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Dialog Job Interview Psychiatric Nurse

Interviewers : Good morning. Please, sit down.

Candidate : “Thank you.”

Interviewers : Welcome to our office. My name is Desi. And on my right is tu ayu. Your name’s
agus wirawan, isn’t it?

Candidate : “Yes, that’s right.”

Interviewers : We’ve received your application letter, Curriculum Vitae and credentials. Now,
we’re going to interview you to get more information about you. To start with, would
you please tell me a little about yourself?

Candidate : “Well, my name is Agus Wirawan. I was born in Abiansemal on September 25th,
1990. My hobbies are reading novel and sometime writing articles. My last education
level is a Diploma degree. I graduated from Brawijaya University majoring in Nurse
in 2010. I started my career as anpsychiatric nurse in a Prima hospital. During my
study there I also took some short course in Computer and English to improve my skill
and knowledge. Now that I have already graduated I would like to start my career as a
Psyciatric nurse based on my academic background and skill that I have. That is all I
can say about myself. Thank you”.

Interviewers :How do you get information about vacancy in our company?

Candidate : “I get the information from the internet/newspaper”.

Interviewers : So, I want to know about your knowledge about avian influenza . Do you know
about avian influenza? What do you know about it?
Candidate : “Yes, I do. Bird flu or avian influenza (Bird Flu, Avian Influenza) is an infectious
disease caused by type A influenza virus and is transmitted by birds. Bird flu is
caused by influenza virus types influenza confirmed H5N1 in poultry have occurred
in the Republic of Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Taiwan, Laos, China,
Indonesia and Pakistan. Source of the virus thought to have come from migratory
birds and transport of infected poultry.

Suspected cases of H5N1 AI

Fever / Heat ≥ 38 ° C accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms: cough,

sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath / difficulty breathing and Accompanied by
one or more of the following circumstances:
Had contact with poultry (chickens, ducks, birds) sick / die suddenly which the cause
is unknown and raw products (meat, eggs, poultry manure) in the last 7 days before
symptoms above. Never lived in that area that are unusual poultry deaths in the last 7
days before symptoms above. AI had contact with patients confirmed in the last 7 days
before symptoms above.
Interviewers : and than how to prevent avian influenza?
Candidate : Culling of poultry / birds infected with avian influenza, Vaccination of healthy,
birdsGroup high risk (farm workers and traders), Wash your hands with disinfectant
and shower after work ,Avoid direct contact with chickens or poultry infected with
bird flu, Use of personal protective equipment. (example: masks and work clothes).
Choose healthy birds (there are no symptoms of disease in the body), Cooking chicken
up to temperatures of 800 ° C for 1 min and the eggs up to temperature 640 ° C for 4.5
Interviewers : Why are you applying for this job?
Candidate : "I think Junior psychiatry nurse is an appropriate job position for me. I find it
attractive and interesting as well. Due to the training I have, I’m sure that my skills
and talents will be conducive to this hospital success. I can also see a bright future of
my career by joining this hospital.”

Interviewers : Have you ever worked before?

Candidate : "Yes, I had. Before I applied here, I have experienced in psychiatry unit in Prima
Hospital for two years".

Interviewers : Why do you leave your previous job?

Candidate : “I really want to improve my skill and ability but I could not get this in my previous

Interviewers : Why are you interested in joining our company?

Candidate : "I would like to join your company because I know your company is the big one and
that your company is offering a great opportunity for advancing my career. I have also
good experience regarding to this position".

Interviewers : What do you consider your strengths?

Candidate : "I have a positive attitude and I am a team player".

Interviewers : What do you consider your weaknesses?

Candidate : “I feel less confident in front of many people but right now I am still in process to
handle it and I am sure I can overcome this".

Interviewers : What problems have you encountered at work and how did you deal with them?

Candidate : I think the best way to deal with those problems is to meet them head on. When
someone saying things that were not true behind my back I met him and discuss it

Interviewers : What problems have you encountered at work and how did you deal with them?

Candidate : “I think the best way to deal with those problems is to meet them head on. When
someone saying things that were not true behind my back I met him and discuss it

Interviewers : What is your greatest strength?

Candidate : “My ability to prioritize, my problem-solving skills, my ability to work under

pressure, my ability to focus on projects.”

Interviewers : Well, it was a great time to have a little talk with you, pratiwi. We will announce the
result of your interview in a week. Thank you for coming here.

Candidate : Yes. Thank you, Madam.

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