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Philippine Politics and Governance

Quarter 1
Concept, Relationship and Importance of Politics,
Governance and Government

Learner’s Packet
Philippine Politics and Governance
Grade 11
Learner’s Material
Quarter 1
First Edition, 2020

Published by: Department of Education Division Rizal

Schools Division Superintendent: Cherrylou D. Repia

Management Team:

Department of Education Rizal

Office Address: DepEd Bldg.,Cabrera Rd.,Bgy. Dolores,Taytay,Rizal 1920
Telephone no: 09274562115, 09615294771
Email Address:

Content Standard:
• Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization.

Performance Standard:
• Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

• Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance and

• The learners will be able to explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics,
governance and government

Activity 1: “4 Pics 1 Word ”

Instructions: Find the connection among the four pictures to find out the mystery word. Try to
guess the correct word by analyzing the pictures below.

1. 2. 3.

Answer: ___________ Answer: ___________ Answer: ___________

Activity 2: Pre-Assessment
Instructions: Answer the 6-item identification test on what you know about the concepts of
politics, governance and government.
Read the concepts and identify if the statement is Politics, Governance or Government.
Write your answer on the space provided.
The exercise of power The instrument for the purpose of
Answer: Answer:
The exercise of political, economic, The science of government
and administrative authority to man-
age a nation’s affairs
Answer: Answer:
The process of decision-making and Involves the making of collective deci-
the process by which decisions are sions for group of people
Answer: Answer:

Activity 3: Semantic Web Map

Instructions: Identify words and phrases associated to the word “Politics”. Write your answer
on the circle provided.


Activity 4: Reading Activity
Concepts Notes: Read and understand the ideas and concept being presented.

The Meaning of Politics

In every aspect of man’s life, there is always a conflict and disagreement. They disagree about
distribution of powers and resources as well as how to resolve such disagreement. Questions
such as “Why is there war?” “What are the necessary and sufficient conditions of poverty? How
do we account for intolerance? How do we avoid ecological catastrophes? Broad agreement
that is advantageous to avoid devastating wars, enhance prosperity, protects human rights and
guard against environmental disasters. This is where politics comes in.
Politics is the study of “who gets what, when and how” as Harold Laswell states. Who gets
power, authority, and leadership? When they are able to get such and how they able to get it?
This is linked to the idea of politics is “the master science” as called by Aristotle (Roskin,,2012). He further elaborated that politics is present in all our daily dealings in the Polis
(the Greek city-state). This leads to the concept that Politics indeed could also viewed as social
activity—there is always an interaction between and among the members of the society to re-
solve disagreement and conflicts to attain common solutions. Also, the politics is said to be a
natural outgrowth of human development having capable of reasoning that named man as a
political animal (Dooley et,al.,2013)
Politics is the exercise of power, the science of government ,the making of collective decisions,
the allocations of scars resources and the practice of deception and manipulation. Moreover,
Politics is consist of people acting politically, by organizing political interest groups and trying to
induce governments to act in ways that will promote their interests over those opponents. To
further understand politics, it must start by knowing something about how people acquire their
political beliefs, values, and notions how they act and should act politically. Politics could also
be viewed as “ the process of making government policies”. Thus, it comes to the study of polit-
ical science. The development of political science as a discipline could be traced from the time
of Aristotle when he wrote the first systematic work focused on political affairs known as Poli-
tics that named him as Father of Political Science. The Father of Modern Political Science, Nic-
colò Machiavelli, wrote “The Prince” a handbook for rulers in the art of government. Thus, in
contemporary time Prof. Francis Lieber also wrote “ Manual of Political Ethics”, the first system-
atic treatise on political science that gives as a well thorough understanding of the discipline. In
the Philippines, Department of Political Science was established in the College of Liberal Arts
in 1915, University of the Philippines. Teodoro M. Kalaw is the first Filipino student of politics
and defined political science in his Manual Ciancia Politica in 1918 as, “the nature and organi-
zation of the State, the structure, and functions of the high branches of government, and the
theory of political and civil liberties (Agpalo, 1998).

Characteristics of Politics (Shievely,2013)

1. Politics always involves the making of collective decisions for group of people;
2. Those decisions are made by some members of the group exercising power over other
members of the group.

