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Oroquieta City Name:
Subject: Comm1 Date:
Senior High School Department
Class Schedule: MW 11:45- 01:20 PM Score:
Semi-Final Examination
ID No: Instructor: Gretel T. Ricalde Total Score:
Permit No: Checked by: Rochelan A. Lumasag Approved by: Dr. Markdy Y. Orong

Oath of Honesty
Good old values are enduring. Diligence, hard work and honesty are some of these which I should learn to practice in and
out of school. I shall endeavor to practice honesty today by answering the test questions to the best of my ability and I will not enrich
my score by getting information or answers from any other student. ___________________
Student’s Signature

General Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before answering the test paper.
Failure to follow the instructions will have appropriate deductions.
1. Turn off your cellular phones.
2. You are not allowed to go outside as soon as you receive the test paper.
3. No glancing or cheating. Strictly no superimpositions.
4. Not following instructions means a deduction of points.
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in a CAPSLOCK manner on the space provided at the right side.

1. Why is digital piracy a crime?

A. Because it is accessible to all C. Because can save you money
B. Because piracy is theft D. Because piracy is the best policy

2. Which of the following is NOT an example of intellectual property?

A. Copyright C. Trademarks
B. Patent D. Fair Use

3. Which of the following is a type of plagiarism?

A. The ghost writer C. The blessing in disguise
B. The scanner D. The lazy dog

4. What is the validity period of literary works?

A. During the lifetime of the author plus 50 years after death
B. 25 years from the date of creation
C. 50 years from publication
D. Valid for 10 years and may be renewed for a periods of 10 years

5. It occurs when a party makes, uses, imports or sells the product with the same or a similar design without permission of the
registered design owner within the country covered by the registered design.
A. Design compliance C. Design industry
B. Design infringement D. Design production

6. What do you call the illegal actions using a computer as an instrument?

A. Cyberlink C. Cybersex
B. Cybercrime D. Cyberhunter

7. What law aims to address legal issues concerning online interactions and the Internet in the Philippines. Among the cybercrime
offenses included in the bill are cybersquatting, cybersex, child pornography, identity theft, illegal access to data and libel.
A. Republic Act No. 10157 C. Republic Act No. 10175
B. Republic Act No. 10715 D. Republic Act No. 11075

8. This refers to creations of the mind.

A. Piracy C. Intellectual Property
B. WIPO D. Digital Piracy

9. John Legend wrote and performed the song “All of Me” and he owns what types of intellectual property?
A. Geographical origin C. Trademarks
B. Copyright D. Patents
Name: Subject: Pages: 2 out of 4
Instructor: Herwina A. Lonzon Schedule: Strand & Year:

10. Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines

A. Republic Act 8293 C. Republic Act 6293
B. Republic Act 9362 D. Republic Act 8262

11. Lito is a big fanatic of action movies. Over the weekend, he download numerous films over at Pirate Bay. As soon as he came
back to school, he then shared the files to his girlfriend, Lolita. As an MIL student, what is the best way to describe Lito?
A. Lito has committed plagiarism, from the moment he download those movies illegally to the point of sharing them with his
girlfriend, Lolita.
B. Lito has violated the Fair Use Policy, from the moment he download those movies illegally to the point of sharing them with
his girlfriend, Lolita.
C. Lito has violated the Copyright Law, from the moment he download those movies illegally to the point of sharing them with his
girlfriend, Lolita.
D. Lito did not violates any cybercrime.

12. One day, Ronald was listening to some songs on the radio and wrote a song with obviously similar lyrics and tunes but called it
his own. After he made his composition, he released it in Spotify for the world to hear his voice. However, a few weeks later, his
attention was called by the authorities stating that committed plagiarism. Did Ronald really commit an act of plagiarism?
A. No, he was being original with the music he made
B. Yes, by making a video using others’ footage or using copyrighted music as part of the soundtrack
C. Yes, by recording audio or video in which copyrighted music is playing on the background
D. Yes, by composing a piece that heavily uses similar content from another composition

13. Mark was going to present a thesis about the relationship between bacteria and genetic composition. Unfortunately, he found
minimal sources about his chosen topic, until he finally found a book that also conducted a research about his chosen topic. What
is the best thing that Mark can do in order for him to not plagiarize his own research?
A. Ask permission from the author/copyright holder by sending them a letter or an email on how you will use their work
B. Always be transparent and heed the restrictions that they impose
C. In case they refuse, the best option is to look for the other materials that he can use
D. All of the above.

14. It is a type of plagiarism that the writer will attempt to misrepresent the paraphrased work of another as their own investigation of
the work that has already been done.
A. Perfect crime C. The Resourceful citer
B. The too-perfect paraphrase D. The forgotten footnote

Name: Subject: Pages: 3 out of 4
Instructor: Herwina A. Lonzon Schedule: Strand & Year:

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