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Evolution of politics in the Philippines

Pre-Spanish Period

The pre-Spanish period introduced the "barangay" system where the central government is
headed by the "Datu" . "Raha" or "Sultan". The chieftain (Datu) holds the 3 important powers
in the government the executive (as the executor of the law), legislative (has the power to
legistate or repeal laws) and the judiciary (the power to interpret laws), The chieftain was
assisted by the council of elders in dealing with laws and he also commanded the army and
the navy. The Barangay system is also associated with the Greek Empire where one Greek
City State waged war against another Greek City-State.

Spanish Period

When the Spaniards came in the early 16 century, they imposes the Spanish style of
governance. The king is the head of all calories ender the Ministerio den Ultramar. The
Governor-General serves as the " governor of the provinces or what were called calories". He
is also the commander in chief of all armed forces- army and the navy. The Governor-General
is the Real Audiencia ( The Spanish Supreme Court.) He was also checked by 2 spies-the
residencia and the visitadores. The Residencia was the incoming Governor-General who will
succeed the incumbent Governor-General. On the other-hand, visitadores are the ones who
managed and monitored all the programs that were implemented by the Spanish kingdom in
their calories.
The Spanish Government

Evolution of politics in the Philippines

Pre-Spanish Period

The pre-Spanish period introduced the "barangay" system where the central government
is headed by the "Datu" . "Raha" or "Sultan". The chieftain (Datu) holds the 3 important
powers in the government the executive (as the executor of the law), legislative (has the
power to legistate or repeal laws) and the judiciary (the power to interpret laws), The chieftain
was assisted by the council of elders in dealing with laws and he also commanded the army
and the navy. The Barangay system is also associated with the Greek Empire where one
Greek City State waged war against another Greek City-State.

Spanish Period

When the Spaniards came in the early 16 century, they imposes the Spanish style of
governance. The king is the head of all calories ender the Ministerio de Ultramar. The
Governor-General serves as the "governor of the provinces or what were called calories". He
is also the commander in chief of all armed forces- army and the navy. The Governor-General
is the Real Audiencia ( The Spanish Supreme Court.) He was also checked by 2 spies-the
residencia and the visitadores. The Residencia was the incoming Governor-General who will
succeed the incumbent Governor-General. On the other-hand, visitadores are the ones who
managed and monitored all the programs that were implemented by the Spanish kingdom in
their calories.
Functions of community in terms of Dynamics
and processes

Community Process
Community development as a process is systematic approach to change
in which each phases of the process may be sufficiently defined and
measured in accordance with specified criteria.

Community Dynamics
Community Dynamics is the process of change and development within
communities it is ‘constantly changing’.
Community Dynamics which strive to bring about positive social change
trough community-based programming.

Community power
Max Weber defined power as ‘the chance of … men to realise their
own will in a communal action even against the resistance of others who are
participating in the action’. This definition is disputed and a major contribution
to competing theories of power comes from the community power debate—
arguments about how and by whom power is exerted in local democratic

Community Leadership:
There are different kinds of leadership that are needed in different
contexts and for different purposes. It is an important element of making
communities stronger, but a different kind of leadership than as in the military
or in corporations.
It is relatively easy to recognise what we want, but how do we train
someone to obtain it (as a mobiliser and as a community leader), and how do
we train someone to recognise it in a community member, let alone recognise
a potential community leader?
There is a lot of training in leadership that is used by military
organizations, but that is leadership in a hierarchical organization. The social
organization of a community is not the same as the social organization of an
army or air force, and a different kind of leadership is needed.
"To lead people, walk beside them ..."

Social change
Throughout the historical development of their discipline, sociologists
have borrowed models of social change from other academic fields. In the late
19th century, when evolution became the predominant model for
understanding biological change, ideas of social change took on an
evolutionary cast, and, though other models have refined modern notions of
social change, evolution persists as an underlying principle.

Four Key Factors of Leadership

All leaders should be in tune with four key factors of leadership: the led,
the leader, the situation and the communication. All four factors must always
be considerations when exercising leadership, but at different moments, they
affect each other differently. The key factor in one circumstance may have
little importance in another. All four factors of leadership must be used when
deciding a course, a direction of action. Mistakes happen when leaders fail to
consider all four leadership factors and to see how they affect each other in a
particular mission or task.

