no essence of living. We are just like puppet controlled

by a ruthless mammal that anytime can shatter the living dead body we have.

G—odsend, we have capacity to think, learn and discover. We are all worthy and bliss.

1. As a future educator, is it necessary to study and understand the process of learning? Why

do you say so?

Ans. As a future educator it is necessary to study and understand the process of learning for

me to have a full understanding of what learning is. With these, I can evaluate, understand and

identify what type of learning my future students should acquire.

2. Is learning a form of thinking? Cite an examples and prove your answer.

Ans. Learning is a form of thinking seeing through thinking we can form an ideas and

thoughts, in which it already a knowledege not knowning we also acquire it as learning.

Basically, one of example in these is making assignments or projects that we students

normally do. Before, going through we understand first and casually think of concepts that we

may apply to the various activity.

3.Can thinking be taught in classroom? In what ways? Explain your answer.

Ans. It can be, thinking can be taught in classroom since going to school, teachers compelled

with multifarious conditioning, it forces us to think because of the curiosity that is nature to as

human. When teachers discussed one topic, our brain works and process information and

when he/she asked something, we think and search for answer. Classroom taught us thinking

because learning is also a product of environment. We individually live through interaction of

the society. Environment plays a part in growth and development of individual. Our physical,

social, intellectual and emotional had been molded and remolded by objects and individual

surrounds us.

4. In your case as students, were you taught how to learn? Explain briefly.
Ans. Well, in me I can say that I was in nuetral because learning to learn can be and cannot

taught. Yes, I can say how to learn is a part of human development in which our brain develop

as we grow but in some instances how to learn is also taught if we look forward for the different

situations. Example, in my Senior High years we are all required to have NCII before

graduation and because it is required we are constrained how to learned such like massage,

programming and more. In general, learning is vertical and horizontal in which information is

added to that already learned and what to learn is integrated and organized as a part of a

functioning unit of expanding experience.


1. What would you consider an overt manifestation of learning?

Ans. Manifestation of learning can be directly seen or identify if the individuals may now apply

the learning he/she acquired. For instances, a person who learned something is active and


2. Imagine a situation where are no signs of learning, how would feel? and react?

Ans. Imagining a situation where are no signs of learning, it is already a dead end. Individual

must develop and continue learning. If the situation is that, it is like we are trapped and being

controlled by an alien. No rights and freedom just by ourselves an immaculate one.

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