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Illlilil |ilil lil lllllllllllllllll



Maximum : 60 Scores
Tirne : 2Ifours
Cool-offTime : 15 Minutes

Generul Instructions to Condilates:

. There is a 'Cool offtfme'of 15 ntinutes in ctclclirion to the writing tinte.
. (Jse the 'Cool off tinte'to getfantiliar with cluestions and to plan your answers.

. Read questions carefully before answering

. Read the instructions carefully.
. Calculations, figures qnd graphs should be shown in the answer sheet itself.
. Malayalam version of the questions is also provided.
. Give equations wlterever necessary.
. Electronic devices except non programmable ccilculators are nol ollowed in the Exantination Hall.

. cn16g1ov"s cruoaDorolcn"olJooo 15 olcrfl8 'eAA 6,3co-o'ooSo'B6fBccoJlolao3o

. '6Jca nCon" OOSo',GeJCCJtr',BCa otOleJa)OHSCcDlo 2OTDO5UBCa GIOCruStCO6mo

. B6roo6TBc0 o6v3<ur3crn@1cri oJcru" Ge-.rcGJ56BcA 6gauco:g0Qo

cnl 0c qcrceonca o3v3crl mJo r@nucoJea g o QJ caJl do6m

&6rD€o'aASelJecA, o-flirooonc0, icoco-oJac0, o6cmlo-l gcoroocolgolnfl coocrr)

p6'rB c eofl (o1 d6) 6'rD o.

. Ge.JccJ5TBch oetco;cgomrlet3o mnflalcoJlgens".

G'rooJ @Jo JgB oac s Jao 6m o.

(RLO el or0)" cruo ol c eJeuB ca

GLcLlcL@coJaA o9.JqccnceccorD ec(1fl€oJGlelBoJe(a neloeeoJgg 5ioJ

peta>"ctscorn1a" gotaro6yrrculo o-lo"le,yc ooc$]nfl ptr-lccolcU)lao3clccrt o-]csl$.

Velocity of light in vacuum, c : 3x 108m/s

Radius of earth :6.4x106rn

FSE24 P,hysics 1/8


Qucstions 1 to 5 carry 1 scorc cach. Answcr r o3rorfl 5 oJoo GcJcc6sB(n66'r" t nu"qac6

any four qucstions. ( 4xl:4) oflroo. ogoorala3o 4 n0ffi*ro1n;"
1. Writc tho strongest force among the gOYDoooeS(6)J&. (4x1=4\
lbllorving. 1. rocoggoa;3crno:cflro? coarajlccools) 6yrlpro
(ljlcctrostatic fclrce, Nuclcar force, "6310"

Gravitational f orcc. \rVeak lorce) (pa at 1scgpc61.o ao, rng6ilcorrt 6Trero,


2" Write the number of significant figures. GJCOjoJotl CA6ogenr 6Y)J EJ o, r:3rteru A 6D: CIo)

(a) 0"0072m (b) L5x 10--reC 2. m;corcma roT aoand o.€)ej(oJe.

3. Write the physical quantitl,' having the (a) 0.()0i2nr {tr) i.6x 10-reC
same unit and dirnension as that of linear 3. ro'@aorrujloc.fl oSerrilgg olcp;ooc6.,Em3 ggp
tnomentutn. re.r .cll os,m, goi o6eJ(DJe,

1. If itr *81=l;- 8,. find the angle 4. i7*n=r7-81.n6;u1nn 7,8 por

bctwccn Aurtd i coada .iE e+cffi a6m6oc6oJe.
'l'he rotational analog of mass in linear
-5. 5. cosr*'lg, rarmo:^o:1oet ocrnrlrn" cruooanDxcn)
rnotion is oJ r o1 .s i 6r-.) c,: e.r' m rorofi er a rolo g r-u c43 cf I
Qucstions 6 to 11 carry 2 scorcs each. 6 o3rod 11 aroro@r3g o-erco;oonr#oei*
Answer any fivc qucstions (5x2:10) 2'oc6do" o-llroo. o@oroe1ello s nge#orulni
6. '['he velocitv-tirne graph of an ob.ject
in g(urDooaeJ(u)JoJ. (5x2:10)
motion is shorvn in figure . Calculate. 5. EoJ orqJ(-aloo! - ffDocoo irocn-o"

-eJ {.cor ard,r nfl c-,r3c,l gf ao3crng.

