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their free time and I think it’s very important to find a balance between your work life
and your leisure time. So things that people generally do for their leisure time are
going out to drink, going out clubs or parties, doing exercise, learning something new
and I’am going to talk to you about some of the things that I do in my leisure time. So
I’m very much into fitness at the moment. I love going to the gym, I have a huge
motivation for going to the gym nowadays. I only really have time to go 3 times a week
but I wish i had time to go more often. I’ve got huge motivation for fitness and that
takes up a lot of my free time but also I’am learning piano at the moment and I love
learning piano, I’ve been doing it on my own for the last ten years but this year I ‘ve
decided that I want to be classically trained. I have got a lady that I used to do an
exchange with and I want to return to that and, star learning piano seriously. I like to
go to the cinema from time to time, I haven’t been in a very long time because I
download films and watch them at home on my nice TV. Going out is also something
that I have been doing a lot of now. I am going out twice a week and meeting new
people, drinking a lot of cider.

Somethings that I used to do with my leisure time are… I used to go to boxing twice a
week but I stopped that because I started to have problems with my back. Road trips
are a great way to spend your leisure time as well, there are a lot of mountains around
Gijón and it is really nice to get away for a day and do some hiking and camping,
camping is something I love doing. I have done a lot of cycling trips around Asturias,
and for me, those are things that really cleanse your mind and your soul. I did the
Camino de Santiago or Santiago’s way a few years ago and it was an incredible
experience. You come back and you feel like Buddha for a few months and then it
slowly, kind of, wears off and you return to your normal state and then you need
another holiday. I love travelling, it can be a long trip or it can be a quick getaway
somewhere. At the moment, I’am itching to go somewhere for weekend. There is a
fantastic website called Skyscanner that lets you look at all the cheapest prices for the
year and you can quickly see when the cheapest time to go is. I think that’s a really
fantastic tool if you are booking flights. Traveling obviously, traveling is something that
everybody loves to do. It broadens your horizons, it gives you the opportunity to
discover new cultures and meet new people and make new friends. I think it is a really
good opportunity to make yourself a more interesting person.

There are obviously other leisure activities like watching TV and watching TV series, I
am not really into watching TV series, I prefer to watch a film. Get it over and done
with in 2 hours,and, you know, you have got the whole story. I don’t really like the idea
of watching 50 hours plus of a TV series to understand the story, you know, I think it is
too much time and too much effort so, I am not really into watching tv series and tv in
general, I think there is so much nonsense on tv. It is funny because I have a TV but if I
use it is only really to connect my laptop to it and use it as a second screen so that’s
not really my favorite form of leisure, watching TV. I generally like to be out there, you
know, partying, traveling, hiking…

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