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"Assalamualaikum warah matullahi wabarakatu, and good morning".

The teacher I respect, and the colleagues that I am proud and honored.

First of all, let us offer praise and gratitude for the presence of God Almighty and I
also thank you for the opportunity given to me to deliver my speech with the theme
"Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day."

As we all know on the 17th of August the Indonesian people will celebrate
independence day by ceremonies or raising flags to honor the heroes who have fought for our
country to be free and free from the shackles of colonialism, which has occupied us for
hundreds of years.

But the sense of independence is interpreted differently by our generation, which is

only interpreted on August 17, actually the argument or opinion is not right, because the
meaning of independence is not only felt or meaningful on the independence day of the
Republic of Indonesia, but also in all the days we go through together in our country.

So do not just assume and interpret that we are independent only on August 17,
because it is this that can bring down the spirit of independence for our country and we
should respect the heroes who have fallen and who have given independence to all of us so
we must foster a sense of independence it is every day so that we can defend our country so
that it is no longer faced.

Of what I have said, I hope that what I have said can be useful for all of us. If there
are more and less words, please forgive.

" Wassalamualaikum Warah matullahi wabarakatu, and good morning."



Assalamualaikum Warakhmatullahi Wabarakkatuh

What I respect to the jury

And all the friends I love

First of all, let's say we praise and praise Allah SWT. Who has bestowed His grace and guidance on us all, so
that we can gather in this good place and time in a healthy state of affairs. Sholawat and salam are still poured
into our Prophet Muhammad SAW. Who always prayed for his people to the path of goodness and safety.

My dear friend, Today is right on the 17th of August 2018 we celebrate our 73nd anniversary of independence.
By commemorating the anniversary of independence I hope that we will further enhance the spirit of patriotism
and nationalism to our beloved homeland, and further enhance our spirit to learn more diligently, so that we as a
younger generation can be a generation that makes our beloved country prosperous and peaceful .

Still remember? How great are the fighters of the nation to defend and seize the independence of our country
from the hands of the colonists? We as the people of Indonesia and as a great nation must be able to respect and
cherish the services of our nation's heroes.

The role of the young generation today is very important in terms of the progress and tranquility of our country
for the future. Because the Young Generation is now more individualistic, hedonistic, violent and criminal
crimes and the fall of the nationalism of the youth. Of course, this country becomes what it would be like if the
young generation had lost the noble values and the spirit of mutual support and mutual support.

The spirit of nationalism of the young generation is very important, because nationalism can shape awareness
and loyalty towards the nation and state regardless of ethnicity, race and religion. With the spirit of nationalism
we can establish harmony between people.

Therefore, this does not mean that we are disconnected and remain silent in facing the reality of life like that.
We must be able to arouse the enthusiasm of the younger generation and motivate education for the younger
generation. Beliefs must always be cultivated and must be in the body of today's young generation, to make
changes to the Nation whose people want to prosper. The young generation of Indonesians is now the
Indonesian nation's handler, and has a very important task to advance the Indonesian nation in all fields.

Let us young Indonesians to rise again, fight for the Indonesian people, always eager and always optimistic to
give the best for their beloved land. We can realize this by learning to excel and as well as the name of the
nation and fill Indonesia's independence as well as possible and with the spirit of nationalism and patriotism.

All Friends

Be assured that we as the nation's young generation will be able to provide change for this beloved nation. Good
luck, the spirit of learning to be a better young generation.

My Indonesian Dirgahayu!

Freedom !! Freedom !!

Wasalammualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

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