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Paper 01 - General Proficiency

1.+ hours

( 06 .JUNE 2002 (a.rn.) )


I. In addition to this test booklet. you should have an answer sheet.

2. Each ite1i1 in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you
are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

3. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space
having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following diseases is due to

a dietary deficiency?

(CJ Influenza
(D) Malaria

l'hc best answer to this itcrn is "'/\naen1ia". so ans\vcr space(/\) has been blackened.

4. If you want to change your answer, be sure to erase your old answer co111plctely and fill in your
new choice.

5. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as gu ickly and as carefully as you can. I l.yc111
cannot answer an iten1, on1it it and go on to the next one. You can co1ne back to the harder ite111
later. Your score will be the total number of correct answers.

6. Figures arc not necessarily dr<t\Vll to scale.

7. '!'his test consists of60 itc111s. You \viii have 75 111inutcs to ans\vcr thc111.

8. [)o 110! be concerned that the ans\vcr sheet provides spaces for n1orc ans\\'crs than there arc itc111s
in this test.


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1. The relationship between which of the 4. !fall the trees in a large area offi,rc-.t \\Crc
following pairs of organisms provides an \viped out by disease, \\,·hat \\ould he the
example of mutual ism? MOST likely effect 011 the cn111positio11 ot
the air in the long term'.'
(A) Man and mosquito
(B) Hen and chick (;\) The level of carbon dio.xidc would
(C) Dog and flea increase because of the rotting
(D) Cattle and egret vegetation.
( 13) The level of carbon dioxide would
increase because of the absence
2. Which of the following is the correct of photosynthesis.
sequence offeeding relationships in a food (C) There would be no change in the
chain? con1position {)f the air becau'.->c
the trees are not there to add or
(/}) Herbivore-~ producer-~camivore take away carbon dioxide.
4 decomposer (D) There would be less oxygen since
(B) Producer4herbivore4camivore there are no plants to use it up.
---+ top carnivore
(C) T0p carnivore ---+carnivore---+
herbivore 4 producer 5. Which of the following statements about a
(D) Producer---+ camivore 4 herbivore food chain is true?
---+ scavenger
(A) Energy from the sun is transferred
fro1n one organisn1 to subsequent
Item 3 refers to the following diagram. organisms.
(B) Each of its members depends on
Hawks heat energy obtained dircctl)
from the sun.

/~ Egrets
(C) Energy changes from one type to
another, that is, from heat to light
to chen1ical

j ';..
(D) The sun traps light energy at the

start of the food chain.

Caterpillars i 6. Which of the following is NOT true about


~ Grass f 1\)
-rhey re lease nutrients for rec ye Iing.
They prevent the accumulation of
dead organic rnatter.
Food Web
(C) They arc more abundant in damp
3. The omnivores are the (D) They arc favoured by low tempera
tu res.
(A) doves
(B) egrets
(C) slugs
(D) hawks


7. In which of the following parts of the ali- 1Lcrno._1l_;i!ld 11 refer lo the 1(1110" ing
mentary canal is starch MA INLY d igestcd'' diagra1n of the hu111a11 IC1niilc reproductive
system. with structures labelled (Al - (ll).
I. Mouth
11. Stomach
111. Small intestine
IV. Large intestine

(A) Ill only

(B) I and II only
(C) III and IV only
(D) II, Ill and IV only
--------- D
8. After \Valking one 111ile in warrn weather
and then going into an airconditioned room
for h'alf an hour, which of the following
changes would take place in the skin?
When you are answering Items 11 and 12.
(A) Vasodilation and increase in heat a particular choice fro111 lhe above 111ay be
loss n1ade 111ore than once, once or nut at all.
(B) Vasoconstriction and increase in
sweating 11. \\'here docs dcvelnp111c11t of the ovu111
(C) Vasoconstriction and no S\Veating occur?
(D) Vasodilation and decrease in heat
loss 12. Where 1s fertilization l\10ST likely to
9. Bile empties into the

(A) duodenum 13. West Indian cherries (fruits) arc rich in

(B) caecu111 Vitamin C Which of the following llFST
(C) ileurn describes the bencllt(s) a boy derives from
(D) ston1ach const11ni11g West Indian cherries everyday?

