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Book 1 Lesson 1

Circle Circular Circle the letter.

Close Cerrar Close your book.
Go (to) Ir (a) Go to the door.
Good afternoon Buenas tardes Good afternoon, Mr. White.
Listen (to) Escuchar (a) Listen to the teacher.
Look (at) Ver (a), Mirar (a) Look at the picture.
Open Abrir Open the window.
Repeat Repetir Repeat the sentence.
Write Escribir Write your name.
Hello Hola Hello, everybody.
My name is... Mi nombre es... My name is Miriam.
Good morning Buenos días Good morning, Mrs. Keller.
Small Pequeño The classroom is small.
Please Por favor Please, close the door.
Table Mesa The table is small, too.
Goodbye Adiós Good-bye. See you tomorrow.
The El, la, los, las The teacher is good.
Letter Letra Circle the letter.
See you later Nos vemos más tarde See you later, teacher.
What Qué, Cuál What's your name?
Fine, thanks Bien, gracias. Teacher: How are you today?
Students: Fine, thanks.
Window Ventana Go to the window.
How are you? How are you, Robert?
Word Palabra Repeat the word.
Book Libro Open the book to page 10.
Capital Letter Letra mayúscula Write the capital letter.
Chair Silla Go to your chair.
Classroom Salón The classroom is new.
Clock Reloj (de pared) Look at the clock!
Door Puerta Please, open the door.
Example Ejemplo Repeat the example.
Lab Laboratorio Go to lab 2.
Notebook Cuaderno Open your notebooks.
Number Número Circle the correct number.
Page Página Open your books to page 20.
Pen Pluma My pen is new.
Pencil Lápiz The pencil is small.
Picture Cuadro, Imagen, dibujo Look at the picture on page 25.
Sir Señor Mr. Brown: Go to the board, Jim.
Jim: Yes, sir.
Book 1 Lesson 2

Barber Peluquero Joe is a barber.

Cook Cocinero Bill is a cook.
Spell Deletrear Spell your name, please.
And Y Susan and Rose are teachers.
What's his name? ¿Cuál es su nombre? (de What's his name?
His name is... Su nombre es... His name is Arthur.
What's her name? ¿Cuál es su nombre? (de What's her name?
Her name is... Su nombre es... Her name is Betty.
Television Televisión The television is big.
Teacher Maestro My teacher is Mary.
Tape Cinta Listen to the tape.
Student Estudiante The student is good.
Recorder Grabadora The recorder is new.
Radio Radio The radio is old.
Pilot Piloto Mike is a pilot.
Mechanic Mecánico My father is a mechanic.
Doctor Doctor Linda is a doctor.

Book 1 Lesson 3

Penny Un centavo This is a penny.

Cent Centavo These are ten cents.
Nickel Cinco centavos A nickel is 5 cents
Dime Diez centavos A dime is 10 cents.
Quarter 25 centavos A quarter is 25 cents.
Dollar Dólar A dollar is 100 cents.
Half a dollar Medio dólar Half a dollar is 50 cents.
Money Dinero This is money.

Book 1 Lesson 4

Put Poner, colocar Put the book on the table.

Sit (down) Sentarse Sit down, please.
Stand (up) Levantarse Stand up, please.
Weekend Fin de semana Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.
In En (dentro) The students are in the classroom.
Week Semana The days of the week are seven.
On En (sobre) The box is on the floor.
Under Debajo The cat is under the table.
Sunday Domingo Sunday is a nice day.
Monday Lunes Monday isn’t very good.
Tuesday Martes Tuesday is ok.
Wednesday Miércoles Wednesday is an active day.
Thursday Jueves Thursday is a long day.
Friday Viernes Friday is the best.
Saturday Sábado Saturday is fun.
Blackboard Pizarrón The blackboard is clean.
Box Caja The box is small.
Calendar Calendario The calendar is on the wall.
Chalkboard Pizarrón The chalkboard is green.
Day Día The day is hot.
Desk Escritorio My desk is brown.
Dialog Diálogo Repeat the dialog, please.
Map Mapa The map is on the wall, too.
Sound Sonido Repeat the sound.
Time Tiempo, hora What’s the time, please?
Today Hoy Today is Monday.
Tomorrow Mañana Tomorrow is Tuesday.
Wall Pared, muro The wall is big.
Book 2 Lesson 1

Encantado de I'm glad to meet you.

Glad to meet you conocerte
Nice to meet you Gusto en conocerte It's nice to meet you.
Angry Enojado My brother is angry.
Bye Adiós She left without saying bye.
Cold Frío January is a cold month.
Happy Feliz I like happy people.
Hi Hola Hi, everybody!
To be hot Tener calor I'm very hot. The sun is shining.
Miss Señorita My teacher is Miss Patty.
Mr. Señor Mr. Jonson is an old man.
Mrs. Señora Mrs. Rose is a beautiful woman.
Woman Mujer My sister is a beautiful woman.
Women Mujeres There are a lot of women in that school.
Vowel Vocal I know the vowels: A, E, I, O, U!
Now Ahora Now, we can eat lunch.
Old Viejo My grandfather is an old man.
Or O Do you want chocolate or candies?
Sad Triste Tom is sad.
Sick Enfermo Lola is sick. She has the flu.
Tired Cansado I played a lot. I'm very tired.
Too También I like candies and chocolate too.
Very Muy This is a very important topic.
Well Bien Chris sings well.
Young Joven She is 15 years old. She is very young.
What time is it ? ¿Qué hora es? What time is it? It's 10 o'clock.
Alphabet Alfabeto My nephew is learning the alphabet.
Boy Muchacho I like the song "Boys don't cry".
Brother Hermano My brother is very smart.
Child Niño My sister has a child.
Children Niños I love children.
Consonant Consonante Can you mention a consonant? Yes, "V".
Dad Papá I love my dad.
Family Familia We are a small family.
Father Padre My father is very strict.
Friend Amigo Alex is my friend.
Girl Muchacha Tania is a little girl.
Man Hombre Paul is a handsome man.
Men Hombres I like the movie "Men in Black".
Mother Madre My mother is a teacher.
Sister Hermana I don't have sisters.
Book 2 Lesson 2

Answer Responder/Respuesta Answer the question, please.

Ask Preguntar Can I ask you something?
Belong to Pertenecer That car belongs to me.
Excuse me Disculpe Excuse me, can you help me?
Please Por favor Be quiet, please.
Thank you Gracias Thank you for your attention.
An Un I have an electric car.
Schedule Horario I can’t find my school schedule.
Big Grande My house is very big.
Inside Dentro Your present is inside that box.
Mess hall Comedor (milicia) My boss always has breakfast in the mess hall.
Outside Fuera You have to smoke outside the building.
Sgt. Abreviación de Sgt. Lee is my father.
Small Chico Your house is small.
Snack bar Cafetería I’m hungry; I’m going to the snack bar.
Thousand Mil We are in the year two thousand and seven.
Room Cuarto/Habitación My room is a mess.
Question Pregunta I have a question, teacher.
Office Oficina You have to go to the main office.
One 1 000 I won one thousand dollars.
Five 500 000 I need five hundred thousand dollars.
Air Force Fuerza Aérea My brother is in the Air Force.
Barracks Barracas The soldiers are hiding behind the barracks.
Base Base You need to go to the base.
Bed Cama I have a king size bed.
Building Edificio That architect is designing the tallest building in the world.
Bulleting Pizarra informativa Your job is to organize the bulleting board.
Bus Autobús Buses in Canada are very expensive.
Bus Stop Parada del autobús I’ll see you at the bus stop.
Commissary Cooperativa militar I’m working in the commissary.
Dining Hall Comedor The Cap. John always eats at the dining hall.
Dispensary Sección sanitaria We need to clean the dispensary.
Hospital Hospital Tina had an accident. She is in the hospital now.
Library Biblioteca I will study at the library.
Book 2 Lesson 3

Buy Comprar I always buy vegetables in the market.

Come Venir My cousin is coming to Mexico next month.
Salad Ensalada It is healthy to eat salads.
Drink Beber You have to drink two litters of water.
Eat Comer I have to eat three times a day.
Read Leer My teacher reads four books every month.
Study Estudiar Students have to study everyday.
Talk Conversar I like talking to my friends.
Watch Observar You need to watch what you do.
Tea Té British people drink a lot of tea.
Bored Aburrido We are bored with the class.
Here Aquí You can come here whenever you want to.
Hungry Hambriento I’m hungry. I want a hamburger.
Just Sólo Just do it.
Nothing Nada I have a problem, but there is nothing I can do.
Now Ahora We’ve finished. Now we can go home.
Water Agua Drinking water is healthy.
Apple Manzana I like red apples.
Banana Plátano Monkeys eat bananas.
Beef Carne de res Hamburgers are made with beef.
Bread Pan I always eat sweet bread.
Breakfast Desayuno It is important to have breakfast everyday.
Cherry Cereza Put that cherry on the cake.
Chicken Pollo KFC only sells chicken.
Coffee Café My father drinks coffee every morning.
Dinner Cena I will have dinner with my mom tonight.
Drinks Bebidas The waiter brings the drinksfirst.
Egg Huevo Birds lay eggs.
Fish Pescado The sea is full of fish.
Food Comida Fast food is unhealthy.
Fruit Fruta My favorite fruit is apple.
Juice Jugo Tony drinks orange juice every morning.
Lamb Carne de I don’t like to eat lamb.
Lunch Almuerzo I have my lunch at noon.
Meal Comida You must eat your three meals everyday.
Meat Carne It is not healthy to eat a lot of meat.
Milk Leche Children like to drink milk.
Movies Cine I like going to the movies.
Orange Naranja I drink orange juice in the morning.
Pear Pera I don’t like pears.
Pork Carne de cerdo My dad doesn’t eat pork.
Rice Arroz Chinese eat a lot of rice.
Book 2 Lesson 4

Answer Contestar Answer my question!

Ask Preguntar Ask me whatever you want.
Check Verificar Check the engine.
Do Hacer Do your homework.
It's time for...... Es hora de… It’s time for lunch.
Me, too. Yo también Mary: I like dogs. 'Susan: Me, too.
You’re welcome. De nada Joe: Thank you. 'Bill: You’re welcome.
Correct Correcto Your answer is correct. Good for you.
Different Diferente Now you are blond. You look different.
Million Millón I would like to have one million dollars.
Right Correcto You are right. I have to stop smoking.
Same Lo mismo You always say the same. Change your speech.
Who Quién Who is your mother?
Wrong Equivocado You are wrong. She is beautiful, not ugly.
Wife Esposa My brother’s wife is Hanna.
Time Hora It’s time to go.
Son Hijo My son is five years old.
Daughter Hija My daughter’s name is Lola.
Homework Tarea The teacher gives us a lot of homework.
Husband Esposo My husband’s name is Christian.

Book 3 Lesson 1

Class Clase The Math class was difficult yesterday.

Thirsty Sediento The soccer team was thirsty after the game.
Get up Levantarse My father gets up at 5 a.m. everyday.
Shave Afeitarse The soldiers have to shave everyday.
Sleep Dormir When I have the flu, I can't sleep well.
Swim Nadar Samantha swims very well.
Get dressed Vestirse I get my little sister dressed every morning.
Go to bed Irse a la cama My daughter goes to bed at 9 p.m.
Take a shower Ducharse / bañarse My brother takes a shower every other day.
After Después I practice tennis after work.
a.m. a.m. I have to be in my job at 6 a.m. tomorrow.
a.m. p.m. I'm going to finish my homework at 5 p.m.
Before Antes I took a shower before going to bed.
Early Temprano My boss arrives at his office early on Mondays.
Lesson Lección Next lesson is going to be easy.
Late Tarde / retrasado Robert always hands in the reports late.
Hungry Hambriento My dog is always hungry.
Snack Tentempié My secretary always has a snack before lunch.
Morning Mañana I like to drink coffee in the morning.
Noon Medio día I eat something light at noon.
Afternoon Tarde I'll call you in the afternoon.
Evening Tarde-noche I take the dog out in the evening.
Night Noche My mother sometimes cleans the house at night.
Midnight Medianoche My father goes to bed at midnight.
Book 3 Lesson 2

Has Tener (3a prsna. sing.) My old sister has a beautiful baby.
Have Tener I have two jobs.
Hear Oír I hear you got married last month.
Know Saber Jonathan knows a lot about music.
Learn Aprender My girlfriend is learning how to speak French.
Leave Salir I leave home early everyday.
Train Tren "Daylight" is the most famous train in the world.
I don't know No sé I don't know what I'm going to study.
Take a bus Tomar el autobús My litter sister takes a bus to go to school.
What -What language do you speak, Sam?
language do -I speak German and Italian.
you speak? ¿Qué idioma hablas?
Taxi Taxi It's dangerous to take a taxi alone at night.
Say Decir I have to say a poem in front of the class tomorrow.
See Ver I'll see you later.
Speak Hablar John speaks three languages.
Want Querer I want to buy a car next year.
Always Siempre My little sister always sings in the bathroom.
How often Con qué frecuencia How often do you read a book?
Never Nunca My brother never makes his bed.
Truck Camión The garbage truck passes on Saturdays.
Sometimes A veces I sometimes go out on Fridays.
When Cuándo When do you finish this course?
Airplane, Airplanes are the safest transportation.
plane Avión
Arabic Árabe My friend speaks Arabic.
Car Automóvil My boyfriend bought a car last week.
Chinese Chino The manager of the company is Chinese .
English Inglés English is very difficult to understand.
French Francés French sounds very sensual.
French fries Papas fritas I love French fries.
Hamburger Hamburguesa My mom's hamburgers are the best.
Language Idioma There are many languages in the world.
Russia Rusia Russia is the biggest country in the world.
Russian Ruso My wife is Russian.

Book 3 Lesson 3

Choose Escoger I choose the second option.

Look up Buscar (en listado) Please, Could you look up this word in the dictionary?
Mark Marcar Mark the number on the box.
Memorize Memorizar I memorize all my classmates names.
Review Repasar/revisar We're going to have a review for the test.
Select Seleccionar I selected the wrong answer.
Where are Where are you from, Tomas?
you from? ¿De dónde eres?
December / December is the last month of the year
Dec. Diciembre
How many Cuántos How many brothers do you have?
In En The children play in the park every afternoon.
Last Pasado My parents bought a new house last year.
Next Próximo Monica will go to Cuba next May.
Yesterday Ayer I went to an eccentric party yesterday.
Answer Charlie filled out the answer sheet incorrectly.
sheet Hoja de respuestas
Canada Canadá Canada has the most beautiful landscapes.
China China China has the largest population in the world.
Country País What country would you like to visit?
Dictionary Diccionario I never used the dictionary in elementary school.
Egypt Egipto I want to see the pyramids in Egypt.
England Inglaterra England has the most beautiful gardens.
France Francia France is a romantic country.
Hours (hrs.) Horas I have to be at home in two hours.
Minute My bus leaves in 10 minutes.
(min.) Minutos
Month Mes My husband will have vacation next month.
Quiz, test Examen The students will have their final test next week.
Russia Rusia Russia is one of the coldest countries.
Saudi I have a classmate from Saudi Arabia.
Arabia Arabia Saudita
Second Segundo Wait a second, Mary!
Spain España Spain is my next destination.
Test booklet Libro de preguntas The letters in the test booklet are very small.
United I have plans to go to the United States.
States Estados Unidos
Venezuela Venezuela Gaby's going to travel to Venezuela soon.
Year Año We visit my grandparents three times a year.
Zaire Zaire The weather in Zaire is hot and humid all year long.
January / President Roosevelt died on January 6, 1919.
Jan. Enero
February / February is the love month.
Feb. Febrero
March / I'll get married next March.
Mar. Marzo
April / Apr. Abril Children's day is on April 30 in Mexico.
May Mayo We're going to finish the English classes in May.
June / Jun. Junio The course will start next June.
July / Jul. Julio President Gustavo Díaz Ordaz died on July 15, 1979.
August / The first attack of North Vietnam to U.S.A was on August 2,
Aug. Agosto 1964.
September / Every September 16, all the Mexican people organize parties.
Sept. Septiembre
October / Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869.
Oct. Octubre
November / My sister's birthday is on November 23.
Nov. Noviembre
December / We'll have a party on December 22.
Dec. Diciembre
Ago Hace (tiempo) My husband and I were in Miami five years ago.
What -What country are you from?
country are -I'm from China
you from? ¿De qué país eres?
Book 3 Lesson 4

Drive Manejar My father drives carefully.

Fly Volar Ducks fly a lot of kilometers to arrive home.
Walk Caminar I walk a lot during the day.
Want Querer My old brother wants to find another job.
Work Trabajar My parents work all day long.
-Peter, you will do exercise 2.
All right De acuerdo -All right?.
Bad Malo We had a bad teacher last course.
Enlisted personnel Tropa All the enlisted personnel will receive extra money.
Good Bueno My students are very good.
Here Aquí -Patty, Melissa lives here.
New Nuevo The company has a new project in mind for us.
Right now Ahora mismo Get out of here, right now, Tom!
Short Bajo de estatura My brother is too short.
Tall Alto Sara's boyfriend is too tall for her.
There Ahí I went to high school there.
Soldado (fuerza
Airman aérea) Carlos isanairman.
Army Ejército I want to work for the Army.
Captain Capitán My father is a Captain for the Army.
Civilian Civil I don't like civilian jobs.
Driver Conductor Tomas is a good driver.
London Londres I'll be in London next Christmas.
Military Milicia My grandfather was an excellent military man.
Navy Marina I work for the Navy.
Officer Oficial My uncle is an officer of the Navy.
Sailor Marino My boyfriend is a sailor.
Soldier Soldado My brother-in-law is a soldier.

Book 4 Lesson 1

English Spanish Example

Clean / cleaned (up) Limpiar I'm going to clean the windows this morning.
Cook Cocinar She cooks wonderfully.
Visit Visitar /visita Will you visit me when I'm in the hospital?
Town Pueblo He was born in the small townof Castleford, in Yorkshire.
End Terminar Their marriage ended in 1991.
Like Gustar I like your new haircut.
Live Vivir He only lived a few days after the accident.
Play Jugar Do you want to play football with us?
Again Otra vez Could you spell your name again, please?
All Todo All animals have to eat in order to live.
Downtown Centro de la I work downtown, but I live in the suburbs.
All night long Toda la noche I´m extremely tired, I worked all night long.
All year long Todo el año That store never closes, it's open all year long.
Start Empezar When do you start your course?
Ball Pelota Hey! Can you pass me the ball, please?
Baseball Baseball Jake never playedbaseball like the other kids.
Basketball Basketball Michael Jordan always loved basketball.
City / cities Ciudad / Most big cities have a population of more than 3 million
ciudades people.
Football Futbol The Miami Dolphins is a footballteam?
Game Juego The children played a gameof cops and robbers.
Restaurant Restaurante I visited the best restaurant in town.
Show Espectáculo Why don't we go to London on Saturday and see a show?
Soccer Futbol Mexicans love soccer matches!!
Sport Deporte I enjoy winter sports like skiing and skating.
Tennis Tennis I think tennis is a very boring sport.

Book 4 Lesson 2

English Spanish Example

Begin Empezar When does the concert begin?
Bring Traer Bring me something from the store, please.
Report Reportarse I want you to report to me every Friday.
Salute Saludar Whenever you see an officer, you must salute.
Smoke Fumar Do you mind if I smoke?
False Falso His identification was false.
Gold Oro She has many gold rings and necklaces.
Naval base Base naval All of them work in the same naval base.
Silver Plata I love silver rings.
True Verdadero Don't lie to me, tell me the true story!
With Con He works with me.
Break Descanso After every class, we take a five-minute break.
Butt can Colillero You can put out your cigarette in that butt can.
Cap Gorra Every time I go to the beach I wear a cap.
Captain / Capt Capitán de Navio The Captain got to the base on time.
Cigarette Cigarro I smoke four cigarettes a day.
Colonel / Col Coronel We have a meeting with the Colonel.
On time Puntualmente The teacher always comes to class on time.
General / Gen General The General was in charge of the operation.
I.D. card Tarjeta de ident. She couldn't come in until she showed her ID card.
Identification Identificación If you want to cash a check, you need some
Lieutenant / lt Teniente She was talking to the Lieutenant about her
Lieutenant Colonel Teniente Coronel The Lieutenant Colonel arrived from Boston last
Take a break Tomar un descanso You are working too much; you need to take a break.
Major / maj Mayor The Major visited the President last week.
Military Militar Here, everybody wears a military uniform.
Name tag Gafete What's your name? I don't see your name tag!
Pack Cajetilla Buy me a pack of cigarettes, please.
Army post Base del ejercito Soldiers work on army posts.
Rank Rango The rank is extremely important in a military
Razor Rastrillo I usually shave with an electricrazor.
Uniform Uniforme I love a man inuniform!
Sergeant / sgt Sargento The Sergeant told me to get a haircut.
Stripes Franjas The zebra is a wild African horse with black and
white stripes.

Book 4 Lesson 3

English Spanish Example

T-shirt Playera This is my favorite t-shirt.
Indent Espaciar Each new paragraph should be indented about
two centimeters from de margin.
Trousers Pantalones I need to wash my trousers.
Tie Amarrar You should tie your shoes or you may fall.
Sweater Sweater Give her a sweater. It´s cold outside.
Put on Ponerse (ropa) Put on your sweater and your coat.
Take off / took off Quitarse (ropa) Get up and take off your pajamas.
Wake up / woke up Despertar Ted woke up late this morning and was late for
Wear / wore Usar I'm wearing a pink blouse.
Fall asleep / fell asleep Quedarse dormido He fell asleep in the middle of the presentation.
Apostrophe Apóstrofe You need to correct your homework. One
apostrophe is missing.
Asleep Dormido Look at her! She´s totally asleep.
Awake Despierto I can't work until I'm completely awake.
Well Bien That was the correct thing to do. Well done!!!
Belt Cinturón Could you pass me my belt. These trousers are
too big for me.
Blouse Blusa I have five blue blouses. Blue is my favorite color.
Boots Botas Leave those boots outside; they're all covered with
Clothes Ropa You need to pack all your clothes really quickly.
We´re leaving in ten minutes.
Coat Abrigo Get your black coat.
Contraction Contracción Something very common in English is
Dress Vestido I need a new dress to go to the party.
Gloves Guantes Every winter he brings a new pair of gloves.
Hat Sombrero Put your hat on, and let´s go to the party.
Jacket Chamarra This room is very cold. You should put on your
Necktie Corbata It´s a very formal party. You need to wear a
Pants Pantalones Change your pants. Those are dirty.
Paragraph Párrafo I´m writing the last paragraph of my thesis.
Period Punto The last thing in a paragraph is a period.
Punctuation Puntuación Every time you write, you need to observe your
Question mark Signo de interrogación At the end of every question, you need a question
Scarf Bufanda I´m sick. I need my scarf to cover my throat and
my mouth.
Sentence Oración For homework, you have to write five sentences in
past tense.
Shirt Camisa He only has white shirts.
Shoes Zapatos She is a shoe lover. She has twenty different pairs.
Skirt Falda I don´t like my legs. That´s why I never wear skirts.
Slacks Pantalones You will recognize him. He's the only one wearing
black slacks.
Socks Calcetines He always wears white socks with black shoes.
Statement Oración Could you repeat that? I didn´t understand the last
Stockings Medias I need a new pair of stockings. These are very old.
Suit Traje That´s one of my favorite suits. It´s so fancy and
you can wear it everywhere.
Book 4 Lesson 4

English Spanish Example

Cost Costar This new car cost me a lot of money.
Dance Bailar I love this music. I could dance all night.
Help Ayudar These boxes are very big. Could you help me with
Record Grabar You have to record that concert. It´s incredibly
Sell / sold Vender She sold me her computer. It was very cheap.
Take / took Llevar Take a book with you. It´s a long journey.
Black Negro When I was a child, I only had black shoes because
of the school.
Blue Azul The sky was blue.
Brown Café I have curly brown hair.
Cool Fresco I like this classroom. It´s really cool.
Green Verde I love green vegetables.
Orange Naranja My sweater is orange like the fruit.
Pink Rosa All the baby girls have pink blankets.
Purple Púrpura Grapes are purple and green.
Red Rojo The Mexican flag is green, white and red.
Over here Por aquí Come with us! The party is over here.
Over there Por allá Your sister is not here. She´s over there.
Here you are Aquí tienes Here you are. These are the books you wanted.
The day before Anteayer I saw my family the day before yesterday.
Warm Cálido This sweater is really warm.
Autumn Otoño Autumn is my favorite season.
Clerk Empleado That is a very big store. It has 300 clerks.
Color Color What is your favorite color?
Fall Otoño Fall is one of the four seasons.
Headphones Audífonos If you want to listen to your music, use your
Headset Audífonos We have 20 pairs of headsets in the language
Music Música I need my music everywhere I go.
Rainbow Arco iris Every time the rain mixes with the sun, you can see
a beautiful rainbow.
Season Temporada How long does thehurricaneseason last?
Spring Primavera Janet's coming over for a couple of weeks next
Store Almacén That building holds many stores.
Summer Verano I love these warm summer nights.
Winter Invierno Last winter we went skiing.
The day after Pasado mañana He´s arriving the day after tomorrow.

Book 5 Lesson 1

Hurt/hurt Herir/lastimar Don't hurt me anymore.

Move Mover Move your right hand.
Point (to) Apuntar/señalar I don't like to point to people.
Touch Tocar Don't touch those books.
About Acerca de We need to talk about our vacation.
Large Grande This jacket is too large for me.
Last Por último / último Today is the last day of class.
Left Izquierdo PRD is a left-wing party.
Long Largo Valiant Heart is a very long film.
Next Siguiente Math is my next class.
What's wrong...? Que esta mal...? What's wrong with this math problem?
What's the matter..? Cual es el problema..? Sam, you look worried. What's the matter?
Ordinal Ordinal Second is the ordinal number for two.
Right Derecha Susan's right arm was hurting.
Short Corto/ bajo de estatura My brother-in-law is a short person.
Sore Adolorido I did a lot of exercise yesterday. I'm sore.
Then Entonces Keep me informed until then.
Which Cual Which car do you prefer? Jetta or Pointer.
Take medicine Tomarmedicina My grandfather takes a lot of medicine.
Wrist Muñeca (de la mano) He fell down and broke his wrist.
Order Orden You have to put these sentences in order.
Small Chico Our apartment is very small.
Arm Brazo I hurt my arm playing football.
Ankle Tobillo I twisted my left ankle.
Body Cuerpo I have the flu. All my body aches.
Bone Hueso Baby's bones are so fragile.
Date Fecha The date of my anniversary is March 22nd.
Ear Oído I hear everything. I have a good ear.
Elbow Codo I hurt my elbow yesterday.
Eye Ojo Look into my eyes and you'll see love.
Eyebrow Ceja My bother has dense black eyebrows.
Eyelash Pestaña I'd like to have large eyelashes.
Eyelid Párpado I cried all night long. My eyelids are swollen.
Finger Dedo My fingers are very fat.
Fingernail Uñas de las manos I like to bite my fingernails.
Foot/feet Pie / pies My sister has big feet.
Hand Mano Karla doesn't like men with small hands.
Head Cabeza Cover your head. It's raining.
Heel Talón Juan is the Achilles heel of the team.
Knee Rodilla Mike hurt his knee.
Leg Pierna I broke my left leg while playing soccer.
Limb Extremidad We have four limbs. Two legs and two arms.
Lip Labio I don't like my lips. They are very thick.
Medicine Medicina My husband refuses to take his medicine.
Mouth Boca I have a big mouth.
Muscle Músculo Our body is full of muscles.
Nail Uña My mother likes to have long nails.
Neck Cuello I sprained my neck.
Nose Nariz I like thin noses.
Part Parte This part of the movie is very interesting.
Shoulder Hombro She put her head on my shoulder.
Skin Piel My baby's skin is very sensitive.
Throat Garganta I have a problem with my throat.
Thumb Pulgar Raise your thumbs if you agree.
Toe Dedo de pie I can't move my toes.
Toenails Uñas de los pies My toenails are dark.
Tongue Lengua Some women have a poisonous tongue.
Trunk Tronco (del cuerpo) My trunk is in a bad position.

