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Interviewer: Can you please introduce yourself and your citizenship.

Interviewee: Hello my name is Jun Ryu, I’m from Seoul, South Korea.

: How does citizens of your country perceive Filipinos?

: The citizens in my country perceive Filipinos as kind people and we think that Filipinos are innocent and
pure compared to other country.

: How do you think Filipinos perceive citizens of your country?

: In my experience, I think Filipinos perceive Koreans as rich people but actually we’re not. They think
that we are rich and I think that they are hospitable to us.

: Describe the difference in manners of speaking.

: In Korea, we put emphasis on the words of respect like ‘yo’ (?) like that for showing respect but here in
Philippines, I think, because you’re speaking English, I think you don’t put emphasis on those respects.
So that’s the differences Koreans and Filipinos in manner of speaking.

: What are the different behaviors of Filipino that are not acceptable or not usually done in your

: I didn’t see an action that is unacceptable to our country. I think we kinda have similar characteristics
that’s why I didn’t notice unacceptable action from you Filipinos.

: What are the similarities of Filipinos and citizens of your country in terms of behavior and thinking?

: I think Filipinos and Koreans both like entertainment like dramas and music.

: What was your most difficult adjustment in your stay in the Philippines?

: For me the most difficult part was to speak English because when I came here first time, I didn’t know
how to speak English and I wasn’t able to communicate with my fellow Filipino friends. That’s why
speaking English was the most difficult part here in the Philippines.

: Have you ever experienced difficulty in transacting and communicating in English with Filipinos…?

: I didn’t have difficulty here in Baguio but when I went to Manila and other provinces, some people
there were not fluent in speaking English that’s why people living below the mountain, I think that’s the
only time I have difficulties in transacting something from the people.

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