IO. I. Increase in 1he ab<.;orption of iron

Seeds from the same pod were planted
II. Prevention of bleeding gu1ns and
under the same conditions. The plants
which grew from them appeared to be very
111. Increase in the absorption of cal-
similar. What is the MOST likely explana-
tion for this occurrence?

( ;\) I only
(A) The seeds had been formed asexu-
( B) I and II only
ally alter fertilisation.
(B) 'The plant from which the seeds
((') I and Ill only
(I)) L II and Ill
ca1ne beca111c vegetatively propa-
(C) The same pollen grain had been
responsible i(ir fertilization of the
(D) The - plant 111ay have been self-

F 'I\ I \1'. I "f"I \ "f"f 11' ~ " · • ,., ", , ,.
14. Which of the following parts of the urinary Which of the following fruits is likely to be
tubule is NOT closely associated with a dispersed by animals''
rich supply of blood vessels''

(A} Hen le· s Loop

(B} Collecting tubule
(C) Convoluted tubule
( [)) BO\\ 1nan · s capsule

15. An individual wears glasses (spectacles) (B)

\vith convex lenses because

(A) his eyeballs are of irregular shape

(B) his lenses are becon1ing cloudy
(C) in1ages fonn behind the retina (C)
(D) insufficient light is entering his

16. Plant cells differ from animal cells in their

ability to

(A) control the intake of ions

(B) control the outflow of ions
(C) resist tugor pressure
(D) resist plasmolysis

17. Which of the following is NOT normally a

function of leaf epidennal cells?

(A) Excretion
(B) Transpiration
(C) Photosynthesis
(D) Respiration


Item 19 refers to the following apparatus 20. Which of the following is NOT excreted by
used in an investigation. 111a111111als?

(i\) Urea
(fl) Sodium chloride
>------Thermometer (C) ('alciurn oxalate
( D) Water

Melal container 21. Which of the following is NOT carried out

by the Ii ver?
Soaked red beans

(i\) Storage of calcium

Damp cotton wool (B) Storage of water-soluble vitamins
(C) Production of urea
(D) Production of heat
The initial temperature of the beans was
noted and readings were taken at regular
intervals .twice daily for four days. The Items 22 - 23 refer to the following diagram
data obtained were used to plot the graph of a thoracic vetebra.





22. The structures which serve largely for
n1uscle attachrnent are
0 #',.f~,.r-.-¥'#' ,.f~,.r-.-¥'.ff',.f-.'*..,,#',<f...'*
(A) I and II only
(B) II and IV only
19. The increase in temperature in the vessel is (C) I, II and Ill only
BEST explained by the fact that the seeds (D) Ill and IV only

(A) numerous 23. Nervous tissue is found at

(B) placed close together
(CJ taking in water ( i\)
(D) using their food stores ( ll) 11
(C) 111
(D) IV


24. Which of the following triggers the forma- 27. Insulin (a rrotein) is never taken orally
tion of blood clots? because it

(A) Thrombocyte (A) is broken down by rcpsin

(B) Erythrocyte (B) inhibits the action of salivary amy-
(C) Lymphocyte lase
(D) Phagocyte (C) is inactivated by bile salts
(D) takes too long to be absorbed into
the blood
25. The following diagram shows the parts of
a flower. In which labelled part are gam- 28. The following statements were made to
etes produced? show that leaves are well suited for photo-

I. They are broad and flat and offer a

large surface area for absorption
of sun! ight and carbon dioxide .
..__,<-+--1--- (C) II. There are many pores on the lower
surface of the leaf to permit rapid
exchange of gases.
111. There is a branching network of
veins to provide a ready supply
of water.
IV. There are often more chloroplasts
in the upper cells of the leaf than
the lower cel:s which receive less
26. sunlight.
Dry weight/mg
IV Which of the following are true?

