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Ch 5

Friday, October 20, 2017 3:59 PM

• Nominal nominal
○ Cramer's v
• Measure of association
○ If we have one variable it helps us understand under
○ Most measures of association range between 0-1 or -1-1
§ Negative association = ordinal = sense of direction
□ If one variable increases the other decreases
§ Strength of association = -1 has the same strength
as 1
○ If 2 variables have a 0-> one variable does not predict the
other variable at all (no association)
○ If you have "1" you know everything about the other
variable (really strong almost perfect association )

Dem. Rep. Green Total

Female 56 40 24 120
(48) (48) (24) (60%)
Male 24 40 16 80
(32) (32) (16) (40%)
Total 80 80 40 200
• Independence tells me that knowledge of one variable tells me
nothing about another variable
• Green shows independence because we expect in this world
we see that 60% of the people are female, 40% male, more
female than male, and green is the one that shows this
○ Proportions matter they have to stay the same
• Measure cannot be negative because it is a nominal scale ->
direction does not matter
• How to measure - chi square statistic
○ (Observed (-) expected) (^2)
§ Standardize numbers by diving by expected
§ Add standardized together -> chi^2= this number
○ Divide chi-square /n (smallest (row-1) or (column-1)) and
direction does not matter
• How to measure - chi square statistic
○ (Observed (-) expected) (^2)
§ Standardize numbers by diving by expected
§ Add standardized together -> chi^2= this number
○ Divide chi-square /n (smallest (row-1) or (column-1)) and
take square root =v
§ Divide by 200-rows or 200 - columns whatever
gives you the smallest number
□ 200-1

Another measure of association (lamda) nominal nominal

West Midwest East Total
Blue 80 0 10 90
Green 10 10 80 100
Yellow 10 90 10 110
Total 100 100 100
• Best guess ->mode
○ Yellow (190 errors)
• Mode for west = blue (20 errors)
• Mode for mw - yellow (10 errors)
• Mode for east - green (20 errors)
○ If told where youre from Total errors - 50 errors (less
errors than not knowing)
• Lamda = how much error you have reduced -> 190-50=140
○ Divide by 190 : 140/190=0.7368 (73%)

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