V +10
(m/s) \,

(a) Displacement in 6 seconds (a) o ocru.eorf,Jor(n o6c6re"p6rec6JJffn

, (Scorc : 1) ffuoCcnCoOroo &C6IDJA
(b) Distance travclled in 6 seconrJs (b) o orruaonfl3ac6 oacere'mrerouolg
: l)
(Score eJroo &6ID<6OC6oJ6:.
(a) State Newtor.r's second larw of 7. (a) mJJSd',€ rGGrBco -arerm mloolo<>
rnotion (Score : l) 1o_tcglcoJlao3e
(b) Write the mathernatical fbrm of
(b) o6ryeco oe.:mcnlco"roru'nrIocft mor^nltor
Sccond larv. (Scorc : l)
m)aoj36Jo o6)eJc6)36.
IrlSE24I'hy'sics 2/8

(a) ol conscrvation of
State the larv 8. (a) crooJlcc, Glo6o cruoro&rsom rocrlo
linearrnomcnturn (Scorc : 1) lo-.rq}sojldoea.

(b) 30 (c,DOo orccruJgg sroJ 6ilJggfi z a;.

(h.) A bullet mass 3i)g is fired liorn a
gun ofmass 2 kg. TIie muzzle spe'ed l(,c CIcmJgg crocorflnfl m1cm3o

of bullet is 100rnis" Find the

the, goll6oogcrnJ. oruJgg6locfl ccr-Lcool r oo

recoil specd oi'the gun. o'l / eicru.oo crfl' tu.,"glco,rc nfl croc,ool oop

(Scorc : 1) dleaoccoJl nfl c e-l oDor &6m.ooodoJ6r.

9. the exprcssion ii-rr torqLlc 9. (a) c:.r o1 1.o o em n.t pJ rncdmjl oet cscidaejl a,.r$
on a boclSr in rotational frDDoJC€:Jo o()93c!Je.
(Score : 1)
(b) o:: er orol or rf, cll et cori nf, 0opo

oj(Derorucocol csc6aolercr! oJel)o

(h) Suggost one rncthod to increase rhe
iorque rvithor-rt changing the cl r?err1 gl aoJo.r cmJgg ao3 orcOo:c

magnitude of lbrce (Score : l) oOeJmJe.

i0. cd(/)JOaOU J dr, 6 os em o odel oJGpEcAJcrn

10. Accelcration due to gravitv dcpends on
co)Jo6mo re3olcot3os otcmiecr;u3c
mass and radius of e artl-r.
relg)(oGoroeO,Jo 5n_JCrU)Og5ilrO1003cm3.
(a) Write the c\prL-ssion o1'
a.cceleraticln rlue tr-r gravitf in leslrs (a ) GJrri3{-0j6uCdrr0o9l6mo 0 ja oJ6t-rBc<filc-r;

of mass and radiu-s ol-earth nr1 oeilroti'1 oir! n uacl c aJo GJo'l cc,r jo s

(Scorc : l y 0srrrJo Gro0(xJo goloots3orct]

(b) A body oI'ma-ss 'ln' is placed at the o0eJCoJG.

ccntre of earth It is then talicn to a

(b) regolo;os c.o1cnrorcinfi 'rn' ocmr3gg
height 'h' abor,e the surfhce ol
aro3 :.j rn-i'orJ crr{o"6oJcr'n3. rarootlocfr
earth. I)rarv a graph shou,ing tire <

variation o1' acccicrittion dur: to re3o'i co.r3s rs pn-: olor et omll af, cnl rm3o' I I

gravity' u,ith tlic liositiorr ol'the gcorl Olofl c a ooo" ogO-mfl q cnf, ' g' (,3oS

body (Score: l) alPi;rdroic)Jgg QiJ(o)JCCTo, lcltrj]'


t;Slr2.+ Ph1,sics 3,'8


1 L The stress-strain graphs oftwo bodies A 11. A, B ng;cml olcr3Saogeos cru"olsml"

- m-r'o ts coJl c'6 6ncn-o' ro crdl o1 ao3cm3.
andB are givenbelow.