III (A) I and II only

(B) Ill and IV only
II (C) II, Ill and IV only
(D) I, II, Ill and IV

29. Plants need magnesium for the formation

Time/days of
Changes in dry weight in pea
seedlings during germination (A) cell walls
(B) chloroplasts
In the above graph, which of the following
(C) protein
is liK:ely to have contributed MOST to the
(D) starch
decrease in dry weight between stages I
and II?
30. If the pancreas were damaged, which oft he
(A) Photosynthesis following activities would be alfrcted?
(B) Transpiration
(C) Trans location (A) Production of bile
(0) Respiration (B) Absorption of proteins
(C) Digestion of proteins
• (0) Secretion of gastric juice
r -7-

31. When a seedling loses water to the atmos- 34. Which of the following BEST account for
phere faster than it can be obtained from the fact that one usually gets tired during.
the soil, the turgor pressure heavy exercise?

(A) decreases and the seedling wilts l. Energy is not easily liherated from
(B) decreases and the seedling does mitochondria during heavy exer-
not wilt cise.
(C) increases.and the seedling wilts 11. Oxygen cannot reach the muscle
(D) increases and the seedling does not mitochondria fast enough.
wilt 11 l. The level oflactic acid inlhe blood
is lowered.
IV. The level of lactic acid in the blood
32. Which ofthe following processes that occur is increased.
in mammals ensures that digested food is
made available to body tissues? (A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(A) Osmoregulation (C) II and III only
(B) Excretion (D) II and IV only
(C) Diffusion
(D) Evaporation

33. The following table shows the results, Coleus

recorded after 20 minutes, of tests done plant
with cobalt chloride paper on two leaves
from different plants.

% Colour Change June 24, 1985 June 28, 1985

p Q
Leaf Surface 1 Surface 2

x 100 10
In the diagrams above, the stem at Q is
y 100 50 turned upward because

(A) auxins accumulated on the lower

side of the shoot
From the results, one may conclude that (B) thetipcanonly grow ifit is pointing
(A) LeafX has a faster rate oftranspira- (C) auxins accumulated on the upper
tion than leaf Y side of the shoot
LeafY has a faster rate of transpira- (D) it was attracted to light
tion than leaf X
(C} Leaf X has more stomata on sur-
face 2 than leaf Y
(D) Leaf Y has more stomata on sur-
face 1 than leaf X

00?101 /F ?00?

Item 36 refers to the following diagrams of plant cells after they were left in
sugar solutions of varying concentrations for 20 minutes.

. . ·'>


. .

36. Which of the following arrangements of cells indicate the concentra-

tions of the solutions in ascending order (from weakest to most

(A) I, II, III, IV

(B) II, Ill, IV, I
(C) Ill, IV, II, I
(0) IV, III, I, II

I) 37. The presence of a long corolla tube is an

indication that the flower is pollinated by
Items 39- 40 refer to the following diagram
of a reflex arc.

{A) wind
(B) a heavy insect
(C) an organism that is attracted to sug- Grey
ary secretions matter
(0) an organism with a long mouth part White
Spinal cord
38. Which of the following are necessary for
gennination to take place?

Food supply
III. Light
IV. Moisture Match EACH item below to one of the
options above, EACH of which may be
(A) I and II only used once, more than once or not at all.
(B) Ill and IV only
(C) I, II and IV only Which of the JX\rts labelled(/\) - (0)
(0) II, III and IV only
39. responds to a nervous impulse.

40. is activated by a stimulus

~· (i() ON TO TUF NFXT PA(:J:
-9 -

41. The following are changes which take place 45. A female carrying the trait for colour blind-
in the thorax during ventilation of the lungs. ness marries a normal male ... What are the
chances of her producing a normal female
I. Decrease in pressure child without this trait?
11. Increase in pressure
Ill. Decrease in volume (A) 25%
IV. IJ.lcrease in volun1e ( 8) 50%
(C) 75%
Which two of these changes occur during (D) 100%
46. Offspring which are NOT identical to the
(A) I and Ill
parent are produced by
(B) I and JV
(C) II and Ill
(A) binary fission
(D) II and IV
(B) vegetative propagation
(C) sporulation
(D) sexual reproduction
42. Structures that carry the code for the same
genetic characteristic (e.g. eye colour) are
called 47. As a result of mitosis each daughter cell has

