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Assalamu’alaikum wr.


First of all, before going on my speaking let’s say thanks to Allah Swt. Who has given us blessing,
mercy, and guidance upon all of us so that we can still take the benefit from His blessing, namely
the good health and oxygen we breathe in without any need to cost anything.

Salawat and salam may always be upon our adoration and esteemed model, namely Prophet
Muhammad Saw, all of his families, companions and followers, all together who brought islam to
the whole world, who had guided and led us from darkness into the shining brightness.
To all the honorable teachers, Parents and all the priding students of Lazuardi Kamila GCS.
We will definitely be very proud if someday we hear the news that those among the graduates of
this school have become success people. I wish you could be one of them. To all of my students
that I proud of.

Being success or failed is a choice. It’s you the only one who can choose it. You can observe the
choice from the tendency of your heart, the tendency of your mind, and the tendency of your
behaviors. The more you dominate and take over the tendencies with positive things, the closer
you will be to success. Otherwise, the more you dominate and take over the tendencies with
negative things, the more far away you will be to success. All of you will be the proof of what I am
saying today to you all.
But disruption, in my opinion, need not be considered negatively!
So, I would like to begin by maybe asking you to imagine.
Most of you have families and are associated with children – correct? I want you to “imagine” your
child – son or daughter a dozen years from now. Perhaps in 2030.
What did you “imagine”? – most probably the following:

 Books versus gadgets

 Parent teachers conference with a different format? Maybe using hologram for the
teachers? Or perhaps
 A car or household utility that drives on command? And many, many more of that.
 The 1st Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanize production.
 The 2nd Industrial Revolution used electric power to create mass production.
 The 3rd Industrial Revolution used information technology to automate production.
 The 4th Industrial Revolution is different from the previous one in three ways – velocity,
scope, and impact.

Robots are getting more intelligent and adaptive with advanced sensors and respond in better
ways; Autonomous vehicles are the typical example of this trend.
Connects objects and makes a smarter relationship between things and people.
Big Data and cloud computing are foundation to make businesses more intelligent.
Blockchain will bring new ways of trust for businesses without a central system.

Many countries are not simply ready to maximize the use of digital technologies for development.

I wish you all enjoy in this program until finish.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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