Book 5 Lesson 2
Brush Cepillo/cepillar I brush my hair every night.
Washcloth Toalla de baño I use a washcloth when I take a shower.
Change Cambiar I need to change my life.
Comb Peinar I comb my hair when it's still wet.
Dry / dried Secar I dry my hair before I comb.
Get / got Conseguir Tommy got a good job.
Need (to) Necesitar The students need new computers.
My mother rinses her face before she goes to
Rinse Enjuagar bed.
Wash Lavar I wash my clothes every weekend.
Towel Toalla The bathroom needs towels.
Topic Tema The topic for my final grade is about politics.
Toothpaste Pasta dental I use Colgate toothpaste.
Toothbrush Cepillo dental Oral B toothbrush is the best.
Clean Limpio My sister never cleans her bedroom.
Dirty Sucio My car is dirty.
Tooth / teeth Diente / dientes My grandmother has yellow teeth.
Only Solamente This bathroom is only for women.
Toilet paper Papel de baño We use toilet paper every day.
Toilet Inodoro, escusado. Public toilets are always dirty.
Barbershop Peluquería My father has a barbershop.
Bathroom Cuarto de baño My bathroom is on the first floor.
Birthday Cumpleaños My birthday is next month.
Thing Cosa I have many things to do today.
Butter Mantequilla My aunt uses butter to cook.
Chalk Gis Teachers don't use chalk anymore.
Comb Peine Charlie always has a comb in his back pack.
Drugstore Farmacia I work in a drugstore.
Face Cara I wash my face in the morning.
Grocery store Tienda de abarrotes My family opened a grocery store.
Hair Cabello Katy's hair is beautiful.
Haircut Corte de pelo I need a haircut.
Mirror Espejo My bother has a big mirror in his bedroom.
Pepper Pimienta My mother always cooks with pepper.
Pocket Bolsillo My pants left pocket has a hole.
Salt Sal My mother-in-law eats a lot of salt.
Shampoo Shampoo We need another bottle of shampoo.
Sink Lavabo I have to buy a new sink.
Soap Jabón I wash my face with neutral soap.
Soup Sopa I want some hot soup.
Subject Sujeto Identify the subject of the sentence.
Sugar Azúcar I like to put a lot of sugar in my coffee.

Book 5 Lesson 3

Arrive Llegar The teacher arrived late this morning.

Button Abotonar/botón My mother helps me button my sweater.
Call Llamar I have to call my girlfriend today before 5 p.m.
Come back/ Volver/regresar I'd like to come back to this school.
came back
Depart Salir/partir My flight departs tomorrow at 8 a.m.
Go back/ Regresar My parents went back to Paris last weekend.
went back
Graduate Graduarse My class will graduate on December 19.
Lock Cerradura/Cerrar con I lock my house when I go to work.
seguro o llave
Meet / met Conocer I met Carlos last year.
Pack Empacar I need to pack today; we're leaving tomorrow.
Pick up Recoger Be ready. I will pick you up at 5.
Pull Jalar Sally, pull the door, please.
Push Empujar Push this button to turn on the computer.
Return Regresar/retornar My ex-boyfriend didn't return my photos to me.
Sharpen Sacarpunta/afilar I have to sharpen my son's pencil every day.
Zipper Cremallera/cierre My jeans zipper doesn't work.
One-way- Sencillo (boleto de I will buy a one-way-trip ticket to Cancun.
trip viaje)
Round-trip Redondo (boleto de My family will buy a round-trip ticket to Cuba.
Together Juntos My bother and I will go to the dance together.
Tonight Estanoche Tonight, my friends will have a party.
Airline Líneaaérea Azteca airline is a bad company.
Airport Aeropuerto Mexico City's airport is being redesigned.
Arrival Llegada This airport doesn't have international arrivals.
Cuff Puño (de unaprenda) My cuffs are always dirty.
Customer Cliente In my job, I have to serve customers with a smile on my face.
Departure Salida The bus is not leaving. The departure was cancelled.
Doorknob Perilla Take the doorknob and turn it to the right.
Flight Vuelo My flight was cancelled at the last minute.
Gate Puerta/verja My boyfriend said goodbye to me at the departure gate.
Graduation Graduación My graduation was beautiful.
Handle Asa/agarradera Be careful.The pot handle is hot.
Instructions Instrucciones Read the instructions before you install the fax.
Key Llave I have lost my car keys.
Knob Perilla The volume knob on my stereo is large.
Lock Cerradura Lock my drawer and leave.
Phone Teléfono I need to make a phone call.
Reservation Reservación Monica and I made a reservation in a spa.
School Escuela I studied in the best school.
Sharpener Sacapuntas I need a sharpener to sharpen my pencil.
Sleeve Manga This jacket has very long sleeves.
Suitcase Maleta My suitcase is new.
Telephone Teléfono My telephone number has changed.
Ticket Boleto I bought a ticket for the soccer game.
Travel Agencia de viaje If you want to visit another country, go to a travel agency first.
Travel Agente de viajes The travel agent can help you to organize your vacation.
Trip Viaje Try to enjoy your trip.
Twins Gemelos My sister will have twins.
On Encendido The television is on.
Turn on Encender Peter, could you turn on the radio?
Off Apagado The machine is off.
Turn off Apagar I turn off the lights when going to bed.

Book 5 Lesson 4

Dial Marcar el teléfono Dial 9 if you want to make a call.

Make Hacer Peter, could I make a phone call?
Among Entre Don't worry, we are among friends.
Between Entre The keys are between the book and the eraser.
Half Mitad Tom ate half an orange with his breakfast.
Many Muchos/as I have many duties at home.
Much Mucho/a My father didn't have much work yesterday.
Bar Barra I like chocolate bars a lot.
Bean Frijol I grow beans in my garden.
Bottle Botella I drink a bottle of water every day.
Bowl Tazón You can use this bowl to mix the salad.
Cake Pastel My grandmother bakes delicious cakes.
Can Lata My brother collects cans of different sodas.
Candy Caramelo Children love candy.
Carrot Zanahoria Bugs Bunny always appears eating carrots in his cartoons.
Cheese Queso I like to eat cheese in every meal.
Chocolate Chocolate Did you know that chocolate has its origin in Mexico?
Cookie Galleta My mother baked cookies for my party.
Corn Maíz Most cereals are made from corn.
Cup Taza My boss always drinks a cup of coffee in the morning.
Dessert Postre The best part of lunch is dessert.
Dial Marcar Patty, could you dial this number for me, please?
Dial tone Tono de marcar Dial the number after you hear the dial tone.
Dish Plato My sister doesn't like to wash the dishes.
Dozen Docena My husband gave me a dozen roses on our anniversary.
Gallon / gal. Galón A gallon is a little less than a litre.
Glass Vaso I like to eat cookies with a glass of milk.
Ham Jamón I had a ham sandwich for breakfast this morning.
Ice cream Helado Kids like to eat ice cream.
Kilo Kilos(gramos) I gained two kilos last month. I'm getting fat.
Lettuce Lechuga If you can't sleep well, take a lettuce bath.
Onion Cebolla I don't like the taste of onion.
Ounce /oz. Onza One ounce is 28.7 grs.
Paper Papel The teacher told us to write our name on a piece of paper.
Pie Pay I bake delicious pies.
Piece Trozo/pedazo I got a love letter on a piece of toilet paper.
Paint/pt. Pintar I have to paint my house this weekend.
Potato Papas Fried potatoes have a lot of fat.
Pound/lb. Libra I need to gain 10 more pounds.
Quart/qt. Cuarto de galón Four quarts make a gallon.
Receiver Auricular The receiver doesn't work. I can't hear anything.
Sandwich Sandwich My mother sells sandwiches in the cafeteria.
Slice Rebanada I can eat one slice of bread only because I'm on a diet.
Squash Calabaza My little bother doesn't like squash.
Tomato Tomate She loves spaghetti with tomato sauce.
Ton Tonelada A whale weights many tons.
Tube Tubo I always carry a tube of toothpaste in my handbag.
Vanilla Vainilla I prepare delicious vanilla ice cream.
Vegetables Vegetales Most people don't like vegetables.

Book 6 Lesson 1

Cry / cried Llorar The girl cried because she was sad.
Get / got Ponerse (nublado, tarde) Look at the sky! It's getting cloudy.
Rain Llover It rains a lot in July.
Shine / shone Brillar Your shoes are new, they shine!
Snow Nevar It snows in December.
Think / thought (about) Pensar I´m thinking about my car.
Clear Despejado The sky is clear.
Cloudy Nublado It´s getting cloudy.
Dry Secar The Sahara is very dry.
How Cómo How is the weather?.
Nice Agradable Mayte is a nice person.
Rainy Lluvioso It´s dangerous to drive in rainy days.
Sunny Soleado The children enjoy sunny days.
Upset Molesto I failed the test, I´m upset.
Wet Húmedo It rained last night. Everything is wet.
Windy Ventoso We can fly kites when it´s windy.
Change Cambiar I need to change my car.
Cloud Nube The plane flew above the clouds.
Grade Calificación Richard got good grades on the exams.
Raincoat Gabardina It´s raining. I need my raincoat.
Score Puntuación, calificación What was your score on the exam?
Shower Chubasco A shower is a short rain.
Sky Cielo The sky is blue.
Snow Nieve The snow is very cold and white.
Storm Tormenta There was a sand storm in the desert.
Sun Sol Nine planets spin around the sun.
Sunshine Resplandor del sol Sunshine is intense in the equator.
Umbrella Sombrilla I need an umbrella for the rain.
Weather Clima The weather in Hawaii is wonderful.

Book 6 Lesson 2

Cut / Cut Cortar Be careful! You may cut your finger!

Get / Got (arrive) Llegar, Arribar What time did you get here today?
Get in / Got in Llegar, Arribar My plane got in at 7 p.m. I was late.
Get off / Got off Bajarse You can get off the bus at the corner.
Get on / Got on Subirse I got on the bus at the last stop.
Leave / Left Dejar, salir She left her purse on the desk yesterday.
Order Ordenar Are you ready to order now?
Travel Viajar My brother will travel next week.
Would like to Gustaría I would like to marry a beautiful woman.
Anything else ¿Algo más? Sir, Do you want to order anything else?
Leave a tip Dejar una propina Did she leave the waiter a tip?
Nothing else Nada más I want nothing else to eat.
Something else Algo más Is there something else?
Anything Algo/ Nada (en negat.) Is there anything on the table?/ I don't see
Awful Horrible The food was awful, I didn´t like it.
By (plane, etc.) Por (avión, etc.) Tony went to London by plane.
Delicious Delicioso, Rico The cake is delicious.
Her Ella (complemento) I like Tina. I like her very much.
Him Él (complemento) Tom hit Ed. Tom hit him last night.
Home Casa, hogar Let´s go home.
Later Después See you later.
Me mí (complemento) She gave me a present.
Nothing Nada I have nothing in my pocket.
Something Algo She thinks she heard something downstairs.
Sure Seguro I´m not sure about the exam.
Them Ellos (complemento) The priest loves children, he loves them.
Us Nosotros (complemento) The old woman helped us fix the car.
Without Sin I can´t live without you.
Blade Hélice, pala The blade of my mini plane broke down.
Boat Bote I have a small boat in Acapulco.
Check Cuenta Waitress, please bring me the check.
Fork Tenedor You should eat meat with a fork and a knife.
Helicopter Helicóptero The helicopter landed close to my house!
House Casa The car is in my house.
Jet Jet The Captain flies a fast F-116 Jet.
Knife / Knives Cuchillo I need a knife to cut the meat.
Menu Menú, carta May I have the menu, please?
Napkin Servilleta There weren´t napkins in the restaurant.
Order Orden The order of tacos was very cheap.
Plate Plato I had to wash the plates.
Ship Barco The Titanic was a big ship.
Spoon Cuchara Use the spoon to eat your soup.
Vehicle Vehículo I don´t have a vehicle to go to work.
Waiter Mesero Waiter! Please bring me another soda.
Waitress Mesera Hooters has beautiful waitresses.

Book 6 Lesson 3

Deliver Entregar The mailman delivers letters.

Finish Terminar I will finish my homework in five minutes.
Give / Gave Dar Please, give me your pen.
Mail Enviar por correo My mother mailed me the information.
Pick out Escoger, seleccionar I picked out a flower for my wife.
Send / Sent Enviar Can you send your secretary to my office?
Show Mostrar Ed, show me your computer.
Sign Firmar I forgot to sign my check!
Cash a check Cambiar un cheque Berth wants to cash a check.
In line En la fila There are many people in line at the bank.
Write a check Hacer un cheque My boss forgot to write me a check.
Also También Thalia also sings in English.
Crowded Lleno The house was crowded last night.
Near Cerca Susan lives near my house.
Address Dirección Can you give me your address?
Bank Banco Who needs to go to the bank today?
Check Cheque I lost my check!
Driver´s license Licencia de manejo You can get your driver's license downtown.
Envelope Sobre I will put the check in the envelope.
Help Ayuda She needs your assistance, help her!
Identification Identificación You will need some identification at the bank.
Letter Carta The boy wants to write a romantic letter.
Mail Correo My wife always checks the mail.
Mailman Cartero Richard is a mailman.
Money order Orden de pago If you need money, I´ll send you a money order.
Package Paquete Gabriel has a package for you.
People Gente How many people live in your house?
Postcard Postal I want to buy postcards of the pyramids.
Post office Oficina postal There is one Post office in my neighborhood.
Return address Remitente It's necessary to write a return address on letters.
Stamp Timbre (postal) Where can I buy stamps?
State Estado I live in the State of Mexico
Street Calle My address is "La Virgen" Street 1600.
Teller Cajero (banco) The girl is looking for an automatic teller machine.

Traveler´s check Cheque de viajero If you go to France, buy traveler´s checks.

Book 6 Lesson 4

Check in Registrar entrada I will check in at the Ritz at 5:00 p.m.

Check out Registrar salida Rose checked out the hotel last night.
Load Cargar My gun is not loaded.
Relax Relajar We can relax in Acapulco.
Rest Descansar She needs to rest at home.
Smile Sonreír I like it when Thalia smiles.
Stay Permanecer Ron doesn´t want to stay home on Saturday.
At first Al principio At first I didn´t have money, but now I do.
At last Al fin / por fin My wife arrived at last.
Go sightseeing Ir a dar la vuelta I went sightseeing in the city of Oaxaca.
Take (a) picture(s) of Tomar fotos de Paparazzi take pictures of famous people.
Take a rest Tomar un descanso The children need to take a rest.
Take a vacation Tomar vacaciones Their parents need to take a vacation.
Because Porque Sue likes Bob because he is intelligent.
But Pero / sino They don´t know anything but I will tell them.
Final Final What was the final score?
For Por / durante I have lived in Mexico for ten years.
Long (trip/time) Largo It was a long trip to Tijuana.
Stay overnight Pasar la noche Don´t wait for me. I´ll stay out overnight.
Short (trip/time) Corto It was a short trip to Cuernavaca.
Why Por qué Why do you want a loan?
Camera Cámara Richard bought a new video camera.
Film Película The camera doesn´t have film.
Hotel Hotel The Ritz is a nice hotel.
Lake Lago There is a lake where we can fish.
Mountain Montaña The kids want to go to the mountain.
Ocean Océano The Pacific Ocean is very dangerous.
Rest Descanso Let´s take a rest.
Roll (of) Rollo de Sue wants a roll of paper.
Spoonful Cucharada The doctor prescribed a spoonful of medicine.
Tree Árbol I planted a tree in my garden.
Vacation Vacaciones Mel will take a vacation next month.

Book 7 Lesson 1

English Spanish Example

Compare Comparar Don't compare me with her.
Describe Describir She describes CESNAV's facilities very well.
Draw/drew Dibujar Draw a circle.
Alike Parecido My cousin and her sister are alike.
Both Ambos Both Jane and Mary are beautiful.
Fast Rápido The car moves fast.
Little Pequeño Little children require a lot of care.
Narrow Angosto This road is too narrow for two cars.
Opposite Opuesto a The bank is opposite the bakery.
Other Otro Is the other car better than this one?
Round Redondo My watch is round.
Slow Lento Cable cars are slow in comparison to the
Strong Fuerte The strong man broke the door.
Weak Débil I'm weak after running 10 kilometers.
Wide Ancho The river is twenty meters wide.
Circle Círculo The political circle is difficult to access.
Description Descripción The description was very precise.
Edge Filo, orilla We are on the edge of a national disaster.
Job Empleo, trabajo You made a good job on that report.
Line Línea How long do we have to wait in line?
Math/Mathematics Matemáticas He's good at math.
Mistake Error Who never makes a mistake, never makes a
Rectangle Rectángulo The Mexican flag is a rectangle in green,
white and red.
Shape Forma/figura Exercise will help me to be in shape.
Side Lado A square has 4 sides.
Square Cuadrado Mark the square with a cross.
Triangle Triángulo Bermuda Triangle is a danger for sailors.

Book 7 Lesson 2

Add Agregar/sumar If you add 2 + 2, it equals 4.

Count Contar I have to count how many students are here for the class.
Divide Dividir Please, divide these sandwiches so everybody has something to
Equal Igual 2+2 doesn't equal5.
Explain Explicar Could you explain how to multiply fractions to me?
Multiply Multiplicar Could you explain me how to multiply fractions?
Subtract Restar If you subtract 2-2, it equals zero.
Understand Entender I cannot understand when somebody speaks Japanese.
Make Hacer I like to makecakes.
Any Algo/ nada Is there anysugar left?
Curved Curvo This pipe is curved, so it won't work for us.
Each Cada Eachperson must have a book in classl.
Easy Fácil The English exam was very easy. Everybody got 100 on it.
Hard Duro/difícil The Math exam was hard. Nobody passed it.
Heavy Pesado Studying 8 hours a day is heavy. Specially, when you have
homework to do.
Total Total What's the total of students at this center?
Light Luz Please, open the curtains. I need more natural light.
Minus Menos 5 minus3 equals 2.
More Más I need to study moreif I want to get a better grade.
Plus Más 2 plus2 equals 4.
Some Algunos/algo I need some sugar for my coffee.
Straight Derecho It's difficult to draw a straightline when you are drawing.
Top Punta /cumbre She's at the top of the building looking down the city.
Times Veces She has called you four times.
Bottom Fondo There are very strange fish at the bottom of the ocean.
Center Centro Perisur is a nice shopping center.
Circumference Circunferencia What is the diameter of that circumference?
Diameter Diámetro What is the diameter of that circumference?
Error Error There's an error in this addition.
Explanation Explicación The teacher gave that grammar explanation last class.
Half Mitad Half the students passed the exam.
Price Precio What's the price of that car. It looks expensive.
Problem Problema I don't have any problem with verb conjugation.
Radius Radio The radius of the circle is very small.

Book 7 Lesson 3
Above Arriba I can see planes above in the sky.
Absent Ausente The teacher is sick. She was absent yesterday.
Around Alrededor Look around. Your car keys must be inside the house.
Back Parte trasera Children must sit in the back seat of a car
Below Abajo There's a fly below the board.
By Por I will go to Canadaby plane.
Front Frontal, delantero Close the front door, please. It's too windy.
High Alto The "Ajusco" is not as high as the "Pico de Orizaba".
Low Bajo Planes should not fly low. It would be dangerous.
Next to Junto a My mom's house is next to mine.
Over Por encima The kid jumped overthe fence.
Past Pasado This toy brings me memories of my past.
Present Regalo I got a presenton my birthday.
Rear Parte trasera The WV Sedan had the motor in the rear.
Animal Animal Dogs are nice animals.
Backyard Patio trasero My house has a big backyard.
Yard Jardín I like homes with big yards.
Bird Pájaro I don't like to have birds in cages. It's cruel!
Cat Gato Cats are clean pets.
Dog Perro Dogs are nice animals.
Earth Tierra TheEarthis the planet where we live.
Fence Cercado I'll paint the fence tomorrow.
Flower Flor Have you ever given flowers to your wife?
Garage Garaje/taller I'll take my car to the garage. It needs oil.
Gate Puerta The gate of the yard is brand new.
Grass Pasto The gardener will cut the grass tomorrow.
Hill Colina I like hiking in the hills. That's good exercise.
Land Tierra Don't enter into private lands.
Leaf Hoja Canada's Flag has a maple leaf.
Moon Luna The man first went to the moon in 1967.
River Río The Amazon Riveris the longest in the World.
Roof Techo I'll repair the roof to avoid leaking.
Star Estrella I enjoy seeing the starsat night.
World Mundo I'd like to travel all around the world.

Book 7 Lesson 4

Keep Mantener I must keep my office clean.

Lay Poner/ recostar Lay the paper on the photocopier.
Plug in Conectar Plug in the computer to a source of power.
Use Usar I don't know how to use this machine!
Often Con frecuencia I often go to that restaurant. The food is good!
Pretty Bonita She's so pretty that everybody wants to invite her out.
Seldom Casi nunca I seldom play tennis. I'm not good at it.
Ugly Feo Ugly women are normally nice.
Usually Normalmente I don't usually work on Saturdays
Armchair Sillón That armchair is very uncomfortable.
Bookcase Librero I need another bookcase. I have lot of books.
Cabinet Gabinete My kitchen's cabinet is full of food cans.
Can opener Abre latas This can opener doesn't cut well?
Ceiling Techo My house ceiling needs painting.
Coffee table Mesa de centro Don't put your feet on the coffee table!
Couch Sofá We need a new couch for the living room.
Curtains / Cortinas The curtains match perfectly with the couch.
Drawer Cajón The keys are in the first drawer.
End table Mesa esquinera We use the end table to play board games.
Fan Ventilador It's very hot in here. Please turn on the fan.
Faucet Grifo The faucet has an important leak. Call a plumber.
Floor Piso Floors made of wood are warm.
Furniture Muebles I have my apartment. Now, I need the furniture.
Kitchen Cocina Can you help me clean the kitchen?
Lamp Lámpara I can't see. Could you turn on the lamp?
Living room Sala We need a new couch for the living room.
Outlet Contacto The outlet on that wall doesn't have power.
Pan Sartén This is an anti adherent frying pan.
Plug Enchufe I can't use my pc. The plug is broken.
Refrigerator Refrigerador Is there any milk in the refrigerator?
Rug/carpet Alfombra The children's room rug is old. It needs to be changed.
Shelf/shelves Repisa(s) Don't forget to put the books back on the shelf.
Sink Fregadero Did you put all the dirty dishes in the sink?
Sofa Sofá My favorite sofa is old, but comfortable.
stove Estufa We have a new stove for the kitchen.
Always Siempre I always drink coffee in the morning.
Usually Por lo general Sam usually washes his car on Friday.
Often Con frecuencia I often stay at work until 7 or 8 pm.
Sometimes A veces The Mexican Soccer Team sometimes plays well.
Seldom Rara vez The Mexican Soccer Team seldom wins a soccer game.
Never Nunca I never drive when I am drunk.

Book 8 Lesson 1

Fall/fell down Caer She fell down in a big hole.

Freeze/froze Congelarse It was freezing outside.
Follow Seguir Just follow the directions.
Grow/grew Crecer They grew up in Spain.
Land Tierra The Indians lost their land in America.
Take(a right/a left) Tomar/doblar a At the corner, take a right.
la derecha o a
la izquierda
Take off/took off Despegar The airplane takes off at 7 am.

Centigrade Centígrados The temperature was 8 centigrades.

Comma Coma (signo de Write a comma after the word.
East Este Go east for two blocks.
For (time) Por/para She was waiting for 3 hours!
North Norte We live north of Main Street.
North of, South of, East of, etc. Al norte/ sur/ Mexico is south of United States.
este de ...
Straight(ahead) Derecho The stadium is straight ahead on this
West Oeste Thewest part of the city is very nice.
Block Cuadra She lives three blocks from where I live.
Corner Esquina At the corner of Main St. and Oak St.
Degree Grado How many degrees does the thermometer
Direction Dirección You´re going in the wrong direction.
Directions Instrucciones I´m following the directions to get there.
East Este She lives on the east side of the city.
Fahrenheit Fahrenheit This thermometer doesn´t read Fahrenheit
Ground Suelo Carrots grow under the ground.
Highway Carretera I took thehighwayand I arrived in 30
Ice Hielo Ice is melting in the Poles.
Kilometer Kilómetro This beach must be a kilometer long!
Mile Milla You were always miles away.
North Norte The ducks are flyingnorth.
Park Parque Let´s go for a walk around thepark.
Road Camino Thisroad takes you to I-94.
South Sur Mexico exports many products to South
Temperature Temperatura The temperature is going down.
Thermometer Termómetro She lost her thermometer.

Book 8 Lesson 2

Exercise Ejercicio Walking is good exercise for many patients.

Forget Olvidar You forget to call me on my birthday every
Hit Golpear The ball hit the boy by accident.
Miss Fallar The batter missed to hit the ball.
Remember to Recordar I remembered to do the report on time.
Shut Cerrar You keep your mouth shut.
Try Intentar Theytried to fix the car, but they couldn't.
Work out Hacer ejercicio I hate to work outon Mondays.
Free time Tiempo libre I like to read in my free time.
Get in shape Ponerse en forma She has to get in shape urgently.
Have a good time Pasarla bien We had a good time at the party.
Workout Entrenamiento I couldn´t complete my workout today.
Have fun Divertirse Have fun at the concert!
To be in good shape Estar en forma It´s good to be in good shape.
Out of shape Fuera de forma She is completely out of shape.
Beautiful Hermoso Always tell her she is beautiful, especially if
she is not.
Difficult Difícil That subject is so difficult.
Exciting Emocionante The game was very exciting at the end.
Healthy Sano Little Jack is a healthy baby.
Watch Reloj This is an expensive watch.
Volleyball Voleibol Do you want to play volleyball?
Important Importante I think that´s important.
Interesting Interesante This book is very interesting.
Sit- up Abdominales I need to lose some weight. I have to do
(ejercicio) some sit-ups.
Push- up Lagartijas Come on soldier! Give me ten push-ups.
Gym/ gymnasium Gimnasio Do you want to go to the gym?
Terrific Extraordinario The party was terrific!
Fun Diversión Have fun!
Exercise Ejercicio How often do you exercise?
Book 8 Lesson 3

Call up Llamar por teléfono I´m going to call up a friend.

Deposit Depositar You need to depositsome coins.
Find Encontrar I´m trying to find a drugstore
Hang up Colgar Just a minute, don´t hang up.
Make Hacer I want tomake a local call.
Person Persona That person is not here right now.
Pay phone Teléfono público Is there a payphone nearby?
Page Página I need the yellow pages to find her phone
Pay Pagar I need a check to pay for the dress .
Just a minute Sólo un minuto Could you wait justaminute?
Long distance Larga distancia I want to make a longdistance call.
Person to person Persona a persona Do you want a person-to-person call?
Station to station Estación a estación Do you want a station-to-station call?
Busy Ocupado This line is busy.
Cheap Barato This kind of call is cheap.
Expensive Caro The car was veryexpensive!
Just Justo/solamente I just called her two minutes ago.
Public phone Teléfono público She´s using a publicphone.
Local Local Did you make a local call?
Operator Operadora He called the operator for information.
Whom A quién Whom did you call?
Call Llamar They will call me in a week.
Change Cambio Do you have some change?
Coin Moneda I need more coins to make a call.
Conversation Conversación We had a nice conversation.
Factory Fábrica I work in a factory.
Slot Ranura This coin doesn´t fit the slot.
Line (phone) Línea telefónica Hold theline please.

Book 8 Lesson 4

Be back Regresar I will beback in 10 minutes.

Call back Volver a llamar We callback tomorrow.
Deposit Depositar, depósito You have to deposita thousand
dollars to open an account.
Hold Sostener/ Sujetar He washolding a gun!
Bedroom Recámara He´s studying in his bedroom.
Hold on Esperar Try to holdon a little longer.
Bell Timbre Ring the bell.
Look for Buscar I´m lookingfor a new house.
(25) minutes past (3) Las 3:25 It´s 3:25 pm.
(25) minutes after (3) Las 3:25
(25) past (3) Las 3:25
(25) after (3) Las 3:25
Dining room Comedor We were in the dinning room.
(25) to (3) 25 para las 3 It´s 2:45 pm.
(25) minutes to (3) 25 minutos para las 3
Garden Jardín The kids are playing in the garden.
A quarter after (5) Las 5 y cuarto It´s 5:15 pm.
A quarter past (5) Las 5 y cuarto
A quarter to (5) Cuarto para las 5 It´s 4:45 am.
A quarter till (5) Cuarto para las 5
For rent En renta There's an apartmentfor rent here.
Half past (7) Las 7:30 It´s 7:30am.
Hold the line No cuelgue Hold the line. Please don´t hang up.
Leave a message Dejar un mensaje She´s not in. Do you want to leave a
Return a call Regresar una llamada Ok, she will return your call.
Take a message Tomar un mensaje Could you take a message for
Manage Arreglárselas He managed to open the door.
Rent Renta, rentar I need torenta car.
Ring Sonar (teléfono) The phone isringing!
Tell Decir, contarle a alguien Tellher that I´ll be back.
Wait (for) Esperar a Sir, can youwait for me outside ?
Resident Residente Dear resident, please pay the rent.
Moment Momento Wait a moment, please.
Message Mensaje I have a message for you.
Manager Administrador/ Gerente He´s the sales manager.
Apartment Departamento I moved to another apartment.
Basement Sótano I was cleaning the basement.

