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' excel

Dim excel As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application

Dim wb As Workbook = excel.Workbooks.Add()

Dim sheet As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(1)

If IsNothing(sheet) Then
Console.Write("sheet is null")
End If

For i As Integer = 1 To 100

sheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = excel.RandBetween(1, 1000)


For i As Integer = 1 To 100

Dim n As Integer = sheet.Cells(i, 1).Value
If IsPrime(n) Then
sheet.Cells(i, 2).Value = "Prime"
End If


excel = Nothing

' core functions

Dim gsaObj As New gsa_8_7.ComAuto



'LOAD_BEAM_POINT.2 | name | list | case | axis | proj | dir | pos | value

gsaObj.GwaCommand("LOAD_BEAM_POINT.2,load added by COM,2,4,GLOBAL,NO,Z,-.25,-12")


gsaObj = Nothing


' GwaCommand
' element 1
elRef = 1 ' could be HIGHEST + 1 too
gwaRecord = "EL," & elRef & ",,NO_RGB,BEAM,1,1," & n1 & "," & n2
ret = gsa.GwaCommand(gwaRecord)
If 0 = ret Then
Console.WriteLine("Created element {0}", elRef)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to create element {0}", elRef)
End If

' element 2
elRef += 1
gwaRecord = String.Format("EL,{0},,NO_RGB,BEAM,1,1, {1},{2}", elRef, n2,
ret = gsa.GwaCommand(gwaRecord)
If 0 = ret Then
Console.WriteLine("Created element {0}", elRef)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to create element {0}", elRef)
End If

' element 3
elRef += 1
gwaRecord = String.Format("EL,{0},,NO_RGB,BEAM,1,1, {1},{2}", elRef, n3,
ret = gsa.GwaCommand(gwaRecord)
If 0 = ret Then
Console.WriteLine("Created element {0}", elRef)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to create element {0}", elRef)
End If

' the following shows function reuse

ret = CreateBeam(elRef, 1, n1, n2, gsa)
If True = ret Then
elRef += 1
End If
ret = CreateBeam(elRef, 1, n2, n3, gsa)
If True = ret Then
elRef += 1
End If
ret = CreateBeam(elRef, 1, n3, n4, gsa)
If True = ret Then
elRef += 1
End If

'Function CreateBeam(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal prop As Integer, ByVal topo0 As

' ByVal topo1 As Integer, ByRef gsaObject As ComAuto) As Boolean
' Dim gwaRecord As String = String.Format("EL,{0},,NO_RGB,BEAM,{1},1, {2},{2}",
index, prop, topo0, topo1)
' Dim ret As Integer = gsaObject.GwaCommand(gwaRecord)
' If 0 = ret Then
' Return True
' Else
' Return False
' End If
'End Function
' lists
ret = gsa.EntitiesInList("XY1", GsaEntity.NODE, ents)

' output
ret = gsa.Output_Init(OP_INIT_INFINITY, "default", acaseString, dataref, 3)
If Not Integer.Equals(0, ret) Then
Console.WriteLine("Output_Init failed.")
Exit Sub
End If

Dim ents() As Integer ' array to store node numbers in the list

ret = gsa.EntitiesInList("XY1", GsaEntity.NODE, ents)

' check output title and verify it's per node

Dim isPerNode As Short = gsa.Output_IsDataRef(OP_IS_PER_REC)

Dim title As String = gsa.Output_DataTitle(1)

Console.WriteLine("Output title: " & title & "IsPerRecord = " & isPerNode)

' loop over the contents of the list

For Each ent In ents
ret = gsa.Output_DataExist(ent)
If 0 = ret Then
Console.WriteLine("Output_DataExist failed for " & ent)
Exit For
End If

Dim result As Double = gsa.Output_Extract(ent, 0)

Console.WriteLine("Result for node " & ent & " = " & result)

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