The Values of Politics
1. Politics helps you to know your rights.
2. Politics clarifies what you yourself believe.
3. Politics is a living, breathing subject.
4. Politics helps you to understand our nation’s parties.
5. Politics prepares you for adult life.
Answer the following questions :

1.What is the definition of politics?

2.What are the concepts cited to explain what politics is?

3. How will you describe the present situation of politics in your locality?

4. Knowing the situation, what are your plans to help improve the political sys-
tem in your locality?

Activity 5: “The World with Politics”

Instructions: Engage yourself with an analysis of the different scenarios in different types of organi-
zation where you can the see the value of politics. How do you see the importance of politics in dif-
ferent scenarios listed below? You will choose one.
1. In your family
2. Classroom/ School
3. Peer (Barkadahan)
4. Barangay
5. Work Place (colleagues)
10 pts – Content
5 pts – Creativity
5 pts – Organization of idea

The Meaning of Governance
The concept of “governance” is as old as human civilization. Governance was defined as “the
process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not im-
plemented)”. Governance can be viewed in the following context : corporate governance,
international governance, national governance and local governance (UNESCO for Asia and
the Pacific). Good governance assures that corruption is minimized, the views of minorities
are taken into account and that the voices of the most vulnerable in society are heard in
decision-making, It is also responsive to the present and future needs of society.
Characteristics of Good Governance (UNESCO for Asia and the Pacific)
1. Participation
Participation as one aspects of good governance both men and women, must partake directly
or indirectly (having a representative) in every governmental process. This is because
participation is an essential cornerstone of good governance.
2. Rule of Law
The rule of law means to say that good governance manifested through the impartiality of fair
legal framework such as the promotion of a full protection of human rights and dignity espe-
cially those members of minorities.
3. Transparency
Transparency means that decisions were taken, and their enforcement are done in a manner
that follows rules and regulations. It also means that information is freely available and
directly accessible to those who will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement.
3. Responsiveness
Good governance requires that institutions and processes try to serve all stakeholders within
a reasonable timeframe.
3. Consensus Oriented
Good governance requires mediation of the different interests in society to reach a broad
consensus in society on what is in the best interest of the whole community and how this can
be achieved.
3. Effectiveness and Efficiency
Good governance means that processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs
of society while making the best use of resources and their disposal. The concept of
efficiency in the context of good governance also covers the sustainable use of natural
resources and protection of the environment.
3. Accountability
Accountability is a crucial requirement for good governance. Not only governmental institu-
tions but also the private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable to the
public and their institutional stakeholders.
Government is defined as the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a par-
ticular ministry in office. (Oxford Dictionary) Government is merely an instrument for the purpose of
governance while Governance is the exercise of political, economic, and administrative authority to
manage a nation’s affairs. Governance embraces all of the methods --- good and bad ----- the
societies use to distribute power and manage public resources and problems.
Guide Question : What is the difference of government and governance?
Activity 6: Picture Analysis
Instruction: Identify one government institution and answer the following questions below:

Guide Questions for you to answer:

1. Identify one government Institution or Department on the pictures shown above.


2. Is there a governance structure in the organization? Why?


3.If so, what it is? Does it work? How does it work? How it can be improved?

4.If not, what do you think might be needed?


Activity 7: My Opinion
Instruction: You are going to construct a persuasive essay about your ideal government. You
will be graded by the given Rubric below.

“My Ideal Government”

10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 8: Political Cartooning
Instruction: Draw a political cartoon of what good governance would look like.

1. Make it unique and eye catching.
2. Creativity and humor help.
3. Using familiar figures also helps dramatically.
4. Make a description of your political cartoon.
5. Put it in your portfolio.


10 pts – Ideas and Concepts
5 pts – Composition
5 pts – Creativity and Craftmanship
20 pts TOTAL

can achieve

Activity 9: Venn Diagram

Instructions: List in the circles below what you have learned about Politics and Governance. On
the overlapping parts, write your ideas on how both topics are interrelated.


Instruction: Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompt below.