#1The Led

The led are the people you are trying to bring together as a team, the
people you are ultimately responsible for. The group is defined by having
three things in common:

1. A common goal (shared pool of meaning)

2. Interdependence in achieving that goal; that is, they all need one another
for success
3. Knowing and acting as if they have a common goal; that is, consciously
responding to their inter-dependence.

#2The Leader
You get what you give. As a leader, you must have an honest
understanding of who you are, what you know, and what you can and cannot
do; “know thy self.”

Know your personal strengths and weaknesses, capabilities and

limitations. You need to be able to discipline yourself in order to lead your
team effectively.

Look honestly at yourself. If you have trouble assessing yourself, ask

your leader what he or she would like to see you change about the way you
lead others.

#3The Situation

All situations are different. Leadership actions that work in one situation
may not necessarily work in another. Consider all available resources before
determining the best leadership action to take. In identifying resources,
remember PET (people, equipment/resources and time).

Consider the team’s level of competence, motivation and commitment to

perform the mission or task. In one situation, you may have to supervise the
team’s work closely. In another, your main job might be to encourage and
motivate individuals who are well qualified to accomplish the task.

#4The Communication

Communication is the exchange of information and ideas from one person

to another. Effective communication occurs when others understand exactly
what you are trying to tell them; and when you understand precisely what they
are trying to tell you–whether it’s oral, written or physical interaction alone, or
some combination of them.

A leader communicates standards by your example and by what

behaviors you ignore, reward, punish or counsel. Different situations call for
different types of communication. Your tone of voice, choice of words and
physical actions combine to affect those you lead.

Say the correct thing, at the appropriate moment and in the right
manner. Through your methods of communication, you encourage your team
to follow you and your directions. You must earn their trust and confidence.
What and how you communicate either, fuels trust and confidence or erodes
The Most Common Leadership

1. Democratic Leadership

Commonly Effective

Democratic leadership is one of the most effective

leadership styles because it allows lower-level employees to

exercise authority they'll need to use wisely in future positions

they might hold. It also resembles how decisions can be made

in company board meetings.

2. Autocratic Leadership

Rarely Effective

Autocratic leadership is the inverse of democratic

leadership. In this leadership style, the leader makes decisions

without taking input from anyone who reports to them.

Employees are neither considered nor consulted prior to a

direction, and are expected to adhere to the decision at a time

and pace stipulated by the leader.

3. Strategic Leadership

Commonly Effective

Strategic leaders sit at the intersection between a

company's main operations and its growth opportunities. He or

she accepts the burden of executive interests while ensuring

that current working conditions remain stable for everyone


4. Transformational Leadership

Sometimes Effective

Transformational leadership is always "transforming" and

improving upon the company's conventions. Employees might

have a basic set of tasks and goals that they complete every

week or month, but the leader is constantly pushing them

outside of their comfort zone

5. Transactional Leadership

Sometimes Effective

Transactional leaders are fairly common today. These

managers reward their employees for precisely the work they

do. A marketing team that receives a scheduled bonus for

helping generate a certain number of leads by the end of the

quarter is a common example of transactional leadership.

6.Coach-Style Leadership

Commonly Effective

Similarly to a sports team's coach, this leader focuses on

identifying and nurturing the individual strengths of each

member on his or her team. They also focus on strategies that

will enable their team work better together. This style offers

strong similarities to strategic and democratic leadership,

but puts more emphasis on the growth and success

of individual employees.

7. Bureaucratic Leadership

Rarely Effective

Bureaucratic leaders go by the books. This style of

leadership might listen and consider the input of employees --

unlike autocratic leadership -- but the leader tends to reject an

employee's input if it conflicts with company policy or past

Narrative Report

Community Engagement, Solidarity

and Citizenship

“Functions of community in terms of Dynamics

and processes”
Submitted to: Ma’am Ana Trisha F. Siocon

Submitted by; Hassan Datukan

Al-yasser Dampas
Amier Daud
Juhair Guiawad
Ramil Langkuno

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