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Stratford International School

J. Catolico Ave. Lagao, General Santos City

Removal Examination (21st Century Literature)

Name: _______________________________ Strand/Section: __________________ Date: ________ Score: ______

TEST I: IDENTIFICATION: Identify what is asked for in each item. Write your answer on the space provided before
the statement. (2 pts each))

1. _________________________comes from the Latin word “Litteratura”.

2. _________________________referring to the specific techniques and designs that a literary writer employs to prolong
his or her grip of the reader’s interest.
3. _________________________it is the subject of which literature revolves around.
4. _________________________talks about the general structure of the literary piece.
5.__________________________talks about imaginary characters, settings and stories.
6. _________________________follows the structure of nonfiction literature, while employing the use of fiction literature’s
style and characteristics.
7. _________________________talks about the reality of things, places and people, building up on facts.
8. _________________________literary form that is slowly becoming extinct.
9. _________________________form of literature that uses more expressive words, like figures of speech, and creative
structures in conveying its message.
10. _______________________created literature to be performed and witnessed by an audience.
11. _______________________oftentimes, are more creatively crafted than novels, but lack specific and minute details.
12. _______________________a literary form intended to be read, if not, addressed to a specific audience.
13. _______________________present various themes organized in “chapters” and, sometimes, “volumes.”
14. _______________________this is another contemporary literature that can be accessed through mobile phones
messaging application.
15. _______________________this type of poetry is available online and can be accessed personally by the readers
through hyperlink mark-ups.
16. _______________________this literary genre contains themes and elements such as conspiracy themes, science
fiction, and dystopian settings.
17. ________________________from the term itself, this form of literature is a very short work of fiction that can be read
in one setting.
18. ________________________this form of literature is the modern version of the essay that enables the author to express
his/her ideas using the internet to reach wider audience.
19. ________________________a genre of fiction that was made popular in the late 1990s.
20. ________________________could be the products of the writer’s imagination, or they could be the very compelling
point of view that the writer thinks in.
21. ________________________The author of the poem entitled “America”.
22. ________________________The author of the feature article entitled “Childhood in the Path of Typhoon”.
23. ________________________The author of the short story entitled “In a Bed of Roots”.
24. ________________________The author of the short story entitled “The Bougainvillea”.
25. ________________________The author of the blog/online column entitled “Emotional Weather Report”.
26. ________________________One of the prominent literary journals in Mindanao.
27. ________________________The city of “golden friendship”.
28. ________________________The language spoken by the majority of people in Mindanao.
29. ________________________The most well liked cities in Mindanao and most popular destination among tourists.
30. ________________________The author of the short story entitled “The Sadness Collector”

Test II: IDENTIFICATION: Identify the figure of speech used in the following poem excerpts. Write the correct
answers. (2pts each)

1. ______________________”Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell: Hark! Now I hear them- Ding, dong, bell.” William
2. ______________________Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams for when dreams go. Life is
a barren field frozen with snow. Langston Hughes
3. ______________________”Friends, Romans, countrymen: lend me your ears.” William Shakespeare
4. ______________________”The pen is mightier than the sword.” Edward Bulwer Lytton
5. ______________________”and the river jumps over the mountain” Joseph Conrad

Test III: MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If not, change the underlined word/s
with the correct answer. (2pts each)

1. ____________________ Luzon embraces the culture of the past as seen in the conservation of Spanish heritage sites.
2. ____________________ being the center of the country’s government, education, trade and industry, Luzon also
welcomes the promises of modernity and technology.
3. ____________________ Merlinda Bobis is a Filipino-American writer, performer and educator who was born and
raised in Legaspi City, Albay.

4. ______________________ Merlinda holds various awards in literature for her collection of short stories White Turtle
which won the Steel Pen Award
5. _____________________ The Oxford dictionary defines migration as “The dispersion or spread of any people from
their original homeland.

Test IV FILL IN THE BLANK: Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (2pts each)

Merlinda Bobis is a 1.) ________________________writer, performer, and 2.) _________________________who was

born and raised in 3.) ________________________city, Albay. She took up Bachelor of Arts at 4.) _________________
University and Master of Arts in Literature at the University of 5.) ____________________, Manila. She continued taking
up Doctorate of 6.) ___________________________at the University of Wollongong in Australia where she is now currently
based. She hold various awards in literature for her collection of short stories 7.) __________________________which
won the Steele Rudd Award for the Best Collection of Australian Short stories and the Philippine National Book award both
in 2000. Her novel 8.) _________________________ received the 9.) _____________________________, Philippines in

Jessica Zapra is a columnist, 10.)___________________________, fiction writer, editor, publisher, and former television
and radio show host from 11.) ___________________________. She studied Comparative Literature at the 12.)
_____________________________, Diliman, Quezon City. She authored the well-known collection of essays which is the
twisted series and the collection of short stories 13.)_____________________________. She maintain a site for her blogs
and a weekly column for The Philippine Star. She won three times in the 14.) ____________________________award for
her short stories such as the 15.) ___________________________which garnered first place in 1991.

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