(a) Which one is having greater (a) o6o'11mcern" GocnDJelm)" 6jcoo-

modulus of elasticitY?(S.core : 1) pacp.fmn61a3s3coafl t

(b) o€Jroc6m"63s3roafr ola"sco,flcfl t

(b) Which is more ductile?
ecoJ6cosm mlorjltoo 9(6rDOoO9J(6)Je'
(Score: 1)
' t2 o3onfr 77 cuooolJge calcra5onrfiael"
Write reasons to support your answer'
3 oc6do'oflroo. oooroaloeo s €t6trB(uIo1(ri
Questions 12 to 17 carry 3 scores each' groioooovtroJ&. (5x3=15)
Answer any five questions. (5x3:15)
12. In successive measurements, the I2 . a o3 o el 6 ernl cor 6 ac ell c g v"cru" 2n-l c corccoli

diameter of a sphere measured by using ao3 ccncgroollocfr cl;ccrurnrullocfl roogcl3oc0

- ,,a vernier calipers turns out to be 1.37 om). o'1, om;. o"l, t.3g oml' ofl,

1.37 cm, 1.36 cm, 1'39 crn, 1.42 cm, 1.42 Om). O'1, ocru. o'logcrn taoomjlnfl
1.36 cm et rdlao3aco.r3eneccoJl'

(a) Find the value of mean diarneter in

(a) cnoccool crlJcm oogoi m;c6<uroa
view of significant figures
(Score: 1) oroaoosriaom3cruol4 o6leJ@Je'

(b) Calculate the mean absolute error (b) cooccool G&oJs "-Llcroai
(Score : 2) 65m66)C6O3e.

A stone thrown'vertically uprvards goes 13. aJcdroom o3ag[lcaao"ogcjlooril ag ao3

to a height and returns to the ground. ml<pJlro gco;oorofl of o6;<orolcot G(ooeo

(a) Draw the velocity-time graph ofthe ooco.f c s ao" ofl

I o1 og oro3cm3.
motion (Score : 2)
(a) (olGoJCD - cruoa) 6ncn-o"clocot"aoia

(b) Write the expression for the (b) eoocoJlcfl oflologoroJcoceJgB

velocity with which it reaches the lo.tccuolorollocf, mrocucaJo o0)eeroJe

gound (Score : 1')

FSE24 Physics 4/8


14. In circularmotion, the direction of linear 14. cu6onrr3go-rerm<um1afl, coai'lco.r

velocity changes continuously lorccucDoloflocft r:1cn ro3soo;cojccol

o ccjl oaoc snel ao3cm3.
(a) Write direction of liear velociq,

(Score: 1) (a) c ooJl co.r 1o-r ccr cno'o1oofl r:lut

(b) Derive the relation between linear
velocity and angular velocity in (b) coofl oo.r (orGCrlcDClJo
uniform circular motion toJGoroorJo roaol er39g
(Score: 2)
15. (a) State and prove work-energy 15. (a) cmol oocco.r
theorem in the case of constant 1o-r c cor ccnl aooH sScmj ceJgp 1o-r crJo'mll
force (Score : 2) gnfuvu mlcoroo itcru'orcoJl ?J"
(b) State whether the potential energy
in the following cases increases or (b) rocoe lorogcoJla,oogs3cmcrcolcfl
crunl o1 cac fu ss,o a3s3a,o, c* em c
decreases: (Score : 1)
eJoa)eacocG6mc c.O cm" o.OsJcoJe.
A spring is stretched.
i) . noJ cro[o-flocricreJlco3cmrcc0
ii) A spring is compressed. ii) ao3m{o-flocrio3ro3on3cmrcd .'

16. Satellites are bodies thatrevolves around 16. aoJ (coooo'rolom or36laeroon3cm
aplanet. crru"ro3aodoog go-lloloo50nrft

(a) Derive an expression forthe orbital ogcmcllcomgs3cm3.

.velocity of a satellite of mass'm' (a) 'm' occru3gg aoJ poJlr.Dooo 'h'

at a height 'h' above the surface of gcorroorolrot a3s1 ao3 lcnooorolom

aplanet (Score : 2) olelo oteo'€oJcm e;c6eu16afl

1o-rccrrcnomlocrfl cruoOJcA)o
(b) Modify the equation ifthe satellite ogoJlatolao3a. ,

is close to the surface of earth

(Score: 1)
(b) goJL@ooo lcnoooruricorcs" cr-rgoo
GrosJorocoomm'l cfl , croocr ca;<oolnfl
go-fl roocco) ocfi o rxo]{uyoll oOeJoJ6.

17. (a) Write the S.I unit of modulus of 17 . (a) ioccu3ercrdaco-o'paccru61mi161co.r3os

elasticity of a substance S.I co;3ernl6 ogeJroJa.
(Score: 1) (b) + o1 o1 clJcmoJgg oo3 gflnfl
(b) A steel wire of diarneter 4 mm has crjco.toloc'fr cleuaolocn" cru"olscp$
a breaking stress of 4x 10sN. Find 4x10sN rglooJcrnt. z o1. o'l
the breaking stress for a similar orJccruo3gg Sllo? clco.tolocrfl

wire of diameter 2mrn.(Score z 2) c lorr aell o cri cru"o lscp aon 6oceo Je.

