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Procedure Text (Update)

Teks procedure bertujuan menerangkan cara membuat/ melakukan sesuatu
berdasarkan serangkaian langkah atau kegiatan (steps).

Struktur teks procedure:

1. Aim/goal (tujuan): dapat berupa judul.

2. Materials: bahan dan alat yang diperlukan.

Namun, tidak semua teks procedure memerlukan tahap ini. Bagian ini dapat diberi
label "You'll need'"Ingredients", atau "Supplies needed'.

3. Steps: langkah-langkah untuk melakukan kegiatan (teksprocedure). Bagian ini juga

dapat diberi label "What to do', "Method', atau "Instructions"

Ciri-ciri teks procedure:

 menggunakan the simple present tense, biasanya berbentuk kalimat imperatif,
 menggunakan kata hubung temporal, seperti first, second, then, next, finally,
 menggunakan action verbs, seperti turn on, stir, cook.


Materials needed:
 a sheet of heavy paper
 a paper clip
 a pencil
 crayons
 blunt scissors


Here's a paper airplane that will fly in circles.

1. First, fold the paper in half the long way.
2. Then, draw an airplane with wings and a tail on it.
3. Next, draw a line about an inch away from the fold on each side the full length of the
4. Then, cut out the airplane, but do not cut on the fold.
5. After that spread out the airplane and colour it. You can draw airplane markings
near each wing tip.
6. Next, refold your airplane. Now fold each wing down along the line drawn on it.
7. Then, add a paper clip to the nose. You can change the way your airplane flies by
changing the wing shape and putting more than one paper clip on the nose.

Contoh Soal

Read the text and answer questions I to 3.

(Ice Fruit Cocktail with Condensed Milk)

 150 gr sugar
 2 pandan leaves
 50 ml water
 400 gr ripe avocado, cut into 1 cm cube
 400 gr ripe jackfruit, deseeded and cut into 1 cm cube
 3 young coconut, meat scraped out
 Crushed ice
 Condensed milk

1. Combine sugar, pandan leaves and water in a small saucepan.
2. Heat for a few minutes until sugar dissolves.
3. Cool syrup.
4. Place generous spoonfuls of cube avocado, jackfruit and young coconut into a serving
5. Add a little syrup to sweeten.
6. Top with crushed ice and drizzle on condensed milk.
7. Serve immediately.

1. How much water do we need if we want to make "es teler"?

A. 20 ml.
B. 50 ml.
C. 150 ml
D. 400 ml.

(Ujian Nasional 2008/2009)

2. What should we do to dissolve sugar immediately?

A. Heat it for a few minutes.
B. Crush it in a small saucepan.
C. Combine sugar and water.
D. Stir it completely.

(Ujian Nasional 2008/2009)

3. "Serve immediately." (Last step) The underlined word is similar in meaning to ......
A. lately
B. directly
C. sharply
D. gradually

(Ujian Nasional 2008/2009)

Read the text to answer questions 4 to 6.

The following steps tell how to wash the clothes using a washing machine. First,
separate the coloured clothes from the others. Then, put them in the washing machine,
turn the machine on, set it to the wash selection and pour the detergent powder in. Next,
wait for the tub to fill with water. After the process of washing has finished, let the
clothes drain through the drain hose. After that, see the knob of the wash timer again,
this time to rinse for three minutes. Do this twice for a good rinsing. Finally, put the wet
clothes into the spin compartment, set the knob and wait until the spin processing shuts
off. Now, you are ready to put the clothes on the line.

4. When is the detergent powder poured into the washing machine?

A. Before we put the dirty clothes in the machine.
B. Before we begin to turn the machine on.
C. After we set the machine to the wash position.
D. Before we rinse the clothes for the second time.

5. What is the text above about?

A. How to operate the washing machine.
B. How to turn the washing machine.
C. How to wash the coloured clothes.
D. How to rinse the dirty clothes.

6. From the text above we know that ....

A. it is bad to wash colored clothes using a washing machine
B. it is useful to use detergent powder to rinse the clothes
C. it needs much electricity to wash using a washing machine
D. it is not enough to rinse the clothes only once

Read the following text and answer question: 7 to 9.

Anzac Biscuits

You will need:

2 cups of rolled oats

1 1/2 cups of caster sugar
4 tablespoons of golden syrup
2 tablespoons of boiling water
1 cup of plain flour
250 grams of butter
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1. Turn oven 160°C.
2. Lightly grease oven tray.
3. Mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl.
4. Melt butter and golden syrup in a pan.
5. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup.
6. Add this mixture to melted butter and golder syrup.
7. Add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl mix together well.
8. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Put on tray 5 cm apart
9. Press lightly on top of each with a fork. 10. Bake for 20 minutes.

7. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell how to make Anzac biscuits.
B. To see the ingredients of Anzac biscuits.
C. To announce a new recipe of Anzac biscuits
D. To prepare everything for cooking Anzac biscuits.

8. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac Biscuits?

A. To mix baking soda and boiling water.
B. To press the balls of mixture.
C. To put the balls on tray.
D. To roll the mixture.

9. "Add this to the oats mixture in ..."(Step 7) What does the word `this' refer to? It's
the mixture of ....
A. baking soda, boiling water
B. oats, flour, sugar and melted butter
C. melted butter, golden syrup and baking soda
D. baking soda, boiling water, melted butter and golden syrup
Soal semacam ini merupakan soal tentang rujukan kata. Rujukan kata adalah kata
tertentu yang mengacu pada kata atau keterangan sebelumnya.
Jika kalian menemukan soal tentang rujukan kata(terutama teks procedure), lakukan
hal-hal berikut.

1. Pahami kalimat soal, terutama kata yang merujuk. Dalam hal ini, kalimat tersebut
dianggap sebagai informasi baru.

2. Pahami kalimat sebelumnya. Apabila kalimat tersebut merupakan rangkaian langkah

dalam teks procedure, pelajari kalimat-kalimat pada langkah sebelumnya. Dalam hal ini,
kalimat tersebut dianggap sebagai informasi lama.

3. Pusatkan perhatian pada kata-kata yang merupakan informasi lama. Hal itu
merupakan kata-kata yang dirujuk.

Sebagai contoh: kalimat "Add this to the oats mixture in..."dianggap sebagai informasi
baru. Kalimat pada langkah sebelumnya "Add this mixture to melted butter and golden
syrup." dianggap sebagai informasi lama. Jadi, kata 'this' pada informasi baru mengacu
pada kata 'melted butter and golden syrup'. Namun, karena di dalam informasi lama juga
ada kata this, maka perhatikan juga informasi lama pada langkah sebelumnya.

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