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DELA CRUZ 10-01-19


Laboratory exercise#1

Determining My Pace Factor

I. Introduction:

Pace Factor (P.F) is defined as the ratio of the measured

distance in the number of paces made by an individual to cover the
measured distance.

II. Objective:

 To determine the number of paces undertaking by an

individual to a known distance.

 To identify the different my paces for every trials to a

given distance.

 To determine the average length of an individual

normal steps.

III. Materials and Methods

The materials used in this activity are meter

tape, calculator, bond paper,the Oval and the
Hall way.

 The instructor marked 100m using a meter tape

to mark the start and end points of line.

 Then calculated the mean value of our pace by

adding the number of steps in those 5 times and
dividing by five.

 After obtaining the mean we found the average

length of our paces by dividing the 100m by the
mean and recorded the results.

IV. Result



1) . Paces =154+155+154+150+152= 765/5=153 Average

2). TD/Average =Pace Factor



3). Hall way

TD =57m

Paces =88+86+88+86+89=437/5=87.4 Paces

4). PD=PacesXP.F

PD=87.4 X 0.65=56.81


5). Relative Precision

RP= TD – PD = 57 - 56.81 = 0.19 = 0.003

TD 57 57

V. Discussion:

1) Get the sum of the number of paces for five trials

performed on oval then divide by five.

2). Tape distance divided the average to determine the

pace factor.

3). Computing the second paces get the sum of the

number for five trials performed on hall way, then
divide by five.

4). To compute the Paced Distance (PD) you need to

multiply Paces and Pace Factor ( PD=Paces X P.F)

5). To be able to get the Relative Precision(RP) you need

to subtract the Tape Distance(TD) and Pace Distance
then divide it to Tape Distance (TD).

VI. Conclusion:

Therefore, the computed pace factor in this

computation base on our steps can be used for estimating length or
distance and the output of pace factor have a positive result because
the result is 0.003.


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