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“Life is a game and you are the player. As you master the game, you also create it.”

(Jay Woodman)

Internet is a source of information plays an important role in developing one’s mind and

life experiences by creating productive works in school, offices, and even at home. Nowadays,

thus can be a person’s most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to take change and cope

with the fast growing technology (Dumrique and Castillo, 2018). Moreover, according to Rock

(2009), and this development, online gaming was created to give entertainment to people.

Game is actually an application made with the aim to reduce the level of stress or anxiety

level due to activities or daily activities that are done by human kind. A good and classy goal, the

question is whether the goal is well achieved? In fact the opposite happened, the game even

added to the problem at the end of its influence.

According to M Aprillia (2018) Mobile Legends is one of the most popular and in

demand game from various circles of teenagers to adults, however, the most active users are the

students according to some researchers. This mobile app created by the China developer of

Moonton Technology in July 11, 2016 and this online game became popular in the Philippines

back in 2018. The game has racked up over 500 million downloads and has 75 million active

players, according to Moonton, the developers of the game has 16 million monthly users in the

Philippines. Who would have thought that the Mobile Legends would be the enemy of
education? The game that a lot of people makes them happy brought problems in academic

performances, distraction and most especially bad effects to students.

According to some researchers, playing online games are beneficial because it enables

the mind of the players to think, be more active and strategic. But as what mentioned above,

most of the players are students. And playing this game can also bring negative effects to

students, aside from being addictive, the game makes much of student’s time leaving school

activities and homeworks unattended.

For instance, instead of studying and reading their lessons at their home, they will

immediately run into their rooms and play Mobile Legends without changing their clothes. Then,

next morning they forget their homeworks and the teacher will ask them for the recitation, their

minds are blank and have no idea what to answer.

Because of the majority of playing Mobile Legends of the students Grade 10 – CSS 3 in

class, the researchers will conduct this study to find out the effects of playing Mobile Legends on

Grade 10 – CSS 3. The researchers came up with this idea of conducting the present of study

because of the fact that the students are patronizing and playing the online game Mobile Legends

in too much time.

Statement of the Problem

The aim of the research is to determine the bad effects of playing Mobile Legends to
Grade 10 – CSS 3. Specifically, this study tries to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents?

2. What are the bad effects of playing Mobile Legends to Grade 10 – CSS 3
3. How Mobile Legends does affects academic performance of students?
4. What are the possible interventions?

Significance of the Study

This study is most beneficial to the following individuals, authorities or officials.

Students. The result of this study may serve as an affective realizing and appreciating how
important academic is. It may also serves as to stop them from too much time from playing.

Teachers. The study conducted will serve as a material and guide to help them to be aware
to what will be the result of playing Mobile Legends and also to know that there is online game
that is affecting the students.

Schools. This will be beneficial to school in terms of having high rate in academic
performance of students out of all other schools and it also may serve as to reduce the problem in
school caused by playing the game.

Community. This may help them to achieve the orderly community because of reducting the
students playing outside their house and at the street until night. It may also help the community
to stop having riots and other troubles.

Future Researchers. This study may awaken their interest to make future studies. In line with
this, they may create another study and produce more investigations and analyses about bad
effects of playing Mobile Legends to students. This may also be used as a reference guide tand a
basis in conducting similar researchers.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in the study are define conceptually for better understanding.

Grade 10 – CSS 3. The students who play Mobile Legends and the respondents of this
Mobile Legends. Is a multiplayer online battle game (MOBA) for iOS and Android devices
developed and published by Shanghai Moonton Technology.

Academic Performance. Is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has attained
their short or long-term educational goals. Completion of educational benchmarks such as
secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent academic achievement.

Bad Effects. Causes problems or damage such as from playing Mobile Legends.

Internet. Is a source of information, which plays an important role in developing one’s

mind and life experiences by creating productive works in school, offices, and even at home.


Players. The ones who play games, like Mobile Legends.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on bad effects of playing Mobile Legends to academic performance
of Grade 10 – CSS 3.


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