(A) alleles (A) half the number of chromosomes

(B) genes as the parent
(C) chromatids (B) the same number of chromosomes
(D) chromosomes as the parent
(C) twice the number of chromosomes
as the parent
43. Four children born to the same parents (D) a variable number of chromosomes
have blood groups A, 8, AB and 0. Which
of the following represents the genotypes
48. In which of the following does meiosis
of the parents?
(A) A developing embryo
(8) ABxOO
(8) The skin of a mammal
(C) AAX80
(C) The testis of a mammal
(D) AOx8B
(D) The tip of t11e shoot of a plant

44. Which of the following is NOT a method of 49. Through which of the following can natu-
natural selection? ral immunity be obtained?

(A) Mutation I. 81oocNransfusion

(8) Migration 11. Breast milk
(C) Variation 111. The placenta
(D) Grafting IV. Vaccines

(A) I and II only

( 11) II and Ill only
(C) I and IV only
ft I
I (0) Ill and IV only
- I0 -

lteins 50 - 51 refer to the following options which are four patterns of genetic inheritance.

BB x bb --+ 13b Bb
(A) black red black black

HH x SS --+ HS HS
(B) normal sickle normal normal

Nn N-
normal normal

Nn n- nn n-
(C) normal red-green --+ red-green red-green
x minus minus minus

red red

Rr Rr --+ Rr Rr
(D) pink x pink pink pink

rr rr
white white

Match EACH item below to one of the options abov~, EACH of which may be used once. more
than once or not at all.

Which pattern

50. demonstrates incomplete dominance? 51. will produce a 1:2:1 ratio of phenotypes?

52. An organism which causes a disease 1s

called a

(A) pathogen
(B) host '
(C) parasite
(D) vector

- ::;, .


' - 11 -

Items 53- 54 refer to the following diagram Item 55 relates to the following graphs which
of a Tullgren funnel which is used for show the growth pattern of several
collecting small soil animals. populations.
Size or

~~--Light bulb


~t=~;:~ Size or

53. The P'!rpose of the light bulb is to Time

(A) enable the investigator to see the Size or

·small organisms population
(B) provide warmth for the soil organ-
(C) drive animals to the base of the Time
(D) keep the alcohol at a constant tem- Size of
perature population

54. Which of the following explains why the

apparatus works well?
55. Which of the populations above has a good
I. Soil organisms show a positive re- food supply and is subject to little environ-
sponse to gravity. mental stress?
II. Soil organisms show a negative
response to light. Item 56 refers to the following methods of
Ill. Soil organisms are killed by alco- disease treatment/control.
IV. Soil organisms move away from I. Improved personal hygiene
dry areas. II. Isolation of persons with lhe disease
Ill. Good sanitary practices e.g. proper
(A) I and II only garbage disposal
(B) Ill and IV only IV. Careful food preparation
(C) I, II and Ill only '
(D) 11-, Ill and IV only 56. These methods are used in the treatment/
control ofa disease Ilia! is

(A) inherited
(13) infectious
(C) caused by inadequate supply of
(D) caused by malfunction of body
\ -

' - 12 -

57. The table shows the results of analysing a 58. Which of the following is NOT a cause of
soil sample. soil erosion?

(A) Contour ploughing

Soil Components % (B) Overgrazing
(C) Burning of under growth
' Clay 16 (D) Deforestation
Sand . 63
Humus 18
59. What would be the BEST method of
pH 6.9 investigating the range of organisms found
between the low tide mark and the high tide
mark on a sloping, rocky sea shore?
The farmer from whose field the sample
was taken would BEST be advised to (A) Use a line transect.
(B) Collect as many species as possible.
(A) plant a crop which requires a lot of (C) Use large quadrats.
water (D) Take a complete census of the area.
(B) abandon the field altogether
(C) grow plants which prefer well-
drained soi 1
(D) turn the field into a cow pasture

60. Two soil components that are deri'(ed from

the parent rock material \'re

(A) humus and mineral salts

(B) sand and humus
(C) sand and mineral salts
(D) clay and micro organisms



00230 l/F 2002

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