Book 9 Lesson 1

Cash Cobrar (un cheque) You need an ID to cash a check.

Complete Completar Complete this form, please.
Deposit Depositar I want to deposit $ 100.00 in my savings
Feel/ felt Sentir How do you feel about your new
Fill out Completar (un formato) I didn't fill out the form, because I didn't
Hide/ hid Esconder My dog always hides a bone somewhere in
the garden.
Look Tener (el) aspecto de This car looks awful.
Lose/ lost Perder How much of human life is lost in waiting.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Close an account Cerrar una cuenta If you want to close your account, fill out this
Open an account Abrir una cuenta We will open an account for our children to
have cash available.
Right away Inmediatamente I had a hard time accepting the job
Right here Exactamente aquí I'll wait right here.
Save Ahorrar I need to save money for a new car.
Smell Oler Fish and visitors smell in three days.
(Benjamin Franklin)
Sound Sonar If you play New Kids on the Block albums
backwards, they sound better. (Bill Hicks)
Spend/ spent Gastar Most Argentinians agree that money spent
on trips is well spent.
Take out (of)/ took Sacar (de) In every country there are limits on how
out (of) much money you may takeoutabroad.
Taste Probar, degustar When abroad I like to taste the local food.

Withdraw/ withdrew Retirar, sacar "You already withdrew the allowed amount
for a day".
Bitter Amargo Bitter is one of the five basic tastes.
Immediately Inmediatamente If it's going to happen sometime, better that
it happens immediately.
Safe Seguro People do have a right to know that their air
and their water are safe. (Bill Clinton)
Salty Salado The older the sailor the saltier he is.
Soon Pronto The deposit of ratifications must be made at
Paris as soon as possible. (Treaty of
Sour Agrio "Sour" is applied to minerals having the
taste of sulfuric acid.
Sweet Dulce Rest is the sweet sauce of labor. (Plutarch)
Account Cuenta You need to prove you have a savings
account to get an American visa.
Bill Billete How many bills can your wallet hold?
Card Tarjeta When you open a checking account, the
bank makes a signature card.
Cash Efectivo Some shops downtown only accept cash.
Checkbook Chequera You are an engineer if your checkbook
always balances. (Try to find the word-play
Checking account Cuenta de cheques A checking account is a good instrument to
keep track of your expenses.
Deposit Depósito Banks set their own lending and deposit
Form Formato For exports, the C-63 form is used.
Information Información Information is the currency of democracy.
(Thomas Jefferson)
Lemon Limón If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade.
Passport Pasaporte Military personnel arriving on commercial
flights are not exempt from passport and
visa requirements.
Savings account Cuenta de ahorros I have a savings accountat this bank.
Signature Firma Signatures are also known as autographs.
Slip Talón Most banks require you to fill in a slip to
make a deposit.
Wallet Cartera It might sound ridiculous, but I don't put my
money in my wallet.
Withdrawal Retiro Opposition parties announced their
withdrawal from the elections.

Book 9 Lesson 2

Be at fault Ser culpable Don't argue if you are at fault; just take the blame.
Bother Molestar Loud noise doesn't usually bother me when trying to
Break/ broke Romper Jane brokeher mirror this morning.
Buckle up Abrocharse el cinturón As a rule I buckleup before even starting the car.
de seguridad
Ride/ rode Montar My cousin rode his bike all morning long.
Cause Causar, provocar Smoking causes lots of deaths every year.
Cross Cruzar Do not cross the street before watching for any cars
Face Afrontar We have to face it: our sales are low.
Keep on Continuar, seguir Keep on working hard and you will succeed.
Fasten Abrochar/sujetar Drivers must fasten their seat belt at all times.
Obey Obedecer If a dog obeys its master, it gets a prize.
Happen Ocurrir, suceder Accidents happen as a result of mistakes.
Run/ ran a red Pasarse un alto When you run a red light, you may cause an accident.
Different from Diferente de Politicians are hardly differentfrom each other.
Heavy traffic Tráfico pesado Heavytraffic is a problem in most big cities.
Similar (to) Similar (a) Nowadays cars are very similar to each other.
The same as Lo mismo que Swimming in a pool is not the sameas doing it on the
Traffic jam Embotellamiento Traffic jams cause pollution.
Across Al otro lado There are two banks across from the place where I work.
Behind Atrás, detrás de Behind every great man is a great woman, and behind
her is his wife. (Groucho Marx)
Careful Cuidadoso Always hold your head up, but be careful to keep your
nose at a friendly level.
Careless Descuidado Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy
Dark Oscuro Place your clothes and weapons where you can find
them in the dark.

(Time Enough for Love by Robert Heinlein)

In back of Detrás de I was sitting next to Mike in the very back of the bus.
In front of Enfrente de The army positioned in front of the city
Left Izquierda Left is a political classification describing a wide variety
of political views.
Right Derecha/derecho Persons convicted of political offences shall be enabled
to exercise their right of voting. (Treaty of Versailles)
Light (not dark) Claro The new uniform will be light blue.
Accident Accidente Many accidents take place at home.
Auto/ Automóvil There is an auto repair shop round the corner.
Bicycle/ Bike Bicicleta Bicycles could be an option to reduce pollution.
Curve Curva A smile is a curve that sets things straight.
Dent Abolladura It was not a serious accident. My car only got a little
Fine Multa A synonym for fineis mulct.
Insurance Seguro I don't have a good life insurance.
Law Ley Law is based on common knowledge.
Place Sitio There are places I'll remember all my life.

(The Beatles)
Pole Poste A car crashed against that pole.
Police Policía The police of the city are worried about the increase in
Policeman Oficial de policía There was one policeman present at the moment of the
Rider Ciclista, motociclista The rider ran a red light, so he was given a ticket.
Seat belt Cinturón de seguridad The seatbelt saved the driver's life.
Stop Alto The driver didn't see the stop sign, so he didn't stop.
Ticket Infracción A traffic ticket is a form of a fine.
Book 9 Lesson 3

Borrow Pedir prestado Juan never borrows money from friends.

Care about Preocuparse I really careaboutmy work.
Care for Cuidar My wife cares for our garden.
Enjoy Gozar Do you enjoy telling stories?
Fix Arreglar A mechanic fixes cars.
Guess Suponer I'm not sure, but I guess breakfast begins at
Go out Salir When a man and a woman goout nowadays,
they share expenses.
Hurt (someone's Herir (los sentimientos de I don't like to hurt others' feelings.
feelings) alguien)
Lend Prestar Do not lend ear to rumors.
Lie Mentir When you lie in front of your children, you're
giving them permission to do it themselves.
Not care for No importarle a uno John doesn't care for his studies.
Park Estacionar It's usually difficult for beginning drivers to
Repair Reparar A shop that repairs cars is called a garage.
Should Debería Everybody should speak a second language.
Tell (someone) a Decir (a alguien) una mentira, un By tellingstories, a girl saved her life.
lie, a secret, a secreto, una mentira piadosa,
little white lie, a una historia, un cuento, la hora,
story, the time, la verdad
the truth
Anyone Alguien Someone's knocking. Are you waiting for
Badly Mal They cook badly in this restaurant.
Carefully Cuidadosamente When people drive carefully, the number of
accidents falls.
Carelessly Descuidadamente The driver was driving carelessly.
Correctly Correctamente I guess I answered all of the questions
Easily Fácilmente That mechanic is good. He repairs cars easily.
Excited Emocionado Paul is excited about his birthday party on
Fast Rápido Jane drives so fast I'm surprised she has no
accident records.
How Cómo How did the taxi driver drive?
Maybe Quizás, tal vez Maybe you didn't hear the news.
Safely De manera segura My son drives safely when he is supervised.
Slowly Lentamente If people speak Italian slowly, I understand
Someone Alguien Someone I don't know helped me today.
Advice Consejo A piece of advice is not always welcome.
Feelings Sentimientos Other people's feelings are always important.
Friendship Amistad Friendship between two countries is important,
besides business.
Garage Cochera I always ask my friend to let me park in his
garage when visiting him.
Opinion Opinión Opinions are different when people talk about
capital punishment.
Party Fiesta Parties must finish at 10:00 in my
Roommate Compañero de cuarto My roommate is always asking for advice. He
has many problems.
Secret Secreto Governments sometimes keep secrets from
their citizens.
Story Cuento Some stories are interesting, some others are
just excuses.
Tool Herramienta A good tool does not always make a good
Truth Verdad The truth is I didn't know the person who
In my opinion En mi opinión In my opinion his ideas are not original.

Book 9 Lesson 4

Apologize Disculparse Never apologize for showing feeling. (Benjamin Disraeli)

Bathe Bañarse Mothers bathe their babies very carefully.
Do the laundry Lavar la ropa You can dothelaundry at a laundromat.
Fill (up) Llenar It is advisable to fillup the car before a long trip.
Forgive/forgave Perdonar To err is human, to forgive divine.
Hang/hung Colgar Some little bears like hanging from trees.
Hope Esperar Amateurs hope, professionals work. (Garson Kanin)
Mean/meant to Tener la intención de I didn't meanto hurt her feelings.
Realize Darse cuenta Torealizethat you do not understand is a virtue. Not to
realize that you do not understand is a defect. (Lao-Tzu)
Run/ran out of Quedarse sin Can we runoutof fossil fuels?
Spill Derramar Don't drink and drive. You could hit a bump and spill
your drink.
Step on Pisar When you stepon the accelerator the speed increases.
Worry Preocuparse You do not have to worry about it.
Take a bath Tomar un baño I can't do anything before taking a bath.
Almost Casi Watch out! You almost hit that car.
Empty Vacío Henry stopped at the gas station because his car tank
was empty.
Full Lleno The theater was completely full.
Hard Duro I didn't rest because the hotel bed was very hard.
Pleased Satisfecho I was completely pleased with the service there.
Ready Listo I'm always ready for a walk in the country.
Really En verdad Action movies really bore me.
Restroom Baño Restrooms in restaurants are located in strategic places.
Men's room Baño de hombres The men'sroomis at the bottom of the hall.
So Tan I'm so tired I'll faint any moment.
Soft Blando/suave A bed should not be too soft.
Sorry Apenado I'm sorry I told you a little lie.
Worried (about) Preocupado por What are you worried about?
Alarm clock Despertador My alarmclockdidn't go off and I was late to work.
Baggage Equipaje If you take more than the allowed baggage you have to
pay extra.
Bath Baño A nice warm bath helps a lot when you are tired.
Bathtub Bañera/tina Bathtubs are becoming less common in regular houses.
Bill Cuenta The bill was too high for the service they provide.
Blanket Cobija You won't need any blankets in this weather.
Closet Armario There is enough space in the closet.
End Final At the end of the day your satisfaction should be greater
than your tiredness.
Gas/gasoline Gasolina Gasoline can have different levels of quality.
Gas station Gasolinería The next gasstation is 60 km from here.
Gauge Indicador, medidor The gauge says the tank is almost empty.
Hanger Gancho Wooden hangers are more expensive than wire ones.
Lady Dama/ señora There's a lady looking for you on the line.
Ladies' room Baño de mujeres The ladies' room in this building is always locked.
Motel Motel The word motel derives from motor and hotel.
Pillow Almohada A good conscience is a soft pillow.
Sheet Sábana The lady changes the sheets of the bed every week.
Tank Tanque, depósito A full tank is usually enough for my week.

Book 10 Lesson 1

While Mientras I was sleeping while my mother was cooking.

Dispense Despachar This machine dispenses snacks.
When Cuándo When will you go to your hometown?
Drop Dejar caer Drop the coins in the slot one by one.
Find out Averiguar I found out something interesting about our teacher.
Get back Recuperar Tommy got back his book.
Until Hasta Sam waited for me until 2:00 p.m.
Insert Insertar Insertimages in your work.
Lift Levantar Please lift this piece of paper.
Popular Conocido My school is very popular.
Operate Operar I can´t operate that computer.
Out of Fuera de I got out of my class before the usual time yesterday.
Candy bar Dulce The children like eating candy bars.
Stick Adherir/ pegar Stick the stamp on your letter.
Exactly Exactamente That was exactly what I said.
Teach Enseñar I am teaching English classes in the afternoon.
Work Trabajar My parents work from Monday to Friday.
After Después After I finished my job, I went to bed.
Another Otro/otra I don´t like this movie. I want to see another.
Before Antes I exercise before I go to school.
Everywhere En todas partes My relatives are everywhere in Mexico.
Exact Exacto This information is exact.
Favorite Favorito My favorite sport is soccer.
Finally Finalmente Finally, I finished the course.
At last/lastly Finalmente At last, we could talk to you.

Book 10 Lesson 2

Decide (to) Decidir I decided to buy a car.

Introduce Presentar Mark introduced me to Mary.
Variety store Bazar I bought a dress in a variety store.
Let Permitir Let me treat you a soda.
Receive Recibir I received bad news.
Shake/ shook Agitar Shake the juice before you drink it.
Shop Comprar Women like to shop.
Write Escribir John didn´t write a poem.
Go shopping Ir de compras Martha went shopping yesterday.
To be afraid of Tener miedo a I am afraid of spiders.
Alone Solo My brother is alone every day.
Down Abajo Prices never go down.
Downstairs En el piso de abajo My computer is downstairs.
Everybody Todo mundo Everybody wants to be rich.
Everyone Todo mundo Everyone has problems.
Polite/ politely Cortés/cortésmente That man is very polite.
Up Arriba Put my bag up, please.
Upstairs En el piso de arriba My grandma is upstairs.
Adult Adulto My grandfather is a polite adult.
Cafeteria Cafetería I like to go to the cafeteria.
Clothing store Tienda de ropa My sister went to a clothing store.
Department Tienda departamental My mother always buys at this department store.
Escalator Escalera eléctrica My company has an escalator.
Floor (level/ My bedroom is on the second floor.
story) Piso (nivel)
Introduction Introducción This book has a good introduction.
Mall Centro comercial There is a mall near my house.
Neighbor Vecino My neighbor is very handsome.
Parking lot Estacionamiento My house has a big parking lot.
Supper Cena I will have supper out tonight.
Rule Regla, norma There are many rules in my house.
Shopping center Centro comercial I go to a shopping center every weekend.
Stairs Escaleras The Pyramids have a lot of stairs.
Have you Have you met my mother?
met...? ¿Ya conoces a...?
How do you do? ¿Cómo le va...? How do you do Mr. White?
I´d like you to Quiero que conozcas a... I'd like to meet my boss.
It`s a pleasure Es un placer conocerte It`s a pleasure to meet you, Glen.
to meet you

Let me Permíteme presentarte a... Let me introduce my brother to you.


Book 10 Lesson 3

Cover Cubrir I need to cover my car from the rain.

Hand out Repartir, distribuir Henry has to hand out the copies of the document in the
Hurry up Darse prisa Mark, hurry up. We are late.
Do a favor Hacer un favor Could you do me a favor?
In a hurry De prisa My sister is always in a hurry.
Of course Por supuesto Did you pass the exam? Of course.
In the back (of) Atrás (de) The garden is in the back of my house.
In front (of) En frente de There´s a bank in front of my office.
Inflate Inflar We had to inflate a lot of balloons for my party.
Jack Gato mecánico You have to use the jack to change the tire.
Wrench/lug Llave de tuercas In the hardware store you can find a cheap lug wrench.
Jack up Levantar (con gato) Jack the car up to remove the tire.
Keep Guardar Can you keep a secret?
Loosen Aflojar Loosen your tie. It´s too tight!
Lower Bajar Lower the bridge. We need to cross the pond.
Mind Importar I don´t mind picking you up tonight.
Pass (out) Repartir, distribuir The teacher passed out a test for the class.
Raise Levantar, alzar I would like to raise the prices.
Remove Quitar, remover Loosen the bolts before you remove the tire.
Replace Colocar otra vez She replaced the book on the shelf.
Tighten Ajustar, apretar He tightened the screws of the machine.
Wheel Rueda Jump into the wheel of fortune.
Trunk Cajuela I got caught inside the trunk of my car.
Certainly Por supuesto Can I go to the movies tonight? Certainly, you can.
Common Común These are very common mistakes.
Enough Suficiente I´ve eaten enough of that dessert.
Extra Adicional I´m in the need for extra money.
Flat Desinflada/ponchada My soccer ball is flat.
Flat tire Neumático desinflado On my way to school, I had a flat tire.
Loose Suelto, flojo, holgado I enjoy using loose shirts.
Quick Rápido My old car is quick.
Quickly Rápidamente Bring the documents I requested quickly.
Tire Llanta I need you to change the tires of the car.
Spare tire Llanta de refacción Would you be so kind to hand me over the spare tire.
Tight Apretado, ajustado This dress does not fit. It´s too tight.
Air Aire This tire is flat, so it needs some air.
Nut Tuerca Loosen the nuts before you jack up the car.
Hub cap Tapón de la rueda Someone removed the hub cap from my car.
Hub cover Tapón de la rueda Someone removed the hub cover from my car.
Key Llave In order to start a car, you will need to turn the key.
Lug Perno Loosen the lugs before you jack up the car.

Book 10 Lesson 4

Collect Coleccionar/colectar I collect stamps.

Marry Casarse con Mr. Roberts married a nice woman.
Own Propio I have my own business.
Salesperson Vendedor (a) My brother is a salesperson.
Uncle Tío My uncle John is a teacher.
Type Escribir a máquina I have to type a poem.
Work on Trabajar en I worked on a project last night.
Salesman/saleswoman Vendedor/vendedora My mother is a saleswoman.
Relatives Parientes/familiares Carlos has relatives around the country.
Famous Famoso Shakespeare was a famous playwright.
Far Lejos Peter, your house is so far!
From Desde/a partir de How far is the theater from here?
Writer Escritor / escritora I want to be a writer.
Get married Casarse My best friend will get married soon.
Work Trabajar My mother works in a hospital.
How Como How do I get downtown?
Secretary Secretaria I work as a secretary.
Married Casado Those girls are married.
Pleasant Agradable He´s a pleasant man.
Single Soltero Are you single?
Article Articulo I have to write an article for tomorrow.
Aunt Tía Fred's aunt knows how to knit very well.
Baby Bebé My baby is so naughty.
Boss Jefe, patrón, My boss is irritable.
Businessman / woman Hombre/mujer de My mother is an important businesswoman.
Cashier Cajero / cajera I was a cashier 5 years ago.
Collection Colección I have the biggest coin collection.
Company Compañía, empresa Microsoft Company is very important.
Cousin Primo/prima My cousin is 3 years older than I am.
Dentist Dentista My father is a dentist.
Driver Chofer Betty's driver is very young.
Folks Familiares cercanos Most of my folks live in the U.S.
Grandfather Abuelo My grandfather is the oldest in my family.
Grandmother Abuela My grandmother is 85 years old.
Magazine Revista "Life" magazine is very good.
Marriage Matrimonio My marriage has been an adventure.
Nephew Sobrino My nephew is studying law.
News Noticias My parents like watching news every night.
Newspaper Periódico My father reads the newspaper every morning.
Niece Sobrina My niece will be 15 years old next year.
Occupation Profesión, oficio My occupation is exciting.
Parents Padres My parents moved to Paris last year.

Book 11 Lesson 1

Ache Doler, dolor My whole body aches after I do exercise.

Annual Anual I'm going to my annual visit to the dentist.
Any longer Ya no, no más She couldn't wait for him any longer, so she went home.
Anymore Ya no, no más I don't smoke anymore. I quit smoking.
Appointment Cita I have an appointment with the doctor at six o'clock.
Back Espalda Can you scratch my back, please?
Backache Dolor de espalda I have a backache because I carried heavy things
Catch/caught (a Pescar (un resfriado) Put on your sweater, or you may catch a cold.
Checkup Examen I have to go to the dispensary for a medical checkup.
Chest Pecho I need to go to the doctor. My chest hurts.
Cold Resfriado/gripa Yesterday I was singing in the rain. Today, I have a cold.
Come/came in Entrar Teacher, can I come in, please?
Connect Conectar Do you know how to connect this computer to the internet?
Cough Toser/tos This cough medicine tastes awful.
Dot Punto The doctors could see a small dot in my x-rays, but they
don't think it's anything serious.
Earache Dolor de oído I have an earache because of the change in pressure.
Emergency Emergencia Please remember to check the emergency exit.
Examination/examExamen You have to come tomorrow morning for your medical
Fever Fiebre, calentura If you have a fever you have to take an aspirin.
Headache Dolor de cabeza, If you have a headache, you can also take an aspirin.
How about..? ¿Que tal si..? Do you need a suggestion for lunch? How about going to
that new Chinese restaurant?
Inch/inches Pulgada That gun is four inches wide.
Make/made it Lograr There is a lot of traffic, but I think I'll make it to the movies
on time.
Middle Medio/centro Las Vegas is in the middle of the desert.
Nurse Enfermero/a The nurses in this hospital are very nice.
Pain Dolor I feel a lot of pain in my arm, I think it's broken.
Parallel Paralelo Tlalpan Av. is parallel to Insurgentes Avenue.
Patient Paciente That doctor sees twenty patients a day.
Perpendicular Perpendicular The Sun rays are perpendicular to the lake's surface during
the summer.
Regular Regular I don't want a large soda, I want a regular one.
Run/ran a Tener fiebre Call your office to say you're sick, you're running a
temperature temperature.
Runny Que fluye When I have a cold, I usually have a runny nose.
See/saw Ver In my x-rays the doctors could see that I had bronchitis.
Since Desde That doctor knows me since I was a child.
Sneeze Estornudar In the US, it's polite to say "bless you" when someone
Sometimes A veces/de vez en He sometimes feels lonely.
Still Aun/todavía I still go to the university.
Then Entonces First finish your homework, and then you can go to the
Vertical Vertical The walls in this house are not completely vertical. It's more
like a pyramid!

Book 11 Lesson 2

Become less Ponerse menos Suzy became less nervous when they gave her a map to get to
nervous nervioso the party.
Confuse Confundir She confused me with her instructions to get to her house.
Fail (to) Fallar, fracasar Our soccer team lost because they failed one penalty kick.
Flash Destellar That car is flashing its lights. I suppose it has a problem.
Follow Seguir That police car is following us!
Mean Significar The word "actually" means "in reality" in English.
Pass Pasar You are not supposed to pass another car from the right side.
Pull over Orillarse I need to go to the bathroom, please pull over at the gas station.
Signal Señalar Why is that police officer signaling us to stop?
Slow down/up Aminorar, You have to slow down. This is a school area.
Speed up/Sped Acelerar/(tiempo The police stopped them because they were speeding up when
up pasado) they were driving on the highway.
Yield Ceder el paso You have to yield to people crossing the street at that corner.
In advance Por adelantado When you travel, you have to plan in advance how much money
you're going to need.
Miles per hour Millas por hora This car can go at 175 miles per hour.
Ahead (of) Adelante (de) I want to use the bathroom, but there are many people ahead of
Anybody Cualquiera Riding a bicycle is very easy. Anybody can do it!
Caution / Precaución/ The government has reacted cautiously to the increase in oil
cautiously precavidamente prices.
Get lost Perderse I always get lost in this supermarket.
Get nervous Ponerse nervioso But I never get nervous when I get lost.
No one/ nobody Nadie No one can use my computer because nobody knows my
One-way street Calle de un solo We have to drive around the block because this is a one-way
sentido street.
Relaxed Relajado/calmado I know you have problems, but you seem very relaxed.
Somebody Alguien I need somebody to help me with my computer.
Turn Dar vuelta At that corner, turn right.
Two-way street Calle de doble Yes, you can turn here. It's a two-way street.
Which Cuál Which do you prefer: vanilla or chocolate?
Who Quién Who took my pencil?
Stop sign Señal de alto In the U.S., you have to stop completely when you see a stop
Crossing Cruce There was an accident at the crossing of Reforma and Juárez.
Instructor Instructor I don't understand what the instructor is saying.
Intersection Intersección The new intersection on the Periferico and San Antonio helps to
speed up traffic.
Lane Carril That new highway has six lanes.
Mind Mente Her boss seems to have nothing in his mind.
Pedestrian Peatón It's not easy to be a pedestrian in Mexico City.
Railroad Ferrocarril I used to travel by railroad when I was a child.
Right of way Derecho de paso Ambulances have the right of way during medical emergencies.
o de vía
Way Manera/forma There is no way I'm going to that party without you.
Sidewalk Acera, banqueta The city government is repairing all the sidewalks.
Sign Señal We can't park here. There is a no-parking sign.
Speed Velocidad Ships can sail at a speed of 35 knots.
Speed limit Limite de The speed limit here is 60 kilometers per hour.
Steering wheel Volante Always keep your hands on the steering wheel.

Book 11 Lesson 3

Charge Cobrar These days they charge too much at the cinema!
Credit Crédito I'm afraid that my credit card has expired.
Exchange Cambiar, canjear I don't like this shirt. I'll exchange it for another one.
Give back Devolver Give me back my book!
Grease Engrasar, lubricar Before you fry eggs, you need to grease the frying pan properly.
Guarantee Garantizar/garantía This fridge is guaranteed for one year.
Leak Gotera/gotera There is a leak in my shower.
Oil Aceite She always cooks with olive oil.
Refund Reembolsar/ If the concert is cancelled, you'll get a refund on your tickets.

Satisfy Satisfacer We always try to satisfy or customers.
Stall Detenerse Her car stalled in front of her house because it had an electrical
Tune up Afinar/Afinación I just tuned up my car last week.
Warm up Calentar You need to warm up first before you exercise.
Dissatisfied Insatisfecho, No business likes to have dissatisfied customers.
Greasy Grasoso Why do you like to eat greasy food?
Leaky Con goteras My roof is leaky. Water comes into the house when it's raining.
Noisy Ruidoso This washing machine is very noisy.
Oily Aceitoso, grasoso These shoes are made with oily leather.
Satisfied Satisfecho The teacher seems to be satisfied with our homework.
Too Demasiado This test was too easy.
Unhappy Infeliz Does her job make her feel unhappy?
Brake Freno Her new car has ABS brakes.
Bug Bicho, insecto There are a lot of bugs in Villahermosa.
Engine Motor That ship has the biggest engine I have ever seen.
Fly Mosca There is a fly in my soup!
Hose Manguera My garden hose is broken; I have to buy a new one.
Motor Motor (eléctrico) I think the motor in your washing machine is broken.
Noise Ruido She's very sensitive to noise when she has a headache.
Part Pieza I can't find the parts I need to fix my T.V.
Sales slip Talón de venta If you want a refund, you need to bring your sales slip.
Satisfaction Satisfacción There is no satisfaction in playing this game with somebody who
doesn't know how to play.
Service Servicio (de If you have a problem with your computer, our service is for free.
To be on sale Tener descuento These pants areon sale, but they're very ugly.

Book 11 Lesson 4

In fact De hecho I don't like this movie. In fact, I hate it.

