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Choosing a Job
By Livia Octaviani

Job or occupation is an activity or performance that people performe in

exchange for payment. In choosing a job people mostly considering about the
description of the job, purpose of getting a job and kind of the job that they want to

There are many descriptions about the job in the society, according to the
job that a person undertakes, it will affect their role in society like in their work
environment or community environment. It also affects how people's see and treat
a persons or their family. While talking about job itself we will also talk about the
regular activity that a person does to achieve a goal of work, a person’s have to
perform several activities continuously, follow the rules and that was the activity
which a person does regularly and continuously. The end of descriptions about job
in the society is the action that a person does to get paid, mostly people will work 5
until 7 days in a week or 20 until 28 in a month in order to get paid by their work.

There are some purposes of getting a job, the purposes of getting a job is
affected by someone’s education and experience in the job field. For the fresh
graduated workers they will looking for a job to make their living, but the puposes
will change if they are already have the experience like two or three years in the job
field, they will look for a better job in order to make them success or become rich.
And in the last one, if a person’s already have five until ten years in the job field
they will have a purpose for getting a great position or has their own company.

There are many kind of job, like Office Staff such as Finance or
Administration and Field Officer like Marketing and Surveyor. Office Assistants/
Office Staff handle everything in the organizational and clerical support tasks. This
may include organizing files, scheduling appointments, writing copy, proofreading,
receiving guests and more, depending on the company and its needs. For Field
Officer shall be responsible for particular tasks related to the selection of the
beneficiaries, monitoring activities, communication with counterparts involved in
the project in the project preparation, implementation and evaluation in accordance
with the existing regulation in the company.

The workers in the Field Officer like Marketing managers, have to

understand how to relate to others, and need the power of persuasion. Additionally,
they are in a managerial role, so they will need to coordinate and instruct a team.
While choosing a job the factors that did not change significantly is someone’s
gender, mostly there are the differences between men and women. In the job field,
women more prefer to be as staff officers who have less risk than the majority of
the field workers.

Job is affect all aspect in someon’s life like, personal, social, identity,
someone’s daily routine, social status, friends, way of living, neighbourhood, social
circle, and all depends on what kind of job that someone’s has been choose. So,
choosing a job is one of the important things for everyone’s living and many people
considering this with a long and deep thoughts in order to make their future more
bright and to support all their needs while making a great living.

Office Assistant Job Description (2018, April 17) Retreived from

Goudreau, Jenna. (2012, February 2). The 20 Best-Paying Jobs For People

T. S. Tamayose et al. / Californian Journal of Health Promotion 2004, Volume 2,

Issue 1, 65-73. Retreived from

Choosing A Career Means Choosing The Way Of Life We Lead 2002, July 22.

The Future of Jobs, Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth
Industrial Revolution (2016, January) Retreived from World Economic Forum

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