I understand that __________________________


I realize that ______________________________



Tabajen, Rhene & Pulma, Erlinda (2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. Manila:
JFS Publishing Services,1-5


Activity 1: 4 Pics 1 Word
1. Nation
2. Debate
3. Politics

Activity 2: Pre-Assessment
1. Politics
2. Government
3. Governance
4. Politics
5. Governance
6. Politics

Activity 9: Venn Diagram

Politics :
1. The exercise of power.
2. The science of government.
3. Involves the making of collective decisions for group of people.
4. Who gets what, when and how.
5. The allocations of scars resources and the practice of deception and manipulation.
6. The process of making government policies.
7. The nature and organization of the State, the structure, and functions of the high branches of
government, and the theory of political and civil liberties.

1. The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not
2. The exercise of political, economic, and administrative authority to manage a nation’s affairs.
3. The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented.
4. The exercise of political, economic, and administrative authority to manage a nation’s affairs.
5. Embraces all of the methods -good and bad- the societies use to distribute power and man-
age public resources and problems.

1. Politics is a means of controlling governance.
2. Politics is often defined as the art of governance.
3. Just as politics talks about governments, institutions, power, order, and the ideals of justice,
governance also deals with the public sector, power structures, equity, and ideals of public

Content Standard:
• Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization.

Performance Standard:
• Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied.
Most Essential Learning Competency:
• Differentiate the political ideologies.

• The learners will be able to differentiate the political ideologies.

Activity 1: “Bawal Judgemental ”

Instructions: Analyze the picture and tell something about these personalities on their

Activity 2: “Jumbled Words”
Instruction: Unscramble the letters to form terms associated with the different ideologies.
Write your answer in the box provided.


Activity 3: “Kwentong-buhay”
Instructions: Getting to know your household activities. Try to reflect on the following ques-

1. How do your parents manage your household?

2. What are the things you wish to change the way your household is managed?

Activity 4: “Reading Activity”
Instruction: Read and understand the ideas and concepts of Ideology, Different Political Ideo-
logies and their perspective on the State.
• a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture
• a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture
• the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a socio-political program
• is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for organized political ac-
tion, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of
Political Ideologies
• is a set of related beliefs about political theory and policy held by an individual, group of
individuals or a particular social class.
• political ideologies form the basis of how they view the world around them and the prop-
er role of government in the world. (Heywood 2003)
Different characteristics of ideologies
• Ideologies provide an explanation for problems that confronts modern societies by
providing futuristic visions.
• Ideology is action-oriented.
• Ideologies mobilize a large number of people.

Instruction: Based from the concept and ideas you have read. Answer the following questions.

1. What is ideology?
2. What is political ideology?
3. What are the different types of ideologies?
4. What is the role to the state by each political ideology?

5. How does political ideology shape the condition of the political community?
6. Is the current state of the Philippines reflective of the role of political ideology in shaping the
way of life of Filipinos?

Activity 5: “One Sentence Summary”

Instructions: Summarize the definition of ideology and political ideologies by doing “one- sentence
summary”. Write a single summary sentence that answers “( what and why ” questions about the
topic. You will be graded by the given Rubric below.

Possible answers:
• What: For me, ideology is the thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture.
• Why: For me, ideologies are important because it provides an explanation for problems that con-
fronts modern societies by providing futuristic visions.

10 pts – Content
5 pts – Creativity

Activity 6: “Their Political Ideology”

Instruction: The teacher will enumerate different known organizations and the students will identify
on what political ideology/ ideologies they belong. Choose one.

1. National Democratic Front (NDF) -1973 - Anarchism
2. Malayang Kilusan ng Bagong Kababaihan (MAKIBAKA) - Socialism
3. Opus Dei (Work of God) - Conservatism
4. Philosophical Association of the Philippines - Liberalism
Instruction: Answer the following question.
Which political ideology best describes the nature of democracy in the Philippines, and why?

Activity 7: “Think about it!”

Instruction: Read the statement and give your opinion.You will be graded by the given Rubric

“Ideologies gives us the picture of the _________________________________________________
existing reality, answering “what is _________________________________________________
wrong, what went wrong and why” _________________________________________________
10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL 20
Activity 8: “Our Presidents’ Ideology”

Instruction: Write a short biography to share with the class that addresses this guiding question:
You will be graded by the given Rubric below.
1. Why is this individual a great leader?
2. Describe his/her political ideologies?
3. How is his/her political belief linked to the Philippine politics?