Entertain/ Entretener/ It wasn't a good movie, but it was entertaining.
Entertaining entretenido
Feel/Felt Sentir/(pasado) I don't know why, but I feel good today.
Frighten/ Asustar/ Horror movies don't really frighten me.
Frightening Espantoso
Intend (to) Tener intención He intends to travel to China next year.
Laugh (at) Reírse de I know her hair looks horrible, but don't laugh at her.
Love Amor, amar I definitely love Italian food.
Plan (to) Planear I plan to visit my brother in Merida next month.
Recommend Recomendar That movie is very long, so I recommend that you go to the
bathroom first.
Serve Servir They serve good food at this restaurant.
Spend Gastar I always spend a lot of money when I go to the movies.
Boring Aburrido Your brother is not a bad person, but he's very boring!
Busy Ocupado She can't go with us right now, she's busy.
Dull Tonto/ sin filo I think that movie was a little dull.
Frequently Frecuentemente She frequently falls asleep in front of the T.V.
Funny Divertido I don't think "Clavillazo" was very funny.
Great Estupendo, This isn't a good movie. This is a GREAT movie.
Impolite/ Descortés/ It's impolite to eat with your mouth open.
Impolitely Descortésmente
Loud / loudly Fuerte de The problem with her is that she laughs very loudly.
Prompt/ Pronto/ con She finished her work promptly after her boyfriend called her.
Promptly prontitud
Reasonable/ Razonable/ She speaks English reasonably well.
Reasonably razonablemente
Rude/ Rudely Grosero/ The problem with him is that he always speaks rudely to the
groseramente waitresses at the restaurant.
Sharp Afilado Be careful! That knife is very sharp.
Since Desde, en vista Since you have arrived, why don't you help me in the kitchen?
de que
Terrible/terribly Terrible/ We watched a terrible movie last night.
Wonderful Maravilloso, This is a wonderful book.
Cards Baraja We should play cards to pass the time.
Channel Canal I can watch 500 channels with this antenna.
Commercial Comercial I don't like watching commercial movies.
Dish Plato, platillo Can you help me to wash the dishes?
Entertainment Entretenimiento What do you prefer: art or entertainment?
Program Programa That school has a very good art program.
Variety Variedad They have a wide variety of movies in my video club.

Book 12 Lesson 1

Climate Clima The climate in the world is changing drastically.

Heat Calor The intense heatis killing the cattle.
Humidity Humedad Humidity is very high at sea level.
Humid Húmedo This shirt isn’t completely dry. It’s still a little humid.
Sea Mar Fish live in the sea.
Beach Playa Cancun has beautiful beaches.
Wind Viento In a hurricane, the wind is very hard.
Breeze Brisa When at the beach, you can feel the breezein your face.
Dangerous Peligroso Swimming in the sea can be very dangerous.
Deep Profundo/Hondo The Pacific Ocean is very deep.
Calm Calmado We can swim in the sea today. The water is very calm.
Unpleasant Desagradable The effects of this medicine are unpleasant.
To be over Terminar What time isyour class over? My class is overat 8:20.
Blow Soplar The boat is moving because the wind is blowing hard.
Blew Pasado The wind blew so hard that the tree fell down.
Blown Pasado Participio The wind has blownvery much this year.
Expect Esperar I can’t leave the office now; I’m expecting an important call.
During Durante We like to go camping during the spring.
Clear Claro Is it clear to you that I am the boss?
Freezing Congelante I don’t like freezing temperatures, I’m used to hot weather.
Slippery Resbaladizo Be careful, the floor is wet and slippery.
Last Durar The meeting is going to lasta couple of hours.
Remain Permanecer It isn’t permitted to remain in this room after 8 o’clock.
Quiet Callado This place is so quiet that we can hear the birds singing.
Except Excepto The movie was very good, except for the music.
Thoughts Pensamientos Mary is sitting in the corner, lost in her thoughts.
Frightened Asustado The dog can’t move. It is totally frightened.
Occasionally Ocasionalmente It occasionally rains in the desert.
Clear up Aclarar The day is clearing up. The clouds are going away.
None Ninguno None of those weapons is really effective.
Belong to Pertenecer Those aren’t my books. They belong to the teacher.

Book 12 Lesson 2

Diploma Diploma The school will give us a diploma at the end of the course.
College Universidad When you finish high school, what collage will you go to?
Offer Ofrecer This bank offersa wide variety of possibilities to invest your money.
Degree Titulo She has a degree in economics.
Field Campo Hector is an expert in the fieldof Politics.
Medical Medica If you want to become a doctor, you must go to medical school.
Career Carrera When I graduated from the university, I began my career as a lawyer.
Choice alternativa You have no choice; you have to pay for the glass you broke.
Retire Retirarse My father retiredfrom work when he was 65 years old.
Make up Decidir What car will you buy? I don´t know. I can´t make up my mind yet.
one´s mind
Profession Profesión What´s his profession? He´s a doctor.
Professional Profesional He is a professionalin the field of politics.
Talk over Discutir That´s a hard problem, we need to talk it over, and find a solution.
High School Preparatoria My sister goes to high school in the next town.
Think over Pensar bien Are you sure you want to live here? You should think it over.
Change Cambiar de I have changed my mind; I don´t want to get married.
one´s mind opinión
Accept Aceptar I can´t accept this terrible situation.
Refuse Reusar The prisoner refused to answer the questions.
Turn down Rechazar Sandra turned down the job because the salary was very low.
Just Solamente This company just accepts people with a Masters Degree.
Offer oferta You should accept that job, it´s a good offer.
Discuss Discutir Before we make a decision, we have to discuss the situation.
Refusal Negativa I don´t understand your refusal, this course will help you a lot.
Discussion Discussion They´re having a discussion about where to spend their vacation.
Instead of En lugar de Instead of going to the university, he decided to look for a job.
Educate Educar Teachers educate our children.
Educator Educador Sandra has been an educator in this school for years.
Education Educación I want my daughter to have the best education possible.
Course Curso How many courses have you taken at CESNAV?
Already Ya Do you already know Martha? Yes, I met her last week.

Book 12 Lesson 3

Suburbs Suburbios Sam doesn’t live in the city. He lives in the suburbs.
Two-story Casa de dos A two-story house isn’t very convenient for my grandmother.
house pisos
Fireplace Chimenea If you are cold, we can make a fire in the fireplace.
Fire Fuego Animals are usually afraid of fire.
Perhaps Tal vez Some say that perhapsAmerica was discovered by the Vikings.
Oven Horno Is the food still in the oven?
Near Cerca I live near my job.
Heat Calentar Let me heat my food. I don’t like it cold.
Boil Hervir Water boils at 100°C.
Builder Constructor Egyptians were great builders.
Wood Madera/leña We need to collect some wood to make a fire.
Shed Cobertizo I put your bicycle in the shed to protect it from the rain.
Stereo Estéreo Do you like the sound of my new stereo?
Play Tocar Does that group play all kinds of music, or only ballads?
Record Disco The Beatles made their first record in 1963.
Dining Comedor Tell everybody to go to the dining room. The food is ready.
Microwave Micro onda You can heat an object using microwaves.
Patio Patio Would you like to eat outdoors? Yes, let’s eat in the patio.
Burn Quemar Dry wood burns easily.
Tiring Cansado The trip from Spain was very tiring.
Trouble Problema If you don’t return the book today, you’ll be in trouble.
Take place Tomar lugar The Battle for Midway took place in 1942.
Solve Solucionar I can’t solve this problem. It’s very complex.
Solution Solución It’s not always easy to find the solution to a problem.
Get together Reunirse Let’s get together and have some fun.
Get- Reunión We are having a get-together tonight, join us.
Meeting Reunión We can’t see the director now. He is in a meeting.
Build Construir How long ago did you build your house?
Room Espacio There’s no room for my books on the shelf.
Idea Idea Going to the mountains last week was a great idea.
Enlarge Agrandar We need to enlargethe map to see the streets in detail.
Add on Agregar I think I need to add on another room to the house for the new

Book 12 Lesson 4

Pistol Pistola Do you know how to use a pistol?

Gun Arma de fuego The thieves were carrying big guns.
Weapon Arma The army has all kind of weapons, knives, guns, bombs, etc.
Hunt Cazar Have you ever hunted a lion?
Deer Venado Bamby was a deer.
Duck Pato Have you ever eaten duck a l´orange?
Shot Past tense of The hunter shot at the tiger, but he missed.
Out-of- Al aire libre If the weather is good, let´s eat out of doors.
country Campo My parents came to the city from the country.
Shoot at Disparar a Let´s practice by shooting at those empty cans.
Indoors Adentro Let´s go indoors, it looks like rain.
Outdoors Afuera Don´t play with the dog inside the house, go outdoors.
In the open Al aire libre The party is going to be in the open.
The whole Completo We need to see the whole project, not only a part of it.
Plenty of Mucho This report has plenty of errors.
Catch Atrapar I went fishing last week, but I didn´t catch any fish.
Fishing Caña de pescar Fishing rodes are very old tools, but still very effective.
All over Por todas The accident was terrible, there was blood all over.
Rifle Rifle With a rifle, you can hit the target more accurately.
Practice Practicar If you want to speak fluently, practice your English orally.
several Varios Several people were arrested during the riots.
Own Propio Does Sandra have her own house or does she pay a rent?
Twice Dos veces Mexico was invaded by the United States twice.
Once Una vez The patient needs to take this pill once a day
Go hunting Ir de caceria We went hunting in Africa on our last vacation

Book 13 Lesson 1

Beat / beat / beaten Derrotar We have beaten that team before.

Believe Creer She believes it is wrong.
Coach Dirigir, entrenar The coach is angry!
Doubt Duda, dudar I doubt it.
Imagine Imaginar Could you imagine that?
Join Unir Why don't you join us?
Kick Patear I'll kick the ball.
Lose / lost / lost Perder We lost the game.
Match Cerillo, juego Do you have a match?
Match Combinar This tie doesn't match your suit.
Kick a goal Anotar un gol He kicked a goal.
Race Carrera That horse will win the race.
Score Marcador/ anotar What's the score?
Tie (up) Atar/ amarrar Tie it up.
Tie Corbata/ empate Mi tie is dirty!
Suppose Suponer, imaginarse, I suppose she's angry.
Win / won / won Ganar I won the contest.
Certain Seguro, cierto She was certain of the answer.
Certainly Desde luego, claro que Certainly yes!

Team Equipo What's your favorite team?
String Cordón, cuerda Do you have a string?
Stadium Estadio I went to the Tigers! Stadium.
Shoelace Agujeta I bought new shoelaces for my tennis
Quite Realmente I'm not quite sure she is here.
I think so Eso creo/ creo que sí A-It'll rain today. B- I think so.
I believe so Eso creo/ creo que sí A-John can win. B- I believe so.
I suppose so Eso supongo/ supongo A-Is the test hard? B-I suppose so.
que sí
( I imagine so ) Eso imagino/ imagino A-Is Peter rich? B-I imagine so.
que sí
Surely Por supuesto Surely you can come to my house.
Towards Hacia/ con dirección a I always show my gratitude towards

those who helped me.

Uncertain Indeciso, dudoso I'm uncertain about her home address.
For sure Con toda seguridad She will be fine for sure.
Rope Cuerda The rope is too long.
Field Campo (plantío) The team is already on the field.
Reporter Reportero The reporter was interviewing the
Goal Gol How many goals did you score?
Practice Practicar Do you practice a sport?
Knot Nudo The ship is going 20 knots fast.
Meaning Significado What's the meaning of this word?
Player Jugador I'm the new player of the team.
Point Punto What is your point?

Book 13 Lesson 2

Allow Permitir Pets are not allowed.

Appreciate Apreciar I really appreciate your help.
Be made (up) of Estar hecho de My ring is made of gold.
Silver Plata I got a new silver ring.
Do / did / done Volver hacer I made a mistake and I did it over again.
Owe Deber (de deuda) I owe you one!
Pay / paid / paid Pagar I have to pay the mortgage back.
Put / put / put Apagar Fortunately, we put out the fire on time.
Throw / threw / Desechar, tirar I threw away all his letters.
thrown away
Throw / threw / Desechar/ tirar She doesn't want to throw out those documents.
thrown out
Wake / woke / Despertar I wake up at 7 am every morning.
woken up
Do you mind Te importa Do you mind if I close the door?
if......? si............?
Away Alejado My school is far away from here.
To be fond of Afecto a I'm fond of extreme sports.
Into Dentro Look into my eyes.
Man-made Artificial Nylon is a man-made material.
Natural Natural Cotton is a natural material.
Pass Pasar I pass by your house every single day.
Ashtray Cenicero Could you clean the ashtray for me, please?
Wool Lana Wool is a warm and soft fabric.
Bracelet Pulsera, brazalete Have you seen my gold bracelet?
Chain Cadena, encadenar I couldn't find the dog's chain.
Stone Piedra Diamonds are expensive stones.
Diamond Diamante Pink diamonds are rare and expensive.
Earrings Aretes My baby girl didn't get her first earrings until she was 6
months old.
Glass Vidrio Murano glass is just beautiful.
Gold Oro Spanish were looking for gold in Mexico.
Iron Hierro, fierro Iron is used to build bridges.
Jewelry Joyas Ms. Jones sells jewelry during her free time.
Leather Cuero, piel I want to buy a leather jacket.
Leave Salir Could you leave the room, please?
Material Material What material is this made of?
Metal Metal What is your favorite metal?
Necklace Collar I love that necklace, but it's too expensive.
Nylon Nylon Nylon is a synthetic fabric.
Plastic Plástico Do you want a paper or a plastic bag?
Polyester Poliéster Polyester is strong and weather resistant.
Ring Anillo, sortija, I have lost my weeding ring.
Rock Roca This bread is as hard as a rock.
Rubber Caucho Little David loves his rubber ducky.
Silk Seda Silk is soft.

Book 13 Lesson 3

Amount to Da la cantidad de My debts amount to 1 million dollars.

Amount Cantidad, cifra, That amount of money is unbelievable.
Bargain Ganga That car was a real bargain.
Decrease Disminuir, reducir, Your ability to play the piano has decreased
because you don't practice.
Discount Descuento Those pants have a special discount.
Fit / fit / fit Ajustar/quedar This suit doesn't fit me.
Increase Aumento, incremento Do you think I can increase my vocabulary if I
read more?
Reduce Reducir, rebajar They reduced the cost of gasoline.
Sew Coser, zurcir She doesn't know how to sew.
Try on Probarse (ropa) If you like that dress you can try it on.
Waist Cintura I don't wear waist pants anymore. It's so old
For sale A la venta My car is for sale.
On sale Estar de descuento Summer clothes are on sale in winter.
For free Gratis I'll give a massage for free.
Irregular Con defecto Irregular clothes are usually cheaper.
Less Menos Here with us, you get more for less!
Medium Mediana I bought a medium-size blouse, but it's too
small for me.
Cloth Tela How much cloth do I need for my curtains?
Clothes Ropa How much money do you spend on clothes
Percent Tanto por ciento ( % Only one percent of the population is left-
) handed.
Sales Ventas Our sales have increased in the last third of the
Tax Impuesto Taxes help keep the city beautiful.
Size Talla What's your size?
Fabric Tela For winter, my favorite fabric is wool.
Foot Pie (medida) I hurt my left foot playing soccer.
Feet Pies (medida) Three feet equals to one yard.
Hip Cadera I like the song "My hips don't lie" by Shakira.
Inch, inches, Pulgada, pulgadas I need a ten-inch wide ribbon.
Item Artículo We are introducing a new item to the market.
Jeans Pantalones de Cowboys wear jeans to work.
Pair Par I need a new pair of shoes.
Percentage Porcentaje He wanted his percentage in cash.
Receipt Recibo Did you get a receipt for that?
Dressing room Probador I met him in the dressing room.

Book 13 Lesson 4

Diet Dieta I'm on a diet again!

Gain Ganar Did you gain some weight?
Jump Saltar My son jumps all day long.
Measure Medir Do you have a measuring cup?
Weigh Pesar He weighs all the merchandise.
A few Unos pocos I saw her a few days ago.
A little Un poco I speak a little bit of Italian.
A lot Mucho The dog eats a lot of food.
By Por I travel by bus.
Fat Gordo He isn't fat. He's obese!
Many Muchos, muchas, Many kids like to watch Barney on TV.
Much Mucho How much money did you spend?
Thick Grueso The ham slices were too thick.
Thin Delgado My husband used to be very thin when he
was younger.
Age Edad Her age is a secret.
Centimeter (cm) Centímetros This line measures ten centimeters.
Depth Profundidad The depth of the swimming pool is 2 meters.
Distance Distancia I saw you from the distance
Width Anchura Width is the extension of something side to
Weight Peso Weight watchers is a weight loosing program.
Strength Fuerza, fortaleza The hurricane hit Florida with all its strength.
Height Altura Its height is 7 meters.
Kilometer (km) Kilómetro One kilometer equals to one thousand
Length Longitud What's its length?
Meter (m) Metro How many meters of cloth do I need to make
a skirt?
Yard (yd) Yarda There are 90 cm in a yard.
Mile (mi) Milla The speed limit is 50 miles per hour.
Millimeter (mm) Milímetro There are ten millimeters in a centimeter.
Scale Báscula I really hate the scale. I don't want to see
how much weight I have gained in this month.

Book 14 Lesson 1

Assign Asignar The teacher didn't assign any homework for today.
be up for Estar en promocion Major Lee is very happy because he's up for promotion
promotion this year.
Enlist Enlistarse When did you enlist in the armed forces?
Promote Promover The Secretary promoted only 3 captains to Admirals
Serve Servir I'm very proud of serving my country.
Be stationed Estar de base Cap. Smith was stationed in Iraq for ten months.
Dury station Unidad de Cemenav has been my duty station for two years.
Train Entrenar We need to train hard if we want to win
Training Entrenamiento Daily training is the key to success.
Basic Basico Basic training can be hard for new recruits.
Enlisted Enlistado All enlisted personnel is getting uniforms.
Follow-on Seguimiento I'm going to Tuxpan for my follow-on training.
To be retired Estar retirado My father no longer works. He's retired now.
To be Estar asignado My brother was assigned to the Special Forces.
Armed forces Fuerzas armadas The armed forces play an important role in the political
life of this country.
Assignment Comision This new assignment is giving me a very hard time.
Bars Barras A lieutenant Commander has three bars.
Chance Oportunidad Which are the real chances we have to win the war?
To be Ser promovido I have great chances to be promoted this year.
Duties Deberes One of your duties is to supervise the recruits.
Advanced Avanzado This translation has very advanced vocabulary.
Marine Corps Infanteria de The Marine Corps performs landings.
Service Servicio I've been in the active service for more than 15 years.
Opportunity Oportunidad This is a great opportunity to practice your English.
Personnel Personal This medical plan covers all military personnel.
Promotion Promocion The promotion process has many deficiencies.
Recruit Recluta Recruits must do military training daily.
Retirement Retiro After 25 years of service, Paul is enjoying his retirement.
Book 14 Lesson 2

Be born Nacer I was born in 1982.

Bloom Flor Look at that beautiful bloom.
Blossom Florecer / flor The cherry tree is beginning to blossom.
Destroy Destruir Most of the old part of the city was destroyed by bombs
during the war.
Graze Pastar The cows were grazing.
Harvest Cosecha We had a good harvest this year.
Harvest Cosechar They were harvesting when it started raining.
Light / lit / lit Encender Fireworks litup the sky.
Locate Localizar The police are still trying to locate the suspect.
Location Localización A map showing the locationof the property will be sent
to you.
Make / Hacer Mike made a chocolate cake.
made /
Reflect Mostrar The statistics reflect a change in people's spending
Take / took / Cuidar de Meredith will take care of the children.
taken care
Raise Criar Her parents died when she was a baby and she was
raised by her grandparents.
A green Buena mano para la My grandmother has a green thumb. Anything she
thumb siembra plants grows.
In ( full ) Totalmente floridos Look at the roses they are in full bloom.
A little Un poco They have very little money.
A lot Bastante There were a lot of people there.
Around Alrededor She lives around here.
Because of A causa de The train was delayed because of bad weather.
Extremely Extremadamente They played extremely well.
Much Mucho I don't earn much money.
Probably Probablemente I'll probably be home by midnight.
Rather Bastante It's rather hot in California in this time of the year.
Thick Tupido She picked up a thick volume and began to read out
When Cuándo She was only twenty when she had her first baby.
Where Dónde Where does he live?
Barn Granero Some animals sleep in the barn.
Bridge Puente We drove across the bridge.
Cabin Barraca You'll find him sleeping in the cabin.
Calf / calves Ternera The poor calf missed its mother. It cried all night.
Cattle Ganado The cattle were running all over the farm.
Cow Vaca The cow produces milk everyday.
Crop Cultivo The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice.
Wheat Trigo I love wheat bread. It's really nutritious!
Destruction Destrucción Many people are very concerned about the
destructionof the rainforests
Dirt Suciedad His coat was covered with dirt.
Farm Granja Her father owns three farms.
Farmer Granjero He has been a farmer all his life.
Forest Bosque The children got lost in the forest.
Horse Caballo That is a really beautiful white horse.
Picnic Día de campo If the weather's nice, we could have a picnic in the
Plant Plantar We planted trees and bushes in our new garden.
Plant Planta She loves big plants.
Ranch Rancho He went to work on a ranch.
Rancher Ranchero She grew surrounded by ranchers. That's why she
behaves in that way.
Reflection Reflexión After thirty years as a judge, her reflectionsabout justice
were well worth listening to.
Sheep / Oveja, ovejas The farmer has several large groups of long-haired
sheep sheep.
Silo Silo Everybody was hiding in the silo.
Raspberry Frambuesa I want raspberries and ice cream for dessert.
Valley Valle There was snow on the hill tops but not in the valley.

Book 14 Lesson 3

Afford Poder comprar o hacer algo I don't know how he can afford a new car
on his salary.
Believe in Creer en He believes in himself!
Blow / blew / Apagar (de un soplo) She blew out her birthday cake candles
blown out yesterday.
Blow out Poncharse It's a good thing you weren't going any
faster when your tire blew out.
Candles Velas It's so dark. Shall I light a candle?
Come / came / Venir As I walked into the room, Tim came over
come over to greet me.
Continue Continuar Do you intend to continuewith your
Drop by Visitar (casual e inesperadamente) He said he might drop by later this
Drop over Visitar (casual e inesperadamente) I might drop over after work. Will you be
Go / went / Visitar a alguien que vive cerca o So when are you going over to Paris?
gone over viajar a otro país que tenga de por
medio el océano
Look forward Esperar con interés I'm not looking forward to Christmas this
to year.
Must Deber de / Tener que Harry's been driving all day. He must be
Sing / sang / Cantar She sang her baby to sleep every night.
Turn down Bajar el volumen (televisión, radio, Could you turn the radio down a little?
Turn up Subir el volumen (televisión, radio, Can you turn up the television a little - I
etc.) can hardly hear it.
Wrap Envolver She wrapped the present and tied it with a
All Todo The downstairs rooms were painted all in
greens and blues.
Beside Al lado de Come and sit here beside me.
Besides Además de Do you play any other sports besides
football and basketball?
Broke No tener dinero I can't afford to go on holiday this year -
I'm broke.
Comfortable Cómodo I don't feel comfortable in high heels.
Comfortably Cómodamente Are yu sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.
Uncomfortable Incómodo These shoes are really uncomfortable.
Uncomfortably Incómodamente George slept so uncomfortably, that he
looked really tired.
Underneath Debajo de The tunnel goes right underneath the city.
Birth Nacimiento He weighed three kilos at hisbirth.
Birthday Cumpleaños It's her 21st birthday.
Poor pobre He came from a poor immigrant family.
Poorly Mal, insuficiente Brad did poorly on his Math test.
Pretty Bastante The house has four bedrooms, so it's
pretty big.
Proud Orgullo He might be poor but he's also proud, and
he won't be pushed around by anyone.
Proudly Orgullosamente She smiles proudly after her personal
Rich Rico He's the third richest man in Britain.
Scared Asustado/ atemorizado Tania was really scared after the
Soft Suave My mattress and pillow are really soft.
Softly Suavemente She speaks softly, but usually gets her
own way.
Couple Un par/ pareja The couple skated spectacularly
throughout the competition.
Gift Regalo All the guests brought gifts to the party.
Microscope Microscopio They looked at the blood samples under
the microscope.
Present Obsequio They gave me theatre tickets as a
Song Canción He sang a Christmas song to us.
Volume Volumen Could you turn the volume down, please?
I'm trying to sleep.
Take turns Turnarse We take turnsto answer the phone.
From now on Desde ahora From now on, he'll be your boss!!

Book 14 Lesson 4

Attempt (to) Intentar He attemptedto escape through a window.

Board Abordar At the London airport, she boarded a plane to Australia.
Cancel Cancelar They've had to cancel tomorrow's football match because of the
bad weather.
Promise (to) Prometer If I make a promise, I like to keep it.
Put / put / Apartar The opposition parties have finally put aside their differences and
put aside formed an alliance.
Report Reporte I have to prepare the monthly report for you.
Report Reportar As head of the sales team, she reports only to the managing
Smell Olor I love thesmell of orange blossoms.
Smell Oler That cake smells good.
Taste Saborear I've tasted all the different ice cream flavors they have.
Tastes Sabores I love the tasteof garlic.
Tour Recorrido, viaje We went on a guidedtourin theUK.
By accident Por casualidad I wasn't looking for that, I found it by accident!
Accidentally Accidentalmente I accidentally knocked a glass over.
Accidental Accidental Reports suggest that 11 soldiers were killed by accidental fire
from their own side.
By chance Por casualidad Are you Hungarian, by any chance?
To go on Insistir/ intentar varias She didn't listen; she kept going on and on, until she achieved
and on veces what she wanted to.
Take a Intentarlo Come on; take a chance, you could be the winner!
As soon as Tan pronto como Tell her to come and see me as soon as she arrives.
Better Mejor que The film was better than I expected.
Best El mejor This is the best meal I've ever had.
Worse Peor que The conditions they're living in are worsethan we thought.
Worst Lo peor That was theworst meal I've ever eaten.
By Por We were amazed by what she told us.
Foreign Extranjero Spain was the first foreign country she had visited.
Just as Justo como He is just as I've imagined!!
Lucky Afortunado The lucky winner will be able to choose from three different
Off Dejar de funcionar Make sure the computers are all off before you go home.
On Funcionando Is the radio on? I can't hear anything.
Rough Éspero It was a rough mountain road, full of stones and huge holes.
Smooth Suave This cream will help to keep your skinsmooth.
Smoothly Suavemente If all goessmoothly, we should arrive by nine o'clock.
Chance Oportunidad I didn't have a chance to speak to her.
Fare Tarifa Train fares are going up again.
Luck Suerte He seems to have had a lot of badluck in his life.
Group Grupo I'm meeting a groupof friends for dinner tonight.
Lottery Lotería Did you buy your lottery ticket? I bought four. I feel lucky today!!
Passenger Pasajero The passengers are all in. We can leave now.
Refreshment Refrigerio Lightrefreshments will be available at the back of the hall.
Tourist Turista Millions of tourists visit Rome every year.
Book 15 Lesson 1

Attend Asistir She attendedthe meeting yesterday.

Complain Quejarse The students were complainingafter the test.
Crawl arrastrarse The trainees crawled in the field.
Drill Practicar Cadets drill every day.
Enter entrar I entered the military in 1996.
Fall in Incorporarse a When the whistle sounds, everybody falls in right
la Fila away.
Guard Cuidar, estar The policeman guards the area where the thief is
de guardia kept in the hospital.
Instruct Instruir We were instructed to run everyday.
Iron Planchar My mother irons my clothes.
Join Unirse We joined the group last week.
At attention Firmes The Captain told us to be at attention.
This is killing me Me esta I'm tired. My feet arekillingme!
March Marchar We have to march on September 16th.
Mop Trapear Susan must mop the dining hall.
Polish Pulir Soldiers polish their boots everyday.
Scrub Tallar My shirt is dirty. I'll scrub it with a brush!
Sweat/Sweat/Sweat Sudar After 3 miles anyone sweats a lot.
Sweep/Swept/Swept Barrer The recruit swept the barracks.
Yell Gritar The Instructor is always yelling at me.
Everything Todo, toda I must think everything I say.
Physical Examen The children are going to have a physical next
Médico month.
Tough Duro, difícil Mark thinks the test was tough.
Area Área This area is for parking.
Battle Dress Uniform (BDU) Uniforme de We have to wear our BDUs tomorrow.
Briefing Plática The Commander will give a briefing on the
introductoria situation.
Broom Escoba If you want to sweep, you need a broom.
Cadet Cadete The General remembers when he was a cadet.
Dorm Dormitorio I don't know where my dorm is.
Drill Ejercicio, The firefighters carried out a drill last week.
Drill instructor Instructor I have a tough drill instructor.
Firing range Alcance de What's the firing range for a 9 mms gun?
Guard Guardia The guard at the door wouldn't let me in!
Instruction Instrucción We have military instruction at 6 a.m.
Iron Hierro Have you seen the movie "The Iron Mask Man"?
Mop Trapeador After sweeping you need a mop and some water.
Physical training (PT) Entrenamiento I hate physical training on Mondays.
Polish Pulir The soldiers polish their boots every day.
Sweat Sudor Mel sweats a lot when he plays soccer.
Trainee Aprendiz Anakin Skywalker was Ben Kenobi's trainee.
Training instructor (TI) Instructor de The Sergeant is the training instructor.
Book 15 Lesson 2

Afterwards Posteriormente I will see you afterwards.

