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Reaction Paper to the Movie “A.I.

Tetsuya Jumi B. Makino

The movie “A.I.” was something I saw when I was younger, and I remember it
marking a deep impression even as a child. From the environmental changes, ability to
manipulate population, and creation of artificial intelligence, the plot felt like it is so
futuristic, ambitious, but yet seems so attainable, probably not for the next few decades,
but it does seem possible with the rapidly advancing knowledge on science and
technology. And this is exactly what the principle of principle of stewardship and
creativity talks about.

The advancement in our scientific endeavor is so advanced that we are actually

venturing on creating artificial intelligence. As of the moment, scientists aren’t able to
create the android type of artificial intelligence as seen in the movie. However, the use of
this technology is so extensive that its use is numerous, and even aids in our daily lives.
These include stock investments, interpretation of medical images, in heavy industry as
a replacement for factory workers, automated online assistance, automatic control of
aviation, and even for interactive toys for children. These technologies have been so
advanced that even in a board game competition or financial simulation competition,
these technologies win over the actual professionals.

A lot of these technologies are something we, who are so accustomed with the
modern, highly industrialized livelihood, and indeed they make our lives much more
easier, practical and efficient. However, we know that losing the sense of stewardship
and creativity could be harmful for the environment, and us. And in fact this is not a new
problem, as seen in the industrial revolution back in the 18th century Europe, causing
industrialization, but also an environmental mutilation, massive unemployment and
succeeding poverty to a lot of families.

As seen in the movie, highly industrialized civilization caused drastic decrease in

population due to the massive destruction of the environment, depicting abuse of the
principle of stewardship. In addition, people of the movie have created an artificial
intelligence to satisfy various and selfish gratification such as solitude, entertainment and
As a result, we see uncontrolled technologies in the movie, and even resulting in
to human extinction. While this maybe an exaggerated example, this is not absolutely a
fiction as we see our environment being rapidly destroyed, and a lot of people are more
distant, lack personal communication, and blind to the society’s problems despite the
abundant information and means of communication available.

Though these are obvious observation of the movie, one thing was peculiar
about the plot, was its ending. The movie ends with David feeling “Finally finding” his
mother, and having the best day of his life. However, this experience was not a true one
since the mother was a clone, as was manipulated for the sole purpose of pleasing
David. And after this, he terminates life, and “goes where dreams are born”. For me, this
line represents the acceptance of death after reliving the crafted happy experience with
his mother because he no longer have a purpose in this world, because he was able to
please his client, the mother. For me, this ending, a seemingly happy one, felt like hit
had a deeper, ironic message about life, which leaves me with pent up feeling.

Despite being a movie released 2001 and considering the amount of

technological advancements we have achieved since the scrip writing of its script, this
situation again maybe a future scenario for us. And it is important to carefully evaluate
when engaging in activities that involves scenarios which can possibly violate bioethical
principles, as this can pose a potential danger for a lot of people, when blinded by the
seemingly impeccable effects, and fail to see the consequences.

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