President Rodrigo Roa Duterte


Former President Benigno S. Aquino III


Former President Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo

Paste the
Picture of your _________________________________________________________

Name of your Municipal Mayor

can achieve
Activity 9: “Short Quiz”

Instruction: Identify the following statements. Write your answer in the box provided.

1. Sees the state as the neutral arbiter.

2. Has contrasting views of the state.
3. Rejects the state outright.
4. Their traditional preference for a strong state.
5. Sees the state as the supreme ethical ideal.

Instruction: Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that __________________________


I realize that ______________________________



Tabajen, Rhene & Pulma, Erlinda (2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. Manila:
JFS Publishing Services, 12-18

Politics Without Borders” by Mendoza and Melegrito, 24-36

Activity 2: “Jumbled Words”


Activity 9: “Short Quiz”

1. Liberalism
2. Socialism
3. Anarchism
4. Conservatism
5. Facism
Content Standard:
• Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization.

Performance Standard:
• Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

• Analyze the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of power.

• The learners will be able to explain the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of

Activity 1: “PICTOpinion”
Instructions: What do these have in common? How they differ from this commonality? Why?
Write your view in space provided.

Philippines China USA

My View:

Activity 2: “TRUE of FALSE”
Instructions: Read each statement and answer if it is true or false. Write your answer on the
box provided.

1. Power is the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of people.

2. Power cannot be seen as evil or unjust.

3. Power can be defined in many ways.

4. Coercive Power involves the usage of threat to make people do what one de-

5. Reward power is based on superior skill and knowledge.

Activity 3: “Concept Mapping”

Instructions: Give words or phrases associated with the word “Power”. Write your answer on
the box provided.


Activity 4: “Reading Activity”
Concepts Notes: Read the nature, dimensions, types and consequences of power.

The Meaning of Power :

Power is the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of people.
Power can be seen as evil or unjust.
Power is the ability of a person to influence another person or group to perform an act.


Power can be defined in many ways. Most simply, it is the ability to get what you want, or as
scholar Kenneth Boulding said, power is "the ability to change the future." Some scholars make
a distinction between three kinds of power-- "power over," "power to" and "power with.

"Power over" is the ability to dominate another person or group--as in "I have power
over him. This means, "I have the ability to make him do what I want him to do." Power-
over usually comes from force and threat. If the subordinate fails to do what he or she is
asked to do, the dominant person will use force to make the subordinate person comply.
"Power to" is the ability to do something on one’s own--it refers to one’s abilities. Sources of
this kind of power are intellect, resources, knowledge, stamina, etc. These resources
give some people the power to accomplish things that others cannot.
"Power with" is similar to "power to" in that it reflects ability, but "power with" is the ability
to work with others to get something done by cooperation. This is the power of consen-
sus--the power of people working together to solve a common problem


The first dimension of power fits in with the pluralist view and states that there is an open,
transparent system, while recognizing that political resources are not distributed evenly, they
are also not completely centralized with a small group of the elite. The real decision-making
power, the power to vote on legislation, introduce new bills rests with political actors. However
they are influenced by a number of other factors such as their constituents, lobbyists and pres-
sure groups and I think that this view of power fails to highlight how the political agenda can be
controlled or manipulated. Power is often exercised in a much more subtle way that the one
dimensional view suggests.

Types of Power
Coercive Power- This kind of power involves the usage of threat to make people do what
one desires. In the organizational set up, it translates into threatening someone with
transfer, firing, demotions etc. it basically forces people to submit to one’s demand for
the fear of losing something.
Reward Power- As the name suggests, this type of power uses rewards, perks, new pro-
jects or training opportunities, better roles and monetary benefits to influence people.
However, an interesting aspect of this type of power is that, it is not powerful enough in
itself, as decisions related to rewards do not rest solely with the person promising them,
because in organizations, a lot of other people come into play like senior managers and
Legitimate Power- This power emanates from an official position held by someone, be it in
an organization, beurocracy or government etc. The duration of this power is short lived
as a person can use it only till the time he/she holds that position, as well as, the scope
of the power is small as it is strictly defined by the position held.
Expert Power- This is a personal kind of power which owes its genesis to the skills and ex-
pertise possessed by an individual, which is of higher quality and not easily available. In
such a situation, the person can exercise the power of knowledge to influence people.
Since, it is very person specific and skills can be enhanced with time; it has more credi-
bility and respect.
Referent Power- This is a power wielded by celebrities and film stars as they have huge fol-
lowing amongst masses who like them, identify with them and follow them. Hence, they
exert lasting influence on a large number of people for a large number of decisions; like
from what car to buy to which candidate to choose for a higher office in the country.