Anniversary Aniversario Today is may wedding anniversary.
Anywhere En cualquier lugar Osama could be anywhere!
As Cuando I saw whales as I swam across the gulf.
Barbecue Parrillada There will be a barbecue on Saturday.
Be afraid of Tener miedo de John is afraid of dark places.
Beer Cerveza Sue doesn't drink beer; only wine.
Before Antes Be here before 7:00 tomorrow!
Catsup Catsup Tom does like catsup with tacos.
Celebrate Celebrar We will celebrate Independence day.
Celebration Celebración On Christmas, there was a nice celebration.
Ceremony Ceremonia The soldiers will have a ceremony on Monday.
Cheese Queso Mice like to eat cheese.
Chocolate Chocolate Aztecs invented chocolate.
Club Club I try to swim at the club daily.
Company Compañía, visitas We are not alone! We have company!
Drink Beber The sergeant drinks a lot.
Drop in Visitar Betty will drop in by my house today.
Fresh Fresco The cake was very fresh.
Guest Invitado Come in! Sit down! Be my guest!
Have got Tener I have got to study for the test.
Have somebody over Invitar a alguien Sue will have her brother over next week.
Help yourself Sírvase lo que There are beers, sodas, wines. Please help yourself.
Hold/Held/Held Llevar a cabo The meeting will be held at 700 today.
Inside Adentro The dog is inside the house.
Invitation Invitación We have an invitation for the party.
Ketchup Catsup I hate hamburgerswith ketchup.
Luncheon Comida formal Betty had a luncheon yesterday.
Mayonnaise Mayonesa She never eats mayonnaise.
Miss Extrañar I miss my wife when I travel.
Mustard Mostaza It's better to eat nachos with mustard.
Nowhere En ninguna parte I went nowhere last night!
Outside Afuera Pets are supposed to be outside.
Pickles Pepinillos Burger King serves delicious pickles.
Potato salad Ensalada de papa I rather have potato salad than potato chips.
Reception Recepción There will be a reception at the American Embassy.
Roll Panecillo I want a roll and a coffee, please.
Sauce Salsa Habanero Sauce is really spicy.
Slice Rebanada My sister just wants a slice of cake.
Somewhere En algún lugar Paparazzis know Kidman lives somewhere in Australia.
Stale Añejo/ rancio This is stale bread. It's too old.
Steak Carne I want to have a steak at the barbecue on Saturday.
Strawberry Fresa My favorite dessert is strawberry with cream.
To give someone a Excusar Susie is the Captains favorite. He always gives her a rain
rain check check.
Wedding Boda There will be a wedding at the church.
Wine Vino What do you prefer wine or beer?
Book 15 Lesson 3

Africa África Humans appeared in Africa.

Alive Vivo/ en vida The U.S. wants Osama Bin Laden aliveor death.
Antarctica Antártica Penguins live in the Antarctica.
Applications Formas, solicitudes If you want to apply for a visa, you must fill many
Apply for Solicitar Only then, you can apply for a visa.
Around Alrededor Mr. Fogg went around the world in 80 days.
Asia Asia Iraq is in Asia.
Australia Australia Australia is a country & continent.
While Rato I'll see you in a while.
Certificate Certificado/ Acta Do you have your birth certificate?
Continent Continente Atlantis is the lost continent.
Dead Muerto (a) I would like to visit the Dead Sea.
Death Muerte We celebrate Death on November 2nd.
Die Morir Joe wants to die when he turns 60 years old.
Documents Documentos I keep my personal documents in a safe box.
Earn Ganar/ Obtener Peter earns $4,000 dollars monthly.
Else Más/ otro What else do you want me to do?
Europe Europa Europe is the so called "Old Continent".
History Historia Robert failed History last year.
Holiday Vocación / Día Festivo September 16th is a Mexican holiday.
Honeymoon Luna de Miel After getting married, the couple will travel to Colima for a
10 day honeymoon.
In addition to Además de In addition to visiting Colima, they will visit Vallarta.
ITO Orden de Invitación de Sue is very happy because she received her ITO today.
Viaje (OIV)
Leave / left / left Dejar I will never leave the navy.
Life /lives Vida / vidas Frida Kalho didn't like her life.
Museum Museo I read about it at her Museum.
North America Estados Unidos, So far away from God, yet, so close to North America.
Notice Darse Cuenta/ Notar My boss noticed the teachers were arriving late to class.
Order Orden Be here at 7:00 am. That's an order!
Overseas El extranjero Luis has never been sent overseas.
Photo Foto My hobby is to take photos.
Photograph Fotografía I have a photograph with Madonna.
Postpone Posponer, postergar The exam will be postponed.
Reason Razón I love my country. That's the reason I work here.
Require Requerir Getting a visa requires you to have your papers in order.
Ride Viaje Sue needs a ride to Denver.
South America América del Sur Brazil is in South America.
The usual thing Lo normal/ lo usual Receiving reports is the usual thing for me.
To go by air Ir por aire Tom will go to England by air.
Unusual Poco común Tsunamis are unusual in Mexico.
Unusually Inusualmente Monarch butterflies unusually change their route from
Canada to Mexico.
Visa Visa If you want to visit the USA, you need a visa.
Book 15 Lesson 4

(All) by oneself Hacer todo I do the housework by myself.

uno mismo
Allergic Alérgico Peter is allergic to dust.
Allergy Alergia An allergy can kill a person.
Appear Aparecer They say ghosts appear at night.
Aspirin Aspirina I have a headache. I need an aspirin.
Bed rest Descanso en The doctor recommended bed rest.
Bleed / Bled / Bled Sangrar Sue cut herself and she was bleeding a lot.
Blood Sangre There is no such thing as Blue Blood.
Blood pressure Presión Many people suffer from blood pressure.
Calm down Calmarse Don't be aggressive calm down!
Care Cuidado A baby needs lots of care.
Clinic Clínica The doctor wants to start his own clinic.
Dizzy Mareado If you drink a lot of alcohol, you'll feel dizzy.
Drug Medicamento I have been having drugs for my migraine.
Examine Examinar The teacher will examine the students.
Flu Resfriado I think I'm getting the flu.
Get a prescription Surtir una Robert went to the pharmacy to get a prescription filled.
filled receta
Herself Ella misma She doesn't need to imitate anyone! She should be herself.
Himself El mismo ¡The man built the house by himself!
Ill Enfermo I ate something old and I feel ill.
Injure Lesionarse Cuahutémoc was injured for two months.
Injury Lesión His injury was on his left knee.
Twisted Torcido His ankle is twisted. He can't play the game.
Laboratory Laboratorio After laboratory tests, he was given drugs.
Lie down Recostarse The dog lied down and went to sleep.
Medication Medicina If you feel sick, take medication.
Mirror Espejo The queen asked the mirror who was the most beautiful woman on
Muscle Músculo Sam has big muscles.
Myself Yo mismo I myself paid the bills this month.
Operate Operar Our ships operate in the Pacific and in the Gulf.
Operation Operación "Freedom Operation" was successful.
Ourselves Nosotros We live by ourselves.
Penicillin Penicilina Mr. Flemming invented penicillin.
Pharmacy Farmacia The pharmacy in my clinic never has medicines.
Pill Píldora The pill was used as an antiseptic.
Prescribe Recetar The doctor prescribed many expensive medicines.
Prescription Receta It was very hard to understand some prescriptions.
Pulled muscle Tirón I played soccer, but I had a pulled muscle.
Pulse Pulso Every time a visit the doctor, she checks my pulse.
Quiet down Guardar Please, quiet down! I'm trying to get some sleep!
Record Registro Doctors must have a record of their patients.
Seat Asiento You should always transport your children in the back seat.
Seem Parecer/ It seems to me that President Chavez will give the USA a lot of
verse trouble.
Shot Inyección I rather take medicine than have a shot.
Sick call Cita médica I have a sick call for Friday at 11:00 a.m.
Sign in/ out Registrarse / Every time you go into a hotel, you check in.
Social Security card Tarjeta del If you don't have a social security card, you can't get a job in the
Seguro Social U.S. A.
Social Security Número de The Social Security Number is your best I.D. in the U.S.A.
number Seguro Social
Sprained Torcido The athlete got a sprained knee.
To be still Quedarse There's a spider on your shoulder. Don't move! Be still!
Sulfa Sulfadiacina Soldiers always carry sulfa in their back packs.
Swollen Inflamado I twisted my thumb while playing basketball, and now it's swollen.
Tablet Tableta If you can't swallow the whole tablet, break it into two pieces.
Themselves Ellos mismos They fixed the car by themselves.
Treat Tratar X-rays are used to treat cancer.
Treatment Tratamiento The treatment is very painful and expensive.
Wipe Limpiar I can't wipe the windshield! The wipers don't work!

Book 16 Lesson 1

Avoid Evitar One promises much, to avoid giving little.

Check out Revisar, probar When going shopping, check out the on sale
Cut down (on) Reducir The trend in many companies is to cut down costs
by downsizing man power.
Cut out Eliminar Many people are for cutting outthe tax on new
Had better Deber (Auxiliary If you want to get more fluency you had
stronger than should) betterpractice more.
Jog Correr (to do Bad students are sent to jogaround the camp for
exercise) hours.
Nap Siesta I know a restaurant that has hammocks to take a
nap after eating.
Skip Saltar Do not skip doses of your medicine for this
treatment to be effective.
Take part in Tomar parte en I exhort you also to take partin the great combat,
which is the combat of life, and greater than every
other earthly conflict.

Take up Adoptar (an idea, a In that school students are allowed to take upa
habit, etc.) position different from the ones of the authorities.
Try out Probar When traveling, I like to try out the local food.

Little by little Poco a poco The project is progressing little by little.

Active Activo Active students learn faster.

Closed Cerrado Businesses are usually closed on Sunday.

Convenient Práctico How convenient it is to have a place to eat here

Doubtful Dudoso What is going to happen in the political
environment soon is doubtful.
Even Incluso I'll visit you even if I'm in the city for just a day.
Fit En forma; ajustar (la I have to exercise to get fit because my shirts don't
ropa a alguien) fit anymore.
Gradual Gradual The increase of exercise must be gradual.

Gradually Gradualmente The violence in the demonstrations increased

Impossible Imposible It's impossible to predict the result of such a tight
Necessary Necesario It's necessary to set up more posts.

Open Abierto The new position has been open since last month.

Possible Posible It's possible to get a discount at the hotel during

the low season.
Possibly Posiblemente We can not possibly believe what he says.

Proper Adecuado It's not proper to enter a room without knocking at

the door first.
Properly Adecuadamente If you don't sleep properly you may start having
performance problems during the day.
Regularly Regularmente One needs to exercise regularly to be in shape.

Unnecessary Innecesario It's unnecessary to take diet supplements if you

eat a balanced diet.
Activity / ies Actividad (es) The more activities people have the fewer the
chances for them to get depressed.
Equipment Equipo A gym with all the equipment is desirable, but not
Energy Energía Save energy for more important issues.

Fitness Acondicionamiento Fitness is something that worries many people

físico nowadays.
Health Salud The new health program includes two check-ups a
Lap Vuelta At the beginning of the fitness program, you will
only have two laps.

Book 16 Lesson 2

Behave Comportarse We should behave to our friends as we would wish

our friends to behave to us.

Have got to Tener que Payment terms have got to be negotiated in
Honor Honrar; Honor I had the honor to have supper with the admiral.
Observe Observar (cumplir) Military people as well as civilians have got to
observe some courtesies.
Render Rendir "Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the
flag, and render the military salute".
Respect Respeto We owe respect to the living. To the dead we owe
only truth.
Take advantage of Aprovechar Some birds take advantage of the tops of poles
for resting places.
Against En contra de Legal and cultural discrimination againstwomen
remains a problem in some societies.
Compulsory Obligatorio Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm
to the body; but knowledge which is acquired
under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind.

Honorable Honorable No evil is honorable: but death is honorable;
therefore death is not evil.

Citium Zeno
Junior Menor; de menor In early September, junior members of the armed
rango services celebrated their promotion.
Loyal Leal Trust, not tricks, will keep customers loyal.
Senior Mayor; de mayor There is respect for older and more senior
rango members of a group.
Subordinate Subordinado There has been a discussion lately whether the
private interest should be subordinate to the
public interest.
Admiral Almirante The word admiral has its origin in the Arabic amir-
al which means lord or commander.
Authority Autoridad In politics, authority generally refers to the ability
to make laws, independent of the power to enforce
Behavior Comportamiento Morality cannot be legislated but behavior can be

Martin Luther King Jr.

Brigadier General General brigadier According to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
Brigadier is a rank in the British military that is
comparable to a brigadier-general in the United
States military.
Chain of command Cadena de mando Chain of command is an expression used in
business with a similar meaning to the one it's
given in the military.
Commissioned Oficial egresado A commissioned officer is given authority by a
officer sovereign power.
Courtesy Cortes a I should not respond to such rudeness, but I do it
out of courtesy.
Custom Costumbre It is the custom in the military to ask the most
senior officer present for permission to begin a
General General General is a high military rank, in most nations the
highest rank, although some nations refer to high-
ranking generals as Field Marshals.
Installation Instalaciones In 1998 foreign diplomats visited the military
installation on Kassa Island but saw no evidence
of a torture facility.
Lieutenant General � General de Lieutenant General Ohio was assigned to a new
Loyalty Lealtad Loyalty is one of the characteristics of dogs.
Major General General mayor A Major General usually commands a division or a
Privilege Privilegio What kind of privileges do we have?
Rear Admiral Contralmirante A Rear Admiral is an Admiral junior to a Vice
Upper-half Upper-half Rear Admiral in the American Navy is
equivalent to our Rear Admiral in Mexico.
Lower-half Lower-half Rear Admiral in the American Navy is
equivalent to a rank no longer existing in Mexico:
Regulation Reglamento Everybody here must comply the regulations.

Responsibility Responsabilidad Education is a state responsibility.

Right Derecho Education is one of the fundamental human rights.
Salute Saludo Salutes are primarily associated with military
Seniority Antig� edad The right to voice their opinions in class is granted
on the principle of seniority.
Sense Sentido Where sense is wanting, everything is
wanting.� � Benjamin Franklin
Vice Admiral Vicealmirante ViceAdmiral is a naval rank of three star level,
equivalent to Lieutenant General in seniority.� �
(From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia)

Book 16 Lesson 3

Act Actuar The kidneys act as filters to clean the blood.

Dislike Desagradar Customers dislike cheap imitations.
Fight Pelear Brothers usually fight against each other.
Hate Odiar Some people hate to help people.
Perform Desempeñar (un deber, Never promise more than you can perform.
un papel,)
Publilius Syrus
Prefer (to) Preferir I would prefer even to fail with honor than win
by cheating.

Quit Renunciar a If you want to quit smoking there are many
ways nowadays.
Stand Soportar Some people can't stand criticism.
Would rather Preferir Nothing is really work unless you
wouldrather be doing something else.

Sir James M. Barrie.

Antique Antig� edad I just bought a desk which is a genuine
Classical Cl� sico Something is classical when it belongs to the
past and is of first significance.
Close ( to ) Junto (a) Good music is very close to primitive

Denis Diderot
Either � Either" se refiere a una We will either find a way, or make one.
de dos cosas
Furthermore Adem� s The state is investing money in research.
Furthermore, the university is supplying
resources and personnel.
Humorous Humor� stico He gave the news in a humorous way.
Kind Amable Kind people are always welcome.
Likewise De la misma manera The captain thought it was a bad job, and the
performer thought likewise.
Modern Moderno Modern furniture should likewise be
Musical Musical Broadway is the place for musicals.
Neither Ninguna de las dos To do two things at once is to do neither.
Rather than M� s bien que Coffee makes some people sleepy
ratherthan waking them.
Scary Horroroso Scary movie is a parody of horror movies.
Serious Serio I find we are growing serious, and then we
are in great danger of being dull.

WIlliam Congreve
Actor Actor China has become a more visible actor in
world business.
Actress Actriz A movie star is not always a great actress.
Adventure Aventura To live in Mexico City is a real adventure.
Ballet Ballet Ballet is not as popular a form of
entertainment as movies.
Comedy Comedia Comedies are plays where humor plays an
important role.
Concert Concierto The class was taken to a classical music
Drama Drama Drama is one of my favorite plays.
Humor Humor Martin has a good sense of humor.
Musical Musical I� d like to go to a musical on weekend.
Musician M� sico Paul McCartney is a great musician.
Opera Opera Mom doesn� t like opera.
Orchestra Orquesta A chamber orchestra is called so because it
was planned to play in court bedrooms.
Performance Representaci� n The actors had a great performance on the
Play Obra There are different classes of plays in
theater: drama, tragedy, comedy, and
combinations of them.

Rock music M� sica rock Alex Lora is a Mexican player of rockmusic.

Row Fila The seats in theaters are arranged in rows.
Seat Asiento One place where you're sure to find the
perfect driver is in the back seat.
Stage Escenario It is common in literature to compare life to a
Symphony Sinfon� a My family and I went to a symphony last
Theater Teatro The original Greek theatre was semicircular
in form and was normally built on a hillside,
often overlooking the sea.

(From Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia)

Type Tipo What type of music is that?
Walk Caminar We walk faster when we walk alone.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Book 16 Lesson 4

Adjust Ajustar If you can't control the wind, adjust your sail.�
Assemble Ensamblar Iraq was suspected of trying to assemble
weapons of mass destruction.
Be unable to No Poder Sometimes we are unable to get rid of useless
things we store for years.
Copy Copiar Many machines just copy the mechanisms nature
Figure out Entender Some people rely on the horoscopes to try to
figure out what happens to them.
Handle Manejar Some military facilities do not handle their own
catering services.
Install Instalar The company will install a new local net.
Key in Teclear To run this program you need to key in your
Print Imprimir Technology has made it easier to print books.
Put together Armar, ensamblar Almost anybody can put together the pieces of
this puzzle.
Replace Cambiar If you want to replace a part in this machine, you
have to follow the instructions carefully.
Shut off/down Desconectar Be sure to shut down your computer before
turning off the back up.
Take apart Separar Do not try to take apart an electrical appliance if
you do not have the training.
For example Por ejemplo Let us take the current circumstances for
Lend a hand Echar una mano I was able to finish the project because my
classmates lent me a hand.
Capable Capaz The most capable people will be considered first.
Dumb Tonto I think that boy is a little dumb.
Incapable Incapaz The judges were incapable to measure the
amount of damage inflicted to the process.
Intelligent Inteligente Even the most powerful computer is not really
Smart Inteligente A smart husband buys his wife very fine china so
she won't trust him to wash it.
Ability Habilidad Ability is of little account without opportunity.

Napoleon Bonaparte
Air conditioner Acondicionador de An air conditioner is essential in some coastal
aire states.
Battery Bater� a An electric car needs several batteries to store
enough energy.
Computer Computadora Computers are thought to ease life, but they can
complicate it.
Copy Copiar; copia Nowadays it is not necessary to make hard
copies of all documents; you can save copies in
a computer.
Data Informaci� n We need a lot of data for good intelligence.
Drums Bateria Although drummers are the butt of other
musicians' jokes, it is the drums that give a band
the rhythmic force.
Experience Experiencia A pilot experience is measured in flying hours.
Glasses Anteojos Without glasses, some people are actually unable
to see.
Guitar Guitarra My friend Jonathan plays the guitar very well.
Handle Manija Always take hold of things by the smooth handle.

Thomas Jefferson
Installation Instalaci� n The company was not able to handle the
installation because of its size.
Instrument Instrumento Playing an instrument should be part of every
school curriculum.
Keyboard Teclado I� d like to play the keyboard in a rock band.
Piano Piano Susan plays the piano beautifully.
Print Tipo (fuente de Whenever signing a contract it is advisable to
impresi� n) read the small print.
Printer Impresora Printers are more sophisticated every day.

Puzzle Acertijo Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great


Lewis Carroll
Radiator Radiador A radiator can be used either to get rid of heat or
to concentrate it in a place.
Screen Monitor Modern computer monitors are very thin.
Typewriter Maquina de escribir Typewriters are becoming museum items in big
Violin Viol� n My grandpa used to play the violin.

Book 17 Lesson 1

Demand Exigir The teacher demands a lot from us.

Deny Negar John killed his wife and he denied it.
Depend on/upon Depender de I don� t have a car, so I have to depend on the bus
Rely on/upon Confiar en You can rely on me to keep your secret.
Scream Gritar The fans screamed with delight when they saw Paul
Trust Confiar You can� t always trust what the newspaper says.
Trust Confianza A good marriage is based on trust.
Attractive Atractivo Jim Morrison was very attractive.
Bald Calvo Zinedine Zidane is a bald soccer player.
Blond Rubio Brad Pitt is blond.
Clever Inteligente She is very clever at English.
Curly Rizado Amanda Miguel has curly hair.
Demanding Exigente My father� s work is physically demanding.
Dependable Fiable Most of my friends are dependable.
Dishonest Deshonesto He copied in the exam. He is a dishonest student.
Elderly Anciano He is very active for an elderly man.
Gray Gris My teacher always wears gray suits.
Appearance Apariencia She gave every appearance of being extremely rich.
Mustache Bigote Salvador Dali had a long mustache.
Beard Barba Santa Claus has a white beard.
Glasses Lentes Mary can� t see anything without her glasses.
Unselfish Desinteresado � John does everything without expecting anything in
return. He is an unselfish friend.
Personality Personalidad If you want to be an actor, you need to have a great
Generous Generoso Laura always shares her food with Tania. She is a
generous girl.
Neat Ordenado/Limpio My mother likes having the house neat.
Responsible Responsable My students are responsible. They always do their
Observation Observaci� n The patient was kept under observation all night.
Middle Mitad/ medio I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn� t
sleep after that.
Blonde Rubia Paulina Rubio is a blonde singer.
Mean Malo Cruela DeVil was a mean woman.
Character Carcter She has a very strong character.
Stingy Tacaño My brother never wants to buy me anything. He is very
Selfish Egoista Lucy doesn´t lend her colors to other girls. She is very
Brunette Morena Catherine Zeta Jones is a very beautiful brunette
Wavy Ondulado Most of the girls have wavy hair.
Handsome Guapo Christian Bale is a handsome guy.
Redhead Pelirrojo Archie was a redhead.
Friendly Amigable They were very friendly to me when I first arrived.
Unfriendly No amigable He was unfriendly towards me. He didn� t even say
� hello� .
Hardworking Trabajador Lu is a hardworking boy. He does everything with
energy and care.
Reliable Confiable I have a reliable secretary.
Honest Honesto Lawyers should be honest people.
Irresponsible Irresponsable Marco never brings his homework. He is irresponsible.
Judgment Juicio/ criterio You� ll have to use your judgment and do what seems
the best.
Messy Desordenado Teenagers have their bedrooms messy.

Book 17 Lesson 2

Advertise Anunciar � Sabritas� advertises its products on TV.

Argue Discutir The couple next door is always arguing.
Consider Considerar We are considering going to Canada.
Dye Te� ir My mother dyes her hair red every month.
Exclude Excluir The teacher excluded me from the project.
Furnish Amueblar I� m furnishing my new apartment.
Include Incluir The teacher wants to include my story in her book.
Lease Contrato de Yesterday, my husband and I signed a ten-year lease.
Paint Pintar Christian painted his house blue.
Wonder Preguntarse I wonder if my boss will come tomorrow.
Available Disponible This afternoon I� m available to do whatever you want.
Central Central We are living in central London at the moment.
Classified Clasificado If you want to find a cheap car. Read the classified
advertisement in the newspaper.
To be due Vencer (expirar) Our ten-year lease is due next year.
Fairly Bastante Lola is fairly beautiful.
Furnished Amueblado We bought a furnished apartment.
Real State Bienes Ra� ces John works in a real state office.
Perfect Perfecto The teacher told Mark that his essay was perfect.
Private Privado This is a private area. You can� t be here!
Public P� blico There are a lot of beautiful public parks.
Unfurnished Desamueblado When we arrived home, our house was unfurnished.
Some burglars had entered while we were out.
Advertisement Anuncio Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your
Appliances Electrodom� sticos In supermarkets, you can find domestic appliances such
as dishwashers, washing machines, etc.
Utilities Servicios p� blicos The president promised better public utilities.
Security Seguridad After 9/11, airport security is more rigid.
Gas Gas Gas in Mexico City is very expensive.
Electricity Electricidad When I went to Brazil, there was no electricity in the little
Water Agua You must drink three litters of water every day.
District Distrito The city of New York� s financial district is huge.
Lease Arrendar We lease all our computer equipment.
Argument Argumento You must give me a good argument in order to convince
Efficiency Depto. de una sola My uncle Marty lives in an efficiency apartment.
apartment habitaci� n
Transportation Transporte I don� t like public transportation. It� s very slow.
Central Heating Calefacci� n Every house in Canada has central heating because the
winter is very cold.
Dishwasher Lavavajillas It is common that American families have a dishwasher.
Court Cancha The club has a beautiful tennis court.
Privacy Privacidad Famous people have no privacy.
Air Aire acondicionado Chiapas is very hot. Every house should have air
Conditioning conditioning.
Dryer Secadora Do not put the sweaters in the dryer because they shrink.
Garbage Basura I can� t believe that many people throw garbage on the
Garbage Triturador de basura If we had a garbage disposal, we wouldn� t waste so
many plastic bags.
Section Secci� n This section of the newspaper is very interesting.
Want Ads Anuncios Susan always reads the want ads on Sunday.
Book 17 Lesson 3

National Nacional The Fine Arts Palace is part of our national heritage.
International Internacional The international airport is always crowded.
Gather Reunirse Let� s gather in Juan� s house.
Official Oficial He made an official visit to Canada last year.
Even though Aun cuando Even though it was raining, we went to the park.
Government Gobierno I� m worried about the Mexican government.
Participate Participar My students participate a lot in class.
Place Colocar After you� ve finished reading the book, place it in the box.
Flag Bandera We have to respect our flag. It� s a symbol of our country.
Nation Naci� n We are an independent nation.
Fly Volar An airplane is a machine which flies.
Symbol S� mbolo The eagle is the symbol of our country.
Parade Desfile Every September 16 there� s a parade in downtown.
Precede Preceder John F. Kennedy preceded Lyndon B. Johnson in government.
Discipline Disciplina Many teenagers have no discipline nowadays.
Disciplined Disciplinado All musicians and dancers are disciplined.
Heart Coraz� n The heart is the organ which pumps the blood.
Although Aunque Although it was cloudy, it didn� t rain.
Occasion Ocasi� n Today is a special occasion because it� s our first anniversary.
Associate Asociarse Tom doesn� t like associating with politics.
Indicate Indicar The red light indicates danger.
Mandatory Obligatorio The uniform is mandatory in this school.
Govern Gobernar The new president will govern Mexico from 2006 to 2012.
Set Colocar Laura set the book on the table.
Support Apoyar My father supports me in every decision I make.
Anthem Himno The Mexican anthem is sung every Monday at schools.
Retreat Retreta The drummer boy played retreat after he got the order.
Though A pesar de He failed the exam, though he studied all night long.
Debt Deuda I don� t like having debts. It� s better pay on time.
Display Desplegados � El Palacio de Hierro� always has beautiful window displays.
Book 17Lesson 4

Electric Eléctrico My brothers have an electric guitar.

