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Makato and the Cowrie Shell

Supannee Khanchanathiti’s story “Makato and the Cowrie Shell” mention an object, a

cowrie shell as a form a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes; coins

and banknotes collectively that is given for Makato who is an orphan since both his mother and

father died when he was in a young age. The object which is the cowrie shell represents the

money used in the story. The story proves that even if there so little money in our pocket we can

make it grow which depends on how we used it. Makato represents a wise and kind man who is

given a undeniable talent from the lord that can only be revealed if was used for a good cause

and manner.

The story presents a man vs. society conflict. The protagonist which is Makato and the

antagonist as the society, the society is his enemy because both of his parents died since he was

at such a young age. Makato struggle but stay kind even if his fate is to work hard to make a

living for himself.

The author used the theme of optimism, as Makato try his fortune by travelling a not so

familiar land he believed that he will have a happy life after his journey. And even Makato

experience an unexpected tragedy from the death of his parents he choose to stay kind. Makato

characterized a young boy who lived from poverty and hardship but still chose to take the right

path and became a successful leader of Mon.

The narrator point of view of view is omniscient. The third-person omniscient point of

view is a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of

the characters in the story (Ginny Wiehardt, 2019). The narrator used third person point of view

that used he/she to express his story effectively.


Essay in English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Dear future self, first of all I am expecting you have a decent job and really cool life with

your love of your life right now, if not all of my efforts and sacrifices in school days would be in

vain. I hope you choose happiness every day and you are eliminating people and things that

make you unhappy from your life because it’s not worth your time if it’s not making you happy.

I hope you’re not at some job you hate and miserably waking up every morning. Our family is

amazing, you must still know that family comes before everything else and family is always

there to guide you.

Failures in life is not what it seems to be, it depends on how we used our failures.

Everyone has to fall before successfully climbing to the top. I wish you are still learning lessons,

and still making mistakes. Because if you’re not, life is probably pretty boring. If you’re not

learning lessons and making mistakes it’s probably because you’re not taking risks. If that’s the

case, take more risks, regret is inevitable if you are not taking risks I remember when we fail in

our first entrance examination because we let our guard down. But that failure did not weigh us

down instead it help us realize that nothing can be done by just sitting and relaxing somewhere

one must struggle first to successfully pass hardships in life.

“When you choose to have a positive attitude, you will soon start ignoring negative

qualities in other people and notice the positive ones instead. This type of attitude is a great

foundation for great friendships and meaningful relationships. Hard times may be just around the

corner, but you’ll handle them. When you’re positive in your heart, it won’t be hard to get past

unpleasant situation. An optimistic attitude will help in any situation.” Having a positive attitude

or being optimistic is necessary in out every journey in life so we must be kind and if possible

we must first trust everyone before deciding to judge them for our own accord.

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