The consequences of using coercive power.
No one likes to be threatened. Department members may do what the head wants if they are
threatened with political, social, financial – or even physical(!) – retribution if they do not, but
coercion is also likely to cause anger and alienation. As a consequence, even if department
members appear to agree to a head's demand, they may follow the letter but not the spirit of a
new policy, refuse to enact it when no one is watching them, sabotage it, and be less willing to
accept the head's influence in the future.

Guide Questions: Answer the following questions to deepen your understanding on the
nature, dimensions, types and consequences of power.
1. What is power?

2. What are the types of power?


3. What are the natures of power?


4. What are the consequences of power?


5. Considering the present situation here in our country, how would you describe the power of
our leaders?

Activity 5: “After Image”

Instruction: Choose one of the four images below and recognize the dimension and types of
power presented. You will be graded by the given Rubric.

Gieann Theah Valdez Gerico Sabado Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Student Leader Teacher Senator President
____________________________________________________________ RUBRIC
____________________________________________________________ 10 pts – Ideas and Content
____________________________________________________________ 5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
____________________________________________________________ 20 pts TOTAL

Activity 6: “Short Essay”
Instruction: Create a short essay presenting and discussing the facts and their critical analysis
on the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of power. You will be graded by the given

“My Critical Analysis”

10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 7: “May POWER ka”

Instructions: Identify situations in their locality where officials have applied their power. Evaluate
the use of their power. Use your town for localization. You will be graded by the given Rubrics.

“Our Government Officials in _________”

10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 8: “Ikaw ang POWER Ko”
Instruction: Draw an image or an illustration representing application of power in leading and in-
fluencing people in his/her community and in a broader sense - nation. You will be graded by the
given Rubric.

Description of my Artwork

10 pts – Ideas and Concepts
5 pts – Composition
5 pts – Creativity and Craftmanship
20 pts TOTAL

can achieve

Activity 9: “Complete Me”

Instructions: Complete the star diagram by writing the following.
1. Write the word Power and its definition on the star.
2. Write the types of power and description on the circles.
3. Write the consequences of power on the box.

Instruction: Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that __________________________

I realize that ______________________________


Tabajen, Rhene & Pulma, Erlinda (2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. Manila:
JFS Publishing Services, 23-30

Activity 2 : “TRUE of FALSE”


Activity 9: “Complete Me”

Power is the ability to influence or outright control the behavior of people.
Power can be seen as evil or unjust.
Power is the ability of a person to influence another person or group to perform an act.
Coercive Power-
Reward Power
Legitimate Power.
Expert Power

Content Standard:
• Demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization.

Performance Standard:
• Clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be studied.

Most Essential Learning Competency:

• Analyze the relationship among nations and states in the context of globalization.

• The learners will be able to define and differentiate nation from state. Identify types and
effects of globalization.

Activity 1: “3 in 1”
Instruction: Guess each term based on 3 pictures shown below.



Instruction: Identify which of the following pictures is the State? the Nation?

Activity 3: “W-Diagram”
Instructions: Write concepts regarding the differences and similarities of a nation and a state.
Organize the concepts in a W-diagram.

Guide Questions:
1. What makes a nation different from a state?
2. How do these two concepts relate?

Activity 4: “Reading Activity”
Concepts Notes: Analyze the relationship among nations and states in the context of globali-

Concept of a State
State taken from the Latin stare (to stand). According to James Garner, the State is a commu-
nity of persons more or less numerous occupying a definite portion of territory completely free
of external control and possessing an organized government to which a great body of inhabit-
ants render habitual obedience.