Electrical Eléctrico In my work we only use electrical equipment.
Electricity Electricidad To many people, electricity is very important. Without it, they
couldn't work.
Generate Generar The sun can generate electricity.
Generator Generador The factory's emergency generators were used during the power
Produce Producir There are many factories that produce microchips.
Product Producto Our product has to be the best in the market.
Production Producción This year the production increased 10%.
Aluminum Aluminio Tin cans are made out of aluminum.
Copper Cobre There used to be many copper mines in the past.
Conduct Conducir Copper conducts electricity well.
Conductor Conducto Wood is a poor conductor.
Current Corriente The current in the circuit is too low.
Flow Flujo Current is the flow of electricity through a wire.
Circuit Circuito Many machines have an electrical circuit.
Charge Carga I don't remember when my Physics teacher explained what negative
and positive charges were.
Charge Cargar You need to charge your mobile only two hours.
Power Poder, potencia It was raining so hard that we had to switch off the power.
Through A través de Electricity runs through wires.
Wire Cable Most of the appliances need a wire.
Wiring Instalación We need to check the wiring in this building.
Go out Salir Let's go out to have a cup of coffee.
Stop running Dejar de funcionar The computer has stopped running.
Cord Cable We need to change the telephone cord.
Switch on Encender Switch on the computer. I'm going to work.
Switch off Apagar Switch off the radio. I need to concentrate.
Insulate Aislar Home owners are being encouraged to insulate their homes to save
Insulation Aislamiento Better insulation of your home will help to reduce heating bills.
Insulator Aislante We need an insulator to protect this wire.
Protect Proteger You have to protect your computer from viruses.
Shock Choque Don't touch that wire or you'll get a shock.
Electrician Electricista The lights don't work. I'll have to call the electrician.
Protection Protección Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against an electric
Powerful Poderoso My car has a powerful engine.
Short Corto This cord is too short to connect the computer.
Attach Unir, adjuntar Attach this letter to the e-mail.
Screw Tornillo We need to buy some screws to put these pieces together.
Screwdriver Destornillador Most of electricians have a screwdriver with them to work.
Solder Soldar Solder the two pieces together so they'll make one larger.
Splice Unir We need to splice the red wire with the black one to make a
Twist Torcer If you twist the wire it won't work.
Book 18Lesson 1

Adquirir Knowledge can be acquired through experience. e-click
on any
Strategy Estrategia Do you have a reading strategy or you only read? for
Appoint Designar The Secretary of the Navy was appointed by the meani
President. ng and
Sociology Sociolog� a Sociology studies how people behave in large groups. pronu
Design Dise� ar This helicopter was designed by my father.
Design Dise� o The new helicopter has an excellent design.
Establish Fundar/ Establecer CESNAV was established in 1970.
Science Ciencia Mathematics is an exact science.
Lead / led / led Dirigir Cap. Lee led his soldiers to victory.
Motivate Motivar A teacher ought to motivate his students.
Scientist Científico Albert Einstein was a scientist.
Name Nombrar Can you name the seven wonders?
Qualify Calificar The Mexican team didn� t qualify to the finals.
Quality Cualidad Going straight to the point is Pedro� s best quality.
Reach Alcanzar I can� t reach the books on the top shelf.
Reach Llegar We� ll reach Chicago by midnight.
Program Programa This school has a well-defined program.
Academic Acad� mico The regular academic year is over in June.
President Presidente A new president is elected every 6 years.
Eligible Elegible, candidato If you are under the age of 17, you� re eligible to the
Ineligible Inelegible If you are pregnant, you are ineligible to work here.
Motivated Motivado The new recruits are very motivated to work.
Primarily Primordialmente I am primarily interested in electronics.
Primary Principal What� s the primary reason you are here?
Qualified Calificado Are you sure Pedro is qualified for this kind of job?
Social sciences Ciencias sociales Social sciences are the study of people in society.
Qualifications Capacidades Sorry, you don� t meet the qualifications for the job.
Academy Academia The Mexican Naval Academy is located in Veracruz.
Active duty Servicio activo Is your father still in the active duty?
Anthropology Antropolog� a The Anthropology museum in Jalapa is really nice.
Physics F� sica Physics is the study of matter and energy.
Appointment Cita What time do you have your appointment today?
Biology Biología Biology studies life.
Candidate Candidato All candidates to the presidency must be Mexican.
Chemistry Qu� mica You can� t imagine how much I hate Chemistry.
Commission Nombramiento My new commission is a real challenge to me.
Leadership Liderazgo Book
Leadership doesn� t mean to be shouting at 18
Economics Econom� a I don� t like my economics class. It� s really boring. Lesso
Engineer Ingeniero This house was built by an excellent engineer. n2
Engineering Ingeniería Engineering requires a lot of math.
Social Social Have you improved your social life? Vocab
Graduate Graduado The new graduates will have a farewell party today. ulary

Barricade Barricada The barricades couldn� t stop the people from entering the
Barricade Barricar The street has been barricaded to control the access.
Da� o The damage caused by the storm has been tremendous.
Meteor� logo A weatherman tells you how the weather will be like.
Drizzle Llovizna The storm has already stopped, there� s only drizzle now.
Evacuate Evacuar It was hard to evacuate all the people.
Flash Corte informativo Flashes on the radio and television have helped people
understand the gravity of the situation.
Inundaci� n Floods sometimes make people climb trees.
Flooded Inundado This part of the city is totally flooded.
Pron� stico (clima) The forecast was discouraging.
Hail Granizo The hail destroyed the crops.
Hail Granizar It hailed for 25 minutes last night.
Look out for Cuidarse de The authorities� recommendation is to look out for possible
Rise / rose / The river around the city has risen dramatically.
risen Elevar
Hazard Riesgo It is great hazard trying to cross the river now.
Run into Encontrarse con I ran into an old friend in the supermarket this morning.
Set up Colocar The police set up barricades to close the street.
Sleet Aguanieve Sleet comes before snow.
Sleet (verb) Cellisquear Driving while sleeting can be dangerous.
Strike Golpear The hurricane stroke the coast in the morning.
Warn Advertir I warned you not to touch the bare cable.
Watch out for Tener cuidado con Watch out for potholes on the road.
Take Take precautions if you� re driving in the rain.
precautions Tomar precauciones
Favorable Favorable We� ll go out only if the weather conditions are favorable.
Foggy Brumoso The morning was so foggy that no plane could take off.
Hazardous Peligroso Living by a river can be hazardous during a rainy season.
Invisible Invisible This new aircraft is invisible to the radar.
Thunder Trueno Dogs are usually afraid of thunders.
Likely Probable It is likely that the rain won� t stop until tomorrow.
Severe Severo This rainy season has been very severe.
Severely Severamente The houses were severely damaged by the storm.
Unfavorable Desfavorable Airplanes shouldn� t take off under unfavorable weather
Visibility Visibilidad It� s not recommendable to drive under poor visibility
Unlikely Improbable It� s unlikely that men can step on Mars in the short run.
Visible Visible When the fog vanished, the mountains became visible again.
Condici� n The weather conditions in the coast are terrible.
Danger Peligro Electricity badly handled can represent great danger.
Evacuaci� n The evacuation must take place right away.
Warning Advertencia The warning says � be aware of dog.�
Forecast Pronosticar The weatherman has forecasted rain for tonight.
Fog Niebla It� s impossible to see the car ahead with this fog.
Moisture Humedad Moisture at sea level is very high.

Book 18

Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Agree Estar de acuerdo I totally agree with you. Count on me.

Benefit Beneficiar My cousin Frank wants to benefit from my aunt� s death.
Benefit Beneficio The Christmas bonus is a benefit that workers have.
Convince Convencer Hector can� t convince his girl to live with him.
Disagree No estar de acuerdo I disagree with you. I don� t like your idea.
Employ Emplear We have decided to employ the services of a secret
Advise Aconsegar What do you advise me to do with this problem?
Get rid of Deshacerse de Mop the floor and get rid of the garbage please.
Hire Contratar The secretary we hired last week is not very good.
Permit Permitir Nobody is permitted to be here after 10 o� clock.
Point out Indicar/se� alar I� d like to point out the importance of this agreement.
Supervise Supervisar We need to supervise the new teachers.
Chief Jefe The chief of operations must be experienced.
Chiefly Principalmente This company chiefly sells spare parts.
Concerned Preocupado We are concerned about the situation of the company.
Concern Preocupaci� n Our main concern is the safety of the personnel.
Definitely Definitivamente Richard is definitely the best element we have.
Excellent Excelente This wine has an excellent body.
Indefinite Indefinido � Used to� expresses indefinite past.
Indefinitely Indefinidamente Sandra has been suspended indefinitely.
Main Principal Pedro� s main problem is the lack of experience.
Mainly Principalmente I like to drink milk, mainly before going to bed.
Personal Personal In my personal opinion, you shouldn� t go.
Personally Personalmente I need to talk to the Chairman personally.
To be unemployed Estar desempleado My brother finished his studies 1 year ago but he� s still
Without Sin Some forms of life can exist without the presence of
Agreement Acuerdo The Free Trade Agreement was signed in 1992.
Disagreement Desacuerdo If we can� t overcome this disagreement, we won� t
To tell you the truth A decir verdad To tell you the truth, I� m dissatisfied with your job.
Employee Empleado This company has around 200 employees.
Employer Patr� n An employer is a person that hires people to work.
Employment Empleo Employment is a very important element in a country� s
Head Jefe Mr. O� Connor is head of the Language Department.
Point of view Punto de vista From my point of view, Helen hasn� t been honest with
Supervisor Supervisor A supervisor must have more experience than anybody
Unemployment Desempleo Unemployment in Mexico City is high.
On the one hand Por una parte On the one hand, you want to lose some weight.
On the other hand Por otra parte On the other hand, you don� t want to cut down on your

Book 18

Lesson 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Accuse Acusar Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself.

Blame Culpar Don� t blame me. I didn� t do anything wrong.
Blind Ciego A blind person can� t see.
Bring back Devolver I will bring your book back tomorrow.
Tornado Tornado A tornado level five destroyed the neighborhood in
Control Controlar If you can� t control the situation, quit.
Force Fuerza The force of the wind can be tremendous.
Look after Cuidar Look after this planet. It� s the only one we have.
Persuade Persuadir Don� t insist. You won� t persuade me to stay.
Remind Recordar Please remind me to close all the windows before we
Set aside Apartar Let� s set some money aside, just in case.
Share Compartir If you want to share your problems, I� m someone you
can trust.
Attract Atraer Capt. Cano tried to attract our attention, but
nobody was listening to him.

Spoil Echar a perder I don� t want to spoil the party, so I� ll go.

Along A lo largo de The fleet has been moving all along the coast.
Deaf Sordo A deaf person can� t hear.
However Sin embargo I spent all night studying. However, my grade wasn� t
very good.
In the back of En la parte de atr� s When he rang the bell, I was in the back of the house, so
I couldn� t hear him.
In the front of En la parte de enfrente We have two apple trees in the front of the house.
Such as Tal como I have many flowers at home such as roses, carnations
and sunflowers.
Sudden Repentino A sudden wind opened the window.
Suddenly Repentinamente I suddenly opened the door and saw her naked.
Therefore Por lo tanto Sam didn� t study. Therefore, he got a bad grade.
Childhood Infancia I had a very happy childhood.
Coast Costa Sometimes we can see ships from the coast.
Consideration Consideraci� n Take it easy. Have some consideration. He� s an old
Control Control We must have control of the situation.
Detail Detalle Little details make people be great.
Dormitory Dormitorio The soldiers are resting in the dormitories.
Fact Hecho Review all the facts before you proceed.
Hurricane Hurac� n Hurricanes usually have female names.
Memory Memoria People say that elephants have very good memory
Memories Recuerdos This photo brings back memories of my childhood.
Semester Semestre We have an exam every semester.
Sign language Lenguage de se� as People that can� t hear or speak communicate through
sign language.
Take into Tomar en consideraci� n Don� t fire him. Take into consideration that he has a
family to support.
Divorce Divorcio Unfortunately, my parents� divorce greatly
affected me when I was a child.
End up Terminar (en) The lesson seemed to be serious and formal, but
it ended up in a mess.
Get/got/gotten along Llevarse bien, tener una It is very difficult to get along with my teacher. He
buena relaci� n. is bad-tempered.
Inquire (about) Preguntar acerca de, pedir Lt. Orozco was inquiring about the new members
informaci� n of his crew.
Neglect (to) Negarse a hacer algo My son usually neglects to clean up his room.
Put/put/put up with Tolerar I can� t put up with my new neighbor. He is very
noisy at night.
Tolerate Tolerar I can� t tolerate my new neighbor. He is very
All at once Repentinamente I was kissing my girlfriend. All at once, her father
arrived and I had to run away.
Once in a while De vez en cuando Jeff visits his parents once in a while. He is a
very busy businessman.
Along with Junto con Bring some friends along with you.
Alongside (of) Junto a Who put this chair alongside my desk?
Complete Completo She has just bought a complete set of cosmetics.
Consequently Por consiguiente I don� t have a job. Consequently, I don� t have
any money.
Eager Ansioso My dog was eager to run and play in the
General General The general idea was understood by everyone.
In addition Adem� s In addition to my wife, my parents-in-law also
gave me a present on my birthday.
Incomplete Incompleto Richard failed Biology because he handed in his
exam incomplete.
Specific Especifico I need to get some specific information about this
Tolerant Tolerante Some Commanders are not tolerant enough with
Ex- Anterior, ex- My ex-wife didn� t come to my wedding.
aFemale Hembra John used to have a female dog when he was
Grandchild/grandchildren Nieto/nietos I want to have a lot of grandchildren when I get
Granddaughter Nieta Sheila is Peter� s granddaughter.
Grandson Nieto Peter� s grandson has just gotten married.
In-law Familia pol� tica I love my in-laws and I usually invite them home.
Knowledge Conocimiento Her knowledge about Economics is vast.
Male Macho Male cats are not as jealous as female ones.
Relationship Relaci� n Our relationship as friends has improved with the
Sand Arena I like lying on the sand whenever I go to the
Sex Sexo, g� nero What� s your dog� s sex?
Spouse C� nyuge Tony� s spouse is going to travel to England
next week.
Tolerance Tolerancia Tolerance is something we all need to develop.

Book 19 Lesson 2

Arrange Organizar, planear, I� m going to arrange everything for my wife� s

hacer los arreglos.
Assist Ayudar The Red Cross assists people who have had an
Bite/bit/bitten Morder That damn dog bitmy little son last night.
Drop off Quedarse dormido I was so tired this morning that I almost dropped off in
Drop off Entregar If you� re going to Block Buster, won� t you drop
this movie off?
Get through with Terminar As soon as I get through with my duties, I� ll sit down
and watch a film.
Get through to Comunicarse I finally got through to my wife via e-mail.
Insist (on) Insistir en Peter insisted on going to the movies today.
Keep away Mantenerse alejado � Keep your dog away from my children.
(from) de
Kill Matar Hitler killed a lot of innocent people.
Misplace Poner algo en el lugar Robert misplaced his USB and now he can� t find it.
Prevent Prevenir Everybody should prevent car accidents by being
careful while driving.
Run across Encontrarse/Toparse I ran across my elementary teacher in the mall
con yesterday and she looked very old.
Stay away Alejarse de I told Robert to stay away from my sister. I don� t
think he is the right person for her.
Use up Consumir We used up all the paper we had when we printed the
Absolutely Absolutamente Capt. Cabrera was absolutely right when she
predicted the weather.
According to Seg� n Gerald is a football fan. According to him, football is
the best sport you can practice.
At least Por lo menos Jeff has to get up very early. At least at 5 am in the
morning if he wants to get to school on time.
Convinced Convencido I am very convinced you are a great student.
Convincing Convincente What Robert told us about his mother was very
convincing. Everybody believed him.
Entire Entero / Todo The entire stadium was absolutely filthy when the
match finished.
Fatal Fatal, mortal A lot of people died in that fatal plane crash.
Few Pocos, pocas Few women realized how much their husbands really
love them.
In place of En lugar de, en vez In place of a nice black sweater, I received a horrible
de blue and yellow scarf on Christmas.
Little Poco There was little we could do for her terrible disease.
Otherwise De otra forma, de no Do your homework. Otherwise, you will have
ser as� problems in this subject.
Preventable Prevenible, evitable Most accidents at home are preventable if parents
look after their children.
Trim Esbelto Mario� s wife is atrim58-kilo woman.
In order En orden I have to put everything in my bedroom in order
before my parents arrive.
Assistance Asistencia, ayuda Getting assistanceon freeways at night is almost
Bite Mordida Can I have a small bite of your delicious cake?
Fuel Combustible Having checked the fuel, we left the city.
The rest El resto I could understand the first part of the lecture, but the
rest of it was absolutely nonsense to me.
Telegram Telegrama I was sent a telegram saying that my check was
Vitamin Vitamina Vitamin C can be found in most fruits.

Book 19

Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Accomplish Llevar a cabo, The soldiers need to accomplish the mission as

cumplir soon as possible.
Account for Explicar How can you account for not passing the
satisfactoriamente exam? You studied for more than a month.
Achieve Lograr, alcanzar Achieving your goals in life makes you a
successful person.
Adjust to Adaptarse a It has been difficult for some people to adjust to
the new policies.
Communicate Comunicar The congress man could not communicate his
ideas clearly.
Congratulate Felicitar, congratular My mum congratulated me on my graduation
Develop Desarrollar Microsoft has just developed a wonderful
computer program to learn English.
Guide Guiar Teachers must guide students throughout their
learning process.
Assume Asumir la Whenever we do something wrong, we ought to
responsibility responsabilidad assume our responsibility and face the
Make sense Tener sentido, ser The Captain� s decisions do not make sense
to me, but he is the one in charge.
Quite Bastante Tricia is quite an interesting woman. I really like
Quite a few Bastantes, muchos Living in the city has some disadvantages, but
quite a fewpositive things.
Object to Oponerse a Everybody objected to participating in the
festival. They said they didn� t have time.
Obtain Obtener You can obtain a new driving license in the
Succeed Tener � xito My brother succeeded in his business. Now he
is rich.
Annoy Seguro, confiado
Fastidiar, molestar I�Imconfident you won�
used to annoymy t have
sister whenproblems
we were on
the exam. You have studied very hard.
Educational Educacional You can watch excellenteducational TV
programs on channel 11 or 22.
Once Una vez Once you have graduated, you might work for
Routine Rutina A doctor� sroutine is unpredictable.
Sensible Sensato, prudente Whoever the chairman of the company will be,
he has to be a sensible person.
Someday Alg� n d� a I don� t know when, but someday I will buy a
summer house on the beach.
Successful Exitoso (a) I want to be a successful writer when I get
Sufficient Suficiente Sheila couldn� t get sufficient money to travel
to Scotland.
Attendance Asistencia Attendance in our English courses is vital, so
try not to miss classes.
Capability Capacidad Don� t ever doubt about your teacher� s
Confidence Confianza Our confidence in this institution is absolute.
Guidance Orientaci� n, gu� a Adolescents should have certain guidance
when choosing what to study.
Method M� todo Admiral Cano� smethodsto discipline his crew
are very efficient.
Mission Misi� n Our mission is to provide the Navy with officers
well educated.
Self-confidence Auto confianza No matter how many times you make a
mistake, you must have self-confidence.
Skill Habilidad You must have managerial skills if you want to
be the chairman.
Success � xito Success in life is a great motivator to work even
Technique T� cnica Teaching techniques have been improved with
the time to ensure learning really takes place in

Book 19

Lesson 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Disappoint Decepcionar Peter didn� t want to disappoint his parents in the
race, so he did his best.
Drop out of Renunciar, dejar Salma dropped out of her drama school. However,
she succeeded in Hollywood.
Hand in Entregar de mano When the teacher handedin Martha her exam, she
smiled. She had gotten an � A� .
Lack Carecer de Daniel lacks experience to be the manager in our
Put aside Hacer a un lado, Putaside the report you are writing. We need to do
dejar para m� s something more important.
Regret Arrepentirse � Don� t ever regret about things you did in the
past,� my dad said to me.
Rush Apresurarse As soon as the bell rings, children rush out of school.
Start out (on) Empezar Adrian has started out on her English courses.
Stay up late Desvelarse On Saturdays, I usually stay uplate playing cards
with my friends.
Take off Tomarse tiempo libre I haven� t taken off from work this year.
Turn in Entregar I failed Chemistry because I didn� t turn in any
report to the teacher.
Annoyed Enojado, fastidiado Betty was really annoyed when she saw her
boyfriend kissing another girl.
Annoying Molesto, fastidioso Dealing with arrogant people is rather annoying.
As well as As� como, Alice is going to study English as well as French.

tambi� n
Disappointed Decepcionado Your low grade really disappointed me. I thought you
were a better student.
Disappointing Decepcionante What the captain told us about our performance was
very disappointing.
Guilty Culpable Thomas was said to be guilty in court.
Helpful Servicial The clerk at the front desk was very helpful and I
didn� t have any trouble with my luggage.
Helpless Imposibilitado, Charlie is totally helpless. He can� t do anything for
dependiente, d� bil himself.
Lazy Flojo My oldest brother is quite lazy and he doesn� t like
to help at home nor does he go to school.
Lenient Indulgente, clemente Our captain gave us a lenient punishment for our big
Strict Estricto To be a strict teacher doesn� t necessarily mean to
be inflexible.
Stupid Tonto, est� pido I failed my English test because I made a stupid
Attention Atenci� n Monica received no attention from the audience. Her
speech was dull and boring.
Helmet Casco People who ride a motorcycle must use a helmet in
case of an accident.
Lack (of) Carencia de, falta de Their lack of understanding led them to a divorce.
Regret Pesar, Before my grandma died, she said she had no
remordimiento regrets in her life.
Rush Prisa, precipitaci� n Rush hours in a big city are absolutely stressing.
Volunteer Ofrecerse como When the admiral asked his crew who wanted to go
voluntario. to war, nobody volunteered.
In a rush Aprisa Rick never plans his activities, so he is always in
Learn a lesson Aprender la lecci� n Patty was fired due to her late arrivals. She is always
on time now; I think she has learned her lesson.
Lose one� s temper Perder los estribos I� m sorry for what I said, but I lost my temper. I was
absolutely furious.
Pay attention to Poner atenci� n Please, pay attention to the Admiral. He is going to
talk about the new policies.
Book 20

Lesson 1


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Set Equipo Sony is the best brand on TV sets.

Feel like Tener ganas I feel like eating Chinese food.
Put off Posponer I need to put off my vacation; I have a lot of work.
List Lista All students are included in the list now.
List/listed/listed Listar I am listing all the students� names and ranks.
Most Mayor� a Most Captains speak English well.
Separate Separado Write your name on a separate sheet of paper.
On hand A la mano You always need to have a pen on hand.
Groceries Comestibles I went to the supermarket to get my groceries.
Purchase Comprar Mr. Field purchased a brand new car.
A good deal of Mucho She had a good deal of work.
A great deal of Bastante Mr. Slim has a great deal of money.
Label Etiqueta All labels should specify the nutritional content.
Cost Precio Look for the best quality at the lowest cost.
Jar Frasco This mayonnaise jar is almost empty.
Apart from Aparte de I like to sit apart from the rest of the group.
Thus Por lo tanto I� m only 16 and thus I can� t vote.
Tear up/tore/torn Romper She tore up the letter in front of him.
Purchase Compra Congratulations! You made a great purchase.
Bag Bolsa You� ll need a plastic bag to carry all those things.
Quantity Cantidad You only need a small quantity of sugar.
Mixture Mezcla That is a wonderful mixture of colors.
Combine Combinar Those shoes combine with the right accessories.
Ingredients Ingredientes You need to buy all the ingredients first.
Depends on Depende de Are you coming? -It all depends on the time.
Call for Requiere This recipe calls for a lot of expensive ingredients.
Stir Revolver Stir the soup constantly, for five minutes.
Mix Mezclar Mix all the ingredients and it� s ready to eat.
Recipe Receta Is that a family recipe?
Create Crear I like to create my own recipes.
Bet Apuesta How much do you want to bet?
Become/became Volverse Do you remember Bob? He became a famous chef.
Give away Regalar At that price, we are practically giving it away.
Mostly En su mayor� a The group was integrated mostly by women.
Separate Separar Let� s separate the good ones from the bad ones.
Separately Por separado I� ll send the books separately.
Became of � Qu� fue What became of your ex-girlfriend?

de� ?
From time to time De vez en cuando I visit my parents from time to time.
Can� t help No poder evitar I can� t help laughing at you when I see you.
Raw Crudo Don� t eat it! It� s still raw.
Property Propiedad It� s not our house. It� s my parents� property.

Book 20

Lesson 2


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Alert Alertar We need to alert the people as soon as possible.

Ally Aliado England is the United States� first ally.
Attack Atacar The enemy is planning to attack at night.
Attack Ataque Our next attack will be overwhelming.
Authorize Autorizar The commander has authorized to close the facilities.
Battle Batalla We haven� t lost the war; just a battle.
Border Frontera Many Mexicans cross the US border illegally every day.
Call up Llamar al If your nation is at war. The armed forces will call you up.
servicio de las
Combat Combate Are you ready for combat?
Defend Defender Our mission is to defend our country.
Enemy Enemigo Our enemy is very powerful.
Engage Enfrentar We� ll have to engage the enemy inevitably.
Freedom Libertad All I want is freedom for my people.
Maintain Mantener We need to maintain a military force in this area.
Maintenance Mantenimiento This helicopter needs maintenance every 6 months.
Neutral Neutral Switzerland has always been a neutral country.
Notify Notificar Notify the Commander when the soldiers are ready.
Peace Paz Peace is humanity� s impossible dream.
Secure Seguro Check the room regularly to see everything is secure.
Settle Reconciliar Mexico and the US are trying to settle their differences, but it� s
differences diferencias
not that easy.
Take control of Tomar el control When the fire started, I had to take control of the situation.
Take over Sustituir If the Commander gets killed in action, you take over.
Take sides Tomar partido I won� t take sides. I think both arguments are valid.
Take steps Tomar medidas It� s necessary to take steps to control the access to the
Threat Amenaza Terrorism is a real threat to National Security.
Threaten Amenazar He didn� t hit me, but he threatened me.
To be alert Estar alerta The soldiers have to be alert to any possible attack.
War Guerra War against terrorism is the United States� priority.
Book 20

Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Accelerate Acelerar When you accelerate, more gas is needed.

Align Alinear My car tires need to be aligned.
Carburetor Carburador Modern cars don� t have a carburetor anymore.
Defect Defecto You shouldn� t buy that car. It has many defects.
Defective Defectuoso Automatic transmissions are likely to be defective.
Estimate Estimar/Calcular Can you estimate the distance between these two cities?
Estimate Estimado I don� t exactly know how much I� ll pay; the mechanic just gave
me an estimate.
Fluid Fluido If you lose too many fluids, you can get dehydrated.
Gear box Caja de My car has an automatic gear box.
Gear shift Palanca de The gear shift lever is used to shift gears manually.
lever velocidades
Hydraulic Hidr� ulico This hydraulic mechanism makes things easier.
Ignite Encender Be careful, your cigarette can ignite this gasoline.
Ignition Ignici� n The ignition system in my car isn� t working fine.
Manual Manual Does your car have an automatic or manual transmission?
Pedal Pedal Push the brake pedal to stop the car.
Pipes Tubos I can� t see the pipe that� s leaking.
Provide Proporcionar I can provide you with all you need for the project.
Pump Bomba Your car overheats because the water pump isn� t working
Pump Bombear We need to pump water from this tank to this other.
Release Liberar Once you have shifted gears, release the clutch pedal while
Repairs Reparaciones The Six Flags amusement park is closed for repairs.
Service Hacer el servicio The mechanic serviced my car in 4 hours.
Shift Cambiar de If you want the car to move backwards, shift into reverse.
Spark Chispa A spark can become a great fire.
Spark plug Buj� a A spark plug provides the spark for the ignition.
Step on the Acelerar Step on the gas. We need to go faster.
Take a look Echar un vistazo Can you take a look at my homework and see if it is correct?
Transmit Transmitir We need to transmit movement to this part of the machine.
Wear out Desgastarse These tires are poorly made. They are wearing out really fast.
Worn out Desgastado You should buy new tires for your car, those are very worn out.
Book 20

Lesson 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Antifreeze Anticongelante Antifreeze is added to water to prevent freezing or

Circulate Circular Water circulates around the engine to cool it.
Combustion Proceso de The combustion process takes place inside the engine.
Process Combusti� n
Coolant Refrigerante The most common coolant is water.
Cylinder Cilindro My car has a five-cylinder engine.
Exhaust Emisiones de gas Exhaust is the first cause of pollution in Mexico.
Filter Filtro The oil filter cleans the oil that circulates inside the engine.
Filter Filtrar The water has to be cleaned. We need to filter it before we
add it.
For the purpose Con el prop� sito de It� s necessary to add more oil for the purpose of reducing
In order to Con el fin de In order to have my car in top conditions; a mechanic
checks it twice a year.
Malfunction Averia There is a malfunction in the gear box.
Overhaul Reparación mayor I´ve had this car for more than 10 years; I think it needs an
Overheating Sobrecalentamiento The cooling system prevents overheating.
Piston Pistón Pistons move up and down inside the cylinders.
Purpose Propósito The purpose of this meeting is to analyze the problems
we´ve had.
Rebuild Reconstruir After the overhaul, the engine needs to be rebuilt.
Rub Friccionar The pistons rub against the cylinder walls.
Speedometer Veloc� metro Slow down! The speedometer shows 85 miles per hour.
Surface Superficie Oil is needed to lubricate the surface of the cylinder.
Tear down Desensamblar It´s necessary to tear the engine down for the overhaul.
Thermostat Termostato A thermostat controls the temperature of the motor.
Wear and tear Desgaste Wear and tear is a natural process in all engines.
Absorb Absorber We need a dry towel to absorb the water on the table.
Affect Afectar Martha� s mother� s death greatly affected her.
Hermético (al aire o
Airtight No air can enter this box. It is airtight.
Artificial Artificial Is this lake natural or artificial?
I did a lot of exercise last year. As a result, my muscles grew
As a result Como resultado
As a result of the survey, we got to know that the number of
As a result of Como resultado de
illiterate people has gone down.
The handlebars in my bicycle bent backwards when I crashed
Bend/bent/bent Doblar(se)
into that tree.
Bounce Rebotar The foot ball bounced so hard that it hit a couple of spectators.
One of the characteristics of this material is its resistance to high
Characteristic Característica
Martha doesn� t like food that contains chemicals, she prefers
Chemical Químico
natural things.
Some toys were withdrawn from the market because they
Contain Contener
contained high levels of lead.
Content Contenido The content of this book provokes some kind of reflection.
Harry Potter� s books have had a great effect on teenagers, they
Effect Efecto
are getting used to reading.
The company has to implement more effective and productive
Effective Efectivo
policies to reach its objectives.
Some toys are made of elasticmaterials so that children can play
Elastic El� stico
without breaking them.
Escape Escapar Four criminals escaped from prison yesterday after a violent riot.
Flexible Flexible John is very happy because he got a job with aflexible schedule.
Form Formar Clay can beformed into various shapes.
Hardly Apenas, dificilmente I was very busy yesterday. I hardly had time to sleep.
Admiral Thompson never accepts other ideas or suggestions, he
Inflexible Inflexible
is sort of inflexible.
Hoy en d� a, Nowadays, women also have important managerial positions in
Actualmente big companies.
Original Original Say no to piracy. Buy only original products.
Property Propiedad Metals have the property of conducting electricity very well.
The meeting lasted hours and hours and still nobody could see
Real Real
what the real problem was.
Roger couldn� t resist temptation and he eventually ate that big
Resist Resistir
Result Resultado That decision we made was the result of a 3-hour meeting.
Result Resultado Mark was not happy with the result of his English exam.
All the problems resulted from the lack of knowledge on the main
Result from Derivar de
Rigid Rigido Rigid plastics are easy to break.
Seal Sellar Cans and tins must be sealed to prevent bacteria from getting in.