FSE24 Physics 5/8


ra o3eorc6 22 cuooorlgg c.oJga;onthact" +

Questions 18 to 22 carry 4 scores
Answcr anY four questions' nrfcacO oj'lroo. cr6omm'Ial" + o4gfldrDlm
18.. (a) Draw the velocity-time graph of a
' bodf in uniform accelerated 18. (a) ctoocolo6m Oelinrurofetlgg 6l(0l
motion. (Score: l) cu ml'co3oJl ercrfl lu c cl <n -moo Q) icnco'ci

(b) Derive the following kinematic
equations from above graPh
(b) t,rffJlAcD lcoc"-o' goleoccolgi e'iJcLlos
ro crnl rol cer3crn mlacUCO,SeOec6
(Score: 3)

i) v'-r,t'=2ax r) ,'-1,'=2ax
x =ut +Loi 1"
2 ii) x=ttt+-al'
i9 A vehicle of mass 'm' moving rvith a 19 't It' o Jiruagg eiro; olcoocno' v' [oJ cc! coo'rdld

velocity 'v' along a banked road rvith 'R' rapoo3gg a(oJ 6ruc&'oD" cocnr:1et3os
radius'R. r.rooorolao6m-13.

(a) Draw the vector diagram sho'lving (a) olcooolcdrojlrifl io-icocorieoogsSon

the various forces acting on the 5ile16,[8geos ocr-lo"s0 il)cot(cDo

'(Score : 2) o_too.rbo}a
(b) "e.l0osemo ooroo6floasJ6ocont)
(b) Derive an expression for the
ruc.romorujlrdmouiijlaocc0 a{lcotSrm
maximum Pennissible sPeed atthe
ol rO O Ccr-.tCUl 1c,-:crucoffrm1orfi
banked road without taking the cru o)ol ce)o o3.'Jlao1 oo3a "

friction (Scorc :2)

ossrn eru elorojlafl

20. Ilhe escape velocity of a body from the 24. <e3olcol3ers Ga(nJoaCIJcafr

c.rn3o r06rs ms c cD Jgg 5] oA cu cru"roScr-f ocQ


earth's gravitational pull is 1 1'2 km/s"

cn1 G

olelcQlcD (oJG(U@o 11'2 6j1' o11 oaueorfl

(a) Obtain an expression forthe escape croGm-.

l'elocitY of a bodY from the earth (a) oJacao)cn t,-lccucnorujlorfi m:oruca;o

(Score I 3) ro3oJla<o1g3o-

(b) \\'rite down the relation between (b) cLlelcaim lolcruc;roJJo ocfrsnJlgrd
velocity and orbital velocity Lol G oJ @cLuo nnool e1399 5fl ffu) O(0rO
cru3o1lg1aet3crn ctuooJc6Jo
(Scorc: 1)

FSE24 PhYsics 618


The tnoment of inertia of a circular disc 2t. 'm' ocmJo 'R' rooocrlJoJgg
ofmass 'm' and radius 'R' abortt an aris or Jr6ro JoJrol co.r1 a 3gg ao3 cnfl cru"a1 ocfl
normal to its plane and passiug through EJ o6rX O C AjJ CA iCn OrOl 0eOS GcrJ C6trm

Gro&,:uo omcn3rruolqJpg oocoo@" ocoo"

its centre is
pcc06osj 1 GlO63cmJ.
a) Find the moment of inertia of the
disc aborit any one of its diameter a) .rrln *,lo.6 oococr$acooc pcm6or.i;
(Seore : 2) 63oJ oJJCm)o - romm3cruolq"
b) A circular disc of mass 10 kg and aens3o-fl'dllo3a.
diameter 0.5 m is.being rotated
abottan axis nomralto itsplane and b) 10 al. ((/)co 'rr*3o g"s' o1.
through its centre at the rate of GrO ocrrl o'3gg or
JcrD ceJorl col u 3gg
l2A0 revlmin. Find (i) angular ruIcru"ai tzoo o-Lo11ao6rno / olcrjl$lo?
mornentum (ii) rotational kinetic m soloJffn3 " eacom"l ao rcf@doo.t ]o
energy about the axis ofrotation. o-Lo11aasm cocolcac6e&cllo
(Score : 2) a5mdoc66)36.
22. A massless spring with sprir-rg constant 22 ocnd glHcoro 'k' cru"toJlori cmolocreuo3gg
'k' is stretched to a distance 'x' oo3 mr"1o-llourlom 'x' e3ooroio? cuello-;3
(a) Write the equation for restoring crllgJcmJ.
force developed in the spring
(a) olcp;ccllocri err.tet<olo1ocf, rruocuc,&Jo
(Score: 1)
(b) Obtain an expression for the
(b) mt'loJocnlot ffDoeolaoogsJcrn
potential energy stored in the
or"tolorlcacOeeorolocfr cuooJcallo
(Score : 3)
eS o3orrd 26 oJoOqDtS ooJo6Joracflaer's
Questions 23 to 26 caruy 5 scores each.
Answcr any three questious. (3x5=15) mltac6 olkoo. ogoroala3o otocm6&Borurlffi
23. (a) Name the principle used for goIU)ooael(olaJ.
checking the dirnensional 23. (a) rucoroocrtosemnfl aoa"s"mm;"
correctness of a physical relation. or o1 q cocurl eelocr? p,rt cco.r CcnlaoJcm
omil o cf, ccLl o o gJ(DJa.
(Score: l) ro ro.1

