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e-Yantra Innovation Challenge 2020-21

Project Name:
Guard-bot : Robot for protection of crop from locust and animal attack.

Due to deforestation and human intervention animals are migrating to human habitat
especially in areas falling in forest area. Animals are destroying the agricultural crop of small
and marginal famines after crossing the border. When farmers try to protect their crops,
sometimes animals attack humans. Now for the last 2 to 3 years, the farmer is also facing a
problem to protect the crop from locust attack. locust can damage 1 hectare crop area in 10

The objective is to introduce the animal recognition automatic stone gun. So that whenever
animals will try to enter our harvest farm. Through animal identification, we will find out the
animal and its status. The stone gun will then automatically set the target according to the
position of the animals and start throwing stones towards the animal. So that we can change
the direction of the animal and we can protect our crop field. To protect the crop from locust
attacks, we can use automatic soil sprayer. This sprayer will start automatically when the
locust tries to eat the crop. We are using mud because with its help we can stop the attack of
locusts on the crop.

Market Research / Literature Survey:

According to a news item published in the Hindustan Times [1], farmers in hilly areas of
Champawat district are gradually leaving agriculture due to increasing incidents of crop
destruction by wild animals. The number of farmers in Champawat has decreased from
34,338 at the time of state formation in 2000 to 31,791 in 2017 -- a decline of 7%, the district
agriculture office said. Similarly, wheat production has decreased by about 40%. One of the
major reasons behind farmers leaving the traditional business of agriculture in the district is
the threat of wild animals that have gone out of control. Animals eat hard from farmers.

Now the locust attack has also become a big problem for a famer because one group of
locust can eat whole crop in 10 minutes.

Thus, there is a good scope for such of solution for protection of crop from animal and locust
Hardware requirements:
For animal recognition automatic stone gun :-

1. Arduino.

2. USB camera.

3. 3 servo motor.

4. Stone gun.

5. Jumper Wires.

6. Resistance box.

For automatic mud sprayer:-

1. Arduino.

2. ultrasonic sensor

3. 1 motor

4. Motor driver.

5. Sprayer.

6. Jumper Wires.

7. Resistance box.

Software requirements:
1. Arduino IDE.

2. OpenCV.

3. Python IDE.
The farmer will given the animal recognition automatic stone gun. It will establish on poll. So
that whenever animals will try to enter our harvest farm. Through animal identification,
system will find out the animal and its status. The stone gun will then automatically set the
target according to the position of the animals and start throwing stones towards the animal.
So that we can change the direction of the animal and we can protect our crop field.

To protect the crop from locust attacks, the farmer will given the automatic soil sprayer. This
sprayer will start automatically when the locust tries to eat the crop. We are using mud
because with its help we can stop the attack of locusts on the crop.

Simple work flow for Animal recognition automatic stone gun :-

Simple work flow for Automatic mud sprayer :-

To protect crops from wild predators, government has devised various strategies like
installing the solar powered electric fence to resolve the problems, however, none of these
assured successes in crop protection.

The main problem with electric fence are:-

1. Very costly

2. High maintenance (after each 1 year)

3. cut on the fence wire, the power in the fence is shut-off.

4. It does not work properly at the time of winter.

5. Not a permanent solution

But for protection of crop from locust attack, farmer has no permanent solution.

Our Animal recognition automatic stone gun has following features :-

1. One face recognition automatic gun can cover 100 m area.

2. 360 degree movable.

3. Target only animal.

4. One setup will be around 2500-3000 rupees including profit.

5. Less maintenance required.

6. Easy to use and installation.

7. No electricity connection required. It works using solar energy.

8. Works 24*7.

For protecting crop from locust attack, automatic mud sprayer is best solution because
Locust can’t digest the clay content if the sub soil is mixed with water and sprayed on the


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