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Vallecillo, Ruby Pearl

Luceño, Razel

Jandumon, Jonalyn

Wuthering Heights


Emily Jane Brontë (Ellis Bell) 1846–48 period.

Born in July 30, 1818 in Thornton, England and died in December 19, 1848 at the age of 30 in
Haworth, England. An American Citizen who studied at Cowan Bridge School, Lancashire. Her
genre was fiction poetry and her literary movement was Romantic period. She's the Daughter of
Maria Branwell and Patrick Brontë, the family was living on Market Street in the village of
Thornton on the outskirts of Bradford, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, Northern England. They
moved eight miles away to Haworth where her father was employed as perpetual curate in
Haworth, the children would have opportunities to develop their literary talents. Lately, she died
because of tuberculosis.


Mr. Lockwood a wealthy young man from south of England rent the Thrushcross Grange in a state in a
wild English countryside and set out to meet his landlord Heathcliff who lives at Wuthering Heights and a
state across the moors. While Lockwood stays in the room he observed a certain books or old diaries
that was in the room then lately as he feel asleep there's a ghost of Catherine but it suddenly
disappeared as Heatcliff come running. The next day Nelly Dean the care taker of Trushcross Grange
narrate the story of Catherine and Heathcliff, that Heathcliff was an adopted son of Mr. Ernshaw which
he loved as his own son. Mr. Ernshaw biological children was Catherine and Hindley which hated
Heathcliff the most but his father sent him to school and Catherine was suddenly developed her feelings
to Heathcliff but when Catherine bitten by the dog owned by Linton family everything had change. While
Catherine and Heathcliff was separated Catherine got engaged to Edgar Linton who is rich and
standardized men. When Heathcliff returned Catherine was married to Edgar and the battle of rebellion
starts as he took Isabella as his wife the sister of Edgar for revenge. So Catherine and Edgar has their own
child Cathy Linton while Isabella and Heathcliff's child is Linton Heathcliff then Frances and Hindley's son
was Hereton Earnshaw. The parents of Hereton and Cathy was first died because of illness and the
revnged of Heathcliff but before he die his son Linton and Cathy was first engaged but because Linton
has a health problem he also died. Finally the destiny goes to Cathy and Hereton Earnshaw after the
revenged was their happy beginning.

IRONY: Catherine married to Edgar based on his social status and money but she really wants to marry
Heathcliff and then Heathcliff turns out to acuire a lot of money.

DRAMATIC IRONY: When Catherine tells nelly that she has accepted Edgar’s proposal and Heathcliff
overhears the negative things that he wouldn’t want to hear.

FORESHADOWING: Lockwood’s initial visit to Wuthering Heights, in which the mysterious relationship
and lurking resentments between the characters create an air of mystery; Lockwood’s ghostly
nightmares, during the night he spends in Catherine’s old bed, prefigure many of the events of the rest
of the novel


Windows & Doors: damaging effects of revenge

Ghost: memories, lost souls and the past.

Catherine’s Locket: symbolizing how the two nemesis’ lives intertwine.

The Moors: freewill, happiness and wildness of young lovers.

Weather: hardness of inhabitants, the Lintons.

Wind & Rain: when Mr. Earnshaw dies and when Heathcliff departs from Wuthering Heights and he dies.


Love changes anything but violence is by destruction and revenge when the love taken by dark thunder.


In every action and decision there’s always a corporate effect that bounce back towards you.


Let your heart vibrate and let your mind navigate until you find someone to live with for a lifetime.

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