(b) LJsing the above principle, check

the dimensional correctness of the (b) [olq]Jro roroJo gorcco cr]:,.,.j 7' =*u-'
relation oOcrn m)ocUcAJo ruqroocf6os0A
; mV=
11.__ [o]6Coo CroOlOolCcSmC .]e rrn"
R - crJtolcrncurlae'r3a.

(z is the lnass ofthe body, v is the (m-ocm.r-, v- coa-llcu (otccrJ@o, R -

linear velocity and R is the radius toOoo)

of the circular path)

FSE24 Physics 7/8


(c) aoJ cru'loo-Irfr oolc6o'u3oo'rof ocf,

(c) The tirne Period (T) of a simPle
*n cfl cu.l (T) cerrlcsnJlocfi ocmjl omco'r;o
onthe mass
Pendulum maY dePend
(m), oo-lc0nll3elo'mfl ocfl crtl goorolco't3o
of the bob (m), length of the
(1), re3cn3o3to.lca6ovsmo oleJo]$p
pendulurn (1) and acceleration due o\
to gravitY at the Place (g)' Derive
aomlogg1o1ao3cm3 oguld
the correct relation using the cotccnl2[
orco.r o o 00og em cfl rorol-1 o3"-r a
rnethod of dimensions(Score : 3)
,rfk6lonlcricruoc!ceJo oSoJlaolao3e'
24. A cricket ball is thrown u'ith an initial 'u' 1o-lcctJcDo'Iolafl e
24. oo3 ta,lao6 ceucd
velocity 'u' at an angle of projectiofi 0'
coc ornl o1 ogcjl co.t3cm3'
(a) Draw the path of the cricket ball'
(Score: 1) (a) csocgfqcfl cru6rerco ocro cuoo;]
(b) Derive exPressions of maximum ruflouollm
height and horizontal range'
(b) oc61oo 2co'ro<uro1ocflao3o
r:3oo'ojlocflcorJo m)oolc@Jo oOeSc)J6'
(Score: 3)

Write the condition under which

(c) orlous-flm Geoo oea"mrloo
rsroaJcmo,lmJgp orJcllmxr o6e3ro36'
the horizontal range is maximum
(Score: 1) 25. (a) cacern'lco toloao cruoo&s5m roollo

25. (a) of consen'ation of

State the law

angularmomentum (Score : 1) (b) cscOael3o cacero"lco't {Gro@ool}o

oool el39g cru oolceJo o€)eJ(6)J6'
(b) Write the relation between torque
and angularmomentum(Score : 1) (c) gcr-rScrlongJoo oo€)cru" o3v3clc0
go3a1 corc<d re3o1 cor3os o ococfr
(c) If polar ice caPs melt and sPread
pcm6ov;ao" ooero" ocffoJ6rBCa]o ?

uniformlY, how the moment of

ao3 clm<rru'oQ oor:6"el5cmo1cri
inertia ofthe earth rvould change?
Prololel o og)ooc5m"
mocojlaoJe ?
What will be its,effect on the
duration ofa daY? (Score : 3) 26. (a) oerudcmceflcru" moolceJ
o3.'llaoemoroflrot o€)ooT.)coao
26. (a) Write the'assumPtions used in I
cm m Jo c m 5oB gc em" crul ao1 aer3cm oi
deriving B emoulli's equation
(Score: L) (b) oeru6cmcel1m;- cDoc!CeJo
(b) Derive the Bernoulli's equation
(Score : 4)

FSE24 PhYsics 8/8

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