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Arts, Language Arts, Library / Technology, Philanthropy and Social Studies

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In this lesson, the class compares a Native American version of the Cinderella story with
other versions. Students explore the character traits of good and evil characters and discuss
the meaning of good character. Students demonstrate what they have learned about fairy
tales by writing original fairy tales.

Three Forty-Five Minute Class Periods

The learner will:

 describe and compare character traits of the main characters.

 compare and contrast three books.

 review characteristics of fairy tales/legends.

 role-play a scene from one of the stories studied.

 write an original fairy tale.

 The Rough-Face Girl by Rafe Martin (see Bibliographical References)

 Chart paper and sticky notes to create a Venn diagram

 Drum

 Fairy Tale Quiz (Attachment One)

Handout 1
Fairy Tale/Legend Quiz

Instructional Procedure(s):
Anticipatory set:
Sit on the floor and beat softly on a drum while you call the students to quietly sit with you
on the floor. Tell the students that long, long ago many people lived on this continent.
These people are Native Americans. Explain that the drum represents, for the Native
American and African American people of long ago and today, the heartbeat of the people.
There were and are different nations of Native Americans; one nation is called the
Algonquin. Tell the students the story you will read today comes from an Algonquin legend.
Like other stories it started with an oral tradition, now it is written down for us in this
version called The Rough-Face Girl. Tell the students that you want them to listen for
similarities and differences between this book and the other Cinderella stories.

 Read The Rough-Face Girl to the class. As the students move back to
their seats, ask them to think about what was the greatest strength
in the story—the thing that was most valued. Listen to their ideas
and encourage them dialogue about the meaning of good character.

 Ask the students to describe the main characters. Make a list on the
board of the good and bad qualities of each character.

 Contrast the setting of this story with the Cinderella stories read over
the past few days. Discuss what qualities of this story make it
uniquely Native American. Discuss the symbolism of the animals and
the Great Spirit.

 Discuss the fairy tale traits (see Lesson One: Cinderella,

Attachment Two: Fairy Tale Traits) in The Rough-Face Girl. Look
at the list of Fairy Tale Traits and identify which traits are found in
this story. Discuss the details: What events were magic and which
could really happen? Did anything happen three times? Did good win
over evil? What is the lesson/moral of the story?

 Compare three books using a three-circle Venn diagram (Mufaro’s

Beautiful Daughters, The Rough-Face Girl, and one version of
Cinderella). This may be done on chart paper set out on the floor
with students sitting around it. Use sticky notes to place the story
traits in the appropriate places on the diagram. Older students may
work in small groups to create a Venn diagram.

 Discuss the idea that the moral or lesson of the story is found in
stories from different cultures because it is an issue that all cultures
Day Two:

 Divide students into small groups of four or five. They will role-play a
scene from one of the three versions of the story they have heard.
The scene does not have to be exact but it should involve the
characters demonstrating a positive or negative character trait. Each
group will take turns performing for the class, after which they will
ask the class to identify what trait was portrayed, was it positive or
negative, and why.

Day Three:

 Using the traits of the genre, students write original fairy tales. The
stories should have good and evil characters and a lesson, or moral.
The students may choose to start with a story map for Cinderella and
create a new setting and characters. Students follow the writing
process and then publish their stories for the class library.

1. Brainstorm possible characters, settings, problems,

solutions and themes.

2. Provide prewriting time for students to think about their

stories and develop a story map and outline.

3. Pair up students so they may give an oral rendition of

their stories. (Fairy tales started out as oral stories.)

4. Students write a rough draft and revise and edit the story.
( Younger students may dictate their story to the teacher
or a classroom volunteer.)

5. Students publish the writing in a final version and add

illustrations and a cover.

6. Add published books to the class library.

 Students’ original stories should be graded on originality, sense of story and
fairy tale components.
 Optional for Michigan teachers: Use the MLPP Writing Rubric.

 Assess through observation of student participation in discussions and role-


 Assess second-grade comprehension of fairy tale traits with a quiz (see

Attachment One: Fairy Tale Quiz).

 The clothing drive started in Lesson One: Cinderella may continue on past
this lesson. When the drive is completed, give students an opportunity to
respond to the project. Response may include a discussion, drawing,
friendly letters or a writing activity. Ask students to evaluate the success of
the program and express their feelings about their participation in the
philanthropic act.

Bibliographical References:
Martin, Rafe. The Rough-Face Girl. Putnam Publishing Group, 1998.
ISBN: 0698116267
Lesson Developed By:
Jeanne Prisco
Romulus Community Schools
Merriman Elementary School
Romulus, MI 48174

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