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Eyebrows are part of the

face which serve two purposes
– for beauty and protection.
Eyebrows make the face
look more beautiful by calling
attention to the eyes. They
make the eyes look healthier
and brighter.
Eyebrows do not only
beautify the face but also

protect the eyes from sweat. Without the eyebrows,

drops of sweat may run into the eyes and blur the
sight. Sweat itself is a waste product and should be
rid of.

1. The part of the body mentioned in the selection
are the ___________.
A. eyelashes B. eyelids C. eyebrows
2. This part makes the face look ________.
A. beautiful B. sad C. sleepy
3. Aside from beauty, they also serve as _______.
A. communication C. conservation
B. protection
4. They call attention to the ___________.
A. nose B. eyes C. cheeks
5. They make them look___________.
A. Uglier B. healthier C. funnier
6. They protect the eyes from ____.
A. sweat B. glare C. diseases
7. Sweat is _____.
A. sweet B. useful C. a waste product
8. Sweat can blur the _____.
A. sight B. smell C. hearing
9. Sweat should be ______.
A. conserved B. rid off C. licked
10. Eyebrows ________.
A. are useful C. should be saved
B. are useless
beauty sweat protection rid

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