Elements of a State
1. People - also known as population or inhabitants.
2. Territory - refers to the portion of the earth which composed of aerial (air space above), flu-
vial (waters around and connecting the islands of the archipelago) and the terrestrial
(landmass) domains.
3. Sovereignty - refers to supreme and absolute power within its territorial boundaries.
4. Government – refers to the institution or agency or instrumentalities through which the
state maintains social order, provide public services, and enforces binding decisions. Inter-
national recognition, e.g. by the UN.

Concept of Nation
• Nation (Anderson 1991, Poggi 2008) is the social construction of a collective identity. It is
an imagined political community that is imagined as both inherently limited and sovereign.
• It is also defined as a group of people who share the same territory, geography, language,
customs and sometimes religion.

What is Nation-State?
A type of state that joins the political entity of a state to the cultural entity of a nation, from
which it aims to derive its potentially its status as a sovereign state if one accepts the declara-
tive theory of statehood as opposed to the constitutive theory.

Distinction between the State and Nation (Murali, 2005)

State Nation
Exited not only at present but also in the an- Modern phenomenon.
cient period.
It is legal political. It is racial cultural.
People organized for law within a definite ter- People psychologically joined together with
ritory. common will to live together.
A state must be sovereign. People continue as a nation even if they do
not remain sovereign.
Inhabited by heterogeneous groups of people Inhabited by homogenous groups of people.

Concept of Globalization
Globalization also known as global industrialism is a process of forging international political,
economic, religious, and socio-cultural interconnections. The concept of sovereign nation-
states is increasingly being challenged by globalization.
Types of Globalization
1. Economic globalization. This type focuses on the unification and integration of internation-
al financial markets, as well as multinational corporations that have a significant influence
on international markets.
2. Political globalization. This type deals mainly with policies designed to facilitate interna-
tional trade and commerce. It also deals with the institutions that implement these policies,
which can include national governments as well as international institutions, such as the In-
ternational Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization.
3. Cultural globalization. This type focuses on the social factors that cause cultures to con-
verge -- such as increased ease of communication and transportation, brought about by

It's important to note that all the types influence each other. For example, economic globaliza-
tion is made possible by certain liberal trade policies that fall under the category of political
globalization. Cultural globalization is also affected by policies passed in political globalization
and is affected by economic globalization via the imports and exposure a culture has to other
cultures through trade.

Guide Questions:
1. What is a state, nation and globalization?

2. What are the distinctions between a state and a nation?


3. Which of the issues influenced by globalization strike you the most? Why?

4. How would you describe globalization’s influences to the country in general?


Activity 5: “Research pa More”
Instruction: Research on the Philippines as state in terms of its people, sovereignty, territory
and government. You will be graded by the given Rubrics.



10 pts – Quality of Information
5 pts – Development of Ideas
5 pts – Creativity and Presentation
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 6: “What Now? #GoGlobal or #GoLocal?”
Instruction: Write a statement of your views on globalization either going global or local. Use
hashtag of your choice. You will be graded by the given Rubrics.

“#GoGLobal or #GoLocal”

______________________________________________________ RUBRIC
10 pts – Ideas and Content
______________________________________________________ 5 pts – Understanding
__________________________________ 5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 7: “MY New Normal”

Instructions: Draw a poster of your experiences and views on how things change in post pan-
demic world. You will be graded by the given Rubric.

“The New Normal during Pandemic”

10 pts – Ideas
5 pts – Understanding
5 pts – Sentence Structure
20 pts TOTAL

Activity 8: “Positive & Negative”
Instruction: Discuss five positive and negative effects of Globalization in the Philippines. Com-
plete the table below.

Positive Negative

can achieve

Activity 9: “True or False”

Instruction: Read the statement and answer if it is true or false.

1. A nation is political in nature.

2. A nation is a community of people.
3. A state is cultural in nature.
4. A state relates with the concept of government.
5. A nation is bounded by a common interest.

Instruction: Write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that ___________________________

I realize that ______________________________


Tabajen, Rhene & Pulma, Erlinda (2016). Philippine Politics and Governance. Manila:
JFS Publishing Services, 31-40

Activity 1: “3 in 1”

Activity 9: “True or False”


Department of Education Division Rizal

Office Address: DepEd Bldg.,Cabrera Rd.,Bgy. Dolores,Taytay,Rizal 1920

Telephone number: 09274562115/09615294771

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