Seal Sello This document is not valid if it doesn´t have an official seal.

Shape Dar forma Jane took a big chunk of clay and shaped it into a funny rabbit.
For better results, soak your clothes in warm water for 40 minutes
Soak Empapar
before you wash them.
Squeeze Apretar, exprimir Squeezing a softball with your hands helps you feel relaxed.
Stretch Estirar You can stretch a rubber band as many times as you wish.
Substance Sustancia Scents are substances used to make perfumes.
Such Semejante, tal There´s nosuch thing as ghosts!
In this rainy season you should buy a waterproof coat so as not to
Waterproof Impermeable
get wet.
Watertight Hermetico (a liquidos) Don´t worry, the water can´t enter. This room is watertight.

Book 21
Abnormal Anormal It was snowing last night which is quite abnormal.

Lesson 1


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Appetite Apetito His appetite for junk food is amazing; he eats anything
you offer him.
Average Promedio On the average, women� s life expectancy is longer
than men� s.
Anyway De todos modos Patty didn� t want to study French, but she did anyway.
Brand Marca Sam bought a Tocheeva T.V. It is a new brand.
Brief Instruir, informar Captain Cano briefed me on my new responsibilities as a
navy officer.
Call off Cancelar I� ll call off my trip. Sam had an accident and I need to
stay with him.
Command Ordenar, mandar Adriana wascommanded to go on duty tomorrow.
Conclude Llegar a la The director concluded that the student would be
conclusi� n expelled from college.
Contribute Contribuir The government is going to contribute with money to
build new hospitals in town.
Dense Denso Joe couldn� t see the road very well. The fog was really
Density Densidad The population density has grown dramatically.
Desert Desierto The Sahara desert is one of the hottest and largest in the
Drain Drenar We need to drain the swimming pool before we have it
Habit H� bito Smoking is a very bad habit.
Industry Industria The industry has greatly contributed to better the
country� s economy.
Growth Crecimiento The industrygrowth has really increased this year.
Keep up with Mantenerse al Martha wanted to keep up with the news about the
tanto earthquake in India but her TV was out of order.
Maximun M� ximo The instructor didn� t want to have too many people in
his class, only amaximumof 10 students.
Minimum M� nimo The minimum grade to pass the exam is 7.
Model Modelo We need to create a model to reproduce this figure.
Normal Normal People say that Irene has a mental disorder, but she
looks normal to me.
Occur Ocurrir / Suceder When did the car accident occur?
Once again Una vez m� s, You, once again? I have told you not to visit me here.
Once more Una vez m� s / Don� t tell me you made the same mistake once more?
Peak Cima / Pico Enrique finally reached the mountain peak after climbing
for almost two weeks.
Pick up Aprender (por Frank picked up some Portuguese words when he visited
experiencia) Brazil.
Populate Poblar This region was first populated by Indians coming from
the north.
Population Poblaci� n The population of this city grows day by day.
Portion Porci� n This portion of the terrain is very irregular.
Rapid Rapido Ana Gabriela Guevara is a very rapid Mexican runner.
Rate Tarifa Hotel rates go up in Christmas time.
Recent Reciente George really enjoyed his recent visit to his hometown.
He could see all his family together.
Region Region Many pyramids were built in this region.
Scenery Escenario Mexico has beautiful natural sceneries.
Spread Extender / Esparcir The disease spread over our village very quickly.
Spread Untar Can you spread some butter on my bread?
Take after Parecerse a / ser I take after my father, not only in looks but also in
como behavior.
Book 21

Lesson 2


(Double-click on an

word for meaning and pronunciation)

Aid Ayudar Angie usually aids poor children on the street.

Book 21

Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Commit Cometer Committing suicide is a false solution to problems in life.
Determine Determinar It was difficult for the doctors to determine the cause of
his death.
Enforce Hacer Policemen are the ones who must enforce the law.
Fill a prescription Surtir una receta The pharmacist didn� t have all the medicine to
Interpret Interpretar Nobody could interpret what the lecturer was saying.
Judge Juzgar It is not good to judge people just by the clothes they
Represent Representar Werepresented our college in the Tennis tournament.
Rescue Rescatar After been rescuedby the police, John was taken to a
Search Buscar The police is still searching for the missing child.
Stand/stood/stood for Tolerar, soportar The teacher won� t stand for shouting in her class.
Civil Civil The United states went through a civil war in 1861.
Criminal Criminal Criminals are sent to prison.
Dual Doble He committed a dual crime. He robbed a house and
killed a man.
Efficient Eficiente My new secretary has done everything I asked her to
do. She is very efficient.
Fair Justo Trials and sentences in court must be fairfor those who
have been accused of committing a crime.
Illegal Ilegal Selling drugs is a terrible crime against the law. It is
Innocent Inocente Frank was said to be innocentin court when he was
charged of kidnapping.
Judicial Judicial The judicial system of Mexico is still very defective.
Just Justo My dad was ajust man; he always gave people what
they deserved.
Legal Legal Everything we are doing here is legal, don� t worry!
Abbreviation Abreviaci� n Ave. and St. areabbreviations for Avenue and Street.
Abundance Abundancia Jeff used to work in a famous restaurant so he didn� t
have to worry about food, he had food in abundance.
Aid Ayuda As soon as Peter heard Paty� s screams he went to her
Architect Arquitecto We are the architects of our own destiny.
Case Caso The � mochaorejas� case was known throughout the
country. Everybody was really scared of being
Client Cliente Nicole works for a headhunter agency and most of her
clients are famous American companies.
Court Corte A court is a place where trials take place and criminals
are sentenced.
Crime Crime People say � Crime does not pay� but in Mexico city
I� m not pretty sure about that.
Judge Juez In the past,judges used to wear a funny wig in court.
Jury Jurado A jury is a set of 12 people who decide if a person is
innocent or guilty of a felony.
Justice Justicia I wish there was justice for all, not only for the rich.
Lawyer Abogado If you think you were fired with no apparent reason, you
can pay alawyer to take your case to court.
Pharmacist Farmac� utico Pharmacists sometimes prescribe medicine to sick
Plumber Plomero Sheila called a plumber yesterday to repair the tubes in
her bathtub.
Be no use No servir de nada It is no use to buy a car if you don� t know how to drive.
For a living Para vivir What do you do for a living? I sell fruit in the market.
In general En general In general, women are more dedicated and patient to
learn a language.
Advantage Ventaja Working for the Navy has some advantages.
Be in touch Estar en contacto I� m going to China, but I� ll be in touch.
Beyond M� s alla Your children are beyond your command.
Branch Rama The language department is a branch of Navy� s education
Brief Breve We had a brief conversation, not a long one.
Command Estar al mando Capt. Lee commands the new fleet in the Gulf of Mexico.
Commands Ordenes Follow my commands just as you are told.
Conduct Conducta My students� conduct is excellent; they always pay attention.
Contact Contactar We need to contact Dr. Lee as soon as possible.

Book 21

Lesson 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Abnormal Desventaja
Anormal Not speaking
It wasa snowing
second language
last night is a bigisdisadvantage.
which quite abnormal.
Discharge Disparar The rifle discharged accidentally killing a man.
Discover Descubrir America was discovered in 1492.
Get in touch with Ponerse en If you need anything; feel free to get in touch with me.
contacto con
Head Estar a cargo Professor Smith heads the language department.
Head Jefe I don� t want the responsibility of being head of a family.
Hesitate Dudar Do not hesitate, just pull the trigger.
Influence Influir He� s a powerful man. He influences the government� s
Influence Influencia The Rolling Stones had great influence on Hard Rock.
Inform Informar Keep me informed of everything that happens.
Medical Rebaje m� dico The doctor gave me a medical discharge after my accident.
Prohibit Prohibir The Commander has prohibited eating inside the building.
Recruit Reclutar The Mexican Navy is recruiting many people these year.
Suggest Sugerir It� s raining hard; I suggest that you stay here for the night.
To be subject to Estar sujeto a I can� t work freely; I� m subject to my commander� s
Urge Urgir We urged the people to leave the place before the eruption.
Veteran Veterano This section of the hospital is for veterans only.

Book 21

Lesson 1


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Appetite Apetito His appetite for junk food is amazing; he eats anything
you offer him.
Average Promedio On the average, women� s life expectancy is longer
than men� s.
Anyway De todos modos Patty didn� t want to study French, but she did anyway.
Brand Marca Sam bought a Tocheeva T.V. It is a new brand.
Brief Instruir, informar Captain Cano briefed me on my new responsibilities as a
navy officer.
Call off Cancelar I� ll call off my trip. Sam had an accident and I need to
stay with him.
Command Ordenar, mandar Adriana wascommanded to go on duty tomorrow.
Conclude Llegar a la The director concluded that the student would be
conclusi� n expelled from college.
Contribute Contribuir The government is going to contribute with money to
build new hospitals in town.
Dense Denso Joe couldn� t see the road very well. The fog was really
Density Densidad The population density has grown dramatically.
Desert Desierto The Sahara desert is one of the hottest and largest in the
Drain Drenar We need to drain the swimming pool before we have it
Habit H� bito Smoking is a very bad habit.
Industry Industria The industry has greatly contributed to better the
country� s economy.
Growth Crecimiento The industrygrowth has really increased this year.
Keep up with Mantenerse al tanto Martha wanted to keep up with the news about the
earthquake in India but her TV was out of order.
Maximun M� ximo The instructor didn� t want to have too many people in
his class, only amaximumof 10 students.
Minimum M� nimo The minimum grade to pass the exam is 7.
Model Modelo We need to create a model to reproduce this figure.
Normal Normal People say that Irene has a mental disorder, but she
looks normal to me.
Occur Ocurrir / Suceder When did the car accident occur?
Once again Una vez m� s, You, once again? I have told you not to visit me here.
Once more Una vez m� s / Don� t tell me you made the same mistake once more?
Peak Cima / Pico Enrique finally reached the mountain peak after climbing
for almost two weeks.
Pick up Aprender (por Frank picked up some Portuguese words when he visited
experiencia) Brazil.
Populate Poblar This region was first populated by Indians coming from
the north.
Population Poblaci� n The population of this city grows day by day.
Portion Porci� n This portion of the terrain is very irregular.
Rapid Rapido Ana Gabriela Guevara is a very rapid Mexican runner.
Rate Tarifa Hotel rates go up in Christmas time.
Recent Reciente George really enjoyed his recent visit to his hometown.
He could see all his family together.
Region Region Many pyramids were built in this region.
Scenery Escenario Mexico has beautiful natural sceneries.
Spread Extender / Esparcir The disease spread over our village very quickly.
Spread Untar Can you spread some butter on my bread?
Take after Parecerse a / ser I take after my father, not only in looks but also in
como behavior.
Absorb Absorber We need a dry towel to absorb the water on the table.

Book 21

Lesson 2


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Affect Afectar Martha� s mother� s death greatly affected her.
Airtight Herm� tico (al aire o No air can enter this box. It is airtight.
Artificial Artificial Is this lake natural or artificial?
As a result Como resultado I did a lot of exercise last year. As a result, my muscles
grew stronger.
As a result of Como resultado de As a result of the survey, we got to know that the
number of illiterate people has gone down.
Bend/bent/bent Doblar(se) The handlebars in my bicycle bent backwards when I
crashed into that tree.
Bounce Rebotar The foot ball bounced so hard that it hit a couple of
Characteristic Caracter� stica One of the characteristics of this material is its
resistance to high temperatures.
Chemical Qu� mico Martha doesn� t like food that contains chemicals, she
prefers natural things.
Contain Contener Some toys were withdrawn from the market because
they contained high levels of lead.
Content Contenido The content of this book provokes some kind of
Effect Efecto Harry Potter� s books have had a great effect on
teenagers, they are getting used to reading.
Effective Efectivo The company has to implement more effective and
productive policies to reach its objectives.
Elastic El� stico Some toys are made of elasticmaterials so that children
can play without breaking them.
Escape Escapar Four criminals escaped from prison yesterday after a
violent riot.
Flexible Flexible John is very happy because he got a job with aflexible
Form Formar Clay can beformed into various shapes.
Hardly Apenas, dificilmente I was very busy yesterday. I hardly had time to sleep.
Inflexible Inflexible Admiral Thompson never accepts other ideas or
suggestions, he is sort of inflexible.
Nowadays Hoy en d� a, Nowadays, women also have important managerial
positions in big companies.
Original Original Say no to piracy. Buy only original products.
Property Propiedad Metals have the property of conducting electricity very
Real Real The meeting lasted hours and hours and still nobody
could see what the real problem was.
Resist Resistir Roger couldn� t resist temptation and he eventually ate
that big cake.
Result Resultado That decision we made was the result of a 3-hour
Result Resultado Mark was not happy with the result of his English exam.
Result from Derivar de All the problems resulted from the lack of knowledge on
the main issue.
Rigid R� gido Rigid plastics are easy to break.
Seal Sellar Cans and tins must be sealed to prevent bacteria from
getting in.
Seal Sello This document is not valid if it doesn� t have an official
Shape Dar forma Jane took a big chunk of clay and shaped it into a funny
Soak Empapar For better results, soak your clothes in warm water for
40 minutes before you wash them.
Squeeze Apretar, exprimir Squeezing a softball with your hands helps you feel
Stretch Estirar You can stretch a rubber band as many times as you
Substance Sustancia Scents are substances used to make perfumes.
Such Semejante, tal There� s nosuch thing as ghosts!
Waterproof Impermeable In this rainy season you should buy a waterproof coat so
as not to get wet.
Watertight Herm� tico (a Don� t worry, the water can� t enter. This room is
liquidos) watertight.
Aid Ayudar Angie usually aids poor children on the street.

Book 21

Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Commit Cometer Committing suicide is a false solution to problems in life.
Determine Determinar It was difficult for the doctors to determine the cause of
his death.
Enforce Hacer Policemen are the ones who must enforce the law.
Fill a prescription Surtir una receta The pharmacist didn� t have all the medicine to
Interpret Interpretar Nobody could interpret what the lecturer was saying.
Judge Juzgar It is not good to judge people just by the clothes they
Represent Representar Werepresented our college in the Tennis tournament.
Rescue Rescatar After been rescuedby the police, John was taken to a
Search Buscar The police is still searching for the missing child.
Stand/stood/stood for Tolerar, soportar The teacher won� t stand for shouting in her class.
Civil Civil The United states went through a civil war in 1861.
Criminal Criminal Criminals are sent to prison.
Dual Doble He committed a dual crime. He robbed a house and
killed a man.
Efficient Eficiente My new secretary has done everything I asked her to
do. She is very efficient.
Fair Justo Trials and sentences in court must be fairfor those who
have been accused of committing a crime.
Illegal Ilegal Selling drugs is a terrible crime against the law. It is
Innocent Inocente Frank was said to be innocentin court when he was
charged of kidnapping.
Judicial Judicial The judicial system of Mexico is still very defective.
Just Justo My dad was ajust man; he always gave people what
they deserved.
Legal Legal Everything we are doing here is legal, don� t worry!
Abbreviation Abreviaci� n Ave. and St. areabbreviations for Avenue and Street.
Abundance Abundancia Jeff used to work in a famous restaurant so he didn� t
have to worry about food, he had food in abundance.
Aid Ayuda As soon as Peter heard Paty� s screams he went to her
Architect Arquitecto We are the architects of our own destiny.
Case Caso The � mochaorejas� case was known throughout the
country. Everybody was really scared of being
Client Cliente Nicole works for a headhunter agency and most of her
clients are famous American companies.
Court Corte A court is a place where trials take place and criminals
are sentenced.
Crime Crime People say � Crime does not pay� but in Mexico city
I� m not pretty sure about that.
Judge Juez In the past,judges used to wear a funny wig in court.
Jury Jurado A jury is a set of 12 people who decide if a person is
innocent or guilty of a felony.
Justice Justicia I wish there was justice for all, not only for the rich.
Lawyer Abogado If you think you were fired with no apparent reason, you
can pay alawyer to take your case to court.
Advantage Ventaja Farmac� uticoWorking for Pharmacists sometimes
the Navy has prescribe medicine to sick
some advantages.
Be in touch Estar en contacto people.
Plumber Plomero I� m going to China,
Sheila calledbut I� ll be in
a plumber touch. to repair the tubes in
Beyond M� s alla Your children are beyond your command.
her bathtub.
Be no use
Branch Rama No servir de nada It is no use to buyisaacar if youofdon� t know how to drive.
The language department branch Navy� s education
For a living Para vivir system. What do you do for a living? I sell fruit in the market.
In general
Brief Breve En general We had aInbrief
general, women are
conversation, notmore
a longdedicated
one. and patient to
Command Estar al mando learn a language.
Capt. Lee commands the new fleet in the Gulf of Mexico.
Commands Ordenes Follow my commands just as you are told.
Conduct Conducta My students� conduct is excellent; they always pay attention.
Contact Contactar We need to contact Dr. Lee as soon as possible.

Book 21

Lesson 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Ambulance Desventaja
Ambulancia Not speaking When a second language
my neighbor is a bigthrough
jumped disadvantage.
the window and
Discharge Disparar The rifle discharged accidentally killing a
broke her neck, we had to call an ambulance. man.
Approach DescubrirAproximarse America was The discovered
airplane isinapproaching
1492. the runway. It's about to
Get in touch with Ponerse en If you need anything;
land. feel free to get in touch with me.
As if/ as though contactoComo
con si Hug me as if/as though it was the last time.
At once Estar a cargo Professor
Inmediatamente, de IfSmith
you are heads
everthe languagecall
in distress, department.
me at once.
Head Jefe una vez, al mismo
I don� t want the responsibility of being head of a family.
Hesitate Dudar tiempo Don't drink
Do not hesitate, it all the
just pull at once.
trigger. Sip it.
Influence Influir Respirar Breathe easy, I'm here.
He� s a powerful man. He influences the government� s
Call on Visitar, pasar a ver When everybody's left, I'll call on you.
Choke Asfixiarse decisions.The cat was choking with a fish bone.
Concern Influencia
Preocuparse, The Rolling HisStones
cominghad homegreatlateinfluence
is starting ontoHard
Inform Informarinquietarse Keep me informed of everything that happens.
Conscious Rebaje m� dico
Consciente The doctorI'mgave
fully me a medical
conscious discharge
of the after my accident.
risks involved.
Crash Estrellarse A bird crashed into the window and woke up.
Prohibit Prohibir The Commander has prohibited eating inside the building.
Recruit ReclutarAccidente The Mexican
RacingNavy is recruiting
crashes many people these year.
are spectacular.
Critical Sugerir Serio, considerable
It� s raining hard;
Critical I suggest
changes thatbeen
have you made.
stay here for the night.
Cut/cut/cut in to
To be subject Interrumpir
Estar sujeto a May freely;
I can� t work I cut in?
I� m subject to my commander� s
Faint Desmayarse When Janice gave birth, her husband fainted.
Favor Favor Do me a favor. Don't curse in front of me.
Urge Urgir We urged the people to leave the place before the eruption.
Give a hand Echar una mano Please give me a hand with the TV. It weighs like a ton.
Veteran Veterano This section of the hospital is for veterans only.

Book 22

Lesson 1


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Adhere to Observar, cumplir, Military men adhere to severe regulations.
Guy Aim SujetoObjetivo, prop� sito She next
The guy came to the
door is a wedding with the aim of finding a
sexual maniac.
Insect Insecto husband.
Gnats are two-winged insects.
Back and forth
Interrupt Interrumpir
Vaiv� n SorryThe back and forth motion of palm trees reminds
to interrupt!
Major Importante, grave me
When a majorof the hurricane.
incident is declared, all the emergency
Bare Pelado (cable) services
Keep childrentoaway
respond it. from bare wires.
Minor Blunt Menor, de poca
Romo, chato MineOlmecs
is a minor wereproblem compared
blunt-nosed to yours.
Board importancia
Tabla I bought a very expensive surfboard in Hawaii. I
Object Cosa Put your
hope personal
it is buoyant objects on that table and come with
Bolt Tornillo, perno me. Pick up the bolts of your watch, so I can mend it.
Bore En especial
Perforar Gays,If gay
yourmen wall inis particular,
concrete, are theneed
you'll bestto
bore first and
Pass out Perder el He was so high that
fit a raw plug into it. he passed out.
Carpenter conocimiento
Carpintero I'll take the chair to the carpenter's or we will fall off.
Clockwise Venenoso
A la derecha, en Spinetail devil is
The latch rays are not
opened poisonous, but they sting.
Posion Veneno The poison of a spider contains protein, amines and
direcci� n de las polypeptides.
Shout Gritar manecillas del relojShout, shout, let it all out, these are the things I can do
Coarse Grueso Coarse
without, comesalt on...can be easily measured with the
Slight Leve, ligero fingers.
There's a slight difference between this case and the
Counterclockwise A la izquierda, en otherYou're
one. winding it up counterclockwise, it will
Snake sentido
Serpiente contrario al unscrew.
I don't like reptiles, but the ones I hate the most are
que giran las snakes.
Steal/stole Robarmanecillas del relojSomeone has stolen my lunch from the fridge.
Stuff Device CosasInstrumento, Don'tDevices
you dare are
my machines,
stuff! like a pulley, as well
Swallow Tragar herramienta; as complex machines, like computers.
When swallowing a pill, drink water or another liquid.
Within A, al, dispositivo
dentro de We are within five days of my wedding.
Dig/dug Cavar The murderer dug a hole and buried the woman
Drill Taladrar That music is drilling my brain.

Taladro The noise was like a drill inside my head.

Drive/drove (into) Clavar, hincar A lot of force is required to drive the screw into any
wooden structure.
Enable Permitir, posibilitar My laptop enables me to work virtually anywhere.
Fasten Unir, sujetar, fijar As soon as you finish the translation, use a clip to
fasten the sheets of paper together.
Fine Delgado (lija) Silk is a very fine fabric obtained from the cocoons
of the silkworm.
Glue Pegamento Glue sniffing is a major form of drug use in Mexico.
Goggles Anteojos Welding equipment includes: a pair of gloves, the
protectores welding machine and a pair of goggles.
Grip Agarrar, sujetar Grip the steering wheel with both hands!
Hammer Martillo I whacked my thumb with a hammer and my nail is
about to fall off.
Hole Orificio I was filling with plaster every single hole I made in
the wall when remodeling.
Join Unir I joined an extra length to the dress.
Motion Movimiento The motion detector tripped up when the burglar
broke into the house.
Nail Clavo To do it, I'll have to get headless nails.
Pliers Pinzas When the dentist used the pliers to extract my tooth
I felt as if she was pulling my brains out.
Rust Óxido To remove that rust stain from your carpet, use
lemon juice.
Sand Lijar Before painting it, you must sand down the table.
Sandpaper Lija Of course you can use sandpaper to sand your
Saw Sierra, serrucho In the film Saw, the killer leaves the victims in a
Beauty Belleza, beldad I think Milla Jovovich is a real beauty.
bathroom with a saw; he wants them to saw a part
Catch/caught up with Alcanzar, estar al I have to hurry,
of their bodyoroff.I won't be able to catch up with my
mismo nivel; estar al partner in the translation.
Scissors Tijeras Last time I went to Office Max, I noticed left-handed
d� a scissors are already on sale.
Complex Pala(adj.)
Complejo The Use humana shovel to putsystem
nervous the leaves of the garden
is perhaps into
the most
the garbage
complex system webags. know.
Complicated Punta
Complicado Why I have
do youher name
haveonto the go
tip ofand
my tongue.
make things so
Workshop Taller complicated?
I've just started a quilt workshop.

Book 22

Lesson 2

Declare Declarar She was declared the winner by 4050 votes.
Designate Nombrar The Academy is going to designate the director.
Differ Diferir, distinguirse Religions may differ, but their constant is the belief in
Difference Diferencia There is a difference between military men and women.
Due to Debido a Due to our leaving tomorrow, I don't have time to pay the
telephone bill.
Elect Elegir In democracies, the people have to elect their
Entrance Entrada This is the entrance to the port.
Entry Entrada The entryof China into the World Trade Organization has
had a major impact on many nations.
Exit Salida The emergency exit rows of an aircraft are usually more
spacious than the rest.
Familiar Conocido Your face seems familiar to me.
Feature Rasgo, No wonder he is a policeman. He has harsh features.
caracter� stica
Flame Llama Turn down the flame of the stove or the milk will boil.
Flammable Inflamable Whenever you ride in a hot-air balloon, watch out your
hair because it is very flammable.
Former Antiguo, ex, anterior; In my former job, I used to do nothing but work.
Huge Enorme I am craving for a huge hamburger with tons of ketchup.
Latter Éste, segundo, Abre los ojos and Vanilla Sky are two films that share
� ltimo the same story. The former is a Spanish production and
the latter, American.
Lens Lente, cristal You should clean your lenses every now and then.
Nominate Postular, proponer Pan's Labyrinthwas nominated for best foreign language
film in 2007, but it didn't win.
Note Nota, mensaje If you come and I'm not home, please leave a note on
the door and I'll call you.
Patience Paciencia Don't be so desperate. Patience is a virtue you have to
Patient Paciente Be patient! Just a little longer... we're almost there.
Plain Com� n The Plain people is a term used to refer to Amish, Old
Colonny Mennonites and others because of theirplain
appearance and life style.
Reckless Imprudente He didn't want anybody to know he had been drinking;
though, his reckless speech gave him away.
Run/ran across Encontrarse con, If you run across Bill, he won't say hello; he is terribly
toparse con obnoxious.
Simple Simple Simple as it looks, it is actually difficult.
Spot Divisar, ubicar There are many islands which can only be spotted by
Surprise Sorprender, sorpresa It would not surprise me to know that he was rich.

What a nice surprise to have you here!

Voice Voice Don't use that tone of voice with me.
Vote Votar Who did you vote for in the last election?
Yet Pero It's unbelievable yet true.
(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Book 22
Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Adequate Suficiente, Your behavior is not adequate under the rules
adecuado, aceptable of this house.
Book 22
Ammunition Munici� n Ammunition and reloading supplies won't be
Lesson enough. 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Arm Armar The United States is armed to the teeth with
weapons of mass destruction.
Barrel Tubo, ca� � n Rifles usually have a long barrel.
Bullet Bala The bullet was lodged in his right ear.
Cartridge Cartucho It is a simple method of dismantling a large-
caliber cartridge.
Case Casquillo After the shooting, there were many cases all
over the floor.
Chamber Rec� mara Chamber pressure is the pressure exerted
within the chamber of a gun.
Check off Ir marcando Could you help me to check off the
supermarket list?
Detect Detectar Astronomers detected what could be the
Solar System's 10th planet: Sedna.
Ease Descanso Put your mind at ease.
(posici� n)
Equip Equipar Education equips young people for their future
Essential Indispensable It's essential for you to change the oil of your
Explode Estallar When the ship exploded, everybody was at
the port.
Extreme Extremo In extreme situations, mental patients have to
be electroshocked.
Firearm Arma de fuego Firearms are not permitted in carry-on
baggage under any circumstances.
Firing pin Percutor I am still unable to find the firing pin of my
Identify Identificar The "Cannibal Poet" was identified as the
murderer of three women.
Inner Interior He was kicked in the inner part of the thigh.
Interest Interesar If something interests me, I won't hesitate to
buy it.
Magazine Cargador Some guns have tubular magazines.
Make sure Cerciorarse Make sure all your kids' vaccines are up to
On account of Debido a She can't get pregnant on account of her
Outer Exterior Contrary to what many people think, outer
space is not empty.
Pin Asegurador Use a pin to hold your blouse together so
nobody can see your cleavage.
Powder P� lvora Black powder is used in fireworks.
Risk Poner en peligro, I saw a man risking his arm in a crocodile
arriesgar show.
Round Tiro Having fired five rounds, the man ran away.
Shell Casquillo, proyectil The dented shell casing found shows a
Sight Mira; vista Laser sights, night-vision goggles and
lockpicks are all special gear.

Some sight problems can be corrected with

laser surgery.
Stationary Inm� vil A Geo-stationary satellite appears to be
stationary at one point over the Earth.
Altitude Tendency Tendencia
Altitud You have
MCA a marked
stands tendency
for Minimum to lie.Altitude.
Thorough Cuidadoso Give it a thorough review before.
Trigger Gatillo Mama, just killed a man, put a gun against his
head, pulled the trigger, now he's dead...
Troubleshoot Solucionar Those guys are trained to troubleshoot
problemas malfunctions.
Upper Superior I've got a cold sore on my upper lip.

Book 23

Lesson 1


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Atmosphere Atm� sfera The Martian atmosphere is an extremely thin sheet of
Atmospheric pressure Presi� n Atmosphericpressure is also known as barometric or air
atmosf� rica
Atom � tomo Protons and neutrons at the heart of atoms are made up
of quarks.
Barometer Bar� metro When the air is dry and cool, the barometer reading
rises. When the air is warm and wet, the
barometerreading falls.
Be composed of Estar compuesto de The human body is composed of between 50 and 100
thousand million cells.
Carbon dioxide Bi� xido de carbono Burning fossil fuels releases carbon-dioxide into the air.
Compress Comprimir Compress the injury to stop the bleeding using a
Consist of Estar compuesto de Chromosomes consist of a centromere, a variety of
genes, nucleotide sequences and regulatory elements.
Convert Transformar Solar cells directly convertsunlight to electricity.
Element Elemento In every institution, the key element is people.
Evaporate Evaporar Alcohol evaporates more quickly than water.
Exert Ejercer Genes exert influence on people's behavior.
Exhale Exhalar Popocatepetl exhales its smoky breath across the sky.
Exist Existir Do aliens really exist?
Expand Dilatar, ensanchar Human uterus expands up to five hundred times its
normal size during pregnancy.
Float Flotar We saw a bottle floating near the beach.
Form Forma Many forms of leukemia have been identified.
Gas Gas Helium is one of the so-called noble gases.
Hydrogen Hidr� geno Liquid hydrogen is used in cryogenics.
Inhale Inhalar Diabetes patients can now inhale insulin through the
Layer Capa I've just baked a two-layer chocolate cake.
Lung Pulm� n The respiratory system is made up of nasal passages,
windpipe or trachea and lungs.
Matter Materia The grey matter includes regions of the brain involved in
muscle control, sensory perceptions, memory, emotions
and speech.
Melt Derretir Never let ice cream melt and refreeze. The result can be
an unpalatable mess.
Molecule Mol� cula Research has shown that dust molecules attract and
hold odor molecules such as ammonia.
Nitrogen Nitr� geno Nitrogen filled tires are 50% less likely to have a blowout
and deflate at a slower rate.
Occupy Ocupar Infants who do not occupy a seat travel free of charge on
Oxygen Ox� geno Hyperbaric chambers are very effective for people with
lung and circulation disorders because they increase the
amount of oxygen in the blood.
Particle Part� cula Some tweezers have tips coated with real diamond
particles for maximum gripping power.
Press Hacer presi� n, IMSS workers are pressing for a raise in salary.
Sea level Nivel del mar At altitudes of 3,000 feet or more above sea level,
desserts like chocolate cake may fall during the baking
Apply S� lido hacer, usar
Aplicar, The
havestates of matter
to apply forceare:
to solids, liquidstoand
the brakes gases.
make the
Space Espacio bicycle
That taking up a large amount of wall space.
State Arteria
Estado Some radars were
Hypoglycemia placed
causes on themental
altered main arteries
state of Mexico
that may
influence social, personal, and work activities of people
Bandage Vendaje, ap� sito Adhesive
with diabetes. bandages are a thing of the past because
Steam Vapor there is
Using lavender a liquid thatfacial
in your seals
steam wounds and stops
is a wonderful waythe
nourish immediately.
Be Aware
Surround Darse cuenta de
Rodear I was well awarecandles
Aromatherapy of his infidelity;
surround I canyour
not lie.
senses with
By the time (that) Para cuando By the time
healthful scents. I arrived there, everything had turned into
Tiny Diminuto ashes.
A dead pixel may look like a tiny black spot on your
Carry on Seguir, continuar Carry on,
screen, oryou
color that does not correspond to
Carry out Llevar a cabo Theretheare
what robotic
actual imagearms ablelook
should to carry
like. out intricate life-
Vacuum saving heart operations.
Nowadays, in supermarkets, it is more common to find
Vac� o
Collapse Derrumbarse, September 11 will
vacuum-packed coldalways
meat thanbe remembered
fresh. as the date
Vapor venirse abajo,
Vapor when the
Water vapor twin
in towers
warm aircollapsed.
rises like a balloon.
Volume desplomarse
Volumen This formula provides volume, length, and curl to lashes.

Book 23

Lesson 2


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Collide Chocar Two planes collided while taxiing on a runway at
London� s Heathrow Airport.
Collision Choque, colisi� n A galactic collision may lead to a merge.
Conscious Enterado, consciente I'm open to the idea that machines might eventually
become conscious.
Continuous Continuo Instructors are subject to continuous assessment.
Crush Aplastar, machacar Crush the parsley between fingers and sprinkle over
During the time (that) El tiempo que During the time spent together, did he mean anything he
said to me?
Elevate Elevar, poner en alto To improve circulation, place a pillow under your knees
and elevate your legs and feet.
Expose Exponer She is said to have been exposed to toxic substances as
a child.
Firm Firme A knee support provides firm stability to the knee joint.
Firmly Firmemente I firmly believe that sometimes it� s better not to talk
about things, and just go with the flow.
First aid Primeros auxilios You should keep one first-aid kit in your home and one
in each car.
First of all En primer lugar First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming.
Fracture Fractura Penile fracture is a rare but serious urologic condition
that requires surgical repair.
Infect Infectar When HIV enters a healthy cell, its only goal is to make
more viruses to infect other healthy cells.
Initial Inicial, primero I did the Initial Training Teacher's Course a few years
Investigate Averiguar The employer has to investigate my background before
hiring me.
Procedure Procedimiento Follow the procedure described below.
Proceed Proceder How should I proceed in such circumstances?
Restrict Restringir The Atkins diet restricts processed and refined
Safety Seguridad, In Mexico, as in the rest of the world, pedestrians should
prevenci� n de observe safety measures when crossing a street.
Sequence Secuencia This sequence of photos was taken during the eclipse.
Series Serie There's been a series of unfortunate events.
Somewhat Un tanto, algo This article is somewhat old, but hilarious.
Steady Constante, estable We are making steady progress in education.
Step Paso It's a small step for womankind.
Unconscious Inconsciente The boxer was rendered unconscious during the first
Vein Vena Bodybuilders have prominent visible veins because they
dehydrate themselves.
Victim V� ctima She is a drunk-driving crime victim.
Whenever Cuando, en Whenever you need somebody, I'll bring my love to
cualquier momento you...
Wound Herida Wounds of the soul take a long, long time to heal.

Herir She was wounded in her little finger by a stray bullet.

Book 23
Arrow Flecha The bow and arrow is one of the oldest hunting and
fighting tools on Earth.

Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Beneath Bajo There are cities beneath the sea.
By means of Por medio de, Learning is very easy by means of this method.
mediante, en
By way of V� a, pasando por I went to Sonora by way of Chihuahua.
Converge Convergir At the tip of the Baja Peninsula, the Pacific Ocean
converges with the Sea of Cortez.
Correspond Mantener We don't correspond as frequently as we used to.
Correspondence Correspondencia With the Internet, mail correspondence has been
consigned to oblivion.
Destination Destino Have you chosen your vacation destination?
Direct Indicar el camino, Guide dogs direct their masters and respond to verb
dirigir commands and hand signals.
Distribute Distribuir VoIP signal can be distributed throughout your home.
Endorse Aprobar, refrendar The decision was endorsed by the Environment
Fold Doblar It is possible to fold a shirt in two seconds.
Forward Hacia adelante The government policies are moving forward on certain
Go/went over Revisar Go over the text for facts and ideas that have to be
In the meantime Mientras tanto, en el When I'm doing chores around the house, I put the
� nterin dishes in to soak and in themeantime Ido a small task
like take out the trash.
Intersect Cruzar The place where two lines intersect is known as a point.
Island Isla Ciudad del Carmen is an island-city located on the Gulf
of Mexico in the state of Campeche.
Look in on Ir a ver a alguien o After class, I'm looking in on my mother-in-law because
pasar por su casa she has not been feeling well.
Means Medio The electric scooter is an environmentally-friendly
means of transport.
Meanwhile Entre tanto The signature line of the Super Friends cartoon was:
Meanwhile, at the Hall of Justice...
Northeast Noreste, nordeste The Northeast is the richest region of the United States.
Northwest Noroeste Huichol Indians live in remote settlements in the Sierra
Madre Occidental, northwest of Mexico.
On top of Encima, en lo alto Put some salted sunflower seeds on top of the salad.
It's delicious.
Opposite (to) Enfrente I tried to open the door opposite mine, but it was locked.
Previous Anterior I still owe taxes from the previous fiscal year. I didn't file
them at all.
Route Ruta, recorrido Could you please tell me the shortest route from
Piedras Negras, Coahuila to Wichita Falls, Texas?
Run short of Acabarse, quedarse Help me out! I'm running shortof ideas.
Secondary Secundario The main and secondary entrances of the subway
station connect to the main concourse level.
Southeast Sureste, sudeste Villahermosa, located some 430 miles (692 kilometers)
southeast of Mexico City, is almost completely flooded.
Southwest Suroeste, sudoeste The Southwest Indian Ridgebisects the ocean between
Africa and Antarctica.
Throughout En todo Throughout my life, my two greatest passions have
been medicine and languages.
Track V� a f� rrea The overloaded freight train derailed and took some of
the track with it.
Transport Transportar, llevar Some amount of normal wear should be expected when
Accuracy luggage
Accuracy is transported
of speech because for
is fundamental of translators.
the automated
Precisi� n systems used by airlines.
Tray Preciso
Bandeja 16 different
Anything else?DNA markers
Yeah, show are examined
me the tray oftodesserts,
please. results in paternity tests.
Zip code Avanzar Women
Enter advance
your slowly
zip code in but
the surely
box tointhe
top left
and click
C� digo postal

Book 23

Lesson 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Aim Apuntar You just have to aim in the right direction and fire.
Artillery Artiller� a The units of the Corps cover Infantry, Cavalry and
Awfully Terriblemente, muy You look awfully funny washing that.
Barely Apenas, un poco I barely know where anything is in my new kitchen.
Demonstrate Demostrar Personal anecdotes demonstrate your ability to solve
Depress Bajar A tax raises some prices, but depresses others.
Effort Intento, esfuerzo In an effort to be a better person, I'm working on
improving my outlook and perceptions of the world.
Elementary Elemental "Elementary, my dear Watson."
Event Caso, What can be done in the event of a terrorist attack?
Expert Experto You should see an expert in traumatic stress.
Failure Falla, fracaso How many failures are you willing to endure?
Give/gave out Repartir, distribuir The refugees in Tabasco line up patiently for bread,
soup and water given out by the rescue workers.
Give/gave up Rendirse Don't give up; I know you can make it.
Go/went on with Seguir con If plan A fails, go on with plan B.
Immediate Inmediato Even skin lesions that do not hurt demand immediate
Improve Mejorar Cardiovascular exerciseimprovesyour overall physical
Infantry Infanter� a The infantry carries the fight to the enemy.
Inspect Inspeccionar, revisar Following an earthquake, a party will inspect the
premises for signs of damage.
Interfere Interferir My work life is interfering with my personal life.
Level Nivelar The floor has to be leveled before the tiles are laid.

Nivel A carpenter's levelcontains a varying number of bubble

vials mounted in a wood, plastic, or metal frame.
Marksman/marksmen Tirador, tiradores A good marksman may miss.
Marksmanship Punter� a A Marksmanship Ribbon is an award of the United
States Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard.
Phase Fase Bush presidency is entering its terminal phase.
Progress Avanzar In this video game, you have to score first place out of
four in a series of events to progress to thenext level.
Avance, progreso
Did Mexico make progressin its poverty reduction
efforts last year? I don't think so.
Satisfactory Satisfactorio The teaching quality of that school is satisfactory.
Skilled Calificado, The European Commission has unveiled a blue card for
especializado skilled immigrants.
Squad Pelot� n, cuadrilla There should be an anti-graffiti squad in Mexico City to
put a stop to those "decorations" on walls.
Target Blanco; objetivo Target cells (codocytes) are erythrocytes with a central
color spot, resembling a target.

Book 24

Lesson 1

(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)
Abundant Abundante There are abundant cases of conflicts and
confrontations rooted on ethnic and religious causes.
Access Acceso In Mexico, access to Mayan and other archaeological
ruins has been restricted.
Actual Real The actual process entails many more details.
Actually En realidad What actually happened on 9/11?
Alloy Aleaci� n White gold is an alloy containing gold, along with nickel,
palladium and other whiter metals.
Brass Lat� n Brass can be cleaned with hot vinegar.
Bronze Bronce To produce a golden bronze color without the aging of
the sun, airbrush tanning utilizes dihydroxyacetone
which causes a reaction with skin's amino acids.
Carbon Carb� n Radiocarbon, or Carbon-14, dating is one of the most
widely used and best known dating methods.
Cement Cemento Polished cement floors look great everywhere.
Comparatively Relativamente Comparatively low prices are attracting new investors.
Concrete Concreto The main attribute of concrete furniture is design
Construct Construir Let's construct a society where the essential needs of
the people are automatically taken care of.
Erect Erigir, levantar A statue of former president Fox was erected and torn
down in Veracruz.
Extensive Mucho, abundante In the past several years, extensive work has been done
on all aspects of taxation.
Fixed Fijo A fixed idea may become an obsession,a compulsion or
Iron Hierro Margaret Tatcher was nicknamed the "Iron Lady" by the
Liquefy Licuar Mercury liquefies at a temperature below body heat.
Mine Extraer Quartz crystals from the Ouachita Mountains can be
mined by the general public.
Though the kimberlite of all the mines is the same, the
diamonds from the various chimneys are very different.
Mineral Mineral Important dietary minerals include calcium, zinc, iron,
and iodine.
Ore Mineral Silver ore is unrefined silver.
Origin Origen Most people believe that the origin of HIV derives from
some natural evolutionary event.
Overall Todo (adj.), global The project has three overall goals.
Pour Verter Pour the champagne down the side of the glass to give it
fewer bubbles.
Refine Refinar Reusing steel reduces about half of the energy required
to refine steel from ore.
Relatively Relativamente He started working at a relatively young age.
Solidify Solidificarse The original recipe suggests to put the cookies in the
fridge to let the chocolate solidify.
Source Fuente Nuclear fusion is said to be the energy source of the
Steel Acero Ceramic material is very much harder than steel.
Turn into Convertir, volverse Trash is turned into pieces of art.
Utilize Utilizar It's compulsory to focus on more efficient, less damaging
ways to utilize our natural resources.
Various Varios, diferentes Various forms of abuse and control are present in
dominant-submissive relationships.
Vary Variar Telephone numbers vary in length from country to

Aircraft Aeronave 4 fixed-wing aircrafts and 7 rotary-wing aircrafts were

deployed to the Pacific Ocean last night.
Altimeter Alt� metro Altimeter watches are used for cycling, skiing, hiking or
Attitude Posici� n If the attitude isn� t aligned properly, the plane will make
contact with the ground at the wrong angle and it will
Actitud crash.

Stop letting other people's negative attitudes influence

Aviation Aviaci� n Tackling aviation emissions demands an international
Bumby Que se mueve Hold on tight 'cause it might be a bumby flight.
Cockpit Cabina de mando The black box of a plane is officially called the Cockpit
Voice Recorder (CVR.)
Compass Br� jula, comp� s, A compass may indicate magnetic heading or bearing.

radiocomp� s,
goni� metro
Concentrate (on) Concentrarse When I really need to concentrateon something, I put on
noise canceling headphones.
Cross off Tachar, excluir. Who can we cross off our list of suspicion?
Cross out Tachar Cross out the mistakes and write the correct answers
above them.
Cross-check Verificar Some of the information found on the web sites may not
be accurate or up-to-date, so cross-check all information
from several different sources.
Disaster Desastre Professional, organized and competent emergency
response at community level saves the most lives
immediately after a disaster has struck.
Discard Deshacerse de All donated blood found to contain evidence of HIV
infection is discarded.
Dive/dove Bajar en picada As the plane dove into the field, there was a loud roar
and light smoke coming from the tail.
Fear Miedo Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns.

Temer What do you fearmore, talking in front of a crowd or

taking a major exam?
Flap Aler� n, flap The flaps are supposed to go up on the wings when
landing to slow the plane down on the runway, but they
were stuck and wouldn't go up!
Fuselage Fuselaje A supersonic fighter plane has a very slender,
streamlinedfuselage to reduce the drag associated with
high speed flights.
Go right Salir bien, resultar If everything goes right, great. If not, prepare for battle.
Go wrong Salir mal, resultar Murphy's law is an adage that broadly states that things
mal will go wrong in any given situation, if you give them a
Ignore Ignorar The more you ignore me, the closer I get.
Instrument Instrumento In their ceremonies, the Aztecs played percussive
instruments (huehuetl and teponaztli) as well as flutes
(huilacapiztli and ocarinas), and rattles (chicahuatzli).
Keep/kept track of Seguir la pista, llevar Keep track of your purchases. Don't just charge it and
la cuenta forget it. Be aware of what you're spending.
Lose/lost track of Perder la pista/de By day 3, I lost track of what day it was.
vista, perder la
Maneuver Maniobrar Petty Officer Valencia expertly maneuvered his vessel
near the capsized boat.
Orchestral Manoeuvers in the Dark was a British group
who sang 'If You Leave.'
Mask Mascarilla Carnival masks are the hallmark of il Carnevale di
Missile Misil Tony Blair has said the UK will work with the US when
the US develops a replacement for the D5 missile in the
Navigate Navegar I'll navigate the seven seas just to find you.
Needle Aguja This clockdisplays the hour needle, the minute needle
and the second needle.
Panel Tablero He specializes in automotive instrument panels.

Jurado, comisi� n In the light of the seriousness of the case the panel
determined that it was necessary to take action.
Precaution Precauci� n Many women don't take precautions against
Precise Exacto The study methodology as reported is insufficiently
precise to allow precisecalculations.
Propel Propulsar; llevar Wii propelled Nintendo sales to record heights.
Propeller/prop H� lice The term "prophead" is a leftover from the days when
the nerdy kids wore caps with little propellers on top.
Runway Pista de aterrizaje The length of the runway at Sao Paulo's airport has been
repeatedly criticized for being too short.
Tail Cola The tail rotor performs the same function in a helicopter
that the rudder performs in an aircraft.
Turbine Turbina Turbine noise is an important environmental issue.
Velocity Velocidad The corner velocity is the minimum speed at which an
aircraft can pull its maximum rated Gs.
Windscreen Parabrisas A cracked windscreen was causing a problem with the
Windshield Parabrisas Gnats smacked against my windshield as I turned down
the sandy road next to the river.
Wing Ala Dragonflies have four wings and can't fold them.

Book 24

Lesson 2


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Accumulate Acumularse Lead is a toxic metal, which accumulates in the
tissues of humans and freshwater fish and can
cause irreversible brain damage.

Book 24

Lesson 3


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Adapt Adaptarse This robot is able to adapt not only to its
environment but to itself.
Condense Condensar Salt ocean water condenses into salt crystals.
Dissolve Disolver The act of adultery does not dissolve the marriage
bond, although it affects the quality of a marriage
relationship and leaves a permanent scar on the
people involved.
Especially Sobre todo There are a lot of beggars in Casablanca and other
large Moroccan towns, especially in the markets.
Eventually Al final, a la larga The application of acupuncture to help you stop and
eventually quit smoking altogether, involves the
insertion of very fine needles into special points on
the skin.
Exceed Sobrepasar, exceder Attached to the radar placed on Perif� rico, there is
a camera that is activated when a vehicle exceeds
the speed limit.
Excess Exceso Where an excess of power prevails, property of no
sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his
opinions, his person, his faculties, or his
Excessive Excesivo, When excessive sweating affects the hands, feet,
desmesurado, and armpits, it's called primary or focal
exagerado hyperhidrosis.
Fertile F� rtil Women at the most fertile stage of their monthly
cycle smell better to men.
Fluent Con fluidez, Streets have a very fluent traffic and everywhere is
desenvuelto; fluido parking space.
For instance Por ejemplo Lots of things can damage DNA: UV light, cigarette
smoke, toxic fumes, and cell phones for instance.
Gravity Gravedad (fuerza) G-forces are measured relative to the Earth� s
acceleration due to gravity.
Look into Investigar, estudiar They apologized for the problems caused and
promised to look into them.
Moisture Humedad Too much moisture in a home can lead to mold,
mildew, and other biological growth.
Ordinary Corriente, com� n I have learned that teachers are ordinary people
engaged in extraordinary work.
Penetrate Penetrar Use your awareness to penetrate the tiredness in
your mind.
Precipitation Precipitaciones Whether the precipitation is snow, rain, sleet or hail
depends on the temperature of the air that the water
falls through.
Principal Principal The New Testament studies the principal events in
the life of Jesus.
When you're in elementary school, going to the
principal's office is like walking the last mile.
Principle Principio Things that we might call culture, ideology, ideas
and moral principles clearly affect individual
choices, and political outcomes.
Prior (to) Antes (de) You are responsible for obtaining all necessary
visas prior to the departure of your trip.
Reservoir Dep� sito Radar observations suggest that a large reservoir of
water ice may have been found below the surface of
Saturate Empapar, encharcar Irrigation of soil with large quantities of waste water
saturates the soil.
Saturated Saturado Saturated fats and trans fats raise blood cholesterol.
Scientific Cient� fico (adj.) The ASM Scientific Achievement Awards are given
annually to reward outstanding accomplishment in
fundamental research, developmental research, and
reduction to practice.
Soil Tierra Soil with high organic matter resists erosion and
holds water better, requiring less irrigation.
Vaporize Evaporarse Tokers are turning to specialized devices that
vaporize marijuana rather than burning it.
Viscosity Viscosidad The higher the viscosity, the thicker the paint.
Well Pozo The Fontana di Trevi may be the world's most
famous wishingwell and certainly one of the most
Admit Admitir The boy admitted to having taken the money from
his accuser� s pocket.

Book 24

Lesson 4


(Double-click on any word for meaning and pronunciation)

Anyplace Alg� n lugar, Scientist know that the cause of AIDS outbreak
could have been just anyplace in the world.
cualquier lugar
Assure Asegurar, garantizar Everybody in the building felt more alleviated when
the manager assured them that their Christmas
bonus was guaranteed.
Brain Cerebro Even though there have been great advances in the
field of neurology, Knowing in depth how the brain
works has been a long lasting mystery.
Break/broke down Descomponer If you want to solve this complex problem, first you
have to break it down into simpler ones.
Chart Tabla, diagrama At the entrance of this building, there� s a chart that
shows who the main officials of the institution are.
Confine Limitar, restringir After the students were told about the incident, all of
them were confined to their dorms.
Cure Curar There are high expectations to find cures to different
diseases in the first years of this century.
Digest Digerir Out of those foods, meat takes the longest to be
Digestion Digesti� n They say that people live longer when they have a
good digestion.
Digestive Digestivo When giving his anatomy class, the teacher found
out that his students knew very little about the
digestive system.
Disease Enfermedad As predicted, new diseases are appearing all over
the world.
Dismiss Dar de alta Mrs. Kondriac was dismissed from the hospital four
hours after she had arrived. Nothing was wrong with
Dismissal Alta Mrs. Kondriac� s dismissal from the hospital made
her very angry since she still felt sick.
Erratic Err� tico, Irregular The sailors had a hard time due to the erratic winds
that prevailed in the area.
Eyesight Vista In spite of all the protection available, welders have a
high probability to injure their eyesight.
Faith Fe, confianza You must have faith if you expect this condition to
Fluctuate Oscilar, fluctuar The temperature these days has been fluctuating
from 7 to 20 centigrades.
Get/got down Bajar When Joe got sick, he had a fever that was really
hard to getdown.
Get/got over Superar, It was very difficult for Joe to get over his last
recuperarse sickness.
Guard against Evitar, prevenir This bank has implemented state-of-the-art
technology to guard against possible robbers.
Human Humano (adj) Jacob found in himself a strong tendency to paint the
human body.
In charge (of) A cargo (de) Sgt. Thomas is in charge of military training here.
Inject Inyectar When my dog got sick, the vet hat to injectsome kind
of drug into his hind legs.
Intestinal Intestinal Intestinal infections are very common in people who
eat in the street.
Intestine Intestino In the adult, the small intestine can measure up to
6.5 meters.
Manner Manera, forma The manner in which people take medication
influences on the time it takes to get well.
Mild Leve, ligero Debbie had a mild stomachache, so se had nothing
for dinner.
No place Ning� n lugar There� s no place where you can be operated on in
this country. You have to go to Cuba.
Organ � rgano (cuerpo e Every organ in the human body has a specific and
relevant function.
Pull through Sobrevivir, salvarse Most of us thought that grandpa wouldn� t pull
through after his brain operation; but he did!!
Recover Recuperar, recobrar It takes some time to recover after a fever.
Recovery Recuperaci� n Gina was prostrated due to measles. Her recovery is
being very slow.
Skull Cr� neo Skull trepanation is a practice that has been around
for many years.
Someplace Alg� n lugar My medicine book must be someplace in this room.
I� m sure I brought it in.
Stable Estable The good news is that Rogers is now stable in spite
of his serious condition.
Surgeon Cirujano A good surgeon is a guarantee that everything will
go better.
Surgery Cirug� a A heart operation is a very complex surgery.
Typical T� pico A sore throat is a typical symptom of flu.
Undergo/underwent Someterse I� m sure nobody wants to undergo an operation.
Unit Unidad After the operation, patients are taken to a recovery
Vision Visi� n If Sam wants to recover his vision, he must visit an
excellent ophthalmologist.
X-ray Sacar radiograf� as It� s necessary to x-ray the leg to see if a bone is
Radiograf� a, placa
If the x-ray